
rajachulan | Joined since 2017-11-28

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2019-05-17 10:39 | Report Abuse



2019-05-17 10:36 | Report Abuse

chill people.... calm down... leng chan and ma yu still onboard la...

but how close they are from the edge, how low they are from the sea level... how safe they are jumping overboard...dont know

News & Blogs

2019-05-17 10:29 | Report Abuse

@teoct I am 100% with you on dayang prospect..it just...instead of going through the numbers... i rely on the credibility of mgmt shown in prospect...

I dealt with these numbers in my real life profession... I know how these numbers were presented...so not going to mention them anymore...

to me... it is the vision of the mgmt that matters... and their credibility on how they communicate their vision in the prospect section...

like layhong.... yap can promise you moon and star... but ended up delivering only empty air... if you choose to give this kind of mgmt 2nd chance... dont blame people later...dont even blame yap...

now... let see how the newly RE listed chicken farm can deliver...

gdluck and enjoy

p.s i was forced to sell dayang earlier when i found myself in the middle of the sheep herd...herd coming out from nowhere...out of sudden...in large number... lol

News & Blogs

2019-05-17 09:20 | Report Abuse

people dont read financial report these days?

News & Blogs

2019-05-17 09:19 | Report Abuse

We are proud to deliver our highest-ever quarterly revenue in the fourth quarter of 2018 which is typically a
seasonally weak quarter due to the monsoon weather. However, for this current quarter, offshore activities
were ramped up and works continued to be issued to us under time write (unit rates) and lump sum work
orders. This remarkable achievement came on the back of the robust work orders issued for the PCSB
Maintenance, Construction and Modifications Contract (MCM) and Topside Maintenance Services works
under the Pan Hook-up and Commissioning Contract (Pan HUC) as well as the newly minted Pan MCM
Contracts which were rolled out in the fourth quarter.
As a result of the strong operational performance in the fourth quarter of 2018, Dayang has also recorded one
of the highest quarterly profit after tax in our history. This is largely attributable to better cost control,
improved efficiency and streamlined project management. It is also evidently positive that vessel utilisation
came in stronger at 73%in the fourth quarter, compared to a utilisation rate of 51% for the fourth quarter a
year ago. Our fleet utilisation has been gradually improving since the first quarter of 2018 when it was as low
as 27%. We are particularly delighted to note that the synergistic collaboration between Dayang and its
subsidiary, Perdana Petroleum has indeed worked out satisfactorily and this should reinforce our position to
be the leading integrated MCM player.
Barring any unforeseen circumstances, we are optimistic that the strong earnings trend will be sustainable,
premised on our fairly sizable order book of RM3 billion to last us at least until 2023. Notwithstanding the
volatility in oil price, we remain upbeat on the company’s future prospects as Dayang has emerged stronger
after going through one of the most challenging period over the past few years. We are confident that our
balance sheet will continue to be strengthened as the impressive financial performance in 2018 has clearly
After securing a larger portion of the Pan MCM contracts estimated at RM1.5-2.0 billion from multiple
production sharing contractors in Malaysia this year, Dayang has also started to look at international
expansion to further grow the company.
In November 2018, Dayang together with Gujurly Inzener, its local partner in Turkmenistan, via a joint
venture company, were awarded a contract for the provision of facilities maintenance support for Petronas
Carigali (Turkmenistan) Sdn Bhd. The value of this contract which is estimated to be around USD100 million
covers a three-year period effective from 01 January 2019 to 2021 (with an option to extend for a further
period of one year). This contract is expected to contribute positively to Dayang’s profitability.
As for our subsidiary Perdana Petroleum Berhad (PPB), the proposed debt restructuring scheme with the
financial institutions under the Corporate Debt Restructuring Committee (CDRC) of Bank Negara Malaysia is
still in progress. Once this restructuring is finalised, PPB and Dayang Group should emerge stronger than
before. We are hopeful that Dayang will return to its glorious days in the not-too-distant future as we
carefully execute our long-term business plans. The Board will remain vigilant and continue to exercise due
care and prudence in the running and administration of the company’s business.

News & Blogs

2019-05-17 09:15 | Report Abuse

appreciate calvin writing... short and simple and precise... much much much better than others long winded article...

but...always do your own homework deciding where to put your money... no one responsible for your money except your own self...



