
titus | Joined since 2012-01-27

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2019-04-09 16:09 | Report Abuse

magis.....brent has been 71.50+ whole afternoon leh


2019-04-09 15:56 | Report Abuse

wow...IDS 7.7million unit and value at almost RM10M.......IB pressing hard


2019-04-09 13:13 | Report Abuse

cimb TP 1.50? Long way to drop leh......but dun think it is impossible la. 80c also can reach and now with high oil price and need to manage the cost of renting.......challenging leh


2019-04-09 12:56 | Report Abuse

wahh...IB die die want to press below 1.20 so that it breaks the physiological support line. I think IB try to suppress as hard and as long as possible with the hope that brent oil u-turn. If brent oil continue to go up, IB action is as if compressing a spring by using a rope. When it get so tight and the rope snap, hibicus will shoot to the sky le.....provided brent oil keep on increasing la....


2019-04-09 11:40 | Report Abuse

brent oil TP $75-$84 for 2nd half of 2019? . Oil price up, production up....Like that sui sui of hibiscus le....hehehe

Analyst says most likely to hit above $75 because saudi want to sell bond ma. So die die must press down the production to show the future oil market is good. If not how to sell their prospect.


2019-04-08 16:22 | Report Abuse

can today close at 1.20??


2019-04-08 13:55 | Report Abuse

thanu, nola....i dun work in ambank.....& i don't think i can work in any bank.
It is like hiring a mice to work in your rice mill. .......i be tempted every single day to break the vault.....LOL....


2019-04-08 13:00 | Report Abuse

dunno i get ban or not for talking about uncle. Last week quote an article in dayang, straight comment kena remove and ban for a day.


2019-04-08 12:59 | Report Abuse

Probability, oil price drop, yes...hibi drop too.....
For dayang, oil price drop, dayang may or may not drop.....
but if uncle drop, dayang sure crash boom and bang le.....lol

probability those who had made plenty here...distribute some on dayang...
reason is if oil price drop...hibi will drop...but not dayang..
lets be strategic


2019-04-08 11:00 | Report Abuse

Luckily i din see off for 2c profit. Never good at trading but damm good a sitting. I guess i will sit still on this golden egg to incubate until it hatches or best still explode......hehe


2019-04-08 10:00 | Report Abuse

I be happier if this also break the bank....ie those call warrant....lol.....
lets for once then IB also lose out.....cannot everytime banker win ma....player also must win. If not, song song issue call warrant and suppress the mother share.


2019-04-08 09:45 | Report Abuse

IDSS at 1600K unit only......so little today.


2019-04-08 09:30 | Report Abuse

Bro GoodTrade, I will be very happy if it turns out as your prediction.


2019-04-08 09:05 | Report Abuse

GoodTrade, dun get so excited yet le....later today close at 1.13 again....lol....
I wun go complain to Bursa on IDSS la but i go beneath the bridge and pay those aunties to hit IDSS small ppl.......lol


2019-04-08 09:04 | Report Abuse

i agree with StockKeeper, last chance to sell........last chance to sell other share and come and buy hibiscus.....lol

News & Blogs

2019-04-03 12:51 | Report Abuse

I am imagining....if 1 buy 100 lot of talam and then go to the AGM and act like uncle like that....bang tables and throw chair......it is worth paying RM400 for 1 session of anger out burst. Hmm...mayb i might as well take the money to go and get a good body massage........weii!!!.....legal type 1 ok......


2019-04-03 11:12 | Report Abuse

ya...but now too high for me to chase more......so i no longer buy myeg but only wait loh. So if really myeg shoot up to 1.70-1.80, i think i will also cash out and then can top up more here. by then 1 myeg mayb can buy 1.5 hibiscus.......


2019-04-03 10:59 | Report Abuse

dexeric....why myeg?....LOL.....
I also tikam tikam only.......i hear rumour but not spreading rumor la....all is heresay only. But if eventually it turn out to be true, good for hibiscus also wat.....


2019-04-03 10:14 | Report Abuse

TM, belum lagi.....if oil break 75 ah......we will break the bank le.....lol.
I heard go 1 sifu waiting to cash out his other counter and invest here. The other counter only waiting for 1 good news to be announced by gomen. Once announced, he says will sell. If oil still above 70, i think he might come here to join party. Most probably he will wallop 1 to 2 million share la but then that will not make the counter go up much but with his follower.......hard to tell la. Sometime some follower is more daring than sifu. Dare to go all in....kamikaze style wehh!!!.....


