
pBlue | Joined since 2018-12-03

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Fear is a Lie. I will not be Deceived. Greed is a Chain. I will not be Bound. Margin is a Risk. I will not Gamble. Through Fundamental Analysis, I gain Confidence. With Confidence, do I Invest. Through my Investments, I gain Profit. With Profits, my financial chains are Broken. I shall be Free.





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2020-09-05 01:42 | Report Abuse

When you are in bear market where else would you be? Gloves will make profits every quarter until at least late 2021 and likely into 2022. 100% will have dividends, unlike other sectors.

So while it is hard, this here is safe. An island of green in an ocean of red.. No matter what happens, the glove sector will keep its head above water and very profitable so long as the Covid19 pandemic continues, and even a few months after that as nations around the world restock.

So stay calm.

Posted by runroadtokl > Sep 5, 2020 1:25 AM | Report Abuse

US drop.

Monday susah...

Bear bear..


2020-09-05 00:26 | Report Abuse

But does not address the most import question, does the Russian vaccine work?

If it doesn't work, having no side effect is pointless.

That is the problem with all the vaccine candidates, we do not know if they work and for how long they are effective.

Posted by Expertise > Sep 4, 2020 11:12 PM | Report Abuse
Who care WHO now...US and other rich country still ongoing their vaccine ...Russia first phase result 100% and no sign effect


2020-09-04 21:08 | Report Abuse

If the vaccine companies finish their trials and show that their vaccine works... then 1 step done. Will take at least 1 year minimum. Because we need a vaccine that is somewhat protective for at least 1 year.

Next step is mass production, at least 14 billion doses to vaccine 80% of human population to end the pandemic. (Most vaccine candidates so far are 2 doses per person). This is why when a vaccine company says their annual production capacity is 100s of millions, you know it isn't serious. You need billions of doses. Annual production capacity of several billion is need. We need so much vaccine quickly because the virus mutates, if the vaccination is too slow, the virus will mutate and reinfect the people that had been vaccinated earlier.

Then we need to start the mass vaccination program and logistics. Some vaccine candidates like the Pfizer mRNA (and likely moderna's mRNA) vaccine require -70 Celsius storage... such ultra low temperatures cannot be reached by a commercial freezer (-20 C at most). If such special requirements are needed it means only VIP will be vaccinated. A more stable vaccine will need to be produced for the masses.


2020-09-04 20:01 | Report Abuse

Cansino is a vaccine that uses the Ad5 virus as a carrier. One small problem many people have already developed immunity to the Ade5 virus. So upon infection with Ad5 virus... the immune system beats the Ad5 virus so quickly that the immune system does not have time to recognize and develop immunity to Covid19 protein carried by the Ad5 virus.

This reduces the efficacy of the Ad5 based vaccine by 40-70%

Next we don't know if CanSino's vaccine works or not. It is still in trials.

Also the Malaysian market is estimated to be worth RM1bn. The PAT for TG for this coming quarter is around RM1 billion, much less the profits we will see for an entire year.

While Cansino is working to double its production capacity... that is only 200 million doses a year. CanSino has signed deals to supply UAE and Indonesia (and probably China). CanSino will supply 10 million doses a year to indonesia, after an initial 50 million doses.

CanSino vaccine is 2 doses per person.

Lastly, it is still talks. Only.



2020-09-04 11:07 | Report Abuse

Quite right!

All Russia has is a piece of paper that says the vaccine has been approved by the Russian government.

They haven't mass produced their vaccine candidate yet, they haven't distributed it yet to their population and they DO NOT know if it works yet.

So their Covid19 cases are increasing. If defeating pandemic can be done by a signing a piece of paper, HIV would have been beaten 40 years ago.

Posted by Titanwang > Sep 4, 2020 10:52 AM | Report Abuse
Russia say got vaccine vaccine, but cases increase up to over 1million now.


