
spinninglotus | Joined since 2012-02-27

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2018-11-23 13:33 | Report Abuse

I am attending EGM, anyone attending?
Pondan Pusing Dragonshit and Kaldai Akan Q definitely cannot attend because they are not qualified to trade Sapnrg shares.... lost too much money no more money to buy Sapnrg shares already....


2018-11-23 13:32 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-11-23 13:17 | Report Abuse

Pondan Pusing Dragonshit dan Kaldai Akan Q sama gang
Dibayar IDSS shark untuk tipu Ikan bilis....
Pandai tipu pandai kelirukan Ikan bilis
Tiap tiap hari 24 jam tipu orang
Pakar penipu


2018-11-23 13:15 | Report Abuse

Pondan Pusing Dragonshit,
You memang pandai pusing pusing
IDSS short then stop you pun boleh accuse saya
I kalah you menang pusing pusing
I tak pandai pusing tipu
You Pondan Pusing Dragonshit pakar pusing tipu
You menang saya kalah


2018-11-23 12:59 | Report Abuse

Don't worry tts brother, I support you
We gather force together no problem will not be cheated by sharks...esp IDSS sharks


2018-11-23 12:43 | Report Abuse

Probably the IDSS guy is having heart attack now, cannot do IDSS trades for few hours, rushing to hospital
Without IDSS, it is very easy to see the trading buy sell


2018-11-23 12:39 | Report Abuse

I think most likely I am going for EGM. Anybody going there?


2018-11-23 12:34 | Report Abuse

I think my prayer is working....today IDSS has stopped for few hours


2018-11-23 10:37 | Report Abuse

No Pondan Dragonshit, you are wrong again
IDSS has come!!!
This is fact
Don't pusing pusing Pondan Dragonshit!!
You pecah lubang tikus???


2018-11-23 10:24 | Report Abuse

I am telling real time IDSS, you Pondan Pusing Dragonshit don't even know but talk Kok accuse me cheating everybody accusing me


2018-11-23 10:24 | Report Abuse

Pondan Dragonshit
You can go check the data....
If you don't know, don't accuse me


2018-11-23 10:15 | Report Abuse

IDSS stop for a while....


2018-11-23 09:33 | Report Abuse

IDSS coming...


2018-11-23 09:10 | Report Abuse

Watching closely, preparing bullets


2018-11-23 08:18 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-11-23 08:17 | Report Abuse

Everybody knows we cannot swear using wrong names
So your swearing of Pondan Dragonshit is useless


2018-11-23 08:17 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-11-23 08:08 | Report Abuse

I say I am planning to buy today and I mean it
These are real time trades I am doing and I show you all the time
This stupid Pondan Pusing Dragonshit real stupid I think he does not know how to trade at all


2018-11-23 08:06 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-11-23 08:04 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-11-23 07:42 | Report Abuse

Went to temple to pray last night to curse Pondan Pusing Dragonshit and IDSS...


2018-11-23 07:41 | Report Abuse

Pondan Pusing Dragonshit must die together with IDSS
Then only Ikan bilis can earn


2018-11-23 07:40 | Report Abuse

Today it is time to buy....
Watching IDSS closely....


2018-11-22 21:46 | Report Abuse

Pondan Pusing Dragonshit memang pandai menipu....
Tak Sangka you boleh guna KWAP attack saya yang cakap jujur ini...
Tujuan mu supaya Ikan bilis hilang pantuan saya tapi dengar cerita hasutan you....
Oh my gosh!
You memang kena mati dulu, baru Dunia Sapnrg boleh reda dan selamat


2018-11-22 20:54 | Report Abuse

Like I said...
Pondan Pusing Dragonshit works for sharks
He even goes to Bursa and watch KWAP selling Sapnrg...
Confirm Pondan Pusing Dragonshit is working for IDSS sharks, still want to cheat Ikan bilis...
Rest in peace Pondan Pusing Dragonshit...death awaits you


2018-11-22 20:52 | Report Abuse

Aiya...until now so many still don't get it
KWAP is also doing my strategy...
Sell 36 buy 30
What is wrong with this Pondan Pusing Dragonshit?
Look like Pondan Pusing Dragonshit kena my curse, going to die soon...
Confused and talking nonsense, this is before Pondan Pusing Dragonshit dying...


2018-11-22 19:03 | Report Abuse

Pondan Pusing Dragonshit
You will be the first one to die
Full of shit on your body...
Poor Pondan Pusing Dragonshit
Full of Dragonshit


2018-11-22 18:39 | Report Abuse

Pondan Pusing Dragonshit
Die of heart attack alone tonight
Wife abandons him
Children all hate him
Pondan Pusing Dragonshit
Body rotting at roadside
Nobody wants him
Being abandoned
Meat eaten by dogs
Bones eaten by cats
Poor Pondan Pusing Dragonshit
Die of heart attack tonight
Die! Die! Die!!!


