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nordimohd | Joined since 2014-04-19

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2014-08-09 19:04 | Report Abuse

the real stock mover are stockist n fund manager......at least that the way i look at it.....i dont think all of us wth out proper coordination be able to push up stock except 5 to 10 crnt....n those movers are pro based on stock fundamental...


2014-08-09 18:59 | Report Abuse

wth regard to property my 2 cent view n opinion at the moment mostly if not all they are at the claud 9 level....just to share i bought small apartment in 2002 rm76,800 n now around rm200k....i.e the property mkt has been on bull cycle for around 12 years...may be some of us still remember dana harta created to do the property fire sale all over msia in 1990++ after property bubble burst....it could happen again just like what happen in US.....probably now is cooling off period for a while same goes in general to property co n venture...for now i dont have clear picture where the property mkt is heading....but still have to slowly following the progress same to plantation stock n industry...


2014-08-09 18:38 | Report Abuse

honestly so far i dont have full n clear picture on azrb n waiting how the last financial clean up exercise result would be n the next coming 2 qtr result at least 1 qtr before buying in.....i dont mine to buy at the hill top like what i did wth gadang but i need to be sure that i will be on the firm ground before puting most my money into azrb.....at least that my small game plan....probably by then azrb would be around 80cent to 90 cent...it ok to me becuse by then the rest future potential will just coming in add on the azrb value......in this case i am looking at least 1 to 2 years after the buying n for sure i will be adding in on the deep along the way....


2014-08-09 11:30 | Report Abuse

TQ for sharing....
any rumor on agm...looking forward for dividend approval looo.....kikiki


2014-08-09 11:25 | Report Abuse

just to share....
in 2012 price 58 to 62 cent gadang cheaper than azrb...gadang story line stated at least me don't care about it....
in 2013 price 75 to 85 cent gadang story line getting harder n louder...i started to understand n realise the future potential, started buying @ average price 83 cent for over rm 500k......all around me said i am crazy buying at the top of the hill after telling them the story line
in 2014 after 1+year gadang move to aound rm1.70....they still say i am crazy for not selling n take profit....

my humble opinion (lesson learn) probably applicable to azrb.....
1. buying with clear good reason ; there always be noise around n don't ignore but listen make logical conclusion as a guide...
2. selling with also clear good reason else one may regret later.....


2014-08-09 08:20 | Report Abuse

i believe every world leaders are fully aware that they need to work together (such as USA QE, Abianomic etc) ensuring world economic stability cause any misalignment will have major direct impact to all....that why what i believe bskl is having strong up side bias and any weakness n deep due to small local events such as "demo turun" etc is good buying opportunity....

all in all don’t be disappointed if one has bought azrb at higher price cause it has good fundamental story line n great future potential, give it 2 to 3 years to grow to become the big oak tree as Calvin has said it before...


2014-08-09 07:51 | Report Abuse

probably Russian has learnt enough lesson n red hot war news likely subside for a while...next is to see the direction of eu-us sanction against Russia, i believe the sooner the sanction unwinding the better cause it will have great impact on putting off most the hazes n noises around the world n most important to show bskl the clear part to up side direction....n by then it time to slowly accumulate azrb.....


2014-08-09 02:10 | Report Abuse

good news from cnbc....Market spikes amid reports of Russia pullback in Ukraine...but to me have to look on the mkt sustainability before buying or just probably small exit window



2014-08-09 01:49 | Report Abuse

good, hope bskl will follow...


2014-08-09 01:46 | Report Abuse

tq for the advice...what i really mean is gadang with good fundamental, nice price movement, coming 4cent dividend and still a little bit under value (i.e less than rm2.00 with TP rm3)it is irresistible not to buy on the deep... (anyway my overall average is just rm1.25)

if compare gadang vs azrb it is almost apple to apple comparison but gadang on the faster track...probably soon be at fair value for disposal

my humble opinion azrb with good fundamental and future potential is worth to monitor and once the market direction is blue sky clear (i.e either way up or down) then it time to make a buying in unless u have very very deep pocket u can start the buying now for 3 to 4 years safe keeping...

my expectation azrb would be rm2 to rm3 probably in 3 years time based on gross estimation of rm8bil to rm10bil future projects


2014-08-09 00:21 | Report Abuse

yep no worry after all the dividend is coming...


2014-08-08 21:05 | Report Abuse

look at long term on good fundamrntal n buying at deep make u feel safe n happy.....


