
skyu | Joined since 2011-08-05

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2019-10-31 10:17 |

Post removed.Why?


2019-10-31 09:49 | Report Abuse

u are good. thanks for the effort. appreciate, although I dont foresee any good news.


2019-10-31 09:33 | Report Abuse

bro, bursa doesn't represent the shareholders they only act as a regulator to list and delist a company.


2019-10-31 09:32 | Report Abuse

ini macam news also u able to Google... anywhere, the news doesn't mention anything materialistic besides the repeat and repeat issue which never resolved.


2019-10-30 21:03 | Report Abuse

as I said, with bjland public spread had overdue, why mswg still not questioning on behalf of minorities?


2019-10-30 21:02 | Report Abuse

what need to be asked now is, October was the second warning letter by bursa, why there is still no action by bursa? if they keep dragging for the next many months, what is the point of all these public spread regulation since no action will be taken against this company?

I am never a fan of berjaya groups, but bjland caught my bloody attention with 15% spread. if u ask me, does bjland worth only 20 cents? it worth much more as their land bank alone with their bjtoto is worth much more.

comparing with bjcorp , bjcoro is a piece of junk as it is holding company and many other berjaya business are rubbish.


2019-10-30 20:55 | Report Abuse

the penta deal,how many % ? less than 10 if I remember correctly. general offer is not happened this way unless there are several holding above certain percentage and have equal say in board meeting. example, a hold 30% , b hold 30 percent, the rest all minority. if a get 5 % from minority, with 35%, b and the rest minority still able to pressure a to make general offer. for bjland, 85 all hold by same fella, is no deal.

mgo happened when one major shareholder hold above 40%, but this can be make exceptional before listing or once after right issue to bursa with valid reason.


2019-10-30 20:13 | Report Abuse

sure. if u do some homework, check all the possible reported warning of public shareholding spread less than 25%, mostly end up with privatisation, with the latest reported was kbunai. other, like unisem did not happen to be delisted due to the 85% holders consist of few individuals and parties with their own agenda.

lastly, the only company ever reported public spread less than 15%and all 85% held by one same person is bjland.

they are many companies with public spread issue for the past 5 years. go check it out.


2019-10-30 19:45 | Report Abuse

if u look at all the privatisation with public shareholding below the bursa rules, all with same trade pattern as bjland. if u check all counters with public shareholding warning, all comes with a reason.


2019-10-30 18:54 | Report Abuse

very agree with leong1982


2019-10-30 18:53 | Report Abuse

I dont think the jeju court case will give any impact to the share price, if they know the case is on their side, the share price supposed tonne rally these few days.

if indeed the court case is important , they should have some rumour reported as it invliced few hundred millions. so , I think is neither court case further postponed or no case. this is Malaysia company, we always lost internationally.


2019-10-30 16:52 | Report Abuse

the jeju court case hearing is tomorrow ? confirmed ?


2019-10-30 12:21 | Report Abuse

spinner, lu and your partner cant wait to see klci at 1499 ? or cant wait to see sapnrg drop to 0.1 ?


2019-10-29 23:35 | Report Abuse

aiseh dont angry ma , gua just tellingbtruth ma, bjland bjcorp bjassetts all sampah.


2019-10-29 23:30 | Report Abuse

someone said sapnrg get an contract from Aramco, can gua know what job ? semi submersible WC aka toilet in the middle if the ocean ? akakakakakk

secondly, aiseh apenama, lu dont always get freak out by rhe djia moves, we klci already the worst, what else are we afraid of ? lu should be blessed as we are at the bottom and no much worry if we further diving. crude oil price will be there 50 to 70, is a norm now ma, u less aiyoyo tell lu his pee can be pumped into the car to move the combustion engine, then, maybe lu can worry crude oil at usd 10.

crude oil is the most actively and wile traded commodities ma, fluctuate few percent a day is normal.

learn from aiyoyo ma, steady and steady cause he doesn't own the sampah sapnrg.


2019-10-29 15:48 | Report Abuse

then lu call yourself lucky without sapnrg. aiseh, never mind, they are winner and loser. let me the loser to buy sapnrg from u, once it became 0.1, u come in again.


2019-10-29 15:23 | Report Abuse

aiseh, betul aiyoyo? then let's see what he would say next


2019-10-29 15:21 | Report Abuse

before injection, 36million profit before tax. once I ejected, minus 36 million profit


2019-10-29 15:17 | Report Abuse

spinner, you actually want sapnrg Togo up or down? what is your prediction actually, gua really curious. anywhere, talk straight forward , dont spin too much as I might not understand


2019-10-25 17:56 | Report Abuse

jeju will be impairment loss in the coming result.


2019-10-25 17:55 | Report Abuse

at this juncture who the heck care the jeju court case . secondly, did u ever saw any court case win by Malaysian company?


2019-10-25 17:01 | Report Abuse

aiseh, penta holding is belongs to Vincent tan too ma, penta just holding for him.

foreign holding ? go to Morningstar, u can see inside which mutual fund hold, basically, is 0.


2019-10-25 16:57 | Report Abuse

aiseh ala betul la, 3 sudu also cant help. but, the aunty said after drink 1 sudu can be young ma. so, minister words must listen ma, that is why I encourage u all drink too ma.