2020-09-03 11:32 | Report Abuse

You do know you will be waiting a very long time.
Panic of moderna vaccine and US custom ban to the point of crashing BURSA was not enough to push TG below 19.70. So waiting at RM6 (@RM18) won't work. You will need to pray for a kaiju attack on TG factories to push TG share prices that low.

Posted by Pgl1223 > Sep 3, 2020 11:02 AM | Report Abuse
optr still push down..I wait at 6


2020-09-03 10:45 | Report Abuse

You are stuck at RM26/3 = RM8.67
Share price is now at RM8.98 Going as high as RM9.46 this morning.

It has been pushed. You can get off now if you want.

Posted by limlaopeh > Sep 3, 2020 10:39 AM | Report Abuse
Can someone push back the current price to rm26??? Pls push, im stuck at 26


2020-09-03 10:35 | Report Abuse

Yes. For every share that you owned on September 2 at 5pm, you will be give 2 shares. So the share price of RM26.08 was divided by 3.. hence we opened at RM8.69

It is a share split. Just like what Tesla and Apple did recently.

Posted by Hafidz Pisex > Sep 3, 2020 10:26 AM | Report Abuse
I dont understand.. so the price never drop just split into 3? Is it?

News & Blogs

2020-09-03 00:07 | Report Abuse

CGS-CIMB Research should inform Covid19 that it has been defeated. Because i think the virus did not receive the memo. 1 million people got infected in the last 4 days. 14,000 people died. Yesterday was the 3rd highest number of of new covid19 cases per day in India. Covid19 cases in the US has stopped falling, even though the government has dramatically reduced test... ie the case positive rate in the US is rising.


2020-09-02 19:55 | Report Abuse

Back to RM8.69 again

Now aiming for RM10!

How long ago was that? May wasn't it. 4 months ago.


2020-09-02 18:30 | Report Abuse

Only 24% of TG business is in the US. And only half of TG business in US is affected by US ban because TG has many subsidiaries that can still sell to the US.

If I wanted to respect only the letter of the ban and not the spirit, I would just have all unaffected subsidiaries sell to US, and affected subsidies sell to the rest of the world.

Before the ban backlog was 400 days. After the ban, the backlog increased to 590 days. So TG has so much business it is telling customers to wait nearly 2 years to get their orders. And demand for gloves is so desperate that customers are willing to wait that long.

So TG QR? It is limited by old contracts and how much gloves that they can make. The question for TG QR is how good will it be?

Also major glove company has a long backlog. If somebody wants to pick up US customers they have to drop their present customer that TG can then pick up.

Posted by mlike > Sep 2, 2020 5:11 PM | Report Abuse
Almost 2 months no business in US, how to get good QR? Big loss.


2020-09-02 15:21 | Report Abuse

I don't think RM7.50 @ RM22.50 is really possible unless you can find news to scare people stupid.

Posted by super aloha > Sep 2, 2020 2:57 PM | Report Abuse
i also sold out 1st...join back after BI with around rm7.50


2020-09-02 15:03 | Report Abuse

It means today is the last day you can buy shares and still get bonus shares. Ie to get bonus share, you need to buy share before 5pm 02-09-2020.

03-09-2020 is the first day that you can sell shares and retain bonus shares. Share prices will be readjusted on this day.

Hi, I am new here, is anyone know how the BI work?
Exdate is 03-09-2020
Entitlement date is 04-09-2020

Means we hold until 03-09-2020 5pm, next day we will get the bonus issues?


2020-09-02 12:35 | Report Abuse

You do realize that 70% of all gloves in the world are made in Malaysia. And the big 4 account for nearly 60% of global glove production. This is the work of 30+ years of build up. So equaling that is very difficult.

Where will all these new glove producer get their raw materials from? Doubling the entire supply chain is not easy. It takes time to get the certification. And how long will it take for the new producers to become profitable? They need to recoup their equipment cost.

Also... this pandemic could get alot larger. The 2009 H191 pandemic eventually infected 700-1200 million people in 2 years. Covid19 so far has infected 28 million people.

