
rajachulan | Joined since 2017-11-28

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2018-12-28 11:00 | Report Abuse

welcome back to 1981...the politic, the pm..... and the national car project! lmao!


2018-12-28 10:56 | Report Abuse

the PM-8 candidate political route always bumpy one lar... let see if he will still be the winner in the 'putrajaya move'. lol

p.s he always act khinzir eat tiger one...


2018-12-28 10:50 | Report Abuse

I guess LKS need someone from his clan to hold the minister post? or else ah pua clan will hold most of the post since his clan people are mostly REAL professional.


2018-12-28 10:45 | Report Abuse

fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me! lol
Muarmali > Dec 28, 2018 10:40 AM | Report Abuse

If I were RK, I won't acquire FGV. They sure will force me to sell it off again when the business is back on track. No smart businessman will allow himself being screwed for the second time in the same posture. :))))))


2018-12-28 10:44 | Report Abuse

we have many talented malays businessman... one of them i like the most is Tan Sri Dato' Sri Abdul Wahid... he saved UEM, TM and Maybank...

so maybe he can save fgv?

p.s tell that makcik kok to BAN all indonesia oil import lar!
dam82 > Dec 28, 2018 10:18 AM | Report Abuse

Azhar needs to be sacked since he only made worse for FGV .. till now only talk only without any action ...i think FELDA should let non-malays to manage FGV


2018-12-24 15:02 | Report Abuse

Muarmali > Dec 24, 2018 03:00 PM | Report Abuse

Samy also cannot handle them. You think makcik Kok or PM-8 Azmin can handle India?
You Chinese people say, ai pee ai ci, ko ai tua liap ni. :))))))

News & Blogs

2018-12-24 14:50 | Report Abuse

How much is 'other misc fee as per i3investor portfolio tools standard'?


2018-12-24 13:23 | Report Abuse

and if makcik kok you are serious about palm business... go ask cabinet, old horse, MITI, kastam, everyone to block all crude palm oil import from Indonesia... and summon and hang license of those factories who buy and process indonesian palm oil instead of local... then you talk about local support la....

do you really know what happening on ground or not!!!????!!!!???


2018-12-24 13:18 | Report Abuse

tel that makcik kok, this is palm oil we are talking, not some alps mineral water... support? how? everyone drink 2 liter per day?


2018-12-24 13:16 | Report Abuse

palm tree itself also grow muchroom hahahahaha

mushroom everywhere.. looks so lively!
Muarmali > Dec 24, 2018 11:47 AM | Report Abuse

Sweep all the problem under the carpet.
You can see mushroom growing from the carpet if you pour water on it. :))))))


2018-12-24 12:55 | Report Abuse

jaks quite nice too... making money or not i not sure.... but entertaining confirm...


2018-12-24 11:59 | Report Abuse

CharlesT > Dec 24, 2018 11:53 AM | Report Abuse

I scare to see TA Sifu leh...One TA SIfu is eating roti canai with daughter in Australia another one keep asking me why never buy SPSetia everyday...dunno why...why why why


2018-12-24 11:58 | Report Abuse

call warrant too wild for me la lol


2018-12-24 11:45 | Report Abuse

hope supermx will fly so your hard work will be handsomely rewarded very soon wiki. =)


2018-12-24 11:04 | Report Abuse

pity we dont have the PM here. otherwise I can ask your guys in PM...

out of my curiosity, did you guys top up last few weeks while the price stay considerably low and stable?

I know I dont encourage average down and chase low... but what is your guys operating model when you are confident with the stock?

keep top up as long as your capital allow while the price is low in a confident counter like supermx?


2018-12-24 10:53 | Report Abuse

yeah charles.. I am not buying.. but good to see your guys making money =)


2018-12-21 16:20 | Report Abuse




2018-12-21 13:13 | Report Abuse

@wbwanabe nice story sharing thanks


2018-12-21 11:12 | Report Abuse

Okaylah.. sincerely wish you all goodluck here.. I will leave you in peace and go back to rubber glove, pharma and utility counter... best of luck all..


2018-12-21 10:40 | Report Abuse

I dont know dam82...

there few sectors and companies and few chinese tawkey stocks I wont touch...

sincerely...they are many good sector and company out there...

FGV is in bigger s h i t than MAS and TH... if you know the reason why they get fgv listed first place... i dont think you will ever come to this stock...

i just passing by this forum after seeing old horse and nobita news yesterday... i never got any intention to put my money in this stock...

looking at the trend.. fgv has been in a downward trend since it is listed... so i really dont know what a retail investor can get from fgv...plus reading the old news of fgv especially those voiced by fs... i really dont know what is the purpose of fgv and why people still put money into fgv...

the 'ipo' fs kinda shareholders already cry everyday... why retail investor still keep jumping onto a sinking ship?