2019-04-03 10:02 | Report Abuse

Actually disagree abit with sillypan. If price keep on cap at the level despite of all the good news, the investor will get fed up and dump the share. Then IB has won and they can continue to keep the price low till their call warrant expire. It is now the matter who has the stamina to outrun this race until oil retreat. So we really need the retailer power to break the banker. If everyone can wallop 10K share each, then i thin the tide can turn against IB. Wishful thinking....hehe....but i did key in 10K unit @1.10 today..........to give some price support to hibicus......LOL


2019-04-03 09:08 | Report Abuse

I also wish to sell now and buy back lower but i dun thin i have the skill. I may make 1st round 2c , 2nd round 2c, 3rd 2c and then if suddenly hibiscus decide to orgasm to 20c, i don't think i be able to catch it. End up i nd to fork out extra to buy back. I guess i can only make money by waiting.....lol


2019-04-03 08:20 | Report Abuse

Have a chat with my friend on hibiscus and her view is the call warrant is the show stopper for the price performance. My argument to her was the next call warrant will expire 2 months away. So why IB want waste bullet now. Her view was it is easier to press now and maintain at current price than if it shoot up to 1.40 and then IB need to press down to 1.10 which require alot of effort to do so providing oil price maintain the same. No one really knows where oil price will go and if oil price drop to $50. IB dun even need to do anything. So, for now, in order to make the banker go bust, oil price need to be above 75. Then the market force will overwhelm the banker and they need to hedge to manage their risk differently. After listening to her....make sense kua.
But i really would like to see banker go bust........sound like playing blackjack.....lol

News & Blogs

2019-03-31 00:28 | Report Abuse

Wah, uncle buy until no more money to buy ah? Meaning he max out his margin? Coz previous 2 article he mentioned he got buy with margin. If got big shark here, might be able to take advantage on this info le. Use IDSS to trigger margin call? But of course the drop nd to be huge la...so nd alot of short selling = alot of money.. :)


2019-03-22 14:16 | Report Abuse

Like time i have a hunch godfather go dayang and few weeks later, he come out and say he bought alot. I suddenly have the same feeling now on hibiscus. I think godfather is testing water here. Maybe he is unloading dayang slowly and wetting his toenail here before wetting his feet.....hehe..... Only time will tell.


2019-03-22 10:24 | Report Abuse

sorry for being a bad guy here but at times i wonder what will happen if it break 1.28. Will it rebound or will it waterfall. Only time will tell


2019-03-22 10:09 | Report Abuse

break 1.28,,,,,become downtrend???


2019-03-22 09:46 | Report Abuse

in this case not necessary need oil to be 49 loh, each 10c down, certain margin call kick in and it sell lower. Then those still have profit go on selling and more margin call kick in and to into a vicious cycle. Will it be like jaks??? Can dayang short sell???


2019-03-22 09:40 | Report Abuse

lol....misai......agreed with you. Also, the way kyy buy, he might suddenly become a substantial shareholder or mayb accidentally own the company. Turbo cap is only 100M+........lol


2019-03-22 08:36 | Report Abuse

I think Mr. Koon is rather foolish to inform the whole world on his position. I'm not sure can dayang short sell or not. It Dayang can, then I believe someone can manipulate the situation to his advantage. Imagine if today some negative rumour out, the price will do down abit, follow by some IDSS, it might trigger some margin call and the snowballing effect can be rather great.


2019-03-21 13:36 | Report Abuse

Anthem2, i truly understand what you are saying. But what i'm pointing out is IB mayb betting for price to crude oil to fall so that no need to payout for the warrant. So, it they supress long enough until the trend move to other sector, they won. But if brent go up to $70, then retailer might win. Anyway, no price for guessing right except for hibicus price move up.....


2019-03-21 12:41 | Report Abuse

I have a different opinion from Anthem2. Most stocks is base on trend. If with the current strong O&G trend also the IB/IDSS can supress the price, what happens when the trend reverse. O&G is cyclical. If Hibi fails to take advantage of the current trend, then it is a big pity. So now only wish brent break $70 which will generate more retailer interest and superinvestor to break IB game. It will be a really great story on how the retailer breaks the bank.


