
pBlue | Joined since 2018-12-03

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Fear is a Lie. I will not be Deceived. Greed is a Chain. I will not be Bound. Margin is a Risk. I will not Gamble. Through Fundamental Analysis, I gain Confidence. With Confidence, do I Invest. Through my Investments, I gain Profit. With Profits, my financial chains are Broken. I shall be Free.





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2020-07-07 10:37 | Report Abuse

Why people so stupid? Maybe Americans but never imagine that there are Brits so stupid. Refusing to take a potential vaccine will just prolong the outbreak and endanger other people

I guess good for gloves, but damn... why people so stupid.


2020-07-07 09:06 | Report Abuse

And there we have it, a demonstration of how hard times are. AirAsia nearly RM1 billion in losses, while TG is in 347 million in profit and expecting to rise. We should even expect similar bad news from all other sectors going forward.


2020-07-06 16:26 | Report Abuse

Probably when somewhere to ask people to cut flowers and water weeds.

Posted by free2invest > Jul 6, 2020 4:14 PM | Report Abuse
Where is Bursa_final_win? Dug hole and buried his head already?


2020-07-06 15:28 | Report Abuse

No. Maybank TP is RM21.90

Posted by Big3 > Jul 6, 2020 3:20 PM | Report Abuse
Maybank IB 's TP is rm20.50 rite?


2020-07-06 15:16 | Report Abuse

Retail investors selling for profit. Probably trading on margin.

What you don't want is institutional investors selling, then you get a continuous down trend that last for days even weeks.

Posted by Silentreader88 > Jul 6, 2020 2:53 PM | Report Abuse
why sudden drop?


2020-07-06 12:54 | Report Abuse

And 4th of July. Only with Trump has this been possible.

Posted by Silentreader88 > Jul 6, 2020 12:48 PM | Report Abuse
To those holding this lubuk emas, Selamat hari raya, Gong xi Fa chai and Happy Deepavali ! :))))


2020-07-06 11:07 | Report Abuse

Probably went out 2 weeks ago and caught Covid19. If you believe the pandemic is nearly over (and TG will crash), and haters were willing to put their money where their mouth was, that is the likely outcome.

You will act with your convictions.

Posted by EdwardLim8020 > Jul 6, 2020 10:56 AM | Report Abuse
Hello Hater any command here?
Why hater so quiet?


2020-07-06 10:57 | Report Abuse

With mount 20 conquered (RM 20.08 now), I think we can start climbing mount 25. And Mount 30 is in the distance, perhaps next year for the endurance climbers.

And the US second wave is only 2 weeks old.


2020-07-06 10:37 | Report Abuse

19.98. Begin the summit of mount 20!


2020-07-06 09:52 | Report Abuse

TG is good, but not that good...unless Maybank has some information in India that indicates the situation is worse than reported. India has the population (1.35 billion) to push demand to new levels. Doubling time in India is 18 days. And TG with cheaper rubber gloves can sell more.

Posted by goreng_kaki > Jul 6, 2020 9:35 AM | Report Abuse
maybank give topglove new TP: RM 43.50


2020-07-04 00:25 | Report Abuse

Nah. Don't say that. SARS-COv2 is just another member of the Coronavirus family. THis family causes about 15-30% of all common flu. In fact this is not the first time a coronavirus jumped from animals into man. This is case number 5 in the past 1000 years.

Posted by KL Liew > Jul 4, 2020 12:11 AM | Report Abuse
actually Covid-19 is alien from other planet , they come here to attack human and stay forever


2020-07-03 19:19 | Report Abuse

Don't worry. Topglove management also doesn't like expensive shares. So if history is followed, there will be a share spit to lower the share price.

Posted by stncws > Jul 3, 2020 6:54 PM | Report Abuse
only rich can buy


2020-07-03 16:48 | Report Abuse

Notice the bond conversion have stopped. So no more discounts. Prices will now start to climb.


2020-07-03 16:45 | Report Abuse

TG was also up +0.98 (at least for awhile).

Posted by peter555 > Jul 3, 2020 4:42 PM | Report Abuse
wa lao .. look a Harta up +0.98


2020-07-03 16:11 | Report Abuse

Best of luck there. But I would rather ride an elephant.

