
RJ87 | Joined since 2016-05-05

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2019-11-08 19:17 | Report Abuse

it's called day traders. No problem.

I'm not interested in people backside. I'm curious why people themselves into backside. So, why people become backside ar? =D

Only kiasu people will come pretend they bought day low and sell day high and turn themselves into backside. When people ask why he becomes backside; then he becomes angry. Stupid la. =D


2019-11-08 16:41 | Report Abuse

Very bo mood with MTAG. Zzzz die die wanna save the half cent. Now 60sen damm gek sim.


2019-11-08 16:40 | Report Abuse

Ada rezeki dapat la.


2019-11-08 16:40 | Report Abuse

Paktua, pakai maybank kah? Boleh set good till. Set siap siap satu bulan.

Yg tak best tak boleh set sell call bila turun.


2019-11-08 16:21 | Report Abuse

I got do also. My stats so far, 55-60% correct. Buttttt, the transaction fees is eating up my profits. That’s why I queue on huge pull back. My queue is 44sen, 40sen and 38sen.

Another fake news come up, I hoseh lo.


2019-11-08 16:13 | Report Abuse

Let’s put it this way, every 100lots u buy at 20sen. And for each gap up that u sell and buy back on temporal dips make u 2 sen. For each cycle that you are correct, ur cost drops 2sen. After5 cycle, ur cost has reduced to 10sen.

But ofcos, every cycle that u got it wrong, the avg goes up. Timing the market is not easy job at all. That’s why I call people that day day claim they buy day low and sell at day high are sohai. Where got so lucky? Those that sell 45.5 yesterday very so hai lo.

Those that sold 48sen and queue 46sen got chance to make 2sen more if matched. If IB sapu and push 52sen. He lost 4 sen lo.


2019-11-08 16:06 | Report Abuse

Not true le panda, during 49.5 sen pullback to 36.5, I sapu another 400k shares avg at 40.25 sen and sell at 45.5sen. That made me another 15k ++.

Import to keep some bullet to stay in the game.


2019-11-08 16:00 | Report Abuse

Robert, that depends on trend. This counter is in bullish upwards cycling with impending catalyst. And there is a huge fundamental changes, e.g pared down debts and increased operational margin. Price will re-rates.

The thing is, it’s not easy to persuade people when it’s on its way down to 15sen. And current price is already 300% increased.

Problem is, if using 15sen as based line, 60sen drop to 15 sen was 400% drop. Now, only recovered 300% still got another 15sen to go just to be fair to armada. If margin is better than 3 yrs ago, there is no reason to not priced armada higher.

Bottom line is, the market is very inefficient in pricing prospect. If u price armadas value at 70sen, even 50sen is cheap. But if cos if market willing to sell at 45sen; u will be more willing to buy.

Another counter that I KIV. MTAG, I price it at RM1.++. 60sen is still damm cheap. Too bad that I tot I could at 50.5sen. Just Bcos of the half sen, I missed the boat. See when at T6 got any pullback, I will buy in whatever price.


2019-11-08 15:25 | Report Abuse

I think IK and shpok got hold.

And they also got buy on temporal dips and sell when price up.

Stupid part is day day claim buy low and sell high. I’m sure yesterday case was sell low buy high.

Don’t add up also say buy low sell high. Hahaha. That’s really kiasu.


2019-11-08 15:15 | Report Abuse

Yesterday huge block at 46sen by shorties. Today dare not liao. Just in case IB come sapu, they go naked again. 48sen queue not big. If IB sapu, will break again.


2019-11-08 15:13 | Report Abuse

U can see only lo.


2019-11-08 15:13 | Report Abuse

If IB sapu today and break 50sen. How u gonna buy?


2019-11-08 15:12 | Report Abuse

Good that both of stopped. So, u r right. Time to stop calling u two sohai.


2019-11-08 15:10 | Report Abuse

I always queue 7%-15% ready to collect if got pull back. And play technical rebound.

Redtrooper style


2019-11-08 15:05 | Report Abuse

Learn to be sohai? No thanks...