2018-11-22 18:37 | Report Abuse

Pondan Pusing Dragonshit,
Tonight I will include you as the list to curse...
I don't tipu you accuse me tipu
I teach Ikan bilis IDSS you accuse
Everything I do good you accuse
How about you? What have you done? You have done nothing good
All are bad things you do to cheat Ikan bilis
The things I reveal is much better than you tipu never buy but talk nonstop 34 hours here
The most likely suspect is you not me
Go repent tonight before you die of heart attack Pondan Pusing Dragonshit!!!
Rest in peace!!!


2018-11-22 18:23 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-11-22 18:20 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-11-22 18:06 | Report Abuse

Tomorrow I am considering to buy again looking at the way this IDSS trade goes...
I will visit temple again to curse this IDSS die of heart attack tonight.
With the gone of IDSS, we can have 40 cents target.
IDSS must die first... then Ikan bilis can all earn


2018-11-22 18:04 | Report Abuse

Like I said last night, that IDSS guy again came out to attack Ikan bilis and managed to push it down to 36cents....
I curse this IDSS will die of heart attack tonight....
Same IDSS guy today....same guy everyday...
1 IDSS guy controlling this counter....


2018-11-22 18:02 | Report Abuse

Pondan Pusing Dragonshit!
Most likely you have been cheated multiple times by other people until you cannot believe I am a good guy
My job everyday is to help people...
You cannot accept you have met a good guy me who don't cheat
Whereas you yourself enjoys cheating
I am sad for you
Initially I did not want to reveal my holdings of 32cents...
But after I reveal also no use
So I leave to you whatever you want to say...
Everybody knows who you are
God knows who you are
Useless talking to you


2018-11-22 16:33 | Report Abuse

spinninglotus Aiyoo.... Pondan Pusing Dragonshit.....
I got buy 32 but not enough la....how many trades done at 32 you tipu Ikan bilis lagi...
I buy more coz very good la...
Aiyoo... I average down 30 you tuduh sangkut
Saya jual 1cent you tuduh saya IDSS
Aiyoo Pondan Pusing Dragonshit, you pakar Pusing la...
Semua saya salah
Semua you betul
Semua saya Salah
Semua IDSS betul


2018-11-22 16:01 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo... Pondan Pusing Dragonshit!!?
Tp 60 cents itu betoi...
Bukan 10 tahun wooi...
OMV ada sekarang, 60cents boleh jadi...
Sekarang saya kenapa half cent 1 cent? Sebab nak average price turun ke 30cents...
Sebab saya kena subscribe Rights Issue 30cents...
Jadi average Sapnrg saya sekarang ke
30cents...kalau gagal kena keluarkan cash ratusan ribu ringgit untuk RI.
Tak paham ke?


2018-11-22 15:54 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo.... Pondan Pusing Dragonshit!!!
You tak paham macam mana IDSS ini Sapnrg hanya satu orang sahaja memainkan Ikan bilis, nak saya jelaskan sekalian lagi ke?
Aiyoo Pondan Pusing Dragonshit, macam Ikan bilis kena IDSS tipu masih tak tahu....
Macam Najib legalise IDSS you sokong buta-buta sahaja....otak tak pandai....kesiannya....
1MDB pun legal jugak tipu wang Malaysia....Legal tipu boleh ke???

dragonslayer Aiyo..idss-scsd...idss legal mah...when cheating you...your company too badly mamaged...kena shorting is nornal lah...aiyoyo...ppl take risk to short...you never heard shorting can lose money meh...lu jungle living too long kah..only think shorting sure earn money...learn to play future...then you realised...shorting also can lose kaw kaw...need heard short covering kah...apa lah...cakap shorting sure win ini macam...mana ada..wakakaka...kikiki


2018-11-22 15:38 | Report Abuse

TP 60 cents itu pasti, timing bukan sekarang wooi!!!
Pondan pusing Dragonshit!!! You tak baca petikan saya ke?
Aiyoo...Pondan Pusing Dragonshit!!! Kenapalah you macam declare sokong IDSS, tapi tipu tak mengaku Kaki IDSS...
You tak paham ke?
Saya sudah jelaskan strategy Rights Issue ini, mana Ada 60cents dalam Rights Issue strategy ini?
Tak paham ke Pondan Pusing Dragonshit!!!!


