
pBlue | Joined since 2018-12-03

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Fear is a Lie. I will not be Deceived. Greed is a Chain. I will not be Bound. Margin is a Risk. I will not Gamble. Through Fundamental Analysis, I gain Confidence. With Confidence, do I Invest. Through my Investments, I gain Profit. With Profits, my financial chains are Broken. I shall be Free.





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2020-08-04 09:51 | Report Abuse

Yeah M2U platform seriously slowed. Missed buying at the price point I wanted.


2020-08-03 18:56 | Report Abuse

Expected: RM26.90. Results: RM26.88
Close enough.

Tomorrow, the goal is to enter and stay at RM27


2020-08-03 11:16 | Report Abuse

A bit much. I am happy RM26.90 today. RM27.40 tomorrow, RM27.90 on Wednesday. RM28.40 on Thurday and RM29 on friday. THen next week we climb to RM30.

Giant RM3 jump in one day is a bit too much me. A slower steadier climb is better. We are still increasing at near exponential speed in line with Covid19 growth. Don't need for more. Keep to fundamentals.

Posted by Jokers2020 > Aug 3, 2020 10:55 AM | Report Abuse
hope today up rm3.00...


2020-08-03 11:09 | Report Abuse

Yeah playing contra in a sector that is in bull run is dangerous. Better to play contra with Airasia, sector that is experiencing a bear run.

Posted by investorbat > Aug 3, 2020 11:05 AM | Report Abuse
those sold and wait for lower price to enter,ending paying higher price


2020-08-03 11:01 | Report Abuse

However warrant holders of C84 have until end of January, 6 months before their warrant expires. In 6 months would TG only rise to RM30? I don't think so.

17million - 170 million people infected. Another 7600 million more to go. (World population 7800 million). I think TG (mothershare) has a lot more to run, especially if vaccine production is insufficient for everyone causing the virus to continue spreading into 2022. So best of luck to all you crazy people buying warrants. If I see C84 at RM1.20 by Jan, I am sure to lament, why didn't I buy warrants.


2020-08-03 10:17 | Report Abuse

I don't know either. Maybe...
1 - most retail investors do not know how share bonus will affect the warrants. (Excision price and excision ratio are both reduced, so nett effect on warrant price is zero.)

2 - Everyone is waiting for TG problem with US custom to be resolved. But that does not

3 - Market is irrational. Warrants falls, so everyone sell, So warrants fall some more. And people sell some more.

Who knows? As long are you feel confident that your break even point can be reached before the warrant expires, all is good.

This is why mother share is better. Only one level of weirdness.

Posted by aiesecer > Aug 3, 2020 9:40 AM | Report Abuse
Hi, may I know why C81 is going down?


2020-08-03 09:42 | Report Abuse

Actual figure is commonly estimated to be 10x more due to lack of random testing.


2020-08-03 09:40 | Report Abuse

Just go look at WHO website. https://covid19.who.int/
And do some math.
The official figure for August 1, 2020 was 289,450 people infected per day.

July 1, 2020, there were 163,979 cases per day.
June 1, 2020, there were 123,234 cases per day
May1, 2020 there were 85,922 cases per day.

Posted by investorbat > Aug 3, 2020 8:40 AM | Report Abuse
this new cases 300,000/day is official figure,actual figure?2 times more?


2020-08-03 09:15 | Report Abuse

Short term (>1 month)- ? Nobody can guess.

Long term (1-2 years) - Buy. Covid19 pandemic will not end.

Medium long term (3-4 years) - Sell. Vaccine will be made.

Very long term (10 years+) - Buy. There will be other breaks. HIV and Ebola are still around. SARS-Cov2 virus is the third new coronavirus to infect the human species and cause and a major outbreak in the last decade (SARS-COv1, MERS. SARS-Cov2). We are still carrying 5 other Coronaviruses that jumped into humans over the past 1000 years but have since developed some immunity (they are the cause of 15-30% of common cold). On average there is an outbreak every 3-4 years from various viruses. To illustrate the point this is the THIRD share bonus issue in the past 10 years for Topglove and the 4th outbreak in TG history. 1000 shares @RM0.25 per shares in 2002, would soon be 24,000 shares @RM8 in 2020.

So it depends on your time horizon. How long can you wait. What kind of expected returns that you want.

