
Ron90 | Joined since 2018-05-31

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Investor holds stock, Traders ride the wave! - Don't chase the running horses - Buy high on higher - Don't get emotional and fall in love with stock - Rather lost Opportunity than lost money :-p Buy into deep, Sell at the pop





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2020-08-07 10:12 | Report Abuse

hexza any Nylex


2020-08-07 08:38 | Report Abuse

hospital bed is not cheap like normal bed.. that's why this company will make tons of money in times of pandemic like this.


2020-08-06 23:37 | Report Abuse

most people expecting Iris..but Dnet still got high chance for NISS.. depend on last lobbying factor..haha.. this is not PH gahmen, PN is BeN 2.0 ! ..

Prestar1ng also can get back their contract .. it just a matter who can pay kick back higher.


2020-08-06 23:00 | Report Abuse

KNM is a very big company .. how much their ethanol business can impact group profit?.. unike Hexza.. their ethanol now become major contribute direct profit.


2020-08-06 22:34 | Report Abuse

HEXZA should limit up again tomorrow becoz of 2 things:-

1. Major ethanol supplier for hand sanitizer for the next 2 years!
2. Their investment at US stock AAPL sky rocket Apple stock $443, NVIDIA, FACEBOOK..all at all time high !!

with latest super spreader virus news today.. COVID will stay for a very loong time and we need to use hand sanitizer and facemask


2020-08-06 17:12 | Report Abuse

glad that i stick some of my investment in Hexza..olmost die waiting for this day to happened ..haha. .. Ethanol and hand sanitizer also very important to combat Covid. .. as for glove counter.. look for fresh one K-1 and AT, HLT.. the rest.. susah mo naik dah.


2020-08-06 16:23 | Report Abuse

confirm limit up !!


2020-08-06 15:37 | Report Abuse

hexza time bila mau jalan??..king of hand sanitizer should reach limit least once la


2020-08-06 15:18 | Report Abuse

everywhere limit up.. HLT, Notion, gold, LKL ... busy trading nowadays !!.. kaya this Covid time..huhu


2020-08-06 14:53 | Report Abuse

volume comes later coz right now IB and FM still briefing to make their decision whether to enter big or not.


2020-08-06 14:50 | Report Abuse

that warrant expired 2023 ler.. easilly can reach 30 cents


2020-08-06 14:18 | Report Abuse

get ready to fly.hope thus one is for real.. last time got 7 billion pun cannot move ..stuck below 2.00 !.. .. preparing all my warrant C1, C7 to fly to the moon


2020-08-06 13:14 | Report Abuse also using that strategy.. buy first only very little, to ensure price trend upward..after that top up, than all in.. in worst case scenario, if price drop.. can always cut-off before it reach break even. in that way.. no loss at all.. huhu.

"I rather losing opportunity, than losing my money!"-Ron90.. itu gua punya trading motto.


2020-08-06 10:44 | Report Abuse

this qR sure revenue exceeding 300 million !!.. next qr..400 m becoz for the past july and august oil price trading above $40.

remember.. Strait in a selling oil business..


2020-08-06 00:42 | Report Abuse

but they plan to transform it to producd medical glove.


2020-08-05 22:18 | Report Abuse

last time i took a gamble and bought Fajar Wa.. 2 months before expiry coz i believe most of the time, company warrant will not kencing its went up 3x !!..

i believe this could be the case for gamuda wa.. this is not FREE warrant, it cost 25 cents each. Once HSR proceed, HSR is the real thing.. latest they just put back original CEO to lead myHSR. mrcb-gamudaa-ytl


2020-08-05 21:42 | Report Abuse

tomorrow another limit up for hlt..until it reach 4.00.


2020-08-05 20:54 | Report Abuse

KNM and Dayang ..please fly la.. oil already above 45.. this price still stagnant since oil was at 30.

need to wait until brent 50??..


2020-08-05 20:36 | Report Abuse

both sides no money to spend for sabah and sarawak elections.. project cannot proceed coz govt also no money. Now mof taken back large amount of fund from all ministry.. still not enough. The only possible venue is from Stock market.. watch out. It can be done in big scale. Turn your 1 million into 4-5 in each counter. with the help of kwwep, eepf, pnb etc.


2020-08-05 16:22 | Report Abuse

accumulation almost done.. time to fly


2020-08-05 12:53 | Report Abuse

from early morning strong buying exist.. top uo with warrant.. once touch 60c.. all warrant fly


2020-08-05 02:44 | Report Abuse

because the company keep on pressing down the profits in every quarter.. every time they got profits, ceo bought vessel...latest another $10.4 million ship..for CASH !!.. wytf stupid.. last time bought ship from Hibiscus also in cash. stupid ler.

you have to wait until die la..ini macam.. lousy CEO..he should instead using bank loan not CASH to buy assets, .. get loan buy 4-5 ship at once and pay monthly and your revenue will jump multiple times and profits as well. If he keep on doing things like this.. not good to invest


2020-08-04 22:56 | Report Abuse

less than 200 m shares available for transaction..


