
rr88 | Joined since 2017-05-17

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2021-03-22 22:00 | Report Abuse

Not to scare you lar, but the chart is VERY VERY BEARISH.

At 0.435 close today,

1. It closed below the big green candle move 0.51 - 0.68. Its uptrend is definitely over and has staged a clear reversal.

2. It also closed below the 2 days consolidation low of 0.465 prior to the above big move. Expect selling here on any uptick.

3. Its macd lines are closing in potentially staging a BEARISH CROSSOVER in a day or 2. Which means the subsequent trend will be lower over many days.

4. Its recent bottom is not far away at 0.39. A move below this bottom will be DEADLY as next bottom will be very far below.

5. Its sister company dataprep chart is that of a crash from a sharp parabolic bubble curve. This sort of crash will end up at much lower level than its limit down closing price of 1.75 today. It will have clear negative impact on widad share price.

Conclusion: Stay away


2021-03-22 21:41 | Report Abuse

The pain not only suffered by early buyers at or near the peak but also to late buyers who go in to support midway of its crash.


2021-03-22 21:35 | Report Abuse

You greenhorns tarak tau ka a bubble crashing from a sharp parabolic curve will not rebound. It crashes down like a stone n stays down.


2021-03-22 15:03 | Report Abuse

Barang 20 sen hang pi beli 3, 4 ringgit tu apa hal.


2021-03-22 15:01 | Report Abuse

Lubang jubo pecah? Aku dah cakap dont play with this bubble. Hang tak nak dengak.


2021-03-22 14:58 | Report Abuse

Shooting star in place. This is THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SHOOTING STAR I HAVE EVER SEEN. Major reversal. First stop at 0.35.


2021-03-22 14:56 | Report Abuse

Still here. What dataprep is saying is that the end of hu-ha days is here. End of hu-ha for dnex is 0.66. Sell !!


2021-03-22 12:25 | Report Abuse

If you want to sell averaging at 0.65, you first push it up to 0.85 n when the price comes down to stabilise, then you keep on selling all day long. From the Operator Goreng Handbook.


2021-03-19 21:31 | Report Abuse

Still here? I told you already. Normal lar for price to hegeh2 consolidating at the top b4 coming down. You will not see 1.03 again for 5 yrs.


2021-03-19 21:19 | Report Abuse

Widad at 0.565 n sinking. Now i go for my victory round.

I start with fuk you who said i barked at 0.68 - 0.73. Who ganged up to screw me then.

Hiding in cave now? Lost money? Good. Fuk you again.


2021-03-19 21:07 | Report Abuse

Habis lah. Bad news. Sudah jatuh di timpa tangga, tercuit pula taik kucing.


2021-03-19 17:53 |

Post removed.Why?


2021-03-19 17:31 | Report Abuse

I told u oredy. Dont play2 with this bubble.

Technically its very bad.

Major chart triangle breakdown. Triangle with long side 3.88 - 2.66.

Once 2.66 broken it will drop some 1.22 below this 2.66 to bring it down to 1.44. In order to get there from 2.50 todays close, it must hit a limit down on the way down, as soon as this monday.


2021-03-19 16:06 | Report Abuse

Jaga2 if hand itchy to buy, buy a few lots only for coffee money. I seen this b4. You come to market tomolo morning all quiet big buyers no where to be seen in buy q. Then all stampeding each other to death to exit door.


2021-03-19 15:56 | Report Abuse

Cannot. Just dump it. No need to bargain.

If i was right it shouldnt be at this level now. It should open strong n keep moving up throughout the day.

Once wrong just quickly dump it.

You see TG also moving down now.

This is whats happening. When others moving up to their peak, gloves came down. When others start to n will descend in coming days n weeks, gloves will go down even more.

Get out!


2021-03-19 15:30 | Report Abuse

Some magician turned this 20 cent sheeaat into gold. After you bought it n keep it in yr closet, its turning back to sheeaat that it always was. And you will lose a lot of money.