Posted by EatCoconutCanWin > Aug 3, 2020 8:20 AM | Report Abuse
buy or sell?


2020-08-03 00:03 | Report Abuse

And the alternative would be...? Please tell, it is good to diversify.

Posted by vavower838 > Aug 2, 2020 11:53 PM | Report Abuse
imagine still buying top glove at these prices.. smh.. so much effort for so little %


2020-08-02 12:42 | Report Abuse

I can say Russians are very good geneticist and biologist. But they also have a different sense of what is safe and what is not, and a lot more forgiving for a system that is trying its best but not reaching its stated goal.

So if this vaccine only works on 60% of the people vaccinated and only works for 4 months before failing, that is good enough. Not enough to stop the outbreak but it will dampen it down. They will roll it out first, then use the next 4 months to get a better version. and then vaccine the population again with version 2.

Side effects? If Vodka can cure it, there are no side effects. And believe me, Russians use alcohol to cure just about everything, including minor burns. Pour some pure 70% ethanol on it.. and it works!


2020-08-01 17:51 | Report Abuse

Trump can push all he wants, but this is biology. No amount of hard work and overtime will make biology go faster. If he doesn't lift the ban, US hospitals will run out of gloves in 1-2 month (depending on state), and he will have doctors and nurse stop working as they can no longer care for their patients without endangering their lives. People have other nasty disease too.. like HIV, hepatitis, etc in the USA. All catching covid19, all ending up in the hospital.

That is the fun thing about the virus/biology, it will go where it wants and no man can stop it by just signing a piece of paper.

Posted by gemfinder > Aug 1, 2020 5:22 PM | Report Abuse
Trump keep pushing for vacine by end of 2020. No urgency to lift ban on topgl. Good luck


2020-08-01 12:46 | Report Abuse

There are no effective medicine against Covid19. There is Remdesivir that is good at reducing your chances of dying. But dying is not the worst thing the virus can do to you. It can damage your heart and lungs so badly you will need oxygen tanks for the rest of your life. It can damage nerve, leaving some people, some children unable to taste or smell. And above all, Covid19 infected people take up all the hospital beds and all the drugs needed to prevent secondary infections, that other people who get into accidents, who need antibiotics to treat an infection, who need an ICU bed due to a terrible car accident will get nothing. Just because there is a pandemic, doesn't stop people from getting into accidents, getting sick, getting into a medical emergency.

That is how mortality rate isn't everything. Absolute number, side effects and impact on the healthcare system are other factors that you have to consider.

Posted by vincent417 > Aug 1, 2020 12:34 PM | Report Abuse
Many still not realize the effectiveness of medicine and the death rate is getting lower and lower.


2020-08-01 12:16 | Report Abuse

Me, I have utter confidence in a vaccine. I believe we will beat this virus and a vaccine will be developed. I just don't think a 12-18 month development time is realistic. It is extremely optimistic. Most vaccines too years to develop, some decades. I think a vaccine truism will hold, the vaccine will be ready in time... for the next outbreak. The Covid19 vaccine will not be ready at the end of this year or next year but it will be ready by the year after that, 2022. But that is just my feelings. We will beat this virus, it will just take a little time.

PS: The SARS-cOv2 virus is already mutating. The new G strain circulating in European/American is even more contagious than the original D strain. But once we have a vaccine, it is easier and faster to modify an existing vaccine to take inconsideration any new mutation than is is to develop a brand new vaccine.


2020-07-31 20:16 | Report Abuse

Can't say. You have to predict what the majority of people will do.

TG prices could fall after bonus share, because people now have more shares and can sell the extra.

TG prices could go up, because it is now cheaper and more affordable by more people and TG glove sales are expected to continue to rise from now till late 2021. Covid19 pandemic is still here.

I guess the risk is dependent on your ability to hold the shares (through ups and downs),and do you consider yourself an investor or a trader. Investor can sit on the share till next years. So almost certain to make profit in the long run. Trader, is looking at most next month. And being a lousy trader, I cannot tell what will happen next month.

Can't answer you. Best I can say is buy some before share spit exdate, then some after. Neither super lost or super gain. It just cost average. And before you buy think about why you want TG share for. To trade or to invest.

Posted by carlos88 > Jul 31, 2020 7:39 PM | Report Abuse
Should I buy before ex date to get the bonus? Is it worth the risk to buy before ex?