Posted by liyita > Jul 3, 2020 3:58 PM | Report Abuse
BIG 4 GLOVE stocks is too high to make a lot of money, so I sold it.
I put the funds in Carepls shares, which are cheaper and can be doubled.


2020-07-03 14:57 | Report Abuse

can price fly to RM30?

That is a million dollar question.

MACQUARIE GROUP say yes. A few people have calculated the fair price at near RM25 to near RM30. My math also estimates it between RM28- RM32 by the end of 2021.

I guess, if the vaccine is not available to the public by the end 2021, RM30 is possible.

But you shouldn't be trusting a person you only seen on the internet. It is uncertain how high TG will go. The only thing certain is gloves will make a bucket load of money in 2020, and 2021. And in the next quarter TG will make even more money than this quarter.



2020-07-03 14:12 | Report Abuse

I say end of August to mid September.

Posted by icebreak > Jul 3, 2020 1:47 PM | Report Abuse
When do you think the bonus will be issued?


2020-07-03 12:34 | Report Abuse

Current production capacity is maxed out. However more production lines will be added over the course of 2020, 2021 and into first quarter of 2022.

So right now production capacity is 78.7 billion glove
By Q4FY2020, it will be 86.4bn (9.8%)
By Q4FY2021 it will be 100.4bn (27.6%)

I am guessing the extra capacity will be sold at a premium price for those who cannot wait for their order to be completed in 1 year.


Glovehaircut has a nice histogram

Finally, mind in the month of March, there wasn't much of a demand for gloves yet. It only started getting hot in April and May. So much of Topglove profits for the Q3 were from April and May

Posted by isupertrader > Jul 3, 2020 11:49 AM | Report Abuse

Top Glove already max out production and order now backlog almost 6 months. This is first time I heard of such thing. Target price is wrong and need to be revised soon.


2020-07-03 11:19 | Report Abuse

The pfizer good news was a positive phase I result, ie congrats, taking Pfiser's vaccine will not kill you. However taking a high dose will make you ill.

While not killing the patient is an important mile stone, a vaccine has to do more then that. So before celebrating, please what for phaseII result to find out if the pfiser vaccine actually protects you from Covid19 and for how long.

We need a vaccine that grant immunity to the SARS-Cov2 virus for at least 1 year. And guess what, under normal situations that will take at least 1 year to find out. (But I am sure, people will cut that test period short)

Posted by Bursa_final_winner > Jul 3, 2020 9:49 AM | Report Abuse
Covid-19 vaccine from Pfizer and BioNTech shows positive results.
Vaccine ready soon, glove stocks will slide. Cut loss.
Buy the exchange Bursa.


2020-07-03 00:34 | Report Abuse

Yes, and no. By the time the gloves reach the final customer, glove prices can reach as high as $197.50 USD per box of 1000.

However topglove is the initial producer so it doesn't sell the glove at such a high price. It sells much lower, people calculate at $30-35 USD per box of 1000.

I guess, if Topglov wanted to go through the trouble of reaching out to individual customers, it can probably can sell its gloves at $60 USD per box of 1000. But that is too much work.

Posted by jackyclong > Jul 2, 2020 2:02 PM | Report Abuse
I dont know want believe or not, topglove selling price near 170usd/k.


2020-07-02 17:16 | Report Abuse

Next week, 9 July 2020.


Posted by tiger69 > Jul 2, 2020 5:10 PM | Report Abuse
when dapat dividend ?


2020-07-02 15:31 | Report Abuse

Until the US Fed can no longer keep the US stock market inflated, triggering a massive global crash. Then everything including Bursa falls into the can. I hope your uncle has also warned you that we are all in a massive bull trap. There is no way the US stock market can be 1% from all time high when half the US adult population is out of work.

Lots of supporters of glove because the fundamentals are good. Only thing I can say is profitable in the near term.

Posted by Bursa_final_winner > Jul 2, 2020 3:13 PM | Report Abuse
A lot of running-promoters here, my uncle is right, cut loss in Gloves & buy Bursa.