2019-05-17 08:49 | Report Abuse



News & Blogs
News & Blogs

2019-05-16 20:28 | Report Abuse

some are good in teaching
some are good in writing
some are good in blogging
some are good in analyzing
some are good in reading


2019-05-16 20:23 | Report Abuse

this is a 6% dividend stock...

dont work too hard...

if your ROI target 6%...

then this is the stock...nothing fancy


2019-05-16 20:18 | Report Abuse

if you foresee the price going downward... short it... also profit...

in opposite... you long...

either way make money...

how to cut loss? where the loss come from?


2019-05-16 20:15 | Report Abuse

you make money either way

long or short

I hope you had short


2019-05-16 15:34 | Report Abuse





2019-05-16 11:57 | Report Abuse

really? leng chan and ma yu brought at 1.10 also?

News & Blogs

2019-05-16 11:17 | Report Abuse




看看李嘉诚,老一辈的还看得起佩服他。年轻的就咒死他, 要不是他和其他几个香港富豪,香港房价也不会有今天的地步。。。


2019-05-16 11:09 | Report Abuse




2019-05-16 10:58 | Report Abuse





2019-05-08 17:08 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-05-08 17:08 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-05-08 17:08 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-05-08 17:07 |

Post removed.Why?

News & Blogs

2019-05-08 17:03 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-05-07 11:04 | Report Abuse

thank you trump....

twit more please....


2019-05-07 10:55 | Report Abuse

see company start making profit... tekan the price low low then take private...

now need money liao... get listed again...

over and over again...

News & Blogs

2019-05-03 09:00 | Report Abuse

first it was Alan,
then now Herbert,
all turn the hope to curse...



2019-05-03 08:56 | Report Abuse

just ride the trend as long as it goes...


2019-05-02 17:23 | Report Abuse

wait for buy signal...


2019-05-02 14:22 | Report Abuse

I trade by trend... never give a dang what IB has said... just follow 10 week ma line...

it will be great if you can share yours... but alas...

if your base is to go against IB... then I believe most of the people already knew that it is always correct to go the opposite way from the IB....


2019-05-02 11:16 | Report Abuse

gooshen...are you a trader???

because some of us are retail investor looking for mid and long term... so daily price movement doesnt affect us...

if you are a trader, mind to share your base of view like rr88 did?

as long as the 10 week ma line remain upward... why worry?


2019-04-30 12:39 | Report Abuse

pang...dont want limit up here...just want up unlimited...


2019-04-26 17:40 | Report Abuse

never listen to anyone.. it is your money.. your own...


2019-04-26 16:45 | Report Abuse

yes.... alot of counters start showing shooting stars.............either in daily chart or weekly chart....


2019-04-26 16:44 | Report Abuse

rr88 > Apr 26, 2019 2:54 PM | Report Abuse

Cash out n stay sidelined. Remember the adage "Sell in May n go away". Well, May is only 5 days away.

News & Blogs

2019-04-26 15:01 | Report Abuse

one time con... forever con...

leopard never change its spot...


2019-04-26 10:45 | Report Abuse



2019-04-25 17:35 | Report Abuse

let vitrox rest a while... let the bull rest a while...


2019-04-25 17:34 | Report Abuse

The Board is cautiously optimistic on the business prospect for the financial year 2019.

News & Blogs

2019-04-25 15:01 | Report Abuse

which one shows trend up.. then buy which one... I cant influence their company decision making... so i focus on price...since the price affect me the most...
qqq3 > Apr 25, 2019 12:00 PM | Report Abuse

but if market acceptance for Leong Hup is high ....How will it affect QL share price? good or bad?

News & Blogs

2019-04-25 15:00 | Report Abuse

Who is the lender? HLB?
miker > Apr 25, 2019 11:21 AM | Report Abuse

Ya, that right, 100% right. Leong hup looks like in a dire condition to get money coz market sentiment not good now for IPO. Please check the portion they would use to pay debt....

News & Blogs

2019-04-25 11:21 | Report Abuse

just keep the faith on the 75m sharesholder... be it ali, ah chong, or muthu

News & Blogs

2019-04-25 11:00 | Report Abuse

her sister... want money then get listed... when see company make big money...then push the price low low.. then go private... pocket all the money....

now want money again then get listed again....

if business grow so much in Vietnam then why not listed in vietnam? vietnam stock market grow much higher then klse lar...with china money... their capital market is more juicy... foreign fund all cabut from klse liao...

see la... this is the quality of company listed in klse...


2019-04-24 09:49 | Report Abuse

how high myeg will go...dont know...

but glad to know the only way is go north!

that 75m shares exchange impact is slowly reflecting...

just curious who is the new 75m shareholders on board...

glad myeg has also gone through 'smooth' transition! lol


2019-04-24 09:44 | Report Abuse
