
sniper123 | Joined since 2017-02-04

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2018-08-29 09:56 | Report Abuse

why is it dat d sp of genting will only move after expiry of d warrant??? I dunn c any correlation between d two???


2018-08-28 17:00 | Report Abuse

gT, how is it dat most brokerage firms r recommending a buy call on genting n yet d sp of genting remain die standing??? also would u hv any ideas wat is d free float of genting-warrant??

News & Blogs

2018-08-24 13:02 | Report Abuse

On JAKS n KYY article,"We sold 2 meet margin call" Will u classify tis as a pivotal buy on news or a pivotal sell on rumors??? wats ur take???


2018-07-02 23:54 | Report Abuse

wat loan is tis tat offers such attractive int rate?? whose d banker?? Is tis a syndicated loan or 1 of those exotic credit facillities tied 2 some bonds??
Btw, speaking of ff disposing, I thought dat oppenheimer/mass mutual would hv disposed off all gentin shares by now oledi.


2018-07-02 11:23 | Report Abuse

if ur analysis is correct, then its gonna b a double whammy 4 genting. wen MYR strenghten gentin kena huge impairments. wen USD/MYR goes up, gentin kena huge interest payments bcoz of USD1.0 b loan. Mayb dat xplains why inspite of bullish buy calls on genting by most brokers sp of genting mother share n also gentin warrants continue dropping like a ton of bricks la


2018-06-26 21:58 | Report Abuse

masteel mgmt request tis sifu warren 2 attend MASTEEL ANNUAL AGM n sifu warren ended talking about MBB, PBB,...bla bla, bla n nothing mention about masteel. wat a joke???


2018-06-24 09:34 | Report Abuse

I'm really surprise dat genting being a global casino n IR player suffer such high FX losses. 60% of genting revenuie is derived from outside mlysia n certainly tan sri would hv a hedging policy if not at least a hedging mechanism 2 cushion against currency fluctuations. I seriously doubt d RM400m is due entirley 2 FX losses. There's something dat doesnt jibe in d figures above????


2018-06-23 10:11 | Report Abuse

did d sifu warren recommend a buy on masteel n wat is d recommended entry price n target price?? Since sifu warren talk about investment so masteel must buy n keep 4 how long??? sori, Im not a shareholder but I'm keen 2 find out more b4 I invest. Tq


2018-06-23 01:36 | Report Abuse

look @ d sp of genting b4 u comment on my academic credentials. since d beginning of 2018 wen d sp hit a high of RM9.82 on jan 23, d sp has been sliding 2 where it is n tis was after all d +ve catalyst plus buy recommendations from local as well as foreign broking houses not 2 mention d sterling Q1 n Q2 results of resort sentosa n substantial contribution fr skyavenue casino n d F&B outlets.


2018-06-23 01:35 | Report Abuse

look @ d sp of genting b4 u comment on my academic credentials. since d beginning of 2018 wen d sp hit a high of RM9.82 on jan 23, d sp has been sliding 2 where it is n tis was after all d +ve catalyst plus buy recommendations from local as well as foreign broking houses not 2 mention d sterling Q1 n Q2 results of resort sentosa n substantial contribution fr skyavenue casino n d F&B outlets.


2018-06-22 18:12 | Report Abuse

gt, why is it dat inspite of all d +ve catalyst, genting continue 2 drop like no tomolo. certainly d ff r all aware of wat u oledi know but they continue 2 sell n not buy???


2018-05-25 09:25 | Report Abuse

hng sifu u oledi cut win ka or u go hiding in timbuktu ka??? Why no more sound???


2018-05-24 19:11 | Report Abuse

hng sifu u cut win oledi ka??? why so silent???


2018-05-12 00:28 | Report Abuse

on may 4 2018 KYY wrote on his blog an article entitled "why pakatan will win in Perak" but d results speak otherwise. wat happened n why???


2018-05-11 08:29 | Report Abuse

why genting have so many +ve catalyst but price keep dropping? furthermore a lot of short selling??


2018-04-23 15:13 | Report Abuse

hng sifu u cut win oledi or u short selling sapnrg ka??? why suddenly u so fast become shortie oledi ka???


2018-04-12 10:18 | Report Abuse

hng sifu why u so bearish la?? TP RM1.00 only ka??? After all d +ve catalyst tat u share on sapnrg, TP only RM1.00 ka???


