
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2019-11-10 19:48 | Report Abuse

what u doing isn’t wrong. It’s a strategy.

Like I shared before, I use it to average down everytimeI’m right. like how I explained to Panda earlier.

Can buy on dip on up trend share, and sell into near term resistance. It reduces ur exposure and reduce ur average. If ur average is low enough, then u can tolerate a more severe pull back and still in the game.


2019-11-10 19:33 | Report Abuse

Anyway, I’m really sorry for being really mean to you...

Not so much about the false thing I say about u, but more about the truth I made fun of about u...

No one is perfect. Not everyone is smart. Shouldnt make fun of people’s short coming. Should hv use my resource to uplift people than to make fun of people. That’s my bad.

I’m really sorry about the bother and border part. That’s what I do when I’m angry.


2019-11-10 19:27 | Report Abuse

Hahahha...in the end of the days, it’s ur face...hahaha

Okok...go save ur face...good luck with that...


2019-11-10 19:22 | Report Abuse

Ok deal. Stop doing sohai thing like pretending buying day low and sell day high. I sure to call ur bluff to laugh at u. U will end up proven sohai again.

If u really do, send me ur screen shot and I share with armadian to congratulate u ok?

Deal deal?


2019-11-10 19:15 | Report Abuse

Don’t turn urself bigger sohai...


2019-11-10 19:14 | Report Abuse

Sohai...shhh! Shoo shh!


2019-11-10 19:09 | Report Abuse

Or keep ur lying sohai mouth shut, no one will know u r sohai or liar.


2019-11-10 19:07 | Report Abuse

Sohai...u owe apology. U hv no right to talk to me.
Until u apologise, only thing I will respond to u is...u r lying sohai.


2019-11-10 19:03 | Report Abuse

Sohai...u owe apology. U hv to talk to me.
Until u apologise, only thing I will respond to u is...u r lying sohai.


2019-11-10 18:03 | Report Abuse

Okay...enough of making fun stupid liar. =D

People like those a trash to the society and this place...Not gonna waste time on rubbish like that...


2019-11-10 16:12 | Report Abuse

Yeah...I do agree with that it getting sickening.. Caught lying again and again; still got the cheek to talk. Low, real low class people.

That’s the beauty of internet. Sohai can continue to keep his mouth open without consequences.


2019-11-10 13:25 | Report Abuse

Apology from all 3 accounts ya? =D


2019-11-10 13:23 | Report Abuse

koonnam, wanglchuan, shpok4574, say sorry first. I will stop when u say sorry.

I'm not getting paid doing this. But atleast, I get to have some fun making fun of you.

You want me to stop; apologise for ur lies and wasting my time.


2019-11-10 13:21 | Report Abuse

Paktua, third party my ass. Who would read rubbish like that and have opinion like that.
See the writing style and point of view? Most stupidly; koon nam and shpok make the same typo.
It's the same f*cking lying loser.

Here's the English lesson for the day. BOTHER is not BORDER. BOTHERRRRRR!
Next word to learn in hokkein is "Kong Kam". "KONGGGGG KAMMMMMM"

Stupid. Hopelessly stupid.

P.S. Don't fall off the chair again Armadien. I know this is too funny. =D


shpok4574 rj ho, i f*ck u becoz so far i know u r very knowledgable ppl, the rest i even dun want to ***border*** them.
08/11/2019 8:46 AM


koonnam paktua u r wrong, becoz both of u are good friend. i am acting as third party to judge. both also wrong. RJ87 shouldnt ***border*** others in this public forum and he should apologize becoz he start to fire the mad lion first. Next time everynew member should proof their armada holding and must get approval from RJ87 that they are not a liar first before they start to comment. Pak Tua, am I correct?
10/11/2019 10:28 AM


2019-11-10 13:07 | Report Abuse

It's the same dude these 3 shpok, wanglchuan, koonnam.

How to spot, check the timestamp! When Koonnam talking, shpok, wanglchuan aren't.
So what now? That sohai gonna get a laptop to reply for another account right? Sohai betul.

If we push this sohai hard enough; don't be surprised he uses wanglchuan account to say wanglchuan is sohai. Don't be surprised. Really. There is no bottom to sohai like there.

That sohai still can't point one single thing I lied. Sorry.

I'm transparent with what I have. It's in the link too.


2019-11-09 22:35 | Report Abuse

paktua, there is no war. Only a joker getting made fun of. I think that sohai better change his name to Joker.