2018-11-22 15:33 | Report Abuse

Aiyoo.... Pondan Dragonshit!!! Why pusing pusing....nama tidak pusing pusing, tapi lagi pakar pusing...
Pondan Dragonshit, saya orang pertama seluruh Malaysia announce cara IDSS cheat Ikan bilis...you Pondan Dragonshit tuduh saya IDSS pulak?
Aiyooo.... Pondan Pusing Dragonshit....nama baru untuk Awak

dragonslayer Aiyo idss-scsd..why dun cut n paste my posting...hit your heart kah...scare to cut n paste kah....wakakaka..tipu ikan billis after beli tp 60sen...then..cutwin makan kfc....cut and paste lah...why cherry picking my postings...want to hide something kah..mana ada orang tp 60sen...cutwin half sen or 1sen one..only penipu do do that lah...tak malu kah..lagi cakap sendiri nobleman....wakakaka....kikiki
22/11/2018 15:20


2018-11-22 14:03 | Report Abuse

Pondan Dragonshit and KAQ both are paid large amount of money by sharks to cheat Ikan bilis


2018-11-22 14:02 | Report Abuse

Pondan Dragonshit =Ikan bilis slayer
KAQ---> Kaldai Akan Q(mati)
Same gang


2018-11-22 13:42 | Report Abuse

I don't blame TTS, he is just Ikan bilis cheated by IDSS..
Right now I am here to inform the danger of IDSS to Ikan bilis, so tts will become smarter to avoid being cheated by IDSS...
No worries tts, we Ikan bilis help each other...
We don't attack Ikan bilis whereas KAQ and Pondan Dragonshit attacks Ikan bilis...
We and tts attacks IDSS and sharks, we protect Ikan bilis


2018-11-22 12:52 | Report Abuse

Pondan Dragonshit always cheat Ikan bilis, but it is clear Pondan Dragonshit is kaki IDSS....big cheater denies IDSS but real IDSS kaki....
Pondan Dragonshit loves to see Ikan bilis losing big money...
Pondan Dragonshit hates Ikan bilis but loves IDSS shark because IDSS shark pays him money to cheat Ikan bilis...


2018-11-22 12:50 | Report Abuse

Pondan Dragonshit is a pervert.
He is cheating Ikan bilis IDSS is good.
But I will tell you Malaysia sharemarket is not open sharemarket
So IDSS allows 1 person to manipulate share price
In US, IDSS cannot manipulate share price...
Big difference but Pondan Dragonshit always cheat Ikan bilis


2018-11-22 09:01 | Report Abuse

Pakar Pondan Dragonshit cakap:
Jangan beli sure lose!!!
Jangan beli sure lose!!!

dragonslayer Aiyo...cakap macam no risk to subscribe RI kah...later after ex RI...you guarantee will earn kah...any possibility price go even lower than current price...16bil saham...IDSS lagi shiok shorting leh....how to tell it will go up...no one can tell until it happen...so...dun assume subscribe RI sure can make money....beware of the spinning king....dunno he know or dunno...so scary listen him pusing pusing makan kfc...cskap sendiri nobleman....wakakaka.....kikiki
22/11/2018 08:19


2018-11-22 09:00 | Report Abuse

Cakap manyak manyak shit
Mengikut Pondan Dragonshit
Jangan beli sure lose
Jangan beli sure lose!!!


2018-11-22 07:59 | Report Abuse

spinninglotus If you buy 32 cents, you can choose not to subscribe Rights Issue as your cost is very near to lowest.
If you bought above 40 cents, you should subscribe Rights Issue to bring down cost to near 35-40 cents...
If not, your 40 cents you keep, sell the OR, in the end your cost of shares is still 40 cents...
If you sell now, buy 30cents rights issue, you get to lower down your cost of share to less than 40cents...much better than keeping all Sapnrg shares at 40 cents above.
Understood or not?
This is what everyone is doing now.
21/11/2018 20:11


2018-11-22 07:56 | Report Abuse

According to Pondan Dragonshit,
Spinninglotus asked to sell, as if spinninglotus controls the market...( tipu muslihat Pondan Dragonshit, pagi-pagi sudah mahu taruh Baja Dragonshit di sini) ---> bad guy Pondan Dragonshit.
The fact is --> IDSS controls the market and wants Ikan bilis to be trapped, so spinninglotus only gives advice to monitor IDSS activities--> good intention

Like I said above....the strategy of trading Sapnrg with or without rights issue has already been outlined in my posts above for Ikan bilis to plan ahead and understand the IDSS actions


2018-11-21 23:56 |

Post removed.Why?


2018-11-21 20:11 | Report Abuse

If you buy 32 cents, you can choose not to subscribe Rights Issue as your cost is very near to lowest.
If you bought above 40 cents, you should subscribe Rights Issue to bring down cost to near 35-40 cents...
If not, your 40 cents you keep, sell the OR, in the end your cost of shares is still 40 cents...
If you sell now, buy 30cents rights issue, you get to lower down your cost of share to less than 40cents...much better than keeping all Sapnrg shares at 40 cents above.
Understood or not?
This is what everyone is doing now.