2020-07-02 01:16 | Report Abuse

Another phaseI vaccine, this time by Pfizer. It is a mRNA genetic engineering vaccine like Mordena. I can't wait for Pfizer to start Phase II and look at their results, but must be stated, no mRNA based vaccine has ever been made to work in a large animal.

There is one concern, this vaccine will be a two dose vaccine as a single large dose was not well tolerated. Lets see.

Posted by Jeffrey999 > Jul 2, 2020 1:01 AM | Report Abuse


2020-07-01 18:29 | Report Abuse

If you don't have any income and NO SAVINGS, take a little profit off the table, so that you have some money and thus not under any financial pressure to sell. You don't want to be forced to sell a good stock at a bad time simply because you needed money. Imagine if you needed money a week ago and share prices had fallen to RM14. So sell a bit then sit back and enjoy the bumpy ride to greater TG profits till the end of 2021.

Posted by wallstreetrookie > Jul 1, 2020 6:19 PM | Report Abuse
im a student with no income and I freaking yolo'ed my savings into this stock. Came back to see 200% profit. First successful trade lmao


2020-07-01 16:38 | Report Abuse

Hopefully it will never reach 30. If we touch 30, it means the world is really in very deep trouble. Every rise in TG is a reflection on how bad the virus is.

Oh, and glove got some good new, with EU opening up air travel all flight attendants will be wearing gloves. This would probably result in european air travelers following suit too. So more sales.

Posted by apolloang > Jul 1, 2020 4:26 PM | Report Abuse
today more than 1 ginggit……..2 more weeks 30.00 lah like that....hehe


2020-07-01 16:18 | Report Abuse

1hr left. Unless there is some big group willing to buy tens of millions of TG. We won't be breaking 17 today. There are 21,000 lots in the way

And just ignore everything I said. Welcome 17.02!


2020-07-01 15:32 | Report Abuse

Road block cleared. Now climbing to 16.90

Posted by peter555 > Jul 1, 2020 3:04 PM | Report Abuse
Big road block 16.80


2020-06-30 14:37 | Report Abuse

yeah.. and not just China. Even other Vaccine companies too. Most they produce is about 1 billion doeses a year. So even IF vaccine developed today, mass produced today, it will be a while before everyone can get it.

Posted by Soohow Ng > Jun 30, 2020 2:10 PM | Report Abuse
100million doses a year. then it will take then 10 years for China only?


2020-06-29 17:41 | Report Abuse

Indeed. Why mf has such a change in heart. Nothing has change for TG. Covid19 cases are still increasing in North and South America as it was doing last week. If anything companies around the world are 1 wk closer to creating a vaccine and companies in china are 1wk closer to increasing their glove production capacity by 1200%.

I wonder what has changed. A dose of reality? Ie no company, Chinese or not, in the world can instantly increase their production capacity by 1200% and become a dominant force in the international market in 6 months. And no vaccine can be hurried faster than 18 months and still have any resemblance to a safe product. No amount of coffee and taping on a keyboard can make biology experiments go faster. And all news of phase III trials, are actually phaseII/III combination trials, where the experiment is trialed on large number of people rather on a small group, by passing the safety of phase II trial because we hope, need the vaccine now. So either the vaccine works or it fails and large numbers of people get covid19.

Posted by investmalysia > Jun 29, 2020 5:16 PM | Report Abuse
@mf, why buy? I taught vaccine coming out soon?


2020-06-27 13:22 | Report Abuse

Soon is anything under 5 years. Ebola vaccine took 6 years of work and an additional 40 years of study. SARS-Cov2 has 5 months of study and work. A vaccine in under 18 month is a vaccine you don't want to go first (not like we would get it given that there are 7.5 bn people and 130 million born every year).

Once aside from SARS-Cov2, we have a Ebola outbreak right now in Congo and multiple outbreaks to look forward too in 2020 and 2021 because about 117 million children missed their measles and diphtheria vaccination due to nation wide shutdowns across the world. Also national strategic medical supplies are gone, and will need to be restocked. And when you wipe down all surfaces with disinfectant, when work restars, you will need to wear gloves, else you will get chemical burns.

Don't worry, lots of demands for gloves.