Atleast when I call him sohai; he can fight back saying "You can't read ar? I'm a joker...ofcos I do sohai stuff". Naturally, I will shut up liao. Call yourself joker first. Lai. change account one more time. I will never call you sohai every again. =D


2019-11-09 22:17 | Report Abuse

Now, you lied about me making promise right? To be fair to you and the public, everyone should hv a look and find out who is the liar. You still haven't proof ur transaction like me. You have my email. I can help you post. OK?

I tot you got f*cked by your friend and should end this. You didn't get f*ck enough is it?


2019-11-09 22:13 | Report Abuse


Show me where did I promise? Stupid shit dunno how to read is it?


2019-11-09 18:32 | Report Abuse

My account I used for 3 years. No need run away or shy away from anything.

U? Login log out very fun is it?


2019-11-09 17:44 | Report Abuse

Let's recap. on Armada instead of sohais...


mikekim, the stock is still trading at below 1x P/B. and recall that the denominator - B has been heavily impaired in 2018 for Kraken, more than 2bn.

With kraken's improvement, if we roll back the impairment, BA is trading at an adjusted 0.49x P/B.
Yinson is trading at >2.0x P/B.

Why the discrepancy? Fear of distress from balance sheet debt.

Is the fear overblown? Yes, with the current improved cashflow and debt repayment profile - there is no more liquidity risk. When Kraken cashflow improves together with bonus claire payments and higher OMS cashflow from higher utilization, debt will be pared down even further overtime.

So, mathematically, the share price is an inverse function of the fear of financial distress.
The lower the fear, the higher the share price.
Think along these lines when you assess the next news that comes out - does this news reduce the fear of financial distress? Then you have better clarity on what to do.

RJ87, Velesto has 20X smaller orderbook at 1.5B. Avg Revenue per quarter is RM150mil, profit margin hardly 10% and RM10mil. Velesto Price is 40sen. NTA 34 sen, trading above NTA at 40sen. Market Cap 3.2Bil.

Armada 20B order book. Armada revenue avg RM600mil, with 70mil profit. NTA 57 sen trading at 48sen. Market cap RM2.8 Bil.

On each metrics, Armada is 3-7X better. Don't ask for 3 times market cap. 1 time velesto will at 6.4bil, Armada should be trading at 90sen.

If market can accept velesto at 40sen. Then market should accept armada at 90sen.
Just sayingggggggg....


2019-11-09 17:37 | Report Abuse

I hope our duel entertained fellow armadien's that's following.


2019-11-09 17:34 | Report Abuse

that's shpok pretend he is not shpok and criticize himself with his lousy English.

Alright, try not to fall of the chair from laughing. I almost did...we all know who is the joker now. =D


2019-11-09 17:24 | Report Abuse

You are a joke man. Who are you trying to fool?


2019-11-09 17:24 | Report Abuse

shpok4574 go create new account and comeback call himself chicken shit. Really stupid to the max.



2019-11-09 17:20 | Report Abuse

shpok4574 one untrue thing is i am using my friend user name, so start from tomorrow, u will not see this name anymore. i will use my real name
09/11/2019 3:34 PM


2019-11-09 17:19 | Report Abuse

Don't run first. Is the screenshot u emailed me also ur friends too?
Dammm, what a huge waste of time. I tot it's yours, now wanna congratulate you also cannot. Sigh.


2019-11-09 17:19 | Report Abuse

Wait, if u such a big dog, why need to kena f*ck by somebody one ar?
You just proved u r a liar and also somebody's b*tch.


2019-11-09 17:19 | Report Abuse

Look! African scammer exposed! shpok4574 can't even speak for himself with his own account. Need to borrow people one.


2019-11-09 17:19 | Report Abuse

That's insulting to mikekim. 1 month want come talk3 talk4 also. *shakehead.


2019-11-09 16:15 | Report Abuse

Ohhhh...u gonna start a new name. Okay, I will let u off.

With that new name, I hope u stop being sohai by making stupid claims like day day buy day low and day day sell high. That's VERY SOHAI!.


2019-11-09 16:13 | Report Abuse

You asked for it...I tried to keep my promise but u don't seemed able to keep ur mouth shut....



Can anyone identify which simulation platform he uses? Or what platform is that? RHB is not like that. Maybank is nothing like that that. So, what is it?


2019-11-09 16:13 | Report Abuse

Obviously, I'm winning by backing my claim. You are the one kiasu that losing that doesn't wanna f*ck off yet. If u wanna stay and take more beating; i'm more happy to do that anytime.


