
nsk82 | Joined since 2014-03-11 17:24:41

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2014-06-03 08:37 | Report Abuse

buy plantation stock when it is at its low point

News & Blogs

2014-05-26 17:15 | Report Abuse

Uncle Koon, you have succinctly portrayed the irrational behaviour of the government in handling Proton. After 30 years of protectionism, this GLC has failed to compete with other car manufacturers on a level playing field.

Fortunately or unfortunately, this is clear case of not knowing "enough is enough" and take corrective action. Admit failure and move on.

Proton apart, one wonders how is the accomplishment of Multimedia Super Corridor and other mega white elephant projects.

News & Blogs

2014-05-25 21:54 | Report Abuse

Taiwan was advanced country ?It is a high income country. Please go read up world history.

Ignorance kills

News & Blogs

2014-05-25 21:46 | Report Abuse

i think Mr. Koon is being humble with his writings. He is a savvy businessman; and knowing full well that China will not sabotage HK

News & Blogs

2014-05-25 18:41 | Report Abuse

it is always inspiring to read your writings. Keep it going strong and long life, like Dr. M


2014-05-21 17:22 | Report Abuse

superb Q3 2014 (ending in 31 March 2014) results


Profit before tax (Q3 2014) was 500 % of Q3 2013

News & Blogs

2014-05-16 10:27 | Report Abuse

For guesstimate of a company revenue, it is never easy.

Fortunately or unfortunately for JTiasa & rivals, one can compared the production of logs & palm tree output from past quarters. If production for this quarter is almost identical to last quarter, check the ASP for these commodities. Higher ASP should translate to better revenue and hence net profit (barring any unforeseen losses).

Happy investing

Uncle Koon, it would be nice to have you to give us guidance on how you had benefited from past stock market crash. Some suggests buying into consumer/retail related stocks as everyone will continue spend (though more thriftily) regardless good or bad times. Cars will replaced every 10 years or so. :)

News & Blogs

2014-05-15 20:37 | Report Abuse

Inefficiency in oER may be overcomed with super palm from Sime Darby. :)


Besides, CBIP is working some mechanical automation in palm mills too to overcome labour shortage

News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2014-05-12 08:12 | Report Abuse

Instead of choosing a chosen career for someone whom you care, my personal conviction is to develop a new generation whom can think for themselves.

To build a resilient nation, we need skilled & knowledge workers from all fields to propel innovation & competitiveness.

That said, we should start early with educating young.

Also, financial planning should be part & parcel of our education system.

Thorough examination of our education blueprint SHOULD have given the highest priority given the dwindling of students'achievement in PISA test score.


2014-05-08 20:44 | Report Abuse

truth will set me free.

FJ, no need to play Jesus and curse others. What one can deduce from your writings, you seem lost and confuse. One time you are confident of CSL; at almost no time, you switched and fear dictate you.

Come on! Be happy


2014-05-08 19:36 | Report Abuse

FJ, your writings contradict themselves!


2014-05-08 19:06 | Report Abuse

haha....i can notice how reckless are mainland chinese companies listed in klse. more and more will disappear

it is very likely to get delisted by BURSA for failing to file audit annual report ( 6 weeks to go before 30th June; time is running out )


2014-05-08 18:41 | Report Abuse

csl is squandering shareholders' fund from ipo maybe ? i bet it is

even, insurance company could not figure out the loss due to fire (as of now)


2014-05-06 17:19 | Report Abuse

one can always CHEAP for ECOWLD at price correction. Now, it is not the right time to BUY.

with right issue at RM 1.70, even the management feels the price of the current ECOWLD is expensive, thus giving huge discount 70% off its peak, RM5.80


2014-05-06 11:06 | Report Abuse

no one is above the market.

with oversupply in the property market & looming money supply outflow from emerging market, many property developers are delaying the launch of their products.

the tightening on bank loan is presenting yet another challenge to property industry

That said, I do not foresee superior profit growth for ECOWLD in 2014 & 2015

News & Blogs

2014-05-05 13:12 | Report Abuse

body Q, emotional Q, moral Q, and Intelligence Q ( in strict order precedence). With a good health, you will have much difficulties that hamper your growth. Rest are straightforward


2014-05-01 01:13 | Report Abuse

i pray that CSL is going stronger and stronger when I visit this forum one year from now.

All the best & be happy !


2014-05-01 00:54 | Report Abuse


sure, even if it is delisted from KLSE, it can still operate its business as usual

the only casualty is its share investors


2014-05-01 00:45 | Report Abuse

good luck to you, FJ. Many employers are oppresive to their workers ( i hope it is a false reporting )

let's see the fate of CSL next year


2014-05-01 00:17 | Report Abuse

salary of workers were not paid for 6 months. This is not a right thing. Unless fire broke out 6 months ago


2014-04-30 23:11 | Report Abuse

world is smaller due to internet revolution. Boss of CSL had been accused of not paying salary to workers for 6 months(refers to picture 7, see link posted by hornetsjet) . And you believe the claim of RMB 2 billion cash reserve ???

Then again, you MUST be speculator (not genuine investor) if you are holding this stock.

Posted by hornetsjet > Apr 30, 2014 11:00 PM | Report Abuse

Workers riot in front of the factory just after the fire incident.



