
terminator88 | Joined since 2015-07-13

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2015-12-03 18:19 | Report Abuse

Better join me in Dsonic!!!


2015-12-03 18:18 | Report Abuse

Its time to put more money into Dsonic!!! I have great faith in this counter. When it goes down, it only fluctuates around a certain range only 155-160. Looks like someone collecting, how is this kind of pattern natural? Must be manipulated for collection. This is definitely sign that we all must collect more. It is going to datasonic boom soon!!! Buy buy buy!!! Datasonic boleh!!!!!!!!!!


2015-12-02 13:32 | Report Abuse

Looks like Iris's old habits die hard. No support, no power to push up also. This is going to be a disappointment yet again. I suggest you all go and buy Dsonic for handsome returns. Project gona be announced soon! Dsonic will definitely move up faster than Iris. History shows that this is always true.


2015-12-02 13:01 | Report Abuse

pavilion2, Im just a normal working class man who works two jobs with wife, parents and kids to feed. Now you want me to feed you some more, lobster rice some more. You really no sympathy to poor people. HuHu...


2015-12-02 12:54 | Report Abuse

AirAsia probe: Anatomy of an avoidable crash
By Richard Westcott BBC Transport Correspondent
1 December 2015

Some faulty soldering was the trigger for the clearly avoidable crash of the AirAsia plane in the Java Sea in December 2014, a report from Indonesia's National Transport Safety Committee says.

It meant that a computer alarm kept going off, and in their attempt to fix the issue mid-flight, the crew lost control of the aircraft. All 162 people on board the Airbus A320 died.

The report suggests that the experienced pilot pulled a circuit breaker because he may have seen engineers do a similar thing to resolve the same problem on the ground. It is like pulling the plug to reset your computer.

Pilots are allowed to do it but only in extreme circumstances, and only when they fully understand the impact it will have.

This time around the impact seemed to take the crew by surprise. Pulling the circuit breaker switched off the autopilot.

With no autopilot, the less experienced co-pilot took over the plane. That in itself should not be a problem. But without the computer to help, aircraft can fly a little differently. It goes into a state called "alternate law".
Delayed response

One experienced pilot told me that the controls can become much more sensitive and take a few minutes to get used to.

The report says the co-pilot seemed to become disorientated as the aircraft banked sharply. He kept pulling the nose up until the plane stalled. That is not like an engine stalling on a car, but when there is not enough air going over the wings to create the lift that keeps the aircraft in the sky.

Investigators use words like "delayed response", "startled" and "disorientated" saying of the co-pilot: "He did not react appropriately in this complex emergency."

It seems the more experienced pilot did not take control, as he is trained to do. He was doing the opposite of the co-pilot, pushing the nose down to come out of the stall, but the report says it did not have any effect because the aircraft averages out what the two control sticks are doing.

On an Airbus it is hard to see what your colleague is up to. The sticks are like computer joysticks and they sit on each side of the cockpit, on the armrest, rather than between the feet.

Meanwhile, we have found out that the same part that triggered the computer alarm had been faulty 23 times in the year building up to the crash. And four times during the final flight itself.

Not for the first time, the spotlight falls on the way aircraft are maintained and the way crews are trained.

Despite early assumptions that this was down to storms, it seems the weather had nothing to do with it.

It all mirrors an accident in 2009, when an Air France Airbus crashed over the Atlantic killing 228 people.

Again, the trigger was a relatively simple mechanical problem. A thin tube iced up, which meant the aircraft could not tell how fast it was going.

The autopilot disengaged, alarms kept going off and a confused crew then failed to control their serviceable plane, which stalled at high altitude.

Back then it led to calls for better pilot training, especially with high altitude emergencies.


2015-12-02 12:26 | Report Abuse

INdonesia airasia plane crash is airasia's fault, very irresponsible company, the plane had problems since so long but never repaired, Im sure airasia is going to be sued for millions...


2015-12-02 12:25 | Report Abuse

this is going to be stagnant for some time like the old instacom...