5354_ > Dec 21, 2018 10:27 AM | Report Abuse

Rajachulan also like dam82? MAS where got same with FGV?


2018-12-21 10:28 | Report Abuse

yeah... org jawa org lombok yg kayaraya skrng...

potong buah satu ton kurang kurang 35 ringgit
bersih daun satu pokok 2 ringgit
racun lagi?
baja lagi?

kerja kuat org die
siang potong buah
malam pakai lampu suluh racun


2018-12-21 10:13 | Report Abuse

and for those whow old enough seeing how MAS ended(if you still remember her)... stay the f u c k out from fgv for you dont know how deep is the s h i t...

gdluck all


2018-12-21 10:11 | Report Abuse

anyway.. i dont own fgv... just want to fart here seeing how the ph govt work... ha! so much for new msia!


2018-12-21 10:10 | Report Abuse

so everyone learn a lesson be it an expensive one about what in the stock market...


2018-12-21 10:09 | Report Abuse


one day... i hope one day.. someone will do the raid again... dont care who they are...


2018-12-21 10:08 | Report Abuse

yeah...then what is the purpose of fgv?... like TH?

got profit, then profit is mine
got loss, then govt paid, again and again and again? and again?

someone please remind old horse and nobita that fgv is now a private entity and fs are supposed to be on their own as fgv shareholders just like you and me...

when fs choose (or cheat) to 'sold' their land in exchange for fgv shares... they should know what is coming...

no more bolehland... i think we just go step into a fantasy land!


2018-12-21 09:44 | Report Abuse

Those greedy b a s t a r d you know who they are should not listed fgv at first hand!...

what is the rational a govt go aid a PRIVATE ENTITY shareholders???

shareholders at gamuda and tm and genm and many more also in difficulty... aid ler? aid la!


2018-12-20 19:34 | Report Abuse

with the increasing middle class population and awareness on healthcare and insurance...these two sectors are destinated to prosper...and since rubber glove is the only thing Msia can do well and compete worldwide... so i will focusing on investing in these rubber glove manufacturers, since Msia insurance stocks are mostly old people stock and pharma is relatively donestic focus...except ahealth and ihh...


2018-12-20 19:24 | Report Abuse

是,livermore破产不止一次, 如果你没有他的疯狂,我想你还是相对安全和成功的。。。从他三次破产中能学到的操作技术不少。


2018-12-20 17:08 | Report Abuse

jesse livermore, ed seykota, richard dennis, paul tudor, William J. O’Neil

除了老巴和冷眼, 还有一堆投资大师等着你去了解。


2018-12-20 09:55 | Report Abuse

good second white soldier... tomorrow show one more.. then got chance to sound the horn for next wave of rise...


p.s. volume not much...


2018-12-19 09:20 | Report Abuse

yeah charles... in an uncertain perio like now... chit chat is the only thing we can do...


2018-12-19 00:39 | Report Abuse

Welcome back to tanah air rr88 lol

white soldier? where? supermx?

nope.. not sighted at all... i was sharing my buy/sell indicator...

as a retail investor... i can never know what are your guys doing behind the monitor... so i have to watch closely on these indicator t guess what are your guys up to and prepare to jump in jump out lol

rr88 > Dec 18, 2018 07:42 PM | Report Abuse

Rajachulan. He he...got white soldiers ka?...how about green soldiers?...Yellow inverted soldiers with blue black hands says its going back to base at 2.00 - 2.30

News & Blogs

2018-12-18 23:13 | Report Abuse


1) 一个波段行情不是依靠一两天的价格上下而形成的。 对于一个成熟的波段的投资者来说, 他是不会每一天都盯着盘面看的。紧盯每一天的价格走势是看不出波段行情的,因此每一天的价格走势和频繁交易成本对波段投资者的影响是相对小的。
2) 每天盯着盘面的应给被归类于炒短线的投资者。
3) 波段操作是不奉行抄底的,波段操作只会在波段明显形成时才会进场,并在波段明显转变是离场。因此学会留意买点和卖点是很重要的。也因此波段操作是不会把目标设立在完美的低买高卖,而是在上升趋势时买进,趋势转变时卖出,并在间种以不同的投资操作尽可能把获利发扬光大。
4) 价格的走势和K线是不能独立告诉你任何趋势的。他只能印证你对于趋势的确定性。


“最大的區別就是美國賣出盈利的股票需要支付 30% 多的所得稅”



2018-12-18 16:01 | Report Abuse

just hold the cash tight tight...wait...wait for the signal...be patience...