2020-07-31 15:34 | Report Abuse

Let say

Excision price is RM15
EXcision ratio is 21
You buy warrant at 90sen
Mothershare is at RM30
Breakeven point is [RM15+21*RM0.90] = RM33.90
% increase needed to break even = RM33.90/RM30 = 113%

Now with 1:2 bonus issue
New excise price is [RM15/(1+2)] = RM5
New excision ratio is [21/(1+2)] = 7
Warrants you holding is at 90sen
Mothershare is [RM30/3] = RM10
Breakeven point = [RM5+7*RM0.90] = RM11.30
% increase needed to break even = RM11.30/RM10 = 113%

So if you were confident that RM30 share can rise to RM33.90. You should be equally confident that RM10 share can rise to RM11.30. Same rise needed.


2020-07-31 10:20 | Report Abuse

Unlike most other stock price bubbles, the demand for gloves is actually growing exponentially. And the demand for gloves is growing exponentially because the SARS-cov2 virus is growing exponentially, and the virus can grow exponentially because nobody is immune to the virus, and alot of Americans still believe that the virus is a hoax, political fiction, they are still holding parties and political rallies. In India and Brazil, the countries are not handling the virus well (it is difficult) and in Europe virus is re-surging because they are attempting to open their economy. Just look at Australia, one couple managed to escape state shutdown and have caused a massive super spreader event.

THe pandemic will end once a vaccine is found. You are correct in that matter. But the closest vaccine candidate to complete its test will be in August 2021. Moderna that cause the big glove panic in the middle of the month, they will complete their test in 27 October 2022.

And even with a vaccine, doctors and nurses will still need to wear gloves as they vaccinate 7.5 billion people.

Right now, gloves will be making big profit. And will do so for a while. 289,000 new cases of Covid19 cases yesterday. The virus isn't dying down. And only ~4-10% of the global population has experience an infection. so another 90% more to go.

These are the fundamentals that drive glove prices. AS long as the Covid19 remains, every dip is a buying opportunity for glove, every national ban is temporary, every market analysis is merely an opinion.

Not wearing gloves, mask and a face shield in a hospital environment where there are patients in infected by Covid19 is basically ordering the medical staff and laboratory staff to go die. You will find people very aggressive and angry when you order them to go die just to save a few thousand dollars.

TSL to taking care innocent investors hard-earn money like us...so as biggest bubble wouldn't happen in history, and seems either as now potentially a larger one than ever compared against stocks dot-com, tulips, and bitcoin coming...my 2 cents


2020-07-30 10:35 | Report Abuse

You know, I am tempted to call it a day and start my weekend now. The level of activity is very low. In fact the activity of all of BURSA is very low. I guess, everyone has taken the day off for a nice long 4 day holiday.


2020-07-30 01:34 | Report Abuse

A rising tide lifts all ships. Covid19 pandemic will boast all glove counters. But I wouldn't want to invest in K+. Too minor a player, for my liking. Its financial history has more nonprofitable quarters than I am comfortable with. It is also lacking target price data from Investment houses, so you will be dependent completely on yourself for valuation of the company.

You could trade it, but I won't keep it in the long term.

Posted by PowerLa > Jul 30, 2020 12:42 AM | Report Abuse
hi sifus, might not be relevant to TG but what do the sifus here think about k+?


2020-07-29 23:14 | Report Abuse

Given the COvid19 pandemic rampaging around the world and that Topglove is the largest producer of gloves in the world.... yeah a lot of people will die if TG collapses.

Posted by limkokthye > Jul 29, 2020 10:45 PM | Report Abuse
topglove very dangerous, if collapse many ppl die


2020-07-29 19:17 | Report Abuse

That would only work if each Malaysian worker is more productive than 3 foreign workers. This will require more mechanization and automation., so higher skilled workers are required. Gloves are a high volume, low cost product.

Posted by faralenz77 > Jul 29, 2020 6:33 PM | Report Abuse
Topglove should gradually reduce foreign workers and employ locals. Let’s be positive about locals. There are thousands of Malaysians factory workers sacrificed their time and energy ‘forced’ to work in Singapore factories & constructions & sales persons because our country give such job opportunities to foreigners instead.


2020-07-29 17:46 | Report Abuse

Or put it another way, today is the last day of July that you can buy TG share at cheaper prices. And by August 1, prices will start climbing again, until the next warrant expiration that cause TG prices to stall for 5 days.