2019-10-25 16:25 | Report Abuse

kakaakak, Malaysia became digital economy leading role ? we will be exporting pr girls to Vietnam soon with our current genius finance minister .

make sure u guys drink 2 table spoon of palm oil everyday in order to make palm oil competitive again.


2019-10-25 12:33 | Report Abuse

niama, who told u 0.1, gua insider punya bapak punts cousin told me is 0.09


2019-10-25 12:30 | Report Abuse

kaakkakaakakakqk4468, spinner dog rape your cat till you hate him so much till u have the time to search back all his old post ?


bro, lu rather spend the time to eat KFC since you and aiyoyo love KFC so much .


2019-10-25 12:27 | Report Abuse

kaakka. 80k shares. a joke. anywhere, maybe someone should voice this concern to mswg now. perhaps mswg need to be there to address the public spread issue


2019-10-24 21:19 | Report Abuse

true. he wont be there. dont worry, something is brewing inside, exceeding public shareholding happennwith a reason, furthermore, is less than 15%, which is rare.


2019-10-24 21:04 | Report Abuse

kakaka, prepare egg


2019-10-24 16:32 | Report Abuse

kaakkaaka. no, it should be 90 cents


2019-10-24 14:35 | Report Abuse

aiseh, sulah cut ?


2019-10-24 11:22 | Report Abuse

if lu so pessimistic with crude oil and hate sapnrg , just sell all your sapnrg u bought from 3 years ago. let the stupid , such as me to buy the sapnrg sampah on behalf of lu ma.

this simple, u dont have confidence with the stock, li dont buy or lu sell.


2019-10-24 11:11 | Report Abuse

anyone writing letters to Vincent or bursa today?

assuming 14.53 shares all in public hands, Vincent need another 145 million to buy back at 0.2 and 276 million to buy at 0.38.

lots of money


2019-10-24 11:08 | Report Abuse



2019-10-24 11:08 | Report Abuse

aiseh, more people talk cock, lu tiao, nobody talk cock, lu also tiao.


2019-10-24 11:06 | Report Abuse

no matter how, who the fukkked care how much the fuel price, as long as sapnrg can move up and let me get my money back , I would be happy.


2019-10-24 11:04 | Report Abuse

aiseh spinning, what u mentioned is just some fancy news in the financial news. let me tell lu la, prior to oil price collapse to 30 usd per barrels, all people anticipated, but nobody expect it would go all the way to 30.

for the next few years, oil price will be at 50 to 70.

why ? cause everyone learnt from mistakes and it will not be repeated again. yes , 40% of crude oil are being used in combustion engine, but electric car still need many years to be fully commercialised ma. just to install the charging point will take forever. assuming one charging take 45 mins full, how many car parks in the charging station need to be prepared ? all these, need to consider.

the production of high performing electric motor is more environmentally damage than fossil fuel burnt. motor electric need lots of rate earth.

back and forth, people still come back to fossil fuel, atleast we know , we have abundance of fossil fuel.


2019-10-24 10:41 | Report Abuse

kakakaakak. who cry? aiseh, just stick market ma, u earn peanut or u lose pumpkin ma.


2019-10-24 10:40 | Report Abuse

aiseh, like this, aiseh. okok.u better fast fast delete. gua sulah read. but, still , honestly , I dont see any strategy u having there


2019-10-24 10:33 | Report Abuse

aiseh spinner, dont worry la, Malaysia can always export the palm oil to Indonesia. this manyak simple ma, the tanker just need to moored at indon water, change paperwork, then the palm oil will he good to go into India. this also considered from indon palm oil ma.

but anywhere, pukimak, why we talk about the goddamn palm oil here rather than the pukimak crude oil.


2019-10-24 10:28 | Report Abuse

0.13? diu lo.


2019-10-24 10:26 | Report Abuse

no nono. gua only learn aiyoyo and KFC from them. others than that, I learn how to talk coke from them. but, from u, I learn nothing annu did not disclose any hidden agenda u had with sapnrg with the so called old time enemy .

if lu no tell , how this sampah sapnrg can move ?


2019-10-24 10:12 | Report Abuse

very simple ma spinning, kick the old man out of putrajaya, we are good to go. reshuffle all those chapalang ministers which don't know what the heck they do for living before elected as minister and put them back to school and substituted with better human.


2019-10-24 10:08 | Report Abuse

this group seems like getting very quiet now. come come, let's talk cock. no more writing letters to bursa ?


2019-10-24 10:01 | Report Abuse

aiyoyo taiko, today u eat chicken or u buy shahril chicken?


2019-10-24 08:33 | Report Abuse



2019-10-24 08:33 | Report Abuse

kakakak. using market cap and annual sales figure as fair value ? am I missing anything ?


2019-10-24 07:55 | Report Abuse

morning. how u came with 38 cents as your fair value ?


2019-10-23 19:15 | Report Abuse

aiseh , lu see ah, the recently announced public shareholding spread companies besides bjland, are degem and kbunai. both had responded to the issue with takeover and selective capital reduction.

so , when will bjland do it ? no ideal at all.


2019-10-23 19:06 | Report Abuse

aiyoyo, who care what the pukimak djia react, djia up, klci down. djia down , klci down.

anywhere, lu already became master KFC now as someone ask lu tp of sapnrg. kakaakakak.