
stockmanmy | Joined since 2016-01-10

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2017-06-27 13:24 | Report Abuse


teaching you how to succeed at this game.


2017-06-27 13:23 | Report Abuse

if you recall, I recommend just sell at around $ 1, there is value.

it will definitely be part of the ICT Bandar Malaysia thingy.

remember IWCITY and its surge?

this one too will surge at the right time.


2017-06-27 13:18 | Report Abuse


it is definitely worth studying the X factors are drive share prices.
without that, it is impossible to succeed in this game.

learn the way of the mavericks.


2017-06-27 13:17 | Report Abuse


it is definitely worth studying the X factors are drive share prices.
without that, it is impossible to succeed in this game.

learn the way of the mavericks.


2017-06-27 13:04 | Report Abuse

someone posted, if stockmarket is as easy as buy low PE, there would be no losers........hahahaha

to be maverick, you do need understanding of X factors, not more probability miscalculations.


2017-06-27 12:44 | Report Abuse

smarter is lower minimum with add ons.


2017-06-27 12:42 | Report Abuse

they have priced themselves out from the mainstream.


2017-06-27 12:15 | Report Abuse

$ 130 a ticket?

they mad or they think people mad or what?

a family of 4 is $ 520.


2017-06-27 11:49 | Report Abuse

too much probability miscalculations cannot stop people from buying at $9 , now $ 7 ...and going lower.

just too much uncertainties in the accounts thus rendering those who buy on good results a very foolish act indeed.

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2017-06-27 11:35 | Report Abuse

such brainy work cannot stop people from buying at $9, now $ 7...and that is the real point.

there are in reality lots of uncertainties in its accounts and wildly fluctuating quarterly earnings.

nothing is more foolish than buying on good results.

News & Blogs

2017-06-26 23:18 | Report Abuse

I like that...I will use that.

ted by skyea > Jun 26, 2017 10:55 PM | Report Abuse

. if investing was as simple as a low PE, there will be no losers in the sharemarket.


2017-06-26 22:25 | Report Abuse


the last guy who promoted Shell and Petron last year at their height disappeared without trace after the stocks fell more than 50%...would it be probability this year? I sure do hope so.

before that, please sailang every thing on Petron and Hengyuan.


2017-06-26 21:56 | Report Abuse

go raider...go sailang Petron and Hengyuan...I will enjoy your demise.


2017-06-26 21:55 | Report Abuse are sick and no hope already. Too far gone due to your IQ deficiency.


2017-06-26 21:54 | Report Abuse


if people lose money that is their business, not mine. I would not feel their pain.

But I will get great pleasure from those who thank me for selling sooner rather than later.


2017-06-26 21:44 | Report Abuse


if people can make as much money as the maverick, they should be very happy.

I too would be happy for them.


2017-06-26 21:25 | Report Abuse don't qualify. Your IQ deficiency too large to rescue already


2017-06-26 21:23 | Report Abuse

you are wrong....It gives me great pleasure to see that I am right all along to have avoided the low PE traps of these Petron and Hengyuan.
I can't wait for the day.

probability > Jun 26, 2017 09:19 PM | Report Abuse

dont wait for it to happen...there is nothing to gain by seeing the results and seeing others being massacred...


2017-06-26 21:14 | Report Abuse

we shall see soon....its deva ju....happened last year too.

I already forgot the name of your predecessor of last year who promoted Shell and Petron at their heights and has since disappeared without trace....................


2017-06-26 20:51 | Report Abuse

hahaha...I can't wait for the myths of the 4 blind mice to be exploded.......

then what excuse for the probability miscalculations?


2017-06-26 19:21 | Report Abuse

I will get a lot of thank you notes from people who sell Petron and Hengyuan now instead of later.....


2017-06-26 19:07 | Report Abuse

jeff.....there is no merits in probability calculations....none, zero, ziltch....only serves to con uncles and aunties.


2017-06-26 18:31 | Report Abuse

I am thinking forward a bit....

I will be getting a lot of thank you notes in the near future....from those who sell Petron and Hengyuan now instead of later.


2017-06-26 18:29 | Report Abuse

I am thinking forward a bit....

I will be getting a lot of thank you notes in the near future.


2017-06-26 18:10 | Report Abuse

soo...what part of my criticism about the uncertainties of Petron/ Hengyuan earnings is not spot on?

can I short to you?


2017-06-26 18:02 | Report Abuse can hate me....don't hate the uncles and aunties who you are causing them to lose money on Petron and Hengyuan.


2017-06-26 17:59 | Report Abuse

same thing happened last year...somebody keep promoting Shell and Petron at the high....only to see both collapse by more than 50%...this year, it is probability calculations...devaju.


2017-06-26 17:53 | Report Abuse

probability calculations....but no probability guarantee....don't forget.

Equityengineer > Jun 26, 2017 05:47 PM | Report Abuse

Have Petron and last week bought PETRON -CC and with probability calculations thinking about getting HRC too.