Sorry for some reason i though C63 expired on July 31. It expires July 30. So tomorrow, the selling pressure is off.


2020-07-29 17:06 | Report Abuse


If I were an IB, and needed to sell my 50 million shares to pay in-the-money warrants. I would sell my shares over the last 5 days (numbers is also nice and round),10 million each day. The IB takes average closing price 5 days prior to expiration date.

So tomorrow is go down or perform poorly. We will see normal growth again on August 1. THis is why for us retailers holding power is essential. We are ikan billis, food for sharks, so need to play a bit smarter.

Sadly with nearly all warrants expiring in the money, we will see this kind of pauses every month (expect for september which has no warrants expiring), some will be as severe as this. Mot are weaker.

Posted by jungleboy > Jul 29, 2020 4:57 PM | Report Abuse
pblue...the IB take average of closing price of 5 days prior to due date? ...if yes..means tmrw another TG to go down la...ayoyo


2020-07-29 16:58 | Report Abuse

But... it is so silly. One supermarket chain and people panic until share prices goes from 26.96 to 25.72

It feel like if tomorrow I announce that I won't be wearing gloves for the next 2 months, the entire glove sector in Malaysia will crash.


2020-07-29 16:54 | Report Abuse

Just one supermarket chain. They will take TG gloves off their shelves until the issue of force labor is resolved.

Not a government ban.
Not a boycott by all supermarket.
Just one chain. And from the sounds of it, it is a products that has already been sold by TG.

New Zealand has a population of 4.8 million.

Posted by haihai > Jul 29, 2020 4:46 PM | Report Abuse
New Zealand banned all TG product?


2020-07-29 16:38 | Report Abuse

If they were honest, then CIMB has 50 million TG shares to sell, to pay warrant holders.

Posted by HNWInvestor > Jul 29, 2020 4:12 PM | Report Abuse
IB got so many tickets to throw meh? throw since yesterday until today not yet finish?


2020-07-29 14:58 | Report Abuse

Ban then buy from where?
Waiting time for glove fulfillment is now 500 days. Countries need gloves next week not 2 years from now.

Posted by Unclekyynews > Jul 29, 2020 2:55 PM | Report Abuse
usa embargo on top gloves not lifted for a while,,,soon other countries will follow ban on top glove...uncle kyy told his telegram group to sell top glove


2020-07-29 14:57 | Report Abuse

Time to enter was below RM25.90. I was aiming at RM25.50

New Zealand is a small country and has 1 covid19 case in a week. So depend for gloves in that country is small. Insignificant. And all the problem highlighted by Andy Hall were resolved in Jan 2019. The people doing all the abuse is the recruitment agency, not top glove. However topglove used to do business with them. Now they have new policy and have compensated all former workers that had to pay recruitment fees to recruitment company.

I guess you can come in if you have confidence in TG. ANd think TG will go higher or that RM26 is a good price for the share

Posted by Smallretailer > Jul 29, 2020 2:39 PM | Report Abuse
NZ's largest supermarket chain pulls Top Glove products from shelves
time to exit or time to enter?


2020-07-29 14:42 | Report Abuse

darn, missed it. I though the share price would fall to around 25.50. Anybody wants to panic sell, so I can buy at RM25.50?

New Zealand is super vital to Topglove profits. They have like the biggest population in the world, 4.8 million people! And had 1 case of covid19 last week (super horrible!!!!!!) If one supermarket chain in New Zealand don't stock TG gloves... TG will die.... anybody takut? I would like to buy some TG shares at RM25.50...


2020-07-29 13:56 | Report Abuse

If the tactic works, why change? No need to argue with success.

Posted by Apple1234 > Jul 29, 2020 1:53 PM | Report Abuse
Topglove warranty expired soon, Ib keep repeating doing same things.


2020-07-29 13:54 | Report Abuse

If you wanted to buy a lot of share. You buy at a time when there are sellers but market has little time to react. THat time is at closing. Just enough sellers to fall into your buying range but not enough time for sellers to react and start jacking up the price.

Same thing with selling.

On Bursa, retailers are prey for big institutions. Easily scared and mostly have no understanding of what we are buying and why the price move in the direction it does. Aka no insider understanding of the business.