2014-08-08 17:50 | Report Abuse

that why i said earlier i need clear blue sky, assess n understand the risk before buying azrb..now hazes and noises are coming from every where, some are out of this world just e.g. now Greece story line about to resurface again...it is just tiny state n very small contribution to global economy yet like last time it likely to shake the global financial system again.... sorry just small horror story kikiki...

anyway blue sky clear means i know the clear bskl direction either up cycle or down cycle...i.e up cycle buy now n down cycle buy later looo take the cheap2...buy 1 get 2 maaa (40cent may be???) but now dono


2014-08-08 17:35 | Report Abuse

tq done...collected


2014-08-08 16:43 | Report Abuse

in 2012 gadang was just merely 60cent...


2014-08-08 16:37 | Report Abuse

yes because azrb is definitely future gem, just like gadang in 2012 people had been talking about it but no body care including me kikiki....

I think we all are aware about ETP etc to be done until 2020, GST, GDP...n the effect to current n future msian economic...to some people those are political gemic but to me they are real progrem n target for all of us to benefit


2014-08-08 15:38 | Report Abuse

not too worry about the report it is almost history, the future potential is more important

Posted by sunztzhe > Aug 8, 2014 10:49 AM | Report Abuse

Thanks for the info. Based on the report, current price had run ahead of its fundamentals.


2014-08-08 15:27 | Report Abuse

next plan simply monitor azrb n buying in some where in future..anyway it is 6 years from now to 2020 so got ample time to monitor n buying....


2014-08-08 13:15 | Report Abuse

i was there in end june 2006 setting....samething just what happen last 2 weeks....


2014-08-08 13:08 | Report Abuse

sorry guys horror story is not allowed kikiki


2014-08-08 13:05 | Report Abuse

well to me it ok just about 2.5% down from the KLCI all time high,,,not to worry la AhMoi it just probably portfolio adjustment on blue chip....it is more or less look like may-june 2006 setting last down cycle before climbing up big mountain....

or in longer prospective end may 2004 to end june 2006 setting more or less equivalent to end sept 2011 until today....so what next i dono.....kikiki...it could continue same mountain setting just like after june 2006 ooooorrrrr....no horror story ok.......


2014-08-08 11:17 | Report Abuse

guys dont get me wrong dont mean to show off but just to share the way i do with equity ok..... this probably one of the way of so many ways....

gadang TP rm3.00


2014-08-08 11:06 | Report Abuse

Yea AhMoi i have been buying gadang with price ranging from 82cent to as high as rm1.87 from 2013 until few minute a go......


2014-08-08 10:57 | Report Abuse

as my statement earlier it long term play like 100 years flood type of play....(u may want to visit azrb price TA chart 2004-2006)

as per news rm200bil will be spent until 2020 on infra (road railway etc) n base on azrb track record as per my projection it could secure between rm8b to rm10b.....


2014-08-08 10:47 | Report Abuse

AhMoi hahaha not so sure but technically look irresistible....anyway my overall average is just rm1.25


2014-08-08 10:31 | Report Abuse

hope this may help u a little bit more on Langat2 (including future potential on phase 2)



2014-08-08 10:20 | Report Abuse

hahaha AnMoi just now bought some more gadang @rm1.81....
n i promise yesterday I wont tell the horror story anymore to scare anybody...


2014-08-08 09:59 | Report Abuse

hahaha i3i2i1 may be not that fast looo....my exception may be by 2017/18


2014-08-08 09:21 | Report Abuse

sunztzhe for sure i don’t have the great details n what i have is just gross total figure including focus until 2020 which is around minimum rm 8bil to rm10bil n could be as high as rm20bil(in this case i am looking at the movement from low sea to high sea level + 100 years type of flood).... u may not agree wth the way i do it but that how i have been doing it for more than 20 years including gadang which i said earlier..infect i been in love too much wth gadang n start buying it in 2013 n still buying until last week n so far i have accumulated 1.2mil units of gadang...


2014-08-08 08:33 | Report Abuse

wth that 100 years flood type of movement i tend to believe stockists n fund managers are slowly accumulating on any weakness...

....at least i am doing it right now.....keep on monitoring n looking for azrb n mkt weakness.for buying in


2014-08-08 07:39 | Report Abuse

i agree wth Calvin that azrb is type of 100years flood kind of stock it is likely to move up slowly but surely require time (it is not ripple type of stock) that the reason why i sold it last year n move to more or less same fundamental but fast track gadang which is moving more like changing low to high sea level n not 100 years flood n now has dabble it price....went in @83cent n now rm1.86...tp rm3....


2014-08-07 19:00 | Report Abuse

fortunebullz yes u are right it cheapest..infect i heavily invested in azrb in 2013 but due to slow price movement sold all made some profit and move to gadang which is now dabble the price and still yet to reach it fair value....

but still monitoring azrb as it is the future gem and still looking at the right time for buying in....