Posted by Shanjing777 > Sep 2, 2020 11:57 AM | Report Abuse
So guys surely by mid next year will be more gloves production. More like time to leave gloves counters.


2020-09-02 11:03 | Report Abuse

The Russians also need to make the vaccine in large quantities, and start a mass vaccination.

The Russians has a production capacity of 30 million doses a year. It takes 2 doses per person and the Russian population is 144 million people. So with current capacity it will be years before enough people are vaccinated to put down the virus in Russia. And you still need to get the vaccine to the people, which means enough storage space to keep the vaccine at distribution centers and enough doctors and nurses to inject that vaccine into people, while having enough PPE so that these nurses and doctors do not become infected and start spreading the virus themselves. It takes 1 month, and 2 doses before the vaccine becomes maximally effective

And besides logistics, nobody knows if the Russian vaccine works or not and how long it is effective. A few words on a piece of a paper does not mean anything to a virus. You need to do trials and the Russian have not done so.

So is it any surprise that there is a spike? Politicians cannot bullshit their way out of a pandemic. Pandemics are not opinions and are not influence by public sentiment.

Posted by BalancedPortfolio88 > Sep 1, 2020 9:44 PM | Report Abu


2020-08-30 17:28 | Report Abuse

So far the Covid19 pandemic has only infected 25 million people. The 2009 H1N1 pandemic infected 700-1200 million people in two years.

TG backlog is now 590 days long.

So right now, glove demand is at least 2x greater than glove production capacity. And Covid19 pandemic in COULD increase in size by 20-50x.

Has global glove production increased by 100x?

We are in a lot of danger, and it isn't due to the potential of an oversupply of PPE. The covid19 pandemic has only warmed up.

Who do you think wears all those gloves being produced? Most of it goes to doctors. If a mass vaccination programs starts all those doctors will be need to wear gloves because they will be seeing alot of people. nearly the entire population and some of those people will be infected.

Just look at TG history, the most profitable period is when the vaccination starts.


2020-08-29 12:37 | Report Abuse

And can you tell me who has a working vaccine?

What is the efficiency of that vaccine and how long does it work? How much is being made a year?

Can answer or not?

Also did you know that the US has reduced testing by 30% as Trump has stopped federal funding for Covid19 test. Also under Trump, CDC has change testing guidelines in hospitals. Now only people who are ill will be tested. If no symptoms, no test. So no test, mean no official cases. But ask yourself, does no testing actually mean no outbreak?

Also JF Apex is wrong about India, the number of cases per day in India are increasing.It is not slowing down.

This is JF Apex website... looks like a Geocity website from 1997.

Posted by stargate > Aug 29, 2020 9:39 AM | Report Abuse


Sell all gloves, the Vaccine king coming very fast! Everything will back to normal soon.

News & Blogs

2020-08-27 13:15 | Report Abuse

meh... all of India is not a slum in Mumbai. Outside the slum, inflection is 16 % of population of Mumbai. Outside the crowded city of Mumbai the numbers is even lover.



2020-08-27 09:19 | Report Abuse

Tha ESSOS is 189,500 shares. There are 2,709,000,000 shares in topglove. 20-50 million shares traded every day. So even if worker were to sell everything for a quick profit in one day, it will be a small ripple and fade quickly in the background.

Topglove bosses have purchased over a million shares during dips and even their effect is a ripple that soon fades.


2020-08-26 09:39 | Report Abuse

And the truth comes out. Trump lies. What a surprise!

Put it another way, 97,000 people in the US alone have been treated with convalescent plasma and US doctors still cannot tell if the treatment is working or not.

Think about it, what does it tell you if you tried something nearly 100,000 times and you still can't tell if the treatment has a beneficial effect or not.

It is simple. The benefit of convalescent if any is so minor, it might as well not be there.

Also until Trump jumped on plasma idea, the FDA had already halted the use of COVID-19 survivor’s convalescent plasma as a potential therapy for SARS-CoV-2. Trump made the FDA support his attempt to create good soundbytes and now FDA commissioner is walking back his statements to save his own ass.