2021-03-19 14:53 | Report Abuse

Wow! Surprise, surprise. No dive. What does not want to come down, will go up?

Tinggi oooh, tak gayat ka? Jatuh nanti pecah batu kote.


2021-03-19 14:42 | Report Abuse

When you got it wrong quickly admit yr mistake n get out.

Where did i get it wrong?

Gloves down when recovery stocks moving up.
When recovery stocks pulling back, GLOVES WILL GO EVEN LOWER, not up as i expected earlier.


2021-03-19 14:37 | Report Abuse

Bursa kacau. Tawke has packed his bag n left. No more big buy queues.


2021-03-19 12:32 | Report Abuse

Sold! Cut loss point triggered. Got squeezed out. There is this one big gun trained to ambush on the sell side. Im out. Good luck.


2021-03-19 12:04 | Report Abuse

Holding the mother in order to dump the warrants. U r looking 4 big trouble if u r still with the mother. Sell!


2021-03-19 11:57 | Report Abuse

Normal lar for a false start for gloves to move up and for airlines n energy to come down.

Normal lar for a false start for supermax to move up n for airasia n dayang to come down.

But market dynamics at play will prevail. Gloves will move up. Airlines n energy will come down.

Buy !!


2021-03-19 10:00 | Report Abuse

Normal lar. Pump mother sell warrants. Then later dump mother. 2 x untung.

Price is ridiculous now. Be prepared to lose a lot.


2021-03-18 20:39 | Report Abuse

Yes. Glove stocks will move up but the pace wont be that fast.

This is the current state of this market: Recovery stocks like airasia for airlines and dayang for energy have moved ahead than themselves to the upside. Conversely, glove stocks have move ahead than themselves to the downside.

What will happen next is recovery stocks will come down & glove stocks will move up.

At this stage you want to move out of recovery stocks back into glove stocks.


2021-03-18 15:40 | Report Abuse

What good news? Management not only must be clean but must also be seen to be clean. Sell.


2021-03-18 11:19 | Report Abuse

Buy. Double bottom at 4.02. Its on the way up already. Yesterday up. Today down. Tomolo up. Zig zagging towards 5.24.

First bottom 02 mar 4.02

2nd bottom 15 mar 4.03

Intermediate peak 03 mar 4.66

Lowest close 12 mar 4.08

Recovery target = 4.66 + (4.66 - 4.08) = 5.24

Share prices move in their technical moulds since the beginning of time. Buy !!


2021-03-18 09:30 | Report Abuse

Buy. All macd, rsi, trendline, technical indicators pointing to a rebound towards 5.12.


2021-03-17 16:06 | Report Abuse

The pain you suffer by cutting loss the day you kena con is pale in comparison to the pain you would suffer if you pick it up to see it goes to hybernate at 8 cents for a year before dropping to 4 cents into its grave.


2021-03-17 15:57 | Report Abuse

Kena con? Normal lar. Sometimes its a stock market, sometimes its a con market. Finger burned or ass burned??


2021-03-17 15:53 | Report Abuse

Buying glove counter? Bendover i inject vaccine into yr ess to wake you up to reality. Covids gone. Like it or not its on its way out. Supermx 2.00 - 2.50 post pandemic n im being generous.


2021-03-17 14:46 | Report Abuse

A dead cat bounce while on its way to bankcruptcy to trap a new badge of ediooots.

This is how it is done: Buy 200,000 lots the first 20 mins of trade to push it to 0.25 - 0.30. Then spend the rest of the day distributing 1,000,000 lots. Operation Success: Manage to nett sell 800,000 lots to ediooots at super duper good price that the crook never thought possible.

Dont be naive. This is the game people play.


2021-03-17 09:21 | Report Abuse

After a volatile day yesterday, today is a SLOW MOTION SLAUGHTERING DAY.


2021-03-17 06:31 | Report Abuse

This early morning lets give credit where credit is due. Which stupeeed s-hole made the decision to spend over a billion $ to do share buy backs? Of course demand, revenue & profit will reduce remarkably post pandemic.