Like here, it is one supermarket chain in New Zealand, not New Zealand government, and one of the few countries that doesn't have covid19 outbreaks. So minimal demand for gloves in New Zealand.

Yet panic like what. And the news is 7hrs old! Look at the time stamp. Aka this morning by 6am Malaysian time, every institutional investor knew about this supermarket and its decision and did not consider it important. Share prices rose from 25.6 to 26.96. Then the moment this got published in Malaysiainsider.. retailers panic like a cat that heard thunder.

Institutional investor, will sit to see if the shares will fall some more. Then when it looks like selling velocity has stopped, they will buy. And over the next week, they will sell back causing a resistance level to form.

Posted by Bearrabbit > Jul 29, 2020 12:48 PM | Report Abuse
y the price always kena pump only during closing? must be some1 trying to make it look good!


2020-07-29 12:41 | Report Abuse

Yeah, this is why people should not buy on margin. ANybody buy now will make RM1 profit per share in 1-2 weeks.

I wonder if this is a hatched job and somebody has employed Andy Hall to attack Topglove aka Asian glove manufacturers. The sudden ban on TG by the US was odd. I hope it isn't trump, going to ask TG for a donation or purchase of one of Trump super expensive but lost making hotels.


2020-07-29 11:42 | Report Abuse

It is New Zealand, they have almost no cases of covid19 in the country. All new cases are from returning citizens. No need huge demand for gloves.

And it is Andy Hall again, saying Workers not paid enough. All the TG audits are fake, passports withheld. etc

Basically nothing new. They don't even know if they bought any TG gloves.

Problem easily solved. Ask New Zealand company to send their own inspector here.

Posted by SinGor > Jul 29, 2020 11:29 AM | Report Abuse
Looks like there are no shortage of Gloves. Can simply remove from Supermarket


2020-07-29 09:18 | Report Abuse

Please tell Covid19 that. It didn't get the message. Over 200K more people were diagnosed with covid19 yesterday. 64K were Americans. 41K were Brazilians and 50K were Indians. 5.7 million people currently infected.

Posted by mlike > Jul 29, 2020 9:02 AM | Report Abuse
Over cooked...


2020-07-29 08:50 | Report Abuse

No problem. We come back in 1 months time.

AS was stated to the US congress, 25% of US states have less than 30 days supply of PPE (which includes gloves). Trump is pushing for the reopening of the school and the economy (again) in the US, without controlling the virus first.

1 months time, the ban will be lifted or we will see what happens when the healthcare system of a developed nation collapses.

US get gloves somewhere else, you ask? US needs some 750 million gloves a month, due to the ban on TG. US ban only affect half of TG exports to the US. TG is the world's largest producer of gloves, 26% of global supply. Everyone has very long waiting times. TG waiting time is now 500 days. If the US buys from Harta and wants it now, Harta will be forced to kick out its current customers and Topglove will just pick them up. pick. TG sales will not be affected. But for reputation sake, TG cannot ignore this ban.

This is why I recommend people have holding power and not use margin. Margins make a sure bet into a gamble. Gloves will sell. TG share prices will go up, we just don't know how high and how fast and what panic attacks there are in the future.

Hehe... I don't ask you to trust in me for good unbiased guidance. My advice may not always be good, and as a human, I do have biases. Instead, trust in Covid19. Covid19 has simple agenda, infect as many people as possible. And where Covid19 goes, so will gloves.

Posted by Unclekyynews > Jul 29, 2020 7:38 AM | Report Abuse
Good morning..last nite uncle send a message to his telegram group saying Top glove emargo wont be lifted soon in the usa..heard he is going to press down the price..beware of uncle past action


2020-07-28 22:56 | Report Abuse

A few facts

TG has increased the production capacity by 7% since the last quarter.
However wait time has increased from 300 day to 500 days.
Spot price of gloves has increased by 70%
Percentage of gloves allocated to spot price sales increased from 10-15% to 20-30%.
Last quarter increase in profit was 200% QtoQ, and covered march april and May. However the virus really only kicked off in April and May. So all that increase in profits are attributed to 2 months.
Then look at the number case of Covid 19. Between March -May there were 6.1 million COvid19 cases. Between june and July there were 10.4 million, with August estimating to add another 7 million cases.

So between quarter, customer base of gloves has increased by at least 3 fold. (because normal people will also want to wear gloves)

Crush all those numbers together and RM30-RM35 is conservative. RM47 is possible.