2020-08-25 09:38 | Report Abuse

Khairy... why would any company want to give Malaysia a fill and finish contract? They have their own facilities... Pharmaniaga has a capacity of 20 million a year... big pharma have packaging capacity in the hundreds of millions. They will send Malaysia the finish product and not waste time with a small timer.


2020-08-25 08:49 | Report Abuse

Too early to tell. We still have many unanswered question.
1 - How common is reinfection?
2 - Upon reinfection, is the second round easier or harder to fight off.

If reinfection is rare, we have nothing to worry about. If the second round is milder than the first we also have nothing to worry about.

What we don't want is the reinfection being common and get worse, becoming more lethal.. like dengue.

So far the person who was reinfected had two mild cases of Covid19. AS time passes we will know better.

This case confirms without a doubt what was suspected since April, people do get reinfected by Covid19.. but until now it was not possible to rule out other alternative explanations as the man was infected by 2 strains of Covid19.


2020-08-25 00:56 | Report Abuse

Houston we have a problem. - Apollo 13 1995

First Covid-19 reinfection documented in Hong Kong

Let us hope this is the exception rather than the rule. Because if it is the rule, the fight with the SARS-Cov2 virus will be long, drawn out and very bloody.


2020-08-22 15:04 | Report Abuse

@ stockraider

Are those numbers accurate? 50 million doses initially and 10 million doses a month after. 2 doses per person is required for Sinovac's vaccine. Indonesia population is 267 million. So it will take 48 months to vaccinate Indonesia's entire population.

At that rate, the virus would have infected the entire population before the vaccination can be completed. Mutated like the influenza virus at least twice to reinfect the population again. I guess the vaccine is for essential people only.


2020-08-19 18:12 | Report Abuse

And today Topglove closed at RM27.14 recovered from all the panic selling new of untested Russian vaccine, speculative Windfall tax and bad national GDP number from before August.

It is life.

This is now the 5th time since January that TG has experience a plunge of 20% and greater. Each time it has recovered and each time it has climbed to new heights.


2020-08-19 18:08 | Report Abuse


I would rather you shout your expected PAT for Topglove and show us the calculations that you used to get to that number.

Shouting a number, high or low is no use to anyone.


2020-08-19 11:32 | Report Abuse

They hope the vaccine works. If it works...

Researchers hope the vaccine can be ready by October, and, if all goes well, Australians may have access to the vaccine by early 2021.

What if it doesn't work, what if the study takes longer than expected. if there are delays in manufacturing.

Lets wait for the results to come first, before jumping off a building.

The fastest vaccine ever developed took 4 years (the mumps vaccine). The Ebola vaccine took 6 years and was ready in 2019. If we can get a vaccine made in 12 months, that would be world record.

Posted by Steadysuperman > Aug 19, 2020 10:12 AM | Report Abuse
Oxford vaccine rolling out in australia october this year


2020-08-18 23:08 | Report Abuse

They will stay the same.
Excision price and excision ratio will decreased according to the split. So warrant price will stay the same.

Posted by trader168 > Aug 18, 2020 10:49 PM | Report Abus
Hi , anyone can explain, after the bonus issue. what will happen to the warrants price, will also drop or split ?


2020-08-17 23:53 | Report Abuse

Unlikely. To get below RM20, we needed to so much blind panic that it crashed BURSA. Supermax has already proven the gloves are rolling in money. Today the only nett seller are retail. Both local institutional investors and foreign investors have been nett buyers

Posted by kakashi > Aug 17, 2020 11:32 PM | Report Abuse
Tomorrow sell down again. Small fish get fried. Below rm20?


2020-08-16 13:01 | Report Abuse

Moderna's clinical trial numbers show there's 'no way' Trump can have a vaccine by Election Day



2020-08-16 09:57 | Report Abuse

Run to where? IF you think the one sector of the Malaysian economy that is making money is too risky, where else can you go?