2015-12-02 12:24 | Report Abuse

wanna ask one question, people always say Dsonic PE ratio very high. So if Dsonic give out bonus issue maybe 1 for every 1 share and double the number of shares, does this mean the PE will go down by half because the price per share is reduced by half?


2015-12-02 11:47 | Report Abuse

So if "extraordinary" remisier will tell different thing eh? Anyway, Dsonic still so static, stagnant. This is really a long wait. When will it go up?

News & Blogs

2015-12-02 11:43 | Report Abuse

Bravo to Mr Koon for the honest article. Im sure many people will think that it is insensitive and hard to swallow the facts but if this reality is ignored, then the bumis will forever lose out. I can predict that 30 years from now, the politicians will still be shouting abt bumi protection and hand outs to help the community. Their policies are all short term and main purpose is just to satisfy the short sighted bumis to win votes. No one ever thinks abt how to develop competent, capable bumis for the future generations. End of the day, non bumis will get blamed again and again for smth which is not their fault.


2015-12-02 11:18 | Report Abuse

looks like back to old trend...rather disapointing pattern so far...RM1 is asking too much....


2015-12-01 22:24 | Report Abuse

Well, i hope this time Iris will be different and not follow old trend. Get project but dont go up. I sure hope they start learning how to do business properly. Im interested to see how the market reacts tomorrow. hope its not a one day up, two days down thing like always.


2015-12-01 22:13 | Report Abuse

bruce, so you are saying FELDA give kopi o so that Iris get project?


2015-12-01 22:09 | Report Abuse

looks like big project...dsonic, faster up up up!!


2015-12-01 22:09 | Report Abuse



2015-12-01 22:06 | Report Abuse

Iris got RM600million project for housing project from govt, Dsonic bila lagi project will be announced? I can hardly wait, hope the contract is much much bigger than 600 million...hehe


2015-12-01 22:04 | Report Abuse

good news for Iris, congrats, I hope the price will go up as expected, last time after get TRS iris also still so lembik till now even though i feel TRS is a big contract for Iris, plus the profit from TRS will enter the accounts earlier if compared to this project...this 600million housing project need to wait till 2017....2017 only can see the money according to the announcement....so im not sure if it will be reflected in the stock price.....cos obviously the stock price wasnt really affected at all by TRS, go down got la...


2015-12-01 15:14 | Report Abuse

If love is blind, I suggest bruce to go look at dsonic and love it blindly as well. At least that seems safer than iris. Anytime will let you down..


2015-12-01 14:52 | Report Abuse

Daydream, its ok, Im confident in dsonic, hahahah, at least I know Im not holding some speculative stock like those china stocks, spacs like hibiscus etc. At least I know my money will surely 100% be safe in Dsonic. Even if go down little bit is ok. Surely this stock wont burn la. This is a reputable and special stock not like those junk stocks.


2015-12-01 14:48 | Report Abuse

I only started playing stock abt 3 years ago. Im a very late starter. Before that I dont pay attention to stock market. Only when I came to this stock world, I learnt abt this stock called Datasonic. I was amazed how Dsonic rised all the way up to RM10 few years ago from less than RM1? I used to feel regret, like why I dont have the chance to join the bull run during that time. When I started trading, it was already like RM10 or smth before the split. Thats why I feel this stock is special and has special potential. Thats why Ive been collecting it abt 2 years already jsut before the last bonus issue. While it has been down till RM1 I feel quite bored also see why so static but I dont worry too much abt dsonic bcos i know it is special. Im hoping I can have the chance to see this miracle happen again when it goes up to RM10, of cos i dont expect within 1 year but maybe in 2-3 years time. I have great faith in this special stock and Im not going to miss this chance to score big time with Dsonic.


2015-12-01 14:42 | Report Abuse

mcchuah, riff, are you all saying that you think dsonic will drop in price? because all the signs point to a bull run or at least a rally up. Contract also secured already according to our bro Pavillion. Im very sure it will only go up, worse come to worst maybe just static there while the big guns hold the price while accummulating before releasing the bull. I dont believe with such good news it will go down. And the recent financial reports look solid. Nothing extraordinary but solid nonetheless. This combination, I fail to see any weakness in it.