Then china is flooding and they make 10% of all gloves in the world. Their planned expansion is not going to happen this year. Not while they are flooding. No idea how to factor that in, but I know that will have an impact.

Right now the only thing that can stop this bull run is a Kaiju attack or the US deciding to bomb China and hits Malaysia instead because trump has no idea about world geography.

or you can just swing trade all the way. NO need for fundamentals if you are a trader.

Posted by KLou88 > Jul 28, 2020 6:51 PM | Report Abuse

I mean the value is not match at all... Idk how the people come out with their calculation, especially IB, the earnings do not match with the price. By comparing maybank or PBB

Totally goreng?


2020-07-28 22:23 | Report Abuse

About 1-2 weeks of panic.
Then investors will be looking to park their money somewhere. And that somewhere will be in food, like walmart and Gloves...

Covid19 doesn't care that the US economy has crashed. It will continue to infect people. Doctors, nurses and labworkers also don't care either. They will have their gloves or refuse to work. So gloves will continue to sell.

Nations are forced to buy gloves, because few nation can tolerate the death of 20% of their population, that is the figure should COvid19 be left untreated by modern medicine.

In this pandemic, glove and PPE counters are bullet proof. Just like food and water.

Posted by RRP7623 > Jul 28, 2020 8:37 PM | Report Abuse
Im wondering what will happened to covid counters in Malaysia like gloves and other health sectors if US market crashed .What is ur opinion investors?


2020-07-28 19:52 | Report Abuse

Normally yes.
But current conditions are not normal.
Covid19 pandemic: So the demand for gloves is very high. so high that glove prices has increase by 400x on the consumer side, allowing glove companies to increase their spot prices by 20% and rising. The normal order of glove has a wait time now of nearly 500 days, up from 15 days. Hence company profits are massive.

Economic recession. We have entered an economic recession. SO many businesses have gone bust. People are also out of a job. Together it means a lot of bank loans are not being repaired. No problem you say? Bank just reposes collateral? Here is the problem, a bank doesn't need your car, house or the equipment in a fried chicken restaurant. Once they have the property they will sell it. However during a major recession, there are no buyers. Everyone is selling and very few people are buying. SO the demand for such assets is low, and the bank may not get much money for it. By october where the moratorium on bank loan ends, people who didn't pay bank loan for 6 month will suddenly have to do. And people/business that couldn't repay their bank loans in 6 month certainly won't have the money to pay it now.

So we expect the banks to make much much less profit if any in the coming months.

Posted by KLou88 > Jul 28, 2020 6:43 PM | Report Abuse
I have a question
For bank companies, their earning is more than topglove, Eg Maybank, every quarter also having 2m, but why topglove market price is more than Maybank/public bank now...

Very appreciate that if some 1 can answer me this.

Thanks and regards.


2020-07-28 15:52 | Report Abuse

Don't foget heart pain.
Posted by Lanesra > Jul 28, 2020 3:49 PM | Report Abuse
not healthy to look at market everyday , eye pain, neck pain and then you might do something silly like panic sell. Unless you are day trader la..no choice then


2020-07-28 12:33 | Report Abuse

Please don't use margin. While the fundamentals point upwards, market is not rational. We have 3 major panic attacks, where despite the increase in glove demand and solid fundamentals, share prices fell as much as -28% to -53%. While it took 1 day, 1 week, and 2 weeks to resolve all three scares, People on margin could not hold and likely lost money.

Buy only if you can hold. It would be sad to lose money on a good stock in a sector that is on a bull run.

Posted by GlovesHero > Jul 28, 2020 12:13 PM | Report Abuse
bought 2k at 25.62 this morning. Now. 26.6. Easy RM2k made. Just buy TG all the way up to 40. No cash, no problem. use margin. This stock is a gem.


2020-07-28 11:03 | Report Abuse

@Posted by PureBULL ...
>What say U topglovers ?

Only after 30 July.

IB will make massive sells if mothershare passes RM26. IB needs money to pay off warrants that are expiring massively in the money.


2020-07-28 10:24 | Report Abuse

If warrants expires in the money, IB will have to sell mother share to pay warrant holders the difference between excise price and strike price. This sell off by the IB will moderately depressed the mother share prices for a while. As IB will sell over a period of time to avoid severely depressing the mothershare.