Posted by Crowngod > Aug 16, 2020 9:46 AM | Report Abuse
Better run now...


2020-08-14 12:23 | Report Abuse

Before you jump out of window please read this.
According to bank negara the worse month was in April 2020. Nation has already started to slowly recover since then.

This GDP report is backwards looking, it is telling us of things that has already happen, 3 months ago. And the last 3 months, glove sector has been making a lot of money.

If you want to terjun, should have done in April. Now is August.



2020-08-14 01:59 | Report Abuse

Germany's Robert Koch Institute (RKI) withdrew a report on Wednesday that claimed a coronavirus vaccine could be available this fall. The public health agency said the document was published in error.

The paper, which has now been removed from the institute's website, was an out-of-date version of a document being worked on by the agency, an RKI spokeswoman said.



2020-08-13 15:03 | Report Abuse

Go red, means people sell.

After sell then what? Where are they going to put their money? Big 4 glove sector certain to make money. Other sectors not so certain, even banks are not certain. Put money in FD? Rate are going to fall next month down to 1.50% (at least). 2008 recession, inflation in malaysia touched 8%

If tomorrow is red, best time for people who want to get on board the glove train to come.

Posted by menort > Aug 13, 2020 2:42 PM | Report Abuse
14 August is Malaysia gdp result tp today just incase all go red tomorrow.


2020-08-13 14:10 | Report Abuse

Just reading this I can tell you have not worn gloves for a prolong period of time. Ever tried wearing gloves for 10 hours a day? Nor have you ever tried to reuse a used nitrile glove, much less a used latex glove. Try reusing a latex glove and you will understand why (they rip). And less said about used powdered gloves, the better.

Nor do you get why gloves are worn in the first place. Covid19 patients contaminate all surfaces within the rooms they are placed in. Their breath actually contains the SARS-Cov2 virus, so no coughing is needed. Touch anything in a room containing a covid19 patient, and your hands become contaminated, then touch anything else, like your clothes, your hair or the surface of another room, and you spread the virus.

And you don't want to spread the virus from Covd19 patient side of the hospitals to the clean side of the hospital. Sure you could clean your hands constantly, but that would be a long line to wash sink, and after treating your hands so many times with disinfectant or soap, your skin start cracking painfully, becoming dry.

So disposable gloves it is. And doctors and nurses do not reuse disposable gloves, especially ones that are contaminated with an infectious virus.

If you are by chance hospital management, and you proposed reusing contaminated gloves, you will have every head of department lecturing you on the stupidity of the idea. And if you pushed it, you will have a hospital wide protest on your hands from doctors, nurses to the lab workers. You will be one of the most unpopular person in the building.

Posted by supersinginvestor > Aug 13, 2020 1:27 PM | Report Abuse
doctors n nurses r trained not to waste gloves n everything else. Like accountants or teachers dont like to waste paper..
Thats why gloves counters were useless before n only rm4
Covid increased usage. No covid no gloves...


2020-08-13 13:35 | Report Abuse

Use google-lah. Malaysia makes 70% of all gloves in the world. Thailand 18%, China 10%. Rest of the world 2%.

Topglove, 1 company makes 26% of all gloves in the world.

In this one area, Malaysia is still king.

Posted by mlike > Aug 13, 2020 12:38 PM | Report Abuse
Of course yes.... top glove only 25% in the world.... still have 75% Supply for other country.

News & Blogs

2020-08-13 11:39 | Report Abuse

With more actions like this, we can be certain that the covid19 epidemic in the US won't be stopping any time soon.


2020-08-13 11:10 | Report Abuse

This is what you call stupid. Moderna will only complete it phase III trial in October 2022. So we will only know if the vaccine works in 2022. Also moderna vaccine needs two dose per person. 100 million doses is enough for only 50 million people. US has 327 million citizens. So Moderna making 100 million doses a year, will take them 7 years to make enough of their vaccine for America,

So assuming that they got approval on October 2022, it will be 2027 before all of the US is vaccinated and the US is willing to sell anyone a vaccine.