2018-01-29 09:06 | Report Abuse

Dom, gentin "mountain people sea people" doesn't necessary mean it's profitable. Cost of doin biznes ⏫⏫⏫ n oledi GITP incur cost overrun partly bcoz of d rainy n wet monsoon in Q4 2017. Also MYR appreciate 10% against USD gonna erode d profit margin in Q4 2017


2018-01-26 15:46 | Report Abuse

mr koon wat happen 2 eversendai, everyday is dropping like no tomorrow. are you off loading???


2018-01-26 15:23 | Report Abuse

GT if d catalyst 4 genting is so positive n fantastic as u put it, then why would instituitions wan 2 short genting @ d slightest increase in share price???

News & Blogs

2018-01-12 03:48 | Report Abuse

can u xplain d rationale in ur binomial matrix??
1. why step 1 has 2 probabilities only n not more??? similarly in step 2,only 3 probabilities.... n finally why do u confine 2 12 steps only????
2. why do u arrange ur matrix as in a inverted sideways pyramid structure; dunn u think it more logical tat d matrix shld b an upright conical structure where at d base of d pyramid u hv many probabilities n working its way up d pyramidal structure u finally arrive at d apex wit just 1 single n most probable value???

News & Blogs

2018-01-11 11:01 | Report Abuse

icon ur article makes a very good script 4 a hollywood movie, entitled "PW DEEPTHROAT", starring icon888 as "deep throat". Need financing??? Perhaps u may consider 1MDB???


2018-01-11 09:39 | Report Abuse

HNG SIFU any ideas who is d main operator in sapnrg??

News & Blogs

2018-01-09 08:08 | Report Abuse

can u xplain ur binomial matrix. tis is certainly very new 2 me as Im more incline 2 black scholes
1. wat does d values in d green n blue box denote?
2. d last 2 coulumns, namely AC & AD wat do d values denote n how do u correlate 2 d rest of d matrix?
3.under column D, where do u xtract d data n how do u quantify em?
4. In ur previous xplanation, u mention if implied volatility is 8.0%, tis means tat d current gentin-wa price is equal 2 d fair value??? why 8.0%?? wat if d implied volaitility < or > 8.0%?? can u elaborate


2018-01-08 09:30 | Report Abuse

hng sifu last wk, why so fast cut profit, n free up capital??? now hv 2 rush rush buy profit??? helping ur stockbroker make free hansome profit ka???

News & Blogs

2018-01-07 22:11 | Report Abuse

1. tis means tat wen d int rate n historical volatility increases the IV n fair value increases correspondingly??? shouldn't it b an inverse relationship bet volatility n IV???
2. is there any particular reason why u prefer binomial computation over black scholes, eventhough in tis particular instance d IV appears d same. im trying 2 comprehend ur methodology.

News & Blogs

2018-01-07 17:41 | Report Abuse

how do u compute d foll:
1.interest rate of 6.0%; shouldn't it b closer 2 4.0%???
2. implied volatility of 17.59%???
3. how do u reconcile d fair value of RM2.014 n d intrinsic value of RM1.66???


2018-01-04 23:39 | Report Abuse

GT will like 2 know the foll:
1. any news on genting tender on casino in japan?? I tot the jap govt has oledi decided in nov 2017?
2. for Q4, Genplnt will b impacted severely by d drop in FCPO prices, I forseee at least a minimum 10% drop in net profit in contrast 2 Q3
3. do u hv sensitivity analysis on genting earnings?? D ringgit has strengthen against USD by almost 9.6% since jan 2017
4. in d case of FLRC, has the gone for arbitration since oct 2017??


2017-12-09 12:23 | Report Abuse

hng sifu enjoi ur xmas n ny hols but wen u decide 2 monetise ur handsome profit or take ur cut profit pls dunn forget 2 post here. until then hepi hols


2017-12-08 10:29 | Report Abuse

HENGYUAN, wat u mean hng loose his pants??? loose 1 counter but gain handsome profit or gain cut profit more than 20 counters!!! where got loose??? If loose also mosquito bite la


2017-11-29 17:00 | Report Abuse

hi simon n all hovid sifus, im still puzzled about tis privatisation. Ill like to enquire the foll:
1. Can I still sell my hovid shares after dec 7?
2. wat happens if the sp suddenly drop after dec 7 (assuming david ho acquire 75% by dec 7)??


2017-11-23 10:50 | Report Abuse

wat do u mean by contingent liability?? Wats d difference bet a contingent n a non contingent liability?? A liability is just a liability, right???


2017-11-16 04:10 | Report Abuse

GT how u get Q3 2017 profit RM520m - RM570m? did u factor in FLRC impairment? Gentin invested close to USD400m in FLRC leh, very big hole leh!!!