2019-11-08 13:37 | Report Abuse

I only call people sohai when he is doing something sohai. That's cause and effect.
That's called karma.

But generally, I do take profit in strength and buy in on consolidation.


2019-11-08 13:24 | Report Abuse

The numbers of shares double. EPS halved. 3sen, annualised EPS 12sen

The numbers of shares double again. EPS halved. 1.5sen, annualised EPS 6sen.

The numbers of shares double again, EPS halve. 0.75sen. annualised EPS 3sen.

PE10 is 30sen, PE12 is 36sen.

I think it's trading at priced in value. Most importantly; Upside return and downside risk are about the same. Wouldn't make buy or sell call. It's neutral. Just scared it bcomes like DNEX when it has 1.2Bil shares. It cost alot more to move the price.


2019-11-08 13:14 | Report Abuse

There is NOTHING cheap about Velesto. You can pay RM1 for smtg that gives you return of 10sen or 50sen that pays you nothing. I'm sure you know which one is more expensive.


2019-11-08 13:12 | Report Abuse

Velesto has 20X smaller orderbook at 1.5B. Avg Revenue per quarter is RM150mil, profit margin hardly 10% and RM10mil. Velesto Price is 40sen. NTA 34 sen, trading above NTA at 40sen. Market Cap 3.2Bil.

Armada 20B order book. Armada revenue avg RM600mil, with 70mil profit. NTA 57 sen trading at 48sen. Market cap RM2.8 Bil.

On each metrics, Armada is 3-7X better. Don't ask for 3 times market cap. 1 time velesto will at 6.4bil, Armada should be trading at 90sen.

If market can accept velesto at 40sen. Then market should accept armada at 90sen.
Just sayingggggggg....


2019-11-08 11:26 | Report Abuse

Sell into strength...buy on every temporary dips is good strategy....


2019-11-08 10:12 | Report Abuse

*shakehead, try to cover their position by shorting at higher price to cover their loss...

Typical la. see if IB sapu like yesterday; they will die ugly death.


2019-11-08 10:09 | Report Abuse

u 2 not bff is it?


2019-11-08 09:40 | Report Abuse

Getting the project is one thing. Not cocking it up is another.

I think Brazil basin is more gentle if compared to North Sea. Until the project is successfully deployed and accepted, the risk like Kraken is there.

At this point; all prospect has priced in. But the downside risk hasn't.

Anyway, orderbook is big; so it should be able to take the head wind. So, if market decides to sell down; then that's a good opportunity to collect or average down. At this point; no discount; upside reward is less than downside risk. Not that attractive.


2019-11-08 09:35 | Report Abuse

Good to know armadians here got serious firepower....

With all powers combine; the coconut tree shorties hiding on also not safe...

Seriously, IDSS should stay away from this counter. It's not overvalued yet and incoming catalyst.

Better stand by on Yinson. I'm waiting which bank gonna pull the plug. =D


2019-11-08 09:22 | Report Abuse

Get from shpok...I think u guys BFF...


2019-11-08 09:22 | Report Abuse

I hv the same strategy, but I don’t day in day out say how I buy low and sell high la.

He didn’t screen shot his historical buy and sell for verification. Likely a joke that side. But it’s ok. I’m happy that 3 sen up yesterday does benefit him.

Like I said, the day in day out claim buy low sell high is the sohai part. Also, That part has yet to be verified. But it’s ok, he is one of us.

Less the sohai part. He is a good armadien. I vouch for that.


2019-11-08 09:13 | Report Abuse

Ur queue for today le?

Shpok got a lot of share. But i dunno how he is performance la. Hidden average price.

I think shpok one account hold long. And the other account plays swing. Same strategy.


2019-11-08 08:26 | Report Abuse

Done shpok...


2019-11-07 22:26 | Report Abuse

I think...with this many shares...I would imagine it become something like DNEX at best.

Buy later is not too late.


2019-11-07 21:45 | Report Abuse

that one is true...Good results, good margin. More contract. Reduced debts.