So you want to run? Run. You are so scared of an event that could happen in 2027. We don't even know if the Moderna vaccine will work. RNA based vaccine has been the next new thing for nearly 20 years now. It isn't easy.


2020-08-13 09:36 | Report Abuse

A vaccine typically takes 5-10 years to make. THe ebola vaccine took 40 years of research and 6 years of high level of government and industrial funding to turn an animal model vaccine into a human FDA approved vaccine.

The current time line of 12-18 months for a covid19 vaccine is beyond fast. It is cutting corners and hoping that everything works the first time and that there are no mistakes. Already the testing has been truncated. Rather than separate Phase II and Phase III trials, each taking at least 1 year, the phase III being longer, all vaccine manufacturer have combined into a single 1-2 year PhaseII/III hybrid trial, all the dangers and uncertainties of a Phase II trial with the test population of Phase III trial.

The Russian time line of 4 months? That is saying, no test made, use at your own risk. You want some vodka with that?

And there are risk, the ten year of work was put into developing a vaccine for the 2003 SARS coronavirus. 10 years and no vaccine was made because this virus like other coronavirus displayed ADE, Antibody dependent enhancement. THis is a situation where some families of virus such as flavivirus (dengue), coronavirus (SARS, MERS), paramyxovirus, and lentivirus (HIV) are able to use antibodies that bind to them as means to invade cells.

As Dengvaxia, a 2017 dengue vaccine showed, the vaccine actually enhance the dengue infection, making it more lethal. Use of Dengvaxia was retracted by the Philippines government after a 5 year Phase III trial on 20,000 people.

Without proper testing, we have no idea if any of the coronavirus vaccine works or if the same ADE problem that was observed in Dengvaxia (and other failed HIV vaccines) will appear in any of the vaccines test. Attempting to increase speed to match Russia is insane and unprofessional. The development timeline of most vaccine manufactures is already too short in my professional opinion.

The worse case scenario of the Russian vaccine or any untested vaccine, is not that it doesn't work and does nothing. The worse case scenario is that vaccine actually makes the infection worse.

This is why testing is critical. And this is why when we, scientist say that the vaccine is safe to use, we are certain it is safe to use, because that vaccine had already gone through years of vigorous testing.

If we didn't care about testing, didn't care to check and see if a candidate vaccine worked or not, we could come up with a list of candidates in an afternoon, have it made in under a month and have it injected into your arm the very same day. Will need more time for mass production.

Just don't sue anyone if the candidate either does nothing, has severe side effects or contributes to your death. You wanted it fast. We can do fast.

Posted by sampooler > Aug 13, 2020 8:14 AM | Report Abuse
the Russia vaccine will increase the speed of the others vaccine release to market - kiasu

some ppl will still try the Russia vaccine- kiasi

with kiasu and kiasi attitude... covid soon become history


2020-08-13 08:57 | Report Abuse

Because we are dumb as f-ck.

SUpermax makes RM408 million in profit FY2020Q4 up from RM72 million in profit from FY2020Q3. Sell.

Global glove shortages, TG with 500 day waiting period, promises huge profit this quarter, also sell.

Russian vaccine, No PhaseII or phase III test, severe side effects, no idea if it works, only ready next year, will make only enough for 15 million people next year (30 million doses) while Russia has 144 million citizens... panic sell

Moderna will conduct phase II/III trial , which will complete in October 2022.. two years from now, panic sell

Pharmaniaga will be bottling vaccine, but signed no deal with any vaccine manufacturer, limited bottling capacity, not enough for even Malaysia, that major vaccine manufacturers will not need because they all have their own, limit up, panic buying.

We have no confidence, because the vast majority of retailers are traders, not investors and as traders they are following the herd. They buy on sentiment, they sell on sentiment.