2019-11-09 16:11 | Report Abuse

That's your real face. Only real face left to see is where is YOUR TRADE day day buy low and day day sell high? I called ur bluff. If u wanna fold; tucked ur tail and f*ck off. Else, show me what u have. I'm not a sore loser like you. SHOW LA and we are even.

Stop beating around the bush like a f*cking beaten dog crying for help.


2019-11-09 16:09 | Report Abuse

U neither shut up or f*ck off. That's not evidence you bought low sold high. Nope, hv to show people that the evidence is NOTHING like mine nor comparable. Soooo....

I have to show to the world since you neither f*ck off or shut up. Really dai sei one.


2019-11-09 16:06 | Report Abuse

Cannot ar prove ar? Cannot right? Cannot right?

Just say cannot and f*ck off. Don't talk 3 talk 4 here.


2019-11-09 16:05 | Report Abuse

U wanna end this? stop being kiasu, walk away with ur tucked tail between your legs. I have proven myself. WHERE IS YOURS?! Lying pussy. WHERE?


2019-11-09 16:04 | Report Abuse

Anymore? u r IT retard nvm. I help u post. =P


2019-11-09 16:03 | Report Abuse

Create lo sohai....Please create and send to me.


2019-11-09 16:02 | Report Abuse

let's see who is the african scammer now?


2019-11-09 16:01 | Report Abuse

You asked for it...I tried to keep my promise but u don't seemed able to keep ur mouth shut....



Can anyone identify which simulation platform he uses? Or what platform is that? RHB is not like that. Maybank is nothing like that that. So, what is it?


2019-11-09 15:48 | Report Abuse

We end this by YOU PROVING UR TRADES with historical date like how I proved mine. If you can't; you are the loser! This is not easy to fake. =P

Else, shut the f*ck up and move on like a useful beaten dogs with ur tailed tucked between your legs.

P.S. I still havent talk about ur screen shot. That's more like a game trading portfolio. Just wondering why not write 100milion shares instead of 1mil. You deleted the average price. I wonder if that account was created yesterday. You want me to share public and let people decide if you are lying.


2019-11-09 15:43 | Report Abuse

Simple maths dunno how to do ar? If I sell my remaining 200K shares at 47sen with 200K shares I sold at 44sen. It makes perfect 45.5sen for my 400K shares. You got problem with that?

Where is your lying sohai?


2019-11-09 15:40 | Report Abuse

Which part did I u-turn? The person that's thick face don't want admit lies make more false accusation is yo now. How to end this? Now, I proved every single part of my claim. Where is yours? Proof ur part like how I proved my claims. Then we are even.

If you really wanna end this. Proved yourself. At least; stop telling lies about me. I can proved everything I claim. YOU CAN'T. Which makes you the liar.


2019-11-09 14:33 | Report Abuse


Here's my proof. Where is yours?

You only show u own quite alot of shares. Nobody knows if you are making money or not. I'm not interested. I'm more interested in your claim that you collect day low and sell day high everyday.


2019-11-09 12:35 | Report Abuse

Something keep deleting my post. Don't know what's wrong with my browser.


2019-11-09 12:30 | Report Abuse

as for why don't I all in and keep 1.2mil shares; reason is 1) exposure is more then I can afford to lose. If I stake in not only my cash and also my margin...these are mistakes ppl make to bury themselves. 2) When there is a dip; I have now facilities to take up. Each time i'm right; my cost for 800K shares get cheaper. Maybe come to a point; I might gradually load it up more shares without forking out my margin.


2019-11-09 12:30 | Report Abuse

Yep. Not easy to replicated. I read both books from the same author. They pit FA with TA. I'm trying to do hybrid system. I'm trying to average down by exploiting price volatility. Here's my strategy, for a counters that's bullish. It will have pullbacks. Let's say 100% of my capital are made of 50% cash and 50% margin. And 50% cash was bought into Armada with 800K shares with average of 30sen. And I queue L1(10%)-and again another L2(10%), 10% lower from previous pull back with my margin at 200K shares each. Let say armada pullback to 44sen and rebounded back to 48 sen, I would have made 200K shares at 4sen. That would reduce my cost for 800K shares by 1sen. If it hits L2, that would be 200K shares making 4sen and another 200K shares making 8sen. That would reduce my cost of 800K shares by 3sen. I do not see how averaging up helps with incurred bigger risk exposure.


2019-11-09 11:34 | Report Abuse

quite stupid le you shpok. Discussing a technique and later backed by evidence is a lot of different from....

buy, day low. Sell, day high. Bukti-nadai. Nope don't have. Then for what le?