
pisanggoreng | Joined since 2014-11-30

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2015-08-06 15:37 | Report Abuse

pisang ku goreng setiap hari

durian runtuh temu kali-kali

gadang bagus ,orang tak beli

aku nampak, tak faham erti


2015-08-06 15:28 | Report Abuse

pisang goreng , jual di sini

jika bosan ,sila datang sini

teh susu tarik pajang campur kopi

jika sudi ku bagi free menikmati


2015-08-06 15:25 | Report Abuse

dividend 5 sen tahun ini dibayar

tahun depan bonus dapat lagi

6 sen tahun depan akan dibayar

kami semua senyum manis sekali


2015-08-06 15:14 | Report Abuse

negara ku tunah diberkati

mengapa ringgit jatuh tak henti-henti

gadang bagus ku lama beli

mengapa harga turun hingga hari ini


2015-08-06 15:09 | Report Abuse

sembayang kuat, doa dibalas

hidup bahagia , sihat badan

gadang dibeli, sanggup menanti

tentu kaya, besok hari


2015-08-06 11:17 | Report Abuse

money easy to make , respect difficult to gain

from now on

our challenge is RESPECT not money

what is money???????

figure in the market or bank ma.....

what is so big deal ???

can see only,

do not tell me , you need this share market money to buy food everyday


use it only to buy banglow or benz, not food. please


2015-08-06 10:40 | Report Abuse


now you got the wisdom as me

that is my tkp1 massage


2015-08-06 10:28 | Report Abuse


know the price, when it is already sky high


2015-08-06 09:50 | Report Abuse

Sifu only see the price when it is sky high


2015-08-06 09:49 | Report Abuse

If you want to follow Sifu play,


2015-08-06 09:47 | Report Abuse

Retailers have limited stocks
Let them sell, the wise buy
They finish selling is the time to fry to the sky


2015-08-06 09:44 | Report Abuse

You want to follow Sifu play or retailer play
It is you own choice


2015-08-06 09:37 | Report Abuse

RM keep falling.
Even you keep cash also can't stop it keeps falling
GADANG already at the bottom. Limited down side
Why should we follow those headless retailers panic sell

News & Blogs

2015-08-03 10:44 | Report Abuse


why not you say pisanggoreng donated usd200BILLION to DAP?

talk maa....

but 1MDB is real, and so many countless unscrupulous money is real

if what you said is real, then why I still need to pay RM 100 just to attend their talk, not they pay me like what BN is doing

News & Blogs

2015-07-26 21:32 | Report Abuse

actually what I want to convey in the story is " if you do not want people to lose from you story , then don't tell the story"

how can you say, I tell story, I did not force you to believe, I am not responsible for your loss.

if you selling pisanggoreng at the roadside me is ok, but you are not , you are somebody, big body, heavy weight body,

how can I ignore your say

moreover you already told me , 100% gain, 200% and seem more gain

sure gain because going to split in to 5 ma...

immediately the number of shares gain 5X ,

must buy .....

tomorrow pinjam along buy

News & Blogs

2015-07-26 21:23 | Report Abuse


if he is not promoting his stock here , then why he publishes the article emphasizing on vs and latitude.....

why he need to say he is not responsible for the loss if we buy and lose money?

he is a very talented and successful in our eye

his most fatal weakness is too much borrowing

here is a fictitious story, not true story, posted solely to gain some laughter only , entertaining purpose, NOTHING TO DO or TRUE WITH THE fictitious PERSON MENTIONED

I guess , now he can't sleep well, the interest he need to service every now and then has already eaten up a big portion of his profit, he must sell, but so much share how to sell in a short time. so must tell story loh...., with your little saving may be not enough to save him so he encourage to play margin, it is stupid you don't play margin he said, the shanghai people are very brave , they dare to jump from high tower

this is wild guessing, if you believe then it is your choice, i do not force you to believe

News & Blogs

2015-07-26 17:09 | Report Abuse

KYY is a successful businessman , a philanthropist and a renown politician. he is somebody not nobody. what he said carries weight.
most of the people including me and you would believe and follow without second thought, now he is recommending or may be not recommending but telling us what stocks he is still holding and will still performing well and plenty of room for growth

Please use your chicken big brain to imagine , would you or I not follow what he said?