2014-08-07 18:35 | Report Abuse

to me as far as azrb is concern what ever has been discussed are still good intact and it will slowly progressing up ward...as Calvin and others said it is a future kind of blue chip like ijm and the rest...azrb will need time to grow n probably try to some how reflect how ijm movement from very low to what it is now so one can appreciate how the potential of azrb...

some of us my have bought it a little bit higher may be as high as rm1.15 but even then it still worth to keep because probably 2 years in future as azrb move to it fair value it could go as high as rm2.50....???

anyway at least that how i look when investing in equity unless u are day trader and momentum player hunting for good ripple to chase...


2014-08-07 17:44 | Report Abuse

sorry if i have scare u all...


2014-08-07 17:43 | Report Abuse

no la it noises from all over the world just to share what i have read...for sure i am just little poor guy on the mercy of the things happening around us such as war, perfect storm, tsunami....ok lah from now no more story about risk mitigation....just sembang only....


2014-08-07 16:04 | Report Abuse

alot of free werrent done = alot of free money...


2014-08-07 14:31 | Report Abuse

i think probably very much depend on type of noises :

1.Rassia/Ukraine... retaliation, energy supply to EU with knocking impact on UAS n EU GDP...

2. Palestinian/isreal... may be..just may be could become regional war extending from Syria-Iraq-Egypt-iseral (which has some sort of link to Russia-China probably indirect involvement if not how come the rebel having all those firearm ???? who is supplying it)

3 USA, EU, South America,Africa debt defult

if this type of event occurred it could cause major economic uncertainty recession etc....likely global mkt will have long n very deep cut....at least potentially like 2008/09 correction...

for now i dono will that happen but have to follow closely..

the rest the localized event such as recession in Australia, China, Argentina currency war etc will probably cause 10% to 20% type of correction and shorter term effect....

i dono when will happen but the noises are getting harder and louder every day... once it happen be ready to harness the perfect storm mighty power of DDDDDOOOOMMMMM just like in 2008/09......kikiki


2014-08-07 12:44 | Report Abuse

these are some other global noise...

1. from au ..... http://www.cnbc.com/id/101884086

2. china ....http://www.cnbc.com/id/101897361

3. USA/RUSSIA ....http://www.cnbc.com/id/101900083

which to me some kind of uncertainty n could become louder and louder in future...
what sort of risk ???? i dono....


2014-08-07 12:20 | Report Abuse

to me; no risk no return but i cant n dono how to define the risk at the moment at the first place...so why should i take the venture.... this just like u have the driving licence but trying to drive blind folded....kikiki


2014-08-07 11:01 | Report Abuse

same to me...i am in total lost dono wehere to go except balik kampung n hiding some where before the worst coming....kikiki


2014-08-07 09:34 | Report Abuse

i3i2i1 honestly i seldom doing buying and selling unless required due to either i achieve my goal or to manage risk...the rest just actively looking and assessing risk that all....


2014-08-07 09:03 | Report Abuse

i3i2i1 i am just small timer...but just different person have different way of managing the risk that all.....so to me the critical part is how u assess n plan to manage risk according to your way of investing....


2014-08-07 08:53 | Report Abuse

AhMoi yes u are right stockiest n fund managers they have deep pocket so they can do different sort of wonders (i.e for sure they have the ability to push up n down n do what ever they wish to)n at least i know that i don't even have proper pocket so if the perfect storm or tsunami come i will be wipe out gone without trace so to stay afloat instead i will harness the mighty power of perfect storm or tsunami to get very very cheap good bargain on the fire sale


2014-08-07 07:50 | Report Abuse

for shot while asia just potentialy sideway wth small down biase...may be bskl would b few point up... https://sg.finance.yahoo.com/intlindices?e=asia
honestly i dont do day trading (i.e chasing the ripple) cause the risk to me just to high....i rather look at the tsunami wave cause once it come all will be gone with out trace n by then i can buy 1 get 5 kind of cheap sale....


2014-08-07 07:21 | Report Abuse

those noises are yellow light sign. ...u can keep on driving if u will n good luck.....i dont cause to me the risk just too high....i could be run over by eu long heavy truck n gone without trace u know. ...i would rather balik kampung n have nice high on daun ketum.....hehehe


2014-08-07 06:27 | Report Abuse

more noise from eu (italy).... http://www.cnbc.com/id/101898010
eu states heavily down....over doze of daun ketum.....soon the rest of the world will over doze too inclufing bskl......hehe