If that CEO manages to do all that in one quarter; his ownership in armada shares is gonna make him a multi millionaire.


2019-11-07 21:34 | Report Abuse

TAK1; don't mislead people la. No good.


2019-11-07 19:59 | Report Abuse

Lchew, that depends on Q3 report.

If strong earning with forecast more project. Go chance to go above RM1. But that won't be after Q2, 20. Next year this time.

No rush. Let the numbers tell a story.


2019-11-07 19:57 | Report Abuse

speaking of proof? where is the proof proof guy? No where to be found.
Soon, day day buy low, day day sell high guy also will fade away.

Only those that stays true and those that stays strong will be around.

paktua with his red troopers quite strong. Surprisingly.


2019-11-07 19:56 | Report Abuse

Eh? How come I suddenly become liar? I didn't make claims. I'm not like some sohai here and day in day out lie about how they bought day low and sell day high.

Are you calling my bluff on my purhase 150K shares at 45.5sen? If I can prove it; you gonna call yourself the only sohai that makes claims without proof?


2019-11-07 19:14 | Report Abuse

Wait....my bad...U haven't been doing anything stupid...You are not Sohai...I take it back...Sorry ya...

I confused you with IK. =P


2019-11-07 19:11 | Report Abuse

no worries shpok4574; it's just me that finds you guys sohai. Everybody else do.
It's just I take the opportunity to make a clown out of you sohai.

Like I say...stop being sohai; and I shall stop calling you sohai.

It's karma you know? You do sohai things; people call you sohai.


2019-11-07 19:08 | Report Abuse

MM78, my best guess is they live in their fantasy land called lalaland. Where they have crystal ball that tells them to buy at day low and sell at day high, everyday.



2019-11-07 18:57 | Report Abuse

I bought 150K shares at 45.5sen. Anyone wanna call my bluff?


2019-11-07 18:36 | Report Abuse

IK, you sold first or you buy first? If you sold first; then how you buy back lower price? The way you write it; it's "bought back". Meaning u sold at 44.5 - 45.5 sen and bought back at 46.5 - 48sen. Congratulation; you lost 2-3sen today. hahaha.

shpok is gonna say he bought 45sen and sold 48sen. Like ka ki kong; ka ki song; lan pa sibeh song is it?

Ini mmg level sangat teramat tinggi; ini panggil tipu diri sendiri tanpa tau siapa ditipu. God level.

Any people monitoring the transaction volume will know you guys are bullsh*iting la... The problem is wondering what for?


2019-11-07 17:14 | Report Abuse


I hope not too much shorties died today...


2019-11-07 16:38 | Report Abuse

Shorty....you dieeeeee...


2019-11-07 16:21 | Report Abuse

Block la block...IB come sapu, u shorties gonna eat shit. Sell at 46sen, buy back at 50sen.


2019-11-07 16:10 | Report Abuse

Noticed that move too TAK1, hence came here to get people to create another tsunami and wash them up coconut tree.


2019-11-07 16:09 | Report Abuse

Shorties, pressing? Block at 46sen and hope it doesn’t close green so that they can cover their position.

Like I always said, buy and don’t sell back.

At least don’t sell low.


2019-11-07 16:04 | Report Abuse

Who pulled the plug and burst the bubbles?


2019-11-07 13:48 | Report Abuse

Last time someone talked like that was ALCOM. He said Alcom will bring u to promise land.

But many Quarters after, many ended up in Holland.

I wonder if you are the person I’m talking about.


2019-11-07 13:43 | Report Abuse

Can u please explain the NTA increase or decrease comparing to last Q?


2019-11-07 13:00 | Report Abuse

On Hinson’s case...

Let’s speculate which bank to be the first to pull the plug...


2019-11-07 12:54 | Report Abuse

PE 12 is still cheap...

But market short term will be cautious of how market reaction to dropping eps and NTA.

It’s true that nobody will convert all preferences shares One shot. Butttttttt...

I prefer it’s converted one shot. Then we can make better assessment based one actually numbers of shares.