
pussylover | Joined since 2015-04-14 21:02:55

Investing Experience Beginner
Risk Profile High

Me love cat and pussies. Me is new. Me is only 16 year old study at Sri KL. Me papa is Datuk of a logistik kompeni. Me like to eat, sleep and onlining





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2015-04-20 17:19 | Report Abuse

90 sen i beli balik kikikii


2015-04-20 17:19 | Report Abuse

kan gua kan gua dah cakap huat ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh


2015-04-19 14:34 | Report Abuse

tq for being so free to write that. sry no time to read rubbish, k bai


2015-04-19 00:29 | Report Abuse

lol frontkn 35c la...man man lai..1.68 is ifca..lol I got it below 35c ;)


2015-04-18 23:26 | Report Abuse

its a good stock and I benefit from trading a couple times rdy..But be careful to think that oil has bottomed down. It may well go south again...Iran story not factored in yet..Fitch downgrade in June will rape everything down. I will buy back Uzma at 2-2.10. I have the patience to wait till June :)


2015-04-18 23:24 | Report Abuse

48c may take 2-3 months la..Q2 will be stronger than current Q but you need to wait a while


2015-04-18 23:22 | Report Abuse

laughdieme..next week invest kl myeg will once again grab attention and fly..I rarely lose, pardon me. Even my Myeg in the end I will not lose a single cent because that is how good I am tiny ant.

I wanna pui my business la I call you ham ka chan also my freedom of speech. 1st Amendment you c**t. Come at me, brah


2015-04-18 23:20 | Report Abuse

frontkn expected to benefit from Apple. :) those who know thier biz model knows next few quarters will be incredible in terms of growth. Small cap Semicon biz deserves over 20 PE too..My prediction is may push to 28-29 c right before results then after results up to 35c.. stay tuned


2015-04-18 23:17 | Report Abuse

frontkn will test 40 c like privasia. gonna be same story, dont miss the boat


2015-04-18 23:16 | Report Abuse

nw tp 2.46 :)) Monday up a bit more


2015-04-18 23:15 | Report Abuse

priva can never be ifca la..last q only good I met the Indian boss of this company and I know their biz model. They can never be ifca la dream on


2015-04-18 23:14 | Report Abuse

I sleep sounder than you because I'm not a loser like you. Good luck finding your big break :) You already missed out the ifca boat :)

News & Blogs

2015-04-18 23:12 | Report Abuse

ifca adik suke...dah follow lama sgt from 20 sen until brahmal beli 35-40c (push until 50c) sampai 78 c then fall back to 60 c now 1.60+

I have 8x in ifca but of coz i sold half rdy along the way kikikikik banyak untung


2015-04-18 23:10 | Report Abuse

last week sapu 2.03-2.05 then jual 2.15-2.18 terima kasih supermax. bye bye!!


2015-04-18 23:06 | Report Abuse

sounds like a spiteful loser...act like your know a lot but in reality a retard. See his history, all lousy bets..made nothing from ifca while most of us already 6-7x there and now wanna act like he knows a lot about Myeg. Mind you, people already made nice money from Myeg before bonus issue last January..now just have a small holding left here. And you think your stupid post can impact this counter. This counter is controlled by large funds and big flies la. You wanna create tension go frontkn, which also will fly soon. You're a useless pest with no influence, go sleep la pui


2015-04-18 12:56 | Report Abuse

adik rasa frontkn ini lebih dari 30 cent boleh..tapi long term end of year adik aim 50 sen..cause Q2-4 results will be traditionally a lot stronger than current Q. 100% in 6-7 months better than short term gain kikikiki simpan jeee


2015-04-18 12:30 | Report Abuse

betul ni abg Alpha...biar je yg bising bising ni cakap..semua ni kononnya ingat pandai tapi entah entah some Chinese ed losers from UTAR yg ingat diorg panlai..pui..
Bodoh betul condem counter bukannya boleh short pun. You ingat ni USA ke..pui. Klau nak contribute bgi la idea bernas bukan je pergi jerit sini sana macam toyol. pui.


2015-04-18 12:23 | Report Abuse

hahahah sunzthezhe ni semua retard betul la...Konon nak ajar org price volume semua..bro you knwo the best traders in Malaysia are Kenanga traders who make 2-3 million a year after profit sharing..they rarely get things wrong and now they put 3.07 trading buy..

Plus, who cares about your opinion, you are only a small value who comes here to condemn things but you have never contribute at all. Lucky I listened to Alphatrader and 2 weeks ago bought more Ifca and OWG and one week can make a combined 30% ready, lose only 10% in MYEG is nothing can eventually recover back also. These are people who actually contribute and help all of us, by listening to you I got nothing!! You're useless and you dont help common folks like me at all. Now you're making yourself look like a joke if you think you're even close to people like Alphatrader. Like comparing a crow to an eagle. I suggest you go look at yourself in the mirror sunzthezhe, so thick skin meh. Someone who is not good trying to advise people, pui


2015-04-17 22:27 | Report Abuse

nx week 2.20 back


2015-04-17 21:30 | Report Abuse

3 ringgit mari..meeting minggu depan, lpas tu invest kl, lps tu gorengggggg 3 ringgit


2015-04-16 20:22 | Report Abuse

amboi kaya nya 500k gilo..nanti 50% u bikin 250k, boleh beli 3 series baru cash..hihi


2015-04-16 20:03 | Report Abuse

haha mr nobody tu macam nama dia la..drama je banyak tapi kosong. Tin kosong yg paling bising. Johnny ko jgn jual dulu, gov akan announce absorption soon..boleh test high of 3.07 lagi..simpan je jgn time it..bull market ni myeg deserve higher PE :)


2015-04-16 19:51 | Report Abuse

adik dah sapu 50k dah..esok tgk la kalau boleh jual Gtronic adik 6+ adik beli lagi Frontken ni..tambah 30k lagi..caya la Frontkn..valuation mmg murah lagi..biz pun ok..deserve PE 15+ .. belum include result akan dtg yg akan buat ia pecut


2015-04-16 19:48 | Report Abuse

caya la alphatrader..adik percaya Ifca mesti lebih dari dua ringgit akhir tahun ini..tak kisah la index 1900 ke tak..Ifca pun small cap lagi..index mampus pun kompeni ni masih terbang..sebab index x melambangkan business ifca. guna otak la yg dengki ifca ni. ko tak buat duit jgn dengki kat org.