At this rate, even if Topglove were to announce that they made RM2 bn ringgit in profit (a number I am making up as an example) this quarter, Malaysian retailers would still sell it if they heard news that Nigeria has release a Covid19 vaccine (Yes, even Nigeria is working on their own covdi19 vaccine)

Posted by GloveInsider > Aug 13, 2020 8:32 AM | Report Abuse
Correction: Tan Sri and family bought 14 million shares in two days. If he is so confident, why shouldn’t we.


2020-08-13 07:35 | Report Abuse

Good buying opportunity if limit down today.

It means alot of malaysian retailers are still ignorant of how important phase II and III trials are. These trials are not done just for fun or for formality sake. These trials are very serious matters as vaccine have failure modes other than just not working, which is bad on its own as it damages the reputation of vaccination and feeds the antivaxx movement, but we have multiple examples of failed vaccines that are actively harmful either on their own or that they enhance the viral infection, often via mechanism known as antibody-dependent enhancemen (ADE).

ADE is major stumble block in the development of flavivirus (dengue), coronavirus (SARS, MERS), paramyxovirus, and lentivirus (HIV) vaccines.


osted by Steve902 > Aug 13, 2020 6:24 AM | Report Abuse
russian vaccine is out, limit down today?


2020-08-12 21:16 | Report Abuse

This is why you hire experienced contractor, trained engineers and licensed architects to build a house, and you don't build a house yourself.

There is a reason you do test. Companies who are for profit don't do expensive test for fun. These test are there because of lessons we have learned. Mistakes that cost people their lives.

It is not the paint job that is bad with the Russian vaccine, it is the foundations. We have no idea if the Russian vaccine works or not. And not working isn't the only failure mode of a vaccine. It can actually make the infection worse and more lethal.

This is why it normally takes years to develop a vaccine. And why some viruses, despite nearly 40 decades of work have not yield a vaccine (eg HIV).

A vaccine normally takes 5-10 years to make. The US putting a timeline of 12-18 months is unrealistic. Everything must work the first time and nothing fails for this to work. The Russia in 4 months? That is Putin lying to my face. Putin has just said he can walk on air and run faster than light.

Nobody is going to believe that the Russian, know the first thing of what their vaccine will do. It might fight the virus, do nothing or even help the virus (a few vaccine had failed because they made the virus more infectious via ADE)


2020-08-12 18:39 | Report Abuse

In the world where covid19 has killed 745000 people in 8 months and half of those deaths were in the last 2 month... and 250,000 people are infected a day... well yes. Toglove produces 26% of all the gloves in the world. It alone produces as much gloves as Thailand and China combined (the next two biggest manufacturers of gloves behind Malaysia).

Public Bank is a regional bank at most. I have never seen a Public Bank branch in the US, but I have seen the Topglove brand there, and only 20% of Topglove gloves are sold under the Topglove brand.

In a world experiencing Covid19 and a global recession, Topglove is bigger than public bank. It may well be the biggest company in all of Malaysia. (Although most profitable titles seems to belong to Supermax.)

Posted by Smallretailer > Aug 12, 2020 6:21 PM | Report Abuse
Careful people holding gloves. Ask ourselves. Top glove bigger than public bank?


2020-08-12 16:42 | Report Abuse

Technically true. Russian vaccine has passed Phase I trial (at least what the russians say). So the vaccine is not unsafe on its own. We just do not know if the vaccine works or not. Or does it have unfortunate side effects. Or will it be a repeat of the 2017 dengue vaccine that had to be retracted. Or the many HIV vaccines that all failed, some going so far as phase III.

Posted by johnsongoey > Aug 12, 2020 4:25 PM | Report Abuse
Russia says allegations Covid-19 vaccine is unsafe are groundless: Reports


2020-08-12 14:47 | Report Abuse

We do not know that. Mostly because Russia has not release any data because either they are keeping it secret or because they haven't tested it yet.

Just pray it is not a repeat of the 2017 Dengue vaccine.