I believe 99% of the readers here will follow if they do not know this old man had ever make some buy call to bring many to Holland

I am very grateful to those people in i3 , many of them, can not name one by one, trying hard just to warn us , the possibility of CRY-N0-TEAR when this old man and his gang start clearing their position

stockraider, you don't know , you are too young , or you are so worry that the uptrend of VS and latitude will be spoiled, so you hope what we said is not true, but you also know very well and can not deny the fact the big buaya is at work,

now the price is almost static, they play splitting, to improve the liquidity,so that they can transfer the huge amount of shares to you and I later . they walking singing happily to the bank while we are still singing happily "TOMORROW WOULD BE BETTER"


I don't know

my respect stockraider, why you forego your good English and adopt a broken English?

to suit me ?

not necessary. I like your first version of English very much, second version difficult to catch gist you want to convey

News & Blogs

2015-07-26 15:22 | Report Abuse

bro BULL,

thank you

I like KESM,

this one , KYY sure quietly buy one

News & Blogs

2015-07-26 15:04 | Report Abuse


sure can not work


this is theory , can not win big money


zero sum game ma.....

who is KYY?

100M no problem, 200M no problem , 300M also no problem
who is OTB, now the I3 FORTUNE GOD, thousand subscribers and followers
Peter Yang ? very good analyst, many read his report

who are you and me,

kacang putih investor,

want to stir big wave


wait lah...

tomorrow the sun rises from the west,

may be our turn to do

now just follow

other follow still follow , just follow

but very very thankful to fortunebull and apini

do not be the last person to hold the card


News & Blogs

2015-07-26 14:38 | Report Abuse

bro fortunebullz

please give constructive investing advice to us, like apini, not keep on hentam KYY, until I also tak boleh tahan,
do you realize, more you talk bad about people, more you lose credibility in your words

the readers here are not stupid , they know what to do, you have done enough, I have said enough. what more to say.
moreover I still holding some VS and Latitude, quite trilling to see how far they can push.

I suggest you also buy some

I tell you , this buaya very greedy one, they won't let go before share split

so be wise, after scolding must buy some

to support me maa....


News & Blogs

2015-07-26 12:42 | Report Abuse

" apini:you don't lose , I don't lose., the last one to hold loses all"

do you think KYY , his gang and their subscribers are the last one to lose all?

I am one of the follower, still holding latitude and VS

why don't sell?

of course I would

but not now,

after the split

goreng up a little, more hopeful followers join in ma......

then I am walking happily to the bank


News & Blogs

2015-07-26 12:27 | Report Abuse


either you are buaya to defend yourself or you are so green that you do not know how a buaya work,
what is the intention of KYY ?
to tell us he is very smart in investing whereas his advisors OTB and Pter Yang and other dare not utter a word at the current inflated price.
you may wise, have to be wise as you claim, how about newbie? can you guarantee they will not be influenced by this great man until they can't even afford a decent meal

you write good english. are you KYY?

Posted by apprentice > Jul 26, 2015 11:47 AM | Report Abuse

Anyone who can't stand the heat should leave the kitchen. Likewise anyone afraid of losing in the market and ready to blame others should stop buying shares or just go buy Mutual Fund.
We have a spoon fed society, waiting for tips on when to buy and sell to make easy money. It does not work that way.
Wise up and learn from mistakes and no one will influence you to commit until you can't even afford a decent meal.


2015-07-23 14:11 | Report Abuse


you really do not know die-live

dare to come here to pi-pi


2015-07-23 14:09 | Report Abuse

not interested?

maybe I change my name to icon7777,

can not use icon9999

icon8888 is my sifu ma........


2015-07-23 14:06 | Report Abuse


what happen?

so quiet.....

keep talking

let people see gadang



hen, cock, tiger, elephant...


2015-07-23 13:59 | Report Abuse

I read of comment already,

what a excellent SHIT talk

do you interested to learn from me

I teach you first lesson talk shit like gold



2015-07-23 13:36 | Report Abuse


I am your gang, not so welcome outside

very boring no friends in i3

want to friend with you ,

can or not?

I also like to talk shit one.......


2015-07-23 13:24 | Report Abuse


outside you talk shit,
why here you talk more sensible
do you know here is your good friend ICON8888 's di-pan
he got a lot of followers here


2015-07-10 21:10 | Report Abuse

Well said, Bro kopipeng
I am just curious why you are that confident , negative cash flow plus inconsistent earning can take you to Holland. Anyhow good luck. I go back to my white goat gadang better


2015-07-10 16:28 | Report Abuse

come 1.38, I wait for you

if not 1.39 also not bad

1.40 also can


2015-07-10 16:15 | Report Abuse

kopipeng you macam 诸葛亮 but tkp1 like 猪哥亮

I want to ask 诸葛亮, don't want to ask 猪哥亮

so 猪哥亮 don't answer for 诸葛亮



2015-07-10 16:08 | Report Abuse

help me lah ......

come gadang to blow loud loud......

this old man very lazy, like to sleep

you come to gadang , then we can gaduh gaduh there, then people notice this hidden gem

bintai dark horse no good, will bite its owner one day, gadang different , is very loyal to owner , will bring ONG to owner.....