2017-06-26 17:51 | Report Abuse

refinery and petrol stations may look simple enough for you.

but it is complex enough for true experts such as Esso and Shell to quit the business in Malaysia.

mainly also because Petronas is the main competitor as well as regulator and they cannot even go to toilet without asking permission from Petronas.

then , of course, also a very thin margin business subject to high regulations, fluctuations in raw material prices, timing differences that can create wild fluctuations in PL, ESSO and Shell also prefer to give up their fights with Petronas.

suddenly turn bullish after a 100% rally is not the smartest move in the world.


2017-06-26 17:37 | Report Abuse

learn to respect the market ...if the share is going down and you don't know is best to avoid.


2017-06-26 17:34 | Report Abuse


tell me...why you find shares with extremely low PEs so very irresistible?

you think the market full of idiots?


2017-06-26 17:30 | Report Abuse


I have seen Warren the Buffalo buying companies in temporary difficulties. I have never seen him buying a share just because it reported one or two good quarters but with very uncertain prospective earnings.
I have seen Warren the Buffalo buying a share with high PE as long as there is certainties in earnings..

I have seen Warren the Buffalo buying with good business sense...never seen him doing what kiasu investors such as raider do.


2017-06-26 16:49 | Report Abuse

tell me....why probability, raider , soo, new and so many others find it so difficult to resist low PE stocks? even when the earnings in the E is so variable, unpredictable, uncertain, ?

I call these people kiasu investors...In my long experience, I have never met a successful kiasu investor.


2017-06-26 16:40 | Report Abuse

life is a gamble...certainties command a premium....that is why companies with more certainties command a higher PE.

y Newmaster > Jun 26, 2017 04:38 PM | Report Abuse

Life is a gamble, full of uncertainties too ! Nothing can be certain in this world, at least to me.


2017-06-26 16:38 | Report Abuse

it figures because raider is a loser. Very appropriate.

y stockraider > Jun 26, 2017 04:35 PM | Report Abuse

Raider says stick to petron & hrc....they have proven good long term record to make good profit as a refinery mah...!!

News & Blogs

2017-06-26 16:34 | Report Abuse

I read the company announcement....I still don't understand how they cannot sell at higher prices if raw materials prices has increased.

But nevertheless, I remain a buyer, not a seller.

a company in rapid growth phases some times has to suffer lower margins due to increased fixed costs and depreciation and takes a few quarters for margins to normalise., I expect the company to report better margins in coming quarters.


2017-06-26 16:27 | Report Abuse

that is how capitalism works at its best.... how billionaires become billionaires.....certainly raider not included.


2017-06-26 16:17 | Report Abuse

Jaks Chinese partner has designed and build most of the power plants in China.....the project has secured all the financing agreements and with an IPP agreements that has variable tarif clauses based on coal prices...I don't see what all the critics are worried about?

but losers like raider will always remain losers...that says all.


2017-06-26 16:04 | Report Abuse

accountant knows quarterly results in this industry is far more flexible than punters such as you realise.

by soojinhou > Jun 26, 2017 04:00 PM | Report Abuse

Damn sian have to deal with the 'accountant'. That's why they lock in inventory gain or loss, which is basically a mark-to-market exercise. They do that so that the reference price of that quarter is based on the opening price at the beginning of the month, not price 3-6 months ago. If not, what's the point of booking inventory gain or loss? Sian, going to see non-stop nonsense again.


2017-06-26 16:02 | Report Abuse

winners put great weightage on certainties.......and clearly Jaks has far more certainties than either hengyuan or Petron.


2017-06-26 15:58 | Report Abuse

winners put heavy weightage on certainties....

losers gamble with huge uncertainties and gets attracted by low PEs.

News & Blogs

2017-06-26 15:56 | Report Abuse

I am encouraged by the 2 for 15 free warrants.....not a 1 for 1 free warrants which floods the market. and too greedy.


2017-06-26 15:53 | Report Abuse

the uncertainties in this industry is huge, very huge....quarterly results are distorted by hedgings and forward contracts and 3 - 6 months manufacturing cycle between date of purchase of raw materials and price setting of finished goods.

by aseng > Jun 26, 2017 03:43 PM | Report Abuse

you called that huge uncertainties....???

I think , if you tell these to your good friend paperplane sifu in petronm, i believe he will laugh until all his front teeth drop off from his mouth

but if you tell aseng gor in HY , may be, I will sikit, sikit....


2017-06-26 15:41 | Report Abuse

raider..your deficient IQ means means you are incapable of correct analysis.

stockraider > Jun 26, 2017 03:38 PM | Report Abuse

Mammy is just a spoiler loh...


2017-06-26 15:40 | Report Abuse

stock loss is one aspect...the other aspect is the cost of raw materials that get charged to the manufacturing account is based on 3 -6 months ago purchases which are higher than selling prices of finished good now.

soojinhou > Jun 26, 2017 03:35 PM | Report Abuse

I did a simple proportional study and estimated the stock loss for Q2 is around 25m. Since they make around 100m per quarter, that will shave off around a quarter of eps, i.e. 30 cents instead of 40 cents. Thanks Jay for the notes from Petron AGM.