2014-04-30 19:10 | Report Abuse

haha, BURSA is so kind to grant 2 months extension to CSL for AFS filing


Wide eyes open for the audit outcome


2014-04-30 18:48 | Report Abuse

kasi has just started his selling spree, not much ~2 million shares, out of his 226 million shares



2014-04-30 18:35 | Report Abuse

omg, this company is going to get delisted. scandalous

goto page: http://shixin.court.gov.cn/

do search with
省份: 福建

hit enter

The search will return 1 hit.

序号 被执行人姓名/名称 立案时间 案号 关注 查看
1 樱花(福建)包装文具有限公司 2014年04月10日 (2014)涵执行字第00517号 142 [查看]

here is the screen capture

身份证号码/组织机构代码: 61125084-2
法定代表人或者负责人姓名: 陈峰
执行法院: 莆田市涵江区人民法院
省份: 福建
执行依据文号: 莆田市涵江区劳动争议仲裁委员会涵劳仲案[2014]36号
立案时间: 2014年04月10日
案号: (2014)涵执行字第00517号
做出执行依据单位: 无
生效法律文书确定的义务: 被执行人应支付申请执行人人民币壹佰捌拾壹万肆仟伍佰陆拾元零陆角陆分
被执行人的履行情况: 全部未履行
失信被执行人行为具体情形: 其他有履行能力而拒不履行生效法律文书确定义务
发布时间: 2014年04月17日
关注次数: 143


2014-04-30 17:53 | Report Abuse

this is facing much difficulties with loan repayment. Sell assets to pay for debts as earnings are not sufficient to cover for its loan repayment. undervalued company - buy (with sinister laugh)



2014-04-30 17:26 | Report Abuse

latest quarter earning report is out. RUN

this quarter registered 4 million loss, compared to 8 million profit last year. Very very bad


News & Blogs

2014-04-29 22:05 | Report Abuse

TPPA will falter without China participation


2014-04-29 21:24 | Report Abuse

LKS is known for his timing of the market since estabishing his SP SETIA in 1997. Time will prove if he is indeed right on market timing again.

Most Malaysian big property developers are giving Iskandar a miss for temporary (delaying product launch) due to massive condo rollout (>9k unit luxury condo from mainland China developers); focusing on inner Malaysia.

EcoWorld might be overpriced or there is huge anticipation that it delivers SUPERB record with LKS mentorship in the coming year

News & Blogs

2014-04-29 21:15 | Report Abuse

you bought L & G at its peak :)

News & Blogs

2014-04-29 20:40 | Report Abuse

total debt (340 million) > revenue (280 million), though most debt is long term

Bina Darulaman Berhad (BDB) is Malaysia-based company engaged in investment holding, provision of management services, oil palm plantation and property development. The Company, through its subsidiaries, operates in five segments: property development, which include the development of residential and commercial properties; quarrying and road paving work, which is engaged as granite quarry operator and civil engineering contractor; construction, which is engaged as building and general contractor; operation of golf resort and hotel, on which it owns a golf resort and operates a hotel, and trading of consumables. The Company's subsidiaries are Kedah Holdings Sdn. Bhd., BDB Construction Sdn. Bhd., BDB Quarry Sdn. Bhd., BDB Hotels Sdn. Bhd., Daraluman Asset Sdn. Bhd., Jitra Waterworld Sdn. Bhd., BDB Trading Sdn Bhd., and PT Darulaman.


2014-04-29 20:34 | Report Abuse

meltdown ? exagerated when the index merely slipped < 1 %


2014-04-29 17:04 | Report Abuse

should rebound as it is oversold

News & Blogs

2014-04-29 13:16 | Report Abuse

Obama (conformist rather than a reformist) is weak when comes to US economy reform; giving opportunity to China. That is it.

News & Blogs

2014-04-28 22:18 | Report Abuse

live to learn, bravo Uncle Koon :)


2014-04-28 21:54 | Report Abuse


Name of Registered Holder
Date of Disposal
Number of Ordinary Shares of RM0.10 each disposed
Price per share (RM)
Percentage of Issued shares disposed (%)
Balance of shares
Dato’ Wan Mohd Safiain Bin Wan Hasan
AllianceGroup Nominees (Tempatan) Sdn Bhd pledged securities account for Dato’ Wan Mohd Safiain Bin Wan Hasan


2014-04-28 21:43 | Report Abuse

Monday, 28 Apr 2014

margin call for Dato’ Wan Mohd Safiain Bin Wan Hasan ?

disposal 120k shares @3.4892



2014-04-28 21:36 | Report Abuse

can you do copy and paste on every single stocks ? please be considerate, this news is so general that it applies to all stocks :p

Posted by johnny cash > Apr 28, 2014 06:52 PM | Report Abuse


Eyes on U.S. FOMC Meeting, Again


2014-04-25 14:22 | Report Abuse

see you @ rm 5.29


2014-04-25 13:59 | Report Abuse

bonus issue again ? haha...fat hope after 1 month

director sold 80k at 3.40. why sell cheap when he can sell for higher profit?

mind game ? :)

News & Blogs

2014-04-24 23:17 | Report Abuse

have you been to china ? go there and witness yourself.

yes, china is a big country.

no country is perfect.

News & Blogs

2014-04-24 23:13 | Report Abuse

greater fools ! You will lose out if you close your mind.

I hope you live long to witness the greatness of China as next superpower