2017-10-31 09:22 | Report Abuse

avrytime stanley thai open his mouth n talk, sprice of supermx just drop. 5 yrs ago stanley thai talk about glove city, supermx drop. 2.5yrs ago talk about new lens biznes 4 supermx, sprice of supermx continue dropping n 2day post budget 2018, stanley thai talking again, sprice of supermx become super faeces!!!!!


2017-10-31 06:19 | Report Abuse

mayb hng sifu is front running; just mayb


2017-10-05 01:02 | Report Abuse

malatlou "U see something cheap...Tolong la no need money do business meh..."

Ans: If u bother 2 analyse n go thru in detail d remuneration packages of d BOD among the top 4 glove PLC's, st n his fellow BOD r d highest paid in mlysia. St has all d ammo ($$$) 2 buy back supermax shares. D only plausible reason tat i can think of as 2 why st is not doing it (eventhough st himself admitted tat supermax is undervalued) is simply bcoz st has lost his marbles since dec 2014 after he was charged 4 insider trading.


2017-10-03 21:15 | Report Abuse

titus "stanley thai say tis counter was undervalued wen it was RM2.00....."

Ans: As @ 2day closing, supermax sp = RM1.71. So how??? wen sp was @ RM2.00 is undervalued so @ RM1.71 is super duper trooper undervalued??? Is tat it??? Even @ tis stage, How come stanley thai not buying personally???


2017-10-03 20:03 | Report Abuse

hng sifu, have u monetize ur cut profit in jaks??? I following u from behind la


2017-09-20 04:32 | Report Abuse

evolution, hng sifu accumulate @RM1.03 la


2017-09-19 07:56 | Report Abuse

john, "Supermax or superdrop? it doesnt sound good for couple weeks"

Ans: Supermax or superdrop or super banana? It's been n still is super duper trooper super banana since jan 2016. (Pls refer to price chart)

News & Blogs

2017-09-15 18:14 | Report Abuse

herbert chua @god chua, Ill nominate u 2 b MR BEAN OF MALAYSIA. Any seconder???


2017-09-14 13:32 | Report Abuse

gt any news on FLRC, by now kok thay would hv known d outcome oledi


2017-09-12 23:46 | Report Abuse

hng sifu "....fair value for umwog at 5sen..."

ques: how u get fair value of umwog = 5.0sen?? U mean sp of umwog now @ 0.315sen will drop to RM0.05sen???? Mati la


2017-09-12 17:19 | Report Abuse

hng sifu, if tis csh call of UMWOG involving rights n free warrants is so goooooooo....oood, how come foreign funds not buying n chasing up d UMWOG share price???


2017-09-12 17:14 | Report Abuse

abc, why diff story in oct 2017??? I c no change in d earnings in tis current Q1 2018 ending 30 sep 2017. wat is d catalyst 4 d change??


2017-09-11 22:42 | Report Abuse

Tamingsari "Better for Thai to rename it as Parti Supermax and stand in GE"

Ans: Better for Thai to resign and remove himself from Supermax n start a new political parti n name it Parti Supermax. After paying himself and his fellow BOD (Board of Directors) exorbitant gaji n after publicising all his big fat grandiose dreams of GLOVE CITY (since 5 years ago) n which is still stuck in his backside hole with no visibility of earnings both from both the glove manufacturing n lens bisnes, so better he remove himself and stop being a liability to the well being of Supermax n its other shareholders. And i sincerely hope, tis datuk stanley thai is reading tis.


2017-09-11 18:54 | Report Abuse

Inspite of all d TA sifu n TA stock guru saying supermax oversold, oversold,.... bla, bla, bla n also Supermax mgmt buying back their own shares, d share price continue 2 drop while d FBMKLCI 2day has breached another major resistance with heavy volume.


2017-09-11 18:41 | Report Abuse

hello goldentriangle, gent-wa closed @ RM1.81 la. Tis is d starter dish la. Steady la


2017-09-10 21:38 | Report Abuse

buy d warrant if u wanna get higher leverage. Ive been accumulating since mid last year. Sold quite a bit chunk oledi n wen it retrace ill buy again. position sizing may also help


2017-09-10 14:23 | Report Abuse

genting has always been a LT investment grade stock especially 4 retirees n pensioners (with minimum dividend payout). Investors that park their funds into genting usually are prepared 2 hold with a time horizon of at least a minimum of 1 yr horizon.