2021-03-16 15:24 | Report Abuse

No need bursa to do it. Market will take care. 4 cents to point of no return. 3.29. Once it closes below this today, you will lose half of yr underwear in a month.


2021-03-16 12:53 | Report Abuse

Boys n girls, born yesterday?

1st UMA (done), 2nd Caution (done), 3rd Designated Security Declaration (otw).

This is Bursa SOP.

You think you are smarter than Bursa? Think again. This morning action just gave you the flash snapshot whats coming which will be 3 times worse. Be prepared to roast yr balls on fire.


2021-03-16 12:24 | Report Abuse

Intraday uptrend support line has just broken. Down after lunch.


2021-03-16 12:22 | Report Abuse

Another limit down move in afternoon session


2021-03-15 15:29 | Report Abuse

Bursa authority has been radiculed. I bet my ass that they will declare DESIGNATED SECURITY on Dataprep after market close n it will plunge multiple limit down for next few days.

As widad has common owner with dataprep, dataprep will take widad down with it.

Stay away. It will return to 0.40.


2021-03-15 15:20 | Report Abuse



2021-03-12 19:37 | Report Abuse

Yish yeak. STOCK OPERATORS. Turn the stock market into a CASINO. Low life lower integrity crooks lower than dirt under my shoes. I will no longer be part of these dirt. Go ahead gamble as much as you like.


2021-03-12 19:29 | Report Abuse

Hello. Still sleeping ka? TYPICALLY ALL TRADERS LOSE EVERYTHING OVER TIME. If you practice a 7% cut loss like a PROFESSIONAL GAMBLER, it will buy you time. You will survive longer but IN THE END YOU WILL STILL LOSE.

Wake up n smell the roses but its not pretty.


2021-03-12 17:52 | Report Abuse

Pengyou. Enjoy it while it lasts bcause it never does. Old hand here saying.


2021-03-12 17:50 | Report Abuse

Ada paham ka kawan??


2021-03-12 17:50 | Report Abuse

Yg aku kata cut loss at -7% tu a rule for a PROFESSIONAL GAMBLER. Yg aku pesan tadi dont even try, dont even start to gamble in stock market. You will lose everything. 95 - 97% people lost all over the world bcause the method of trading is rooted in gambling.


2021-03-12 17:45 | Report Abuse

Ai budak ni. Aku ajar tak nak dengar. Rule no 1 never let it to fall below 7% of yr cost. Rule no 2 dont forget rule no 1. Org lama cakap ni dengar lar. Nanti sekali kena baik punya, tergadai kereta, naik bas lar engkau.


2021-03-12 17:40 | Report Abuse



2021-03-12 17:32 | Report Abuse

Did u know that there were over 200mil shares traded at 1.00 - 1.03. This is called MASS LOSSES AT THE TOP. It happens in stock market. Go learn lar. Dont be so happy go lucky. And the pain for these masses will only mount over time.


2021-03-12 17:26 | Report Abuse

Happy go lucky stupeeeds, it came off 6 cents from 1.03 peak n more importantly was dumped below 1.00 psycho level you also celebrate. Bcause you see with yr eyes, not with yr brain.


2021-03-12 17:15 | Report Abuse

You should know that i am better than Stock Operators and Fund Managers:

No. 1. The warrants did not react to the move on mother shares bcause it did not believe that the move was sustainable.

No. 2. The move on mother shares is not sustainable simply because market is now toppish across the board. Plenty of evidence about this can be seen on airasia, dayang, msm, mmc and dataprep. Mind you that should dataprep operator tries to challenge bursa authority by pushing it up again, rest assured a DESIGNATED SECURITIES ruling will come out swiftly and it will pour cold water on this toppish overheated market.

No.3. Everything will settle at 30% below current peak by puasa time. That would place dnex at 70 cents.


2021-03-12 16:50 | Report Abuse

I told u this thing can cause mass losses at the top 1.00 - 1.03. 0.955 support will break within 5 mins of trade monday. Experience babe.