Posted by Pang71 > Jun 27, 2020 11:24 AM | Report Abuse
Hope Vaccine out soon.. This could completely wipe off gloves sector


2020-06-25 18:14 | Report Abuse

And TG is unchanged. While banking stocks fall (yeah, I am in there too and it is ouch)

TG is as close to a safe heaven as you are going to get during a major global recession. We can thank Trump for allowing the Covid19 pandemic to become to huge and thus making certain gloves and other PPE become essential items for every nation.

If you are an investor and thinking of leaving TG, ask yourself where will you go too? Banking stocks are on a down trend. Nobody wants to fly. And manufacturing is down. As for cash, do recall that during the 2009 recession, inflation rate in Malaysia reached 5.6%

So don't panic. TG is one of the few Malaysian companies that actually has global dominance of its sector. 26% of all gloves in the world are made by TG. There is economy of scale.


2020-06-25 11:49 | Report Abuse

A better world.
US just saw the second highest day for Covid19 cases.
Yesterday was also second highest day for Covid19 cases at 170k
Australia has high day for Covid19 in 2 months.
Brazil is now number #1 in new cases per day, 40K.

We are so f-up. But on better news, TG is now green again despite the sell off in the stock market.

Posted by peter555 > Jun 25, 2020 11:17 AM | Report Abuse
covid reducing ?? which planet are you from Cindy?


2020-06-24 18:24 | Report Abuse

Probably fund with a lot of money and is starting to accumulate. RM15.6 sound a lot but in USD that is barely $3.60. US has zero interest rates now. So might as well put the money in something that is a sure win for the duration of the recession.

Posted by lim900510 > Jun 24, 2020 6:14 PM | Report Abuse

Today look like “someone” keep buying below 15.56 to 15.6

And huge volume block at 15.6 don’t let the price go beyond.

What they trying to do?


2020-06-24 17:01 | Report Abuse

About 8% share dilution. But eventually that will stop. Company will have paid off all its debts. Then prices will start to rise.

Posted by Kendo Ken Hz > Jun 24, 2020 4:34 PM | Report Abuse
How many convertible bonds equal shares did topglove issued?.......
usd200 mil bonds equal to 200 mil shares at cost rm6.20? Lining up to take profit daily? No wonder the prices are so depressing


2020-06-24 16:56 | Report Abuse

Indeed, but GenM has just laid off 15% of its staff and topglov is rolling in sales and profits. So consider that.
Cheap doesn't always means a good buy. And an expensive doesn't always mean over priced.

Posted by didi > Jun 24, 2020 10:10 AM | Report Abuse
top glove expensive than genm


2020-06-24 09:54 | Report Abuse

Waiting for the pandemic to double in size. The number of new cases of Covid19 per day globally has doubled in the past 4 weeks.

Posted by JN88 > Jun 23, 2020 7:33 PM | Report Abuse
Apple1234: so pandai ar...push to rm 17 or 18 la....wait for what? wait you brain to grow ar?


2020-06-21 18:23 | Report Abuse

Do some research mf. What AstraZenaca/Oxford Uni has done with the AZD1222 vaccine is start a phase II/III trial. In order to expedite the vaccine they are going to combine both phase II and Phase III trials into one experiment. They are betting that their vaccine will work, so rather than trial the vaccine on a small number of people first, they are going to trial their vaccine on a large number of people.

If their bet works, they skip phase II trial. If their bet doesn't work, 10,260 people will get covid19.

At the moment they don't know that their vaccine will work, but they have managed to convince the health authorities to okay the combined trial and have found 10,000+ volunteers.

In other news, Nigerian researchers have announce their own vaccine which will begin its own trials.

Posted by mf > Jun 21, 2020 4:55 PM | Report Abuse
The WHO says Oxford University’s vaccine has reached what is known as Phase 3, the final and largest-scale trial.


2020-06-21 16:40 | Report Abuse

Permaju is garbage. In 10 years, from 2009 to 2020 it has never made a profit. Every year has been loses. https://www.malaysiastock.biz/Corporate-Infomation.aspx?securityCode=7080

Astro. Long term debt to equity ratio is 400%. ie the company owes other people 4x more money that than all its assets are worth. On top of that , people aren't watching astro much anymore.