2015-04-16 19:46 | Report Abuse

Itu la pandai pandai pergi time buat ape. Dah tau MyEG TP ini 3.90 pergi jual buat ape.

tgk IFCA, bare new tp 1.92 tapi dah 1.62 sekarang..ko ni guna la otak..MyEG ni mmg results akan pecut tahun ni sebab FWP dah lulus. Adik rasa end of year 3.50..sebab Nigel mesti bagi TP baru lagi lepas dapat Road diagnostic dgn CSTM Phase 2 project. Itu dua dah boleh naik revenue sebanyak 40-50% setahun. jgn main main ye sygs..Kalau yg beli murah tu mcm fortunebullz, adik mmg salute la. mesti 20% up in next few weeks. Syukur Allah kerana berkati mereka yg caya dgn kompeni ini


2015-04-16 19:43 | Report Abuse

Tahun ini tahun tech..Ifca, Inari, Gtronic, MyEG..semua pecut...market mmg suke tech sekarang sebab tech is getting more important in our lives as is globalization.
Adik rasa gtronic dah ok for now, inari ade 20-30% upside lagi, Ifca 30-40% lagi..MyEG 20-25% tapi short term MyEG akan rebound 10-15% sebab baru correction banyak. Adik nasihat abg abg Gtronic masuk MyEG dulu, baru start uptrend sekarang sygs


2015-04-16 19:40 | Report Abuse

mesti 35-40 sen lepas results keluar. Dgr dari kawan aku kat RHB Research next results mmg damn cun, dia cakap maybe can almost double from last quarter results..maksudnya 30 sen TP tu sikit sgt. Adik rasa 40 sen la boleh. Kalau x percaya tgk Privasia, dulu 18 cen org x mau lepas tu 28 sen org cakap tipu..bila 40 sen baru nak masuk. Sekarang murah lagi, 40-50% upside senang


2015-04-16 19:36 | Report Abuse

yea mr alpha veli correct. me also see this people who komplen all like pavilion is very sad case because he in datasonic. My datuk father said tht one can close shop la, no power cause najib tak suka, tak da crony power lagi. Datasonic baik buang je mcm taik..Myeg baru la bagus, TIGA RINGGIT minggu depan. Bapak aku cakap tunggu announcement besar dari Kastam. Lepas keluar mesti pecut cam gila kikikiki


2015-04-16 09:54 | Report Abuse

no doubt it will slowly retract back to 3 ringgit by month end..me think the uptrend finally start today


2015-04-15 22:55 | Report Abuse

epf mesti beli lagi esok.kikikikiki terimah kasih kerajaan BN. sayang kerajaan :D


2015-04-15 22:54 | Report Abuse

bapak ku cakap 6 ringgit pun boleh..


2015-04-15 22:53 | Report Abuse

ape kompeni ni..x pernah dgr ..ish kuat je..adik kena cakap kat ayah ni..kena masuk nanti rugi plak

News & Blogs

2015-04-15 22:52 | Report Abuse

x faham cina la translate la abg abg ah beng


2015-04-15 22:51 | Report Abuse

kompeni ni mmg ta k boleh la.dah tipu banyak Melayu...pak cik aku pun kena tipu...jgn percaya Felda..kalau nak invest kompeni kroni lebih baik MYEG ke CMSB..FGV tipu je


2015-04-15 22:50 | Report Abuse

ye btul..bapak aku ade kompeni logistik sdn bhd..geng umno hihi


2015-04-15 22:49 | Report Abuse

bapak aku kawan dgn boss kompeni ni. walaupun bapak aku kroni UMNO stanley still treat him with respek. Bapak aku kata EPF nak beli lagi..sebab murah sekarang...rasanya uptrend baru mula minggu ni..boleh 10% lagi kot


2015-04-15 22:46 | Report Abuse

bapak aku cakap stock ni boleh 35 cent macam privasia dulu terbang.. i overheard him buying 500k today at 24 sen,,he said senang terbang sebab ade project besar dtg..entah la my datuk father dunno say true or not


2015-04-15 22:44 | Report Abuse

me think oil will die later when Iran surplus factored me. Me sold skp recently because me expect retraction later..me ask u all becareful..brent will never exceed 60 until end of year sayangs


2015-04-15 22:43 | Report Abuse

me buy more today..me average still 3.30 can keep till empat ringgit. me see ghl fly inari fly ifca fly..now myeg turn fly. Me datuk father said is strong hope gov will announce something for myeg soon me think beli now


2015-04-15 22:41 | Report Abuse

u all know myeg doesnt need gov but gov need myeg more. My datuk father say this. Me think it will over 3 ringgit soon..sailang jom


2015-04-14 21:17 | Report Abuse

50 cent 50 cent !! me is like this


2015-04-14 21:14 | Report Abuse

Me think whichone is bad luck. Chinese say must burn bad luck. someone pls throw kerosene and burn him he no good luck


2015-04-14 21:11 | Report Abuse

sory me no speak english home. Me is hakka peoples. But me come here wanna learn. pls teach me sifus all.


2015-04-14 21:11 | Report Abuse



2015-04-14 21:10 | Report Abuse