2015-12-01 13:49 | Report Abuse

I might be crazy to mortgage my house to buy dsonic shares but im not that crazy to borrow from ah long you know. I might consider digging into my leftover emergency savings to buy more shares if I sense the boost coming soon. Actually now also very tempted but if do that, then i will only have maybe Rm1000 or so at most in account. maybe can try dig out some 5-6k if really have to.


2015-12-01 13:44 | Report Abuse

sumatecrm1, i see you are sumatec supporter as well. Why are you all so stubborn and pretend to ignore the fact that iris is not ok. Dsonic is in a bullish mood and about to break out with potential catalyst which is the project approved. Iris meanwhile is still lost in the wilderness. Are there any new projects or catalysts to push up price? I dont see it. And i agree with what jessica said, iris cannot sustain, no support. There is really no basis in it going up? what do u expect? people to goreng the stock? if like that, any other stock in bursa also might have potential to goreng as well. WHy not instaco for instance? that at least is backed by cimb good report.


2015-12-01 12:57 | Report Abuse

I cant wait for the good news. Wish I have more money to put in while the stock price is still stagnant but unfortunately I have depleted my savings to buy Dsonic prior to this. Maybe I should consider borrowing from my siblings for some short term loan, but borrow money is always troublesome. Ppl always so reluctant.


2015-12-01 12:55 | Report Abuse

please buy Dsonic, according to bro Pavillion, new contract has been awarded to Dsonic. Time to buy before the price goes up. Dear Iris supporters, why dont you put your money in Dsonic first and reap some profits while waiting for Iris' projects to be profitable? It will definitely still take time, not few days or weeks. Maybe have to wait 1 year or more. So why not take this chance to join Dsonic supporters and buy into the bull run which is coming soon.


2015-11-30 17:07 | Report Abuse

I dont have money to eat lobster...all my money in dsonic already...im not rich like you all...huhu...


2015-11-30 15:40 | Report Abuse

does this mean ini kali lah everyday till next year? I surely get heart attack like that...


2015-11-30 15:28 | Report Abuse

betul betul ini kali kah? I heard many times people say will happen, will happen,will happen but never happen yet. Seems like a long wait ya


2015-11-30 11:44 | Report Abuse

good to buy if less than rm1.


2015-11-30 11:43 | Report Abuse

I would like to suggest staunch supporters of Sumatec to have a look at Dsonic. It is a bullish stock and new projects will be awarded soon. Sumatec is in the oil and gas industry which is stagnant right now. Oil prices are looking bad. Invest your money in a promising stock like Dsonic, Im sure you will reap big returns in no time.


2015-11-30 11:41 | Report Abuse

bruce5113, I suggest you guys to have a look at Dsonic instead. Iris maybe got potential in future but when is that future we dont know. But for Dsonic, good times are coming soon. Place your money in a more guaranteed investment like Dsonic and you will be rewarded handsomely!


2015-11-30 11:38 | Report Abuse

I believe that the current stagnant price is a golden opportunity to buy more shares in Dsonic! Im not very patient at times but I believe great returns will come from Dsonic so Im holding on and hoping for good times to come soon. Thank you to fellow Dsonic supporters, Pavillion and also Pav2 for your insights.


2015-11-28 17:30 | Report Abuse

I agree with Pavillion, things dont look promising for IRIS, better jump ship and go into Dsonic! A handsome return awaits if you will just believe in Dsonic's potential!!


2015-11-28 16:25 | Report Abuse

Dsonic has certainly done well since the time when it languished at RM1-Rm1.10 range. Now its approaching Rm1.70! With sifu Pavillion's reassurance I have no doubt to put my money and life savings into Dsonic. When the price goes up, I'm gonna announce it to my wife and family and give them a huge surprise! Im confident that day will come very soon! Im sure the contracts are gona be huge! Pls everyone support Dsonic! go go go!!