I think this is what happening right now. To recoup some money, IB will be issuing new warrants right now, and using the money to buy up shares that are depressed too severely.

Victim of too much success. Unless there is a warrant that expires out of the money, we will probably have one of the pauses every month, except for September. No Topglove warrant expires in September.

Posted by KLou88 > Jul 27, 2020 10:37 PM | Report Abuse
May I know how warrant (expiring) would affect the mother shares drop?
Anyone can explain this? Very much appreciated


2020-07-27 10:45 | Report Abuse

Check https://clinicaltrials.gov/
Vaccine will be available soonest 2021 August, followed by 4-6 months to ramp up production and time waiting in queue to get vaccine and time to get mass vaccination program started. This is why 2009 H1N1 pandemic, vaccine was made in September 2009, but the virus was only exterminated in 2010 August. 1 year later.

Largest maximum production capacity right now is hundred of millions of doses a year, problem is there are 7500 million people. We will need over 15 billion doses within a year (since all vaccines candidates so far are double dose) and virus mutates very fast, and you need to vaccine everyone before virus mutates.

So far no vaccine company has claimed to be able to produce tens billions. Best, hundreds of millions.

We will see a vaccine by the end of 2021 but people like us will probably only get it at the end of 2022.

Posted by Keng592 > Jul 27, 2020 7:00 AM | Report Abuse
Unforseen risk is there.. Vaccine will be available soon to replace glove or factory temporary have to close down because inflected by convid19... If you can take this risks. TG is a very good counter to buy.

News & Blogs

2020-07-26 21:19 | Report Abuse

I would like to make one comment on this article. Due to the great urgency and desperate need for a vaccine, the PhaseI, II and III trial timeline has been compressed. Just about every vaccine company has decided to skip the phase II trial and proceed directly to phase III trial. In effect, we do not know if any of the vaccine in phase III trials work. Hence none of the vaccine are actually in Phase III. All of then are technically going through a very large phase II trial, a hybrid Phase II/III. We will only know if any of the vaccine work when they either succeed or fail to protect the tens of thousands of people within each trial. THe results of these trials will be arrive at the end of 2021. Please be aware what is happening and what is being done. Do not feel shocked or feel betrayed by scientist if one or more of the vaccines in the phase II/III trials fail. They never entered phase II. WE do not know if these vaccines candidates work. We are gambling big because we have so little time.


2020-07-26 11:24 | Report Abuse

Situation in brazil has taken for the worse. For a while I though they were on the road to controlling the virus. looks like that is not the case.


Virus is roaring back.

Also look at India. Not only is the virus spreading, it is accelerating. The spread is getting faster and faster. And just 5 days ago, it has reach the same rate of acceleration as the US.


2020-07-24 06:05 | Report Abuse

Back to reality.

Nobody has a WORKING vaccine yet. All so far have not been tested against the virus, only tested for safety and signs of activity... which was often found to be weaker than in person recovering from Covid19. Test for function will only be completed in late 2021. They even state the completion date of their trials.

And if they have a vaccine, they are going to provide to their own citizens first before providing it to their allies and only then to random third world nation that wants to buy it. Is Malaysia a close ally of the US (Moderna), UK (AstraZeneca) or China (SinoVac and Sinopharm)? Has Malaysia signed with any one of these companies yet? Because other nations have already signed contract and are waiting in line. We will be behind them.

Finally look at their production size. Sinopharm has capacity for 200 million doses a year, their vaccine needs 2 dose per person. China has 1400 million people. Do the math. Sinovac with aid of Brazilians, 450 million doses a year, two doses per person. 225 million people a year.


2020-07-24 00:22 | Report Abuse

well, not to long ago Bstead was thinking of delisting. The situation was that bad. It has been a sad time for boustead Malaysia. Its twin half, Boustead Singapore is doing well. Just like MAS vs SIA. Different management, different outcome. One of greatness and the other disappointment.

Posted by yip_net > Jul 23, 2020 8:51 PM | Report Abuse

Non stop selling.


2020-07-23 22:31 | Report Abuse


"Sinopharm is expanding manufacturing capacity for COVID-19 vaccines. One plant in Beijing and one in Wuhan can together produce at least 200 million doses annually, according to media reports."

"Each person needs two doses of the inactivated vaccine to evoke an immune response, and 200 million doses would only meet the immunization needs of 100 million people."

China has 1400 million people