do not be so greedy, make enough must protect you gain and lock in gadang


2015-07-10 16:01 | Report Abuse

gadang is the counter I make the most

this counter you must play 50% long term and 50% short term

long term target is >3.00 short term target is >1.60

so buy as much as you can if the price drop below 1.4 and sell at 20% higher

this cycle will repeat many times until you long term cost is zero or absolute gain

can understand?

let's say you buy 200000 shares at 1.40

then the price go up

you sell 50% at 1.68 or more and make 20%

wait for it to drop

buy and sell again

if it doesn't drop but goes all the way up, then ,

let the other 50% generate cash for you, you watch your money grows

this counter can not play all in all out

very boring one....

but I can tell you, very soon , it will go pass 1.68

so never sell below 20% profit of you purchase price


2015-07-10 15:49 | Report Abuse


just now I check "DONG-SU" , dark horse no good, will go bankrupt , white goat is better, can make big fortune

gadang is white goat

quickly sell bintai, all in gadang

I also sold all my china A50 just bought and all in gadang already


2015-07-10 15:44 | Report Abuse

china A50.


buy or sell

no time to study good or bad,

kopipeng recommend one sure good


2015-07-10 15:41 | Report Abuse

you know who is icon?

he is my sifu

he recommended so many counter to help me make money and you also benefited from his recommendation, now you talk big, don't want sifu
why I so kacau-kacau here?
I see you got talent and gong gong promote once you find your target
that's why I dare to recommend my sifu top pick to you and kopipeng
hoping you two can do some wonder

you don't like gadang also don't have to say as if gadang is hopeless


2015-07-10 15:24 | Report Abuse




2015-07-10 15:23 | Report Abuse

NVM , I pray hard bintai will go up 30 sen soon

so that you can sell half

then come to gadang to help me and also you bro ICOn

we are waiting for both of you, kopipeng and tkp1


2015-07-10 15:21 | Report Abuse

I like to help people

I like to make friend with people, esp you and kopipeng

waste of talent if you 2 don't come to gadang

gadang have been sleeping for so long already, they really need people

like you , to wake him up

come lah.....


2015-07-10 15:17 | Report Abuse

you don't give me face must give your icon brother face ma....

he helped you to promote bintai , how can you don't help him to
promote gadang?

what sort of 榴梿 friend are you?

want money only, don't want friend


2015-07-10 15:13 | Report Abuse


why you so careless?

why you said: 香蕉就是香蕉,永远都当不上榴梿

香蕉 memang can not be 榴梿

which teacher teaches you 香蕉 can be 榴梿

and you hoping my 香蕉 become 榴梿

but how it can be 榴梿

it can not be

so come to gadang to help people make good investment

don't misleading people here

people will curse you ,

you cabut at 30 sen making 200% profit ,they still holding like a fool


2015-07-10 15:07 | Report Abuse

kopipeng & tkp1,

come lah.....

you help to low up gadang, I help you bantai optimus prime

deal ?

you know what is bantai?


I help you

but you must help to blow gadang


2015-07-10 15:02 | Report Abuse

kopipeng & tkp1,

it is very 重要, we need you to blow trumpet loud loud in gadang, I think you brother ICON8888 also like that very much

come lah.......


2015-07-10 14:59 | Report Abuse

then I also all in to join you, then you join me in gadaang


2015-07-10 14:50 | Report Abuse

why so emotional ?

if you are thus emotional, can you see thing in a right perspective?


2015-07-10 14:15 | Report Abuse

the price is pushed up because of the dividend

after ex, I will go back normal around 5.00, then sleep.....

why 5.00, good dividend yield ma....

why can not move up more?

hard to sell at good price, so the big kaki not interested

why now it can move up so much?

dividend + story + small free float

why sleep?

retailers' fund is limited

this is always the pattern

don't believe?

ask the seniors here.

so , hit and run or buy at 5.00 and keep for good dividend


2015-07-10 13:48 | Report Abuse

what is so great????

every year negative cash flow, can not even earn enough to cover expenditure

want to make 200%?

can... definitely can ....,

if you buy at 10 sen or buy warrant at 0.1 like tkp1

if not better buy gadang, safe and sound, sure more than 20% by the end of the year

why I promote gadang here?????

I like kopipeng and tkp1, they can blow trumpet very loud

if they blow at gadang, sure fly to the sky



2015-07-10 13:07 | Report Abuse

100m cash holding is equivalent to nothing to a minority shareholder, can see can not eat, I am more interested in the 31 sen dividend. do you think the current price still can maintain after ex


2015-07-10 12:40 | Report Abuse

overvalue at current price and illiquidity are undeniable but very often we are blinded by the rosy prospect that are far too good to be true


2015-07-10 11:36 | Report Abuse


that is how you calculate?

just for 1 quarter to conclude for the next few years?

no wonder you can be that blind...

I can't help you , good luck friend.