2018-12-18 16:00 | Report Abuse

just hold the cash tight tight and wait.... be patience...


2018-12-18 15:08 | Report Abuse

palm oil long gone...
oil and gas gone...
construction gone...
GLC gone...
GLIC gone...
electronic gone...
utilities gone...
now rubber glove also gone...

the start of the end?


2018-12-18 10:40 | Report Abuse

基本面,政策面,前景,预测全部放一边吧! 十一月三十号出现了爆量收红了散户们还不先走一趟?

董事们为了什么原因抛售我们不知道, 就是不知道才要留意趋势,势头不对就先跑一趟在旁边观望。






2018-12-17 15:12 | Report Abuse

''Prospects in the second half of current financial year, meanwhile, are expected to weaken as we anticipate order flow from a key customer to decline. This would, in turn, affect our level of profitability. In mitigation, we are in serious discussions with several prospective MNC customers to secure new orders that would fill up the excess capacity.''

future doesnt looks good...

you must be familiar with these WORDING they use in the FR...

optimistic= little good, hidden no good
challenging= sh*t projected coming soon
weaken= confirm big sh*t

VS must be in real Sh*t to use 'weaken'...


2018-12-17 11:11 | Report Abuse

harta price is in adjustment box 箱型整理... wait till the trend is clear... or keep buying to average down or whatever reason if you pocket is as deep as buffet or KWSP... gdluck


2018-12-17 09:45 | Report Abuse

@wiki123.... even though our method are different... but I must salute you on the broad research and knowledge on this subject.


2018-12-14 15:21 | Report Abuse

Wow! what happen here? why the sudden volume jump? party about to start?


2018-12-14 15:10 | Report Abuse

Yeah I see that... and people are complaining in IHH forum too lol


2018-12-14 14:46 | Report Abuse

lol kaka22.. tease him in IHH forum please.... hahahahahahaha


2018-12-14 13:44 | Report Abuse

yeah... @wiki @charles.. you both must have brought this stock for a reason... so if the reason/fundamental didnt change... just keep and hold it as long as your capital allow it... dont be influenced by daily price up and down...


2018-12-14 13:40 | Report Abuse

the key of trend is human nature... and since human nature never change... trend will repeat... so I believe trend is also relevant in a manipulate market...

but do note that trend takes time to form...so the ability to identify buy and sell indicator is key...so you can move before the trend reverse... I always suggest people to get off earlier than late to be save... buy back the stock if you were wrong exiting too early...no one forbid this... i did this in Ql and supermx... i still keep both in my watchlist, so i can quickly re enter if I was wrong selling too early...

and because trend tend to delay... so i never expect to buy at lowest and sell at highest...

I not as expect as Wiki to look at so much TA... i only watch 10 day ma and 10 week ma... plus most importantly... volume...

and trend cant be 100% right...so when I made mistake, i admit it and strictly cut loss to keep my capital...like gamuda and layhong...
CharlesT > Dec 14, 2018 10:17 AM | Report Abuse

I just wonder how TA works in such a heavily manipulated stock...no sarcasm...


2018-12-14 13:24 | Report Abuse

Yeah Wiki... i do like challenge.. it kinda enhance my skill and strengthen my believe

wiki123 > Dec 14, 2018 10:16 AM | Report Abuse

i like that honesty... kudos bro... that's the way we learn... sometimes pple so direct ask, we can reflect upon ourselves and our method... check and balance mah...


2018-12-14 10:14 | Report Abuse

to be honest...not much from Supermx...the reversal in end of Nov remind me double top...so I withdrew from supermx but happy in ahealth, ranhill and Ql...

nearly got my finger burnt in Gamuda (which trigger me to start comment here to promote trend investment)...

and trend investment stop me to trap myself in layhong and Genm... and now I am closely watch tenaga and twin brother carlsberg and heineken...


2018-12-14 10:00 | Report Abuse

Hey Both, I believe candle cant work alone. they give you an insight into the markets (like who’s in control, who’s losing, where did the price get rejected, and etc.). they don’t offer a movement direction in the markets. Instead, better use them as tools to “confirm” your bias so it can help you better time your entries & exits. like if you feel the trend is going to reverse up, then look out for hammer, morning star, 3 white soldiers etc vice versa...

suggest to look at the trend and other indicator together with candle...

wiki123 > Dec 13, 2018 04:42 PM | Report Abuse

today superman considered shooting star?

trythis > Dec 13, 2018 04:52 PM | Report Abuse

Maybe TA expert also right? Since last shooting star, the price never go back to 3.90 for more then 10 trading days.