Posted by winwinvest > Aug 12, 2020 2:22 PM | Report Abuse
Russia vaccine can make covid 19 stronger ?


2020-08-12 13:18 | Report Abuse

It is like boarding a new airplane that nobody has shown to fly or fly safely. Do we cheer people and encourage them to board the airplane. Or do we ask, the pilot to fly around the airport first (to show that the airplane can fly) then fly to a destination and back at least once to show the airplane is at least safe enough for 1 flight.

The fly around airport is Phase II trial.
The fly to destination and back once is a short phase III trial. Phase III trials can last as long as 5 years.

Enter the airplane and not fall though the floor of airplane is phase I trial.

We don't cheer for wide spread use of an untested vaccine because the danger of a bad vaccine is not that the airplane doesn't move or flies poorly. The danger of a bad vaccine is that it crashes. Some virus families can make use of antibodies generate against them as a cloaks to enter cells. HIV, dengue, yellow fever and coronaviruses have this ability. Antibody dependent enhancement (ADE).


Posted by wesley_gold > Aug 12, 2020 12:37 PM | Report Abuse
whenever there is vaccine, there is hope to save human life, then we should support la. why keep on doubting on the vaccine, and hope for the vaccine not coming out... is this correct?


2020-08-12 12:38 | Report Abuse

But what happens if this Covid19 vaccine ends up like the failed SARS1 vaccine and retracted 2017 dengue vaccine, both suffered from antibody dependent enhancement (ADE), where the vaccine rather than fights the virus did the opposite and helped the virus to infect cells.

In the case of dengue vaccine it increased the mortality rate by increasing the frequency of hemorrhagic dengue fever.

That is the danger of a bad vaccine, not that it is weak or doesn't work, but a bad vaccine can enhance some families of virus. Like HIV and coronvirus. This is why after 10 years of research from 2003-2013, we were unable to produce a vaccine against SARS-Cov1, and after 35 years of work, we have not made a vaccine against HIV.

I would be okay with the Russian vaccine if they simply showed us phase II data. Show that the vaccine works.


2020-08-12 12:21 | Report Abuse

Assuming russian vaccine works, they will produce a grand total of 30 million doses and start mass vaccination in January 2021, enough for 15 million people. Russia has 144 million citizens.

7800 million people on Earth.

also assumes Russian doctors will not wear gloves and instead will use vodka for hand sterilization. Because russian people only have covid19 and nothing else like HIV or hepatitis.


2020-08-12 11:17 | Report Abuse

Gloves are a low value, high volume item. Anyone can make it but few can make it in large enough quantity to be profitable. Margins are normally narrow. Topglove, Supermax, Kossan, Harta are survivors from previous blooms of glove companies. Together they make nearly 70% of all the gloves in the world. Thailand makes 18% and China 10%.

It is easy to enter the glove market, but it is hard to survive there. Also gloves are a lot harder to make than mask. Setup cost is higher.


2020-08-11 23:44 | Report Abuse

Do you even know the vaccine works?
Have you read or heard results of a Phase II trial for the Russian vaccine? That is the trial to determine if the vaccine works, and for how long. The only trial, i have heard this vaccine has passed (no data is publicly provide) is the phase I trial, the trial to determine if the vaccine is immediately deadly to humans or not. The russian vaccine passed that, but so will water.

The russians claim their vaccine is protective for 2 years. But how could they make such a claim? The SARS-Cov2 virus was only discovered in January 2020. 2 years has not past.

And finally, you have to care about getting it. The russians are only making 30 million doses a year. Each person needs two doses. So only enough for 15 million people. Russia has 144 million citizens. Their mass vaccination program is suppose to start in January 2021.

They may get another 170 million doses of additional vaccine from as yet unname foreign collaborator. But still it means only enough for 100 million people a year... not enough for the entire Russian population.


Posted by gamblegod > Aug 11, 2020 10:42 PM | Report Abuse
Nobody going to care Russia covid vaccine 100000% effective or what. As long as it can stop covid is good enough...