2020-08-04 22:50 | Report Abuse

dato might want to hostile takeover Comfort and merge with Rubberex.. otherwise why need to buy when he already own rubberex ?? .. this guy might also target HLT .. little gem which has fantastic future

News & Blogs

2020-08-04 19:31 | Report Abuse

Messrs. Mohd Latip & Associates, being the solicitors of the Company, are of the view that the Company has a strong arguable case in the Court of Appeal which will be filed.
standard lawyer statement... even clear cut case, lawyer always-always-always tell client that they still has strong case and can win...haha


2020-08-04 14:18 | Report Abuse

in comparison to Maybank, another billion ringgit company, that always produce more than 1 billion profit per Qr. Harta profit only match with CIMB that value currently at 8 billion only. .. quite long to ROI.


2020-08-04 13:11 | Report Abuse

expectation very high for 2nd QR report from big 4.. so latest figure by Harta can be considered below expectation la.. i am expecting 500 million ..huhu


2020-08-04 13:03 | Report Abuse

profit roughly about 1 billion per year for a company that now value at $64 billion


2020-08-04 11:51 | Report Abuse

when monday up..normally wednesday strat profit taking...but people become clever..sell on tuesday instead.. that happen last time for gloves counter.. maybe this time happen again


2020-08-04 11:28 | Report Abuse

it could be a glitch !!.. something went wrong with Bursa electronic transaction..should be investigated by SC .. not the first time happened.. could be by hackers..

share drop and recover withing minutes across the board active stocks..


2020-08-04 02:27 | Report Abuse

Directors still holding half of the total shares.. same amount today;s transaction


2020-08-04 01:44 | Report Abuse

oil price already up from 30 to 40 ..but all Malaysian OnGC company not move, infact continue drop..dead industry !.


2020-08-03 08:08 | Report Abuse

last week.. very typical shake move.. pressing down the stock until people start throwing at 1.30.. than all of sudden.. jump towards 1.40 !!.


2020-08-03 08:05 | Report Abuse

dont worry trap in long as ethanol needed for hand sanitizer..hehe.. this week gonna explode kot?. another lever to be penetrated this week.. 1.40..volume high.. means got power to break through with style..hehe


2020-08-02 19:30 | Report Abuse

its the same with mrcb.. someone keep on accumulating since price at 50 cents. That's why i am betting at both warrants as well.


2020-08-02 18:41 | Report Abuse

they have own argo farm.. to supply tropical supplement food that China cannot grow like tongkat ali, kacip fatimah (this one proven woo..confirm can make vagina tight one !!) . soursop, lemongrass, blackpepper..all tropical product with proven effect.


2020-08-02 18:34 | Report Abuse

everyday buyer more than seller, as of friday its 59%..donno la why people collecting ..but its good to join the fray ..hehe


2020-07-30 09:30 | Report Abuse

bullsh1t RAKUTEN TRADE.every morning hang for 10-15 minutes..until all the shark finished doing their things.. this problem has been drag for too long....sometimes cause quite a lot rugi..

Just imagine..when Rakuten Trade platfrom hang.. how much transaction cannot be exucuted by Rakuten account holders ??


2020-07-30 09:26 | Report Abuse

bullsh1t RAKUTEN TRADE.every morning hang for 10-15 minutes..until all the shark finished doing their things.. this problem has been drag for too long....sometimes cause quite a lot rugi..

Just imagine..when Rakuten Trade platfrom hang.. how much transaction cannot be exucuted by Rakuten account holders ??


2020-07-30 09:25 | Report Abuse

bullsh1t RAKUTEN TRADE.every morning hang for 10-15 minutes..until all the shark finished doing their things.. this problem has been drag for too long....sometimes cause quite a lot rugi..

Just imagine..when Rakuten Trade platfrom hang.. how much transaction cannot be exucuted by Rakuten account holders ??


2020-07-29 17:09 | Report Abuse

the last 4 days transaction equal to the total NOSH.. and if you rule out major shareholders and directors..where they have to declare any transaction, (where none).. means the same share changing hands many times between the same group of people.


2020-07-29 14:03 | Report Abuse

17 % stake at XOX already value at 91 million, which is higher than current KAB value at 88 million.. ..what la cheap owner.


2020-07-29 01:33 | Report Abuse

volume increased ..and buyer out weight seller


2020-07-29 01:17 | Report Abuse

until covid gone and glove counter reaching climax..than Serba can move..otherwise..drop every week.. all Serba promoter nowhere to be found..huhu


2020-07-28 11:58 | Report Abuse

get ready for strong rebound ..HSR


2020-07-28 10:45 | Report Abuse

strong money coming into this counter


2020-07-27 09:50 | Report Abuse

today..hexza just showing strong buying momentum..huat la..