All in all, these are bad counters. One is literal junk and the other is dying due to changing time and is under a very big pile of debt.


2020-06-21 02:21 | Report Abuse

Assuming that the vaccines works. Merck tried making a vaccine with the delivery vector Ade5 that AstraZeneca used and failed. This is not a good start.

The problem is that a large part of the population has been infected by the Ade5 virus. So when you use an engineered Ade5-SARS-Cov2 virus, rather than making new antibodies against the SARS-Cov2 proteins, the body simply uses existing antibodies against the Ade5 virus and wipes it out, result thing in no immunity to SARS-Cov2.

So until I see Phase II results, I would consider marketing and sales team of AstraZeneca as signing sales contracts it cannot yet fulfill.

Posted by OKU_2020 > Jun 20, 2020 11:33 PM | Report Abuse
AstraZeneca Agrees to Supply Europe With 400 Million Doses of COVID-19 Vaccine


2020-06-19 22:56 | Report Abuse

Sure it may begin in fall or it may not. All depends if Russia's vaccine actually works. Russia is in Phase I trial. Also that the vaccine can be mass produced and Russia can afford to vaccine its people.

Posted by mf > Jun 19, 2020 8:01 PM | Report Abuse
Russia begins human trials of COVID-19 vaccine: Epidemiologist says mass vaccination may begin this fall


2020-06-19 19:26 | Report Abuse

Hahaha.. if only. The flu has been around since 1918. 102 years and a vaccine and that virus is still around disturbing us. Covid19 will become like that.

As for nobody wants gloves anymore?
The demand would fall, but it will never vanish. There is always a outbreak that threatens the world. Most of the time, the world reacts appropriately.

If anything, this virus has showed us that our stocks of equipment to fight an outbreak is insufficient.

PS:Outbreak of Ebola in Africa again.

Posted by myankah > Jun 19, 2020 2:16 PM | Report Abuse
Vaccine coming out and covid slowly disappear like flu. Nobody want glove anymore. Sell lah!


2020-06-19 08:43 | Report Abuse

Good news but along with the good new are practical problems.

For example, manufacture. Such antibodies will be either made either by a GM animals or using cell culture. Either way the cost for such neutralizing antibodies will be high. Then there is the matter of safety, the antibodies target proteins of the SARS-Cov2 virus but it could also target human proteins. While such incidences are rare they do happen with potential fatal consequences.

Lastly such antibodies do not provide immunity to the virus. They may cure an infection, but after a few weeks, those antibodies degrade or get used up and the person become vulnerable again.

So while this new is good, we much be aware that it is still far to go. So be careful. Prevention is better than cure.

Posted by mf > Jun 19, 2020 7:40 AM | Report Abuse
SINGAPORE — Five antibodies which could potentially neutralise the novel coronavirus behind COVID-19 have been discovered by a team of scientists in Singapore.


2020-06-18 17:19 | Report Abuse

My mistake. But that makes it even worse. That is 6 months of banks not collecting revenue.

Posted by High5 > Jun 18, 2020 4:54 PM | Report Abuse
Loan Deferment ends Sept ...Oct onwards bad for mkt..loans wil default


2020-06-18 16:51 | Report Abuse


BAUTO has missed it dividend payment for last quarter. I know because I hold that stock. And next quarter will probably be bad given the fact that many malaysians are out of work and international companies have started to retrench it work force. Premium cars are not going to see so well.

Also banking stock like Maybank and CIMB, next month the deferment on loan repayments will end. People and companies will need to start paying back their loans. And things don't look so good. If anything we can expect the next few months to look poorly for the banking sector as both people and businesses default on their loans at a higher rates. Quarter report for Maybank not out yet but 1QFY2020 for CIMB has, and the EPS for CIMB has dropped by over 50% y-o-y.

So my point, those are good stocks. Very good buys. But be aware as we are in a recession, you will lose money on those purchase as their share prices fall and may not issue dividends for 2020 and 2021 to add insult to injury. When buying shares one needs to hold until we are out of recession.