2015-11-28 16:21 | Report Abuse

Foodie, Im confident with sifu Pavillion's reassurance on Dsonic winning contracts. I see a bright future for Dsonic. So far it has gained a lot since the time when it languished at rm1 to rm1.10 range. Now its RM1.60-1.70. So promising! I have no doubts abt Dsonic's ability to go past RM2.


2015-11-28 15:28 | Report Abuse

Pls invest in Dsonic. I dont see much hope in Iris. It has been going sideways for a few years now.


2015-11-28 15:27 | Report Abuse

Hope the price will shoot up more than RM2.20! Planning to pay back my house mortgage after that and maybe can save the extra money for household use.


2015-11-27 12:35 | Report Abuse

Have been busy these past few days working my part time job at night so no time to comment. I have full confidence in Pavillion. After mortgaging my house, i put about 90% of the money into Dsonic. Sounds crazy but looking at our sifu Pavillion and other Dsonic supporters point of argument, I have full belief in Dsonic going up up up! The rise these few days have been really encouraging! I believe Dsonic has massive potential to explode anytime soon. I can sleep well at night with the reassurance given by Pavillion. Looking forward to huge returns soon!!! All the best to all Dsonic supporters!


2015-11-22 00:18 | Report Abuse

imoogi99, give you a big like!!! if really RM5, this is like a jackpot for me!!! Looks like my daring decision will pay off handsomely. Fly fly fly dsonic!!!


2015-11-22 00:16 | Report Abuse

Thank you for the assurance pavillion! My decision to mortgage the house does seem crazy but Im sure this daring move will pay back in the returns. Looking forward to earning big with Dsonic!!!


2015-11-20 23:14 | Report Abuse

Actually my wife doesn't know that I mortgaged the house. She's always worried abt me playing stocks especially after the downturn from last year. Really got hit bad but I'm still holding with some stocks at 50% loss. Part of the money is hers so I do feel bad abt it but I do believe that the stocks I have now still have potential. I admit it's hard to say that one made bad choices. However with people like pavilion and the other dsonic supporters I feel that this contract is a sure thing. I'm pretty sure like they said the recent stagnant price is people or syndicate collecting. Something big is happening soon. It sure seems that way. That's why I'm confident that my decision to mortgage the house is safe. I'm sure I can get maybe 50% return easily with the confirmed contracts and all. It's a surprise from me to her. Also my parents are living with me. If this works out, I plan to buy a bigger house for my family and parents. I'm damn ecstatic abt this. I'm sure the old dsonic is coming back soon. I never got the chance to participate in the old dsonic bull run but I'm sure as hell not going to miss this one. All the best to all dsonic supporters!!


2015-11-20 19:59 | Report Abuse

Good news up up up up up!!!!!!!! no negative news here!!!! buy buy buy buy buy!!!


2015-11-20 19:32 | Report Abuse

bruce5113, really will up till RM1? But this company seems more like conman and goreng stock than one with good fundamentals. I think maybe should go buy Dsonic. Up up up dsonic!


2015-11-20 19:30 | Report Abuse

hehehe...i finish the process of mortgaging my house today...never mortgage before so dunno how it works but quite complicated and troublesome also go to bank so many times and all but i trust pavillion 101% also, im going all in into dsonic...thank you god for pavillion giving assurance. Looking forward to buying new retirement home after dsonic goes up. Pls god bless me.


2015-11-13 18:53 | Report Abuse

usually when stagnant already people will say put in peti sejuk.....better sell and buy some other bullish stocks while waiting...


2015-11-13 14:06 | Report Abuse

sorry but this is a loser counter, please trade at own risk...


2015-11-13 14:05 | Report Abuse

once reach 80 cents, massive dumping will occur, be careful...according to what i hear la...you dont have to trust me but trade at your own risk,....


2015-11-13 14:03 | Report Abuse

sorry to say this but this is a loser stock, pls go away from oil and gas counters...


2015-11-13 14:02 | Report Abuse

loser stock...pls dump all oil and gas counters for now...come back on a sunny day...