2020-06-18 15:53 | Report Abuse

SP500 slightly red, SP500 future slightly red. Entire KLSE in the red. Counters in the red include Maybank, CIMB and BURSA. Everything red, including Topglove. We are seeing fear in the market. Probably frightened that US market will go under.

Posted by Apple1234 > Jun 18, 2020 3:43 PM | Report Abuse
Guys think la, today glove counter drop have any reason? Dont have right? Than scare what?


2020-06-18 13:31 | Report Abuse

I went through the records of new shares issued from December 2019. Most of the new share were issued in the past month when share prices started to rise from RM6. Anyway what is 20+ million shares to a pool of 2600+ million shares?

The dilution that you are concern about is negligible. Unless you are suggesting that it would incease deamatically? LT debt to Equity of TG is pretty safe at ~20%. Nothing outrageous like Digi where it is 700% or Astro at 400%

Posted by Big3 > Jun 18, 2020 1:13 PM | Report Abuse
@PBlue -pls dont cheat ppl who do not verify info u told. Dated 03/06/20 its latest issued shares was 2,630,378,407. Dated 18/06/20 it latest issued shares hv become 2,651,929,635. In this short period it issued shares hv already increased by 21,551,228


2020-06-18 13:04 | Report Abuse

Do some math. Since December 2019, Topglove has issued 25.4 million new shares. This is to an exiting pool of 2600+ million shares. So Topglove has only increased its number of shares by ~0.95%

That is hardly much of a dilution given the increase in share prices. Don't panic so easily.

We are in the largest global recession in history. If you cannot look at your investment losing money, you shouldn't invest during a recession. Know why you buy and what you buy. You need to decide what is the fair value of a company share.

Posted by Big3 > Jun 18, 2020 12:33 PM | Report Abuse
So many issued shares and is growing by the days. The pie of profit is that much only. With the growing no of shares issued not enough to eat leh.


2020-06-18 12:25 | Report Abuse

Do some math
13.59 + 4.52 + 4.36 = 22.47
50% of 22.47 = 11.235
10 cent dividend.

1QFY2020 started in September 2019, 4 months before pandemic.

2QFY2020 started in December 2019, 1 month before pandemic and 2 months of its early stages when the virus was erroneously believed to be limited to China. TG donating gloves to China.

3QFY2020 starts in March 2020. Only 1 death in the US in March. There were calls but no increase in sales yet. April to May this is where things start to turn ugly. And TG sales go up.

Posted by Big3 > Jun 18, 2020 11:45 AM | Report Abuse
If TG dividend policy is 50% with capacity reahed 95 to 98% then why we only get 10cents only?


2020-06-18 00:26 | Report Abuse

I guess it depend on how you look at things.

If you are a trader, it doesn't matter if it is an expansion or a recession. As long as you can predict market movements, everything is good. Up or down, you can make money. You can even make money on a bankrupt company with zero fundamentals (See Hertz).

If you are an investor, we shop around for shares of good companies that are being sold at a good prices. Sure in a recession, you are going to lose money. You are never going to time the market perfectly and buy at the lowest possible point. So that inefficiency means you lose a bit of money during a recession but you will make it back once the expansion starts again.

As for the profits of a glove company... well.. in a pandemic when your life is on the line, and kept safe only by the strength, durability and availability of PPE, you are going to buy it no matter what. In that sense, gloves are less like popular crazy for toys that every wants and more like a gas mask that everyone needs else they will die. Even if there is a vaccine, glove still need to be worn by doctors and changed with every person vaccinated. And everyone will still need to be wear gloves as they disinfect surfaces.

Finally get out... to where exactly? If your aim is to preserve your finance, where will you put your money? During the last recession in 2009, the inflation rate hit 5.29%. And given that FD rate is currently 2% and will drop again next month... yeah inflation is going to eat cash. My point is that, there are very few safe places during a recession. Once you have more than enough money to last you through a recession, it is time to use that money to buy during a recession. That is the only time you can buy shares of good companies cheaply.

Posted by stockpip > Jun 17, 2020 11:48 PM | Report Abuse
Guys, if you have make profit, maybe it's time to get out. The whole world is heading for a recession. Once the major negative sentiment sets in, not even the profit of glove companies will hold. In share market, there are always opportunities, and also traps.