2019-03-21 11:38 | Report Abuse

In my opinion, the psychological level is $70. if brent can break $70 convincingly, it will suddenly attract many retailers like the bee to honey. So pls start buying some brent oil and store at home if u want to see how retailer crush IB/IDSS.......lol


2019-03-21 11:09 | Report Abuse

Trading hse or IB are allowed to participate in IDSS also.....if i'm not wrongla.....and they no need to pay brokerage or very minimal compared to the retailer. Therefore, to protect the call warrant issue, they need to suppress the price. On the other hand, if brent breaks $70, superinvestor jump in, then it will be a very interesting show to watch. It will be retail vs IB or David vs Goliath.


2019-03-20 14:11 | Report Abuse

wow....wti price is closing gap to brent oil leh......


2019-03-20 09:48 | Report Abuse

Fair analysis by goodtrade. It might be fairly valued now. On top of that, we do not know the how perdana going to turn out. Dayang issue right issue to save perdana? Anyone have time do list out the potential scenario and the potential outcome?


2019-03-19 20:27 | Report Abuse

If brent break 75 ah... I dun think operator in control a'dy. The craziness of minority will drive the price up the wall. Superinvestor alone will goreng till IB burnt le.. lol


2019-03-19 10:25 | Report Abuse

Now i see musang point. Send it over to my friend and she saw error in my calculation. Yeap, IB will press down the price. Hibi will only have some breathing space after june, But it will be really nice if superinvestor come here. Then u can see David vs goliath. If superinvestor can arm wrest the IB.....then it will be a show.


2019-03-19 08:48 | Report Abuse

John Lu, thanks for highlighting. Now they have reduced the target by 12K barrel by 2021 instead of 20K. The growth story is no longer that significant. That could be the reason it is not that explosive anymore. So i guess only moderate increment of 20% per year. It is now depends on the brent oil price.


2019-03-19 07:39 | Report Abuse

Dericlock, why you say so that they don't have a sound plan? Care to share?


2019-03-18 15:26 | Report Abuse

Musang, I look at the all the call warrant, and with the current call warrant price, all the call warrant will is still losing money even if the price of hibiscus go up to RM1.25. Only call warrant CQ will make money. Therefore, it makes no sense for the investment bank to continue to suppress the share price. Furthermore, they already make money as all the call warrant issuance price is 0.15c and all have dropped below that.


2019-03-18 10:50 | Report Abuse

PUNTER, when i say more exciting is referring to the price volatility. Yes, all glove counter PE is very high.


2019-03-18 10:33 | Report Abuse

Thanks Philips. From stability wise. PCHEM of course much more stable than the glove counter. But then on the stk price wise, i think glove counter will look more exciting.


2019-03-18 09:46 | Report Abuse

badak, dun worry, i'm do not have such a low EQ & IQ. I do admit i do get offended when someone display supidity. Like i say, u already know u got small brain, just keep it to urself loh.

I think i need no to say more loh coz everyone here should know that badak got no substance 1 loh. All his post/sharing is just all make up 1. Because it is proven from how he articulate his view. How does he know I have a wife or I am married. or even I'm a guy. I can be a lady as well. Then if i do have a wife, how do you know my wife titty is small? So u can see what small brain do to do....don't you?.....Aiyo, what am i doing? Asking such a silly question to Badak......sigh...


2019-03-18 09:27 | Report Abuse

I don't think badak88 is very smart. if badak88 come out from dragon's mum bur*t, doesn't that means dragon and badak are sibling (No offence to dragon's mum). So it means badak is insulting his own mum. Of course, burit can mean vagina but also can mean assh*le. So if badak is referring to assh*le, then he is saying he is shit. Whichever it is, i think your are insulting yourself more.

Badak is known to have a small brain for a mammal its size but then you no need to tell it out loud on your stupidity ma......

P/s: Again no offence to anyone mum's or ladies.

News & Blogs

2019-03-15 09:21 | Report Abuse

Misai, go invite Mr.KYY here la. Then this turbo will live up to its name....hehe


2019-03-15 09:17 | Report Abuse

aiyo.,...brent breaking $67.....going back to 1.01/1.02???


2019-03-15 08:02 | Report Abuse

dragooon......since when i become promoter oh??? I'm investor leh. A genuine 1. I share facts leh. No goreng goreng news ma. Since u mentioned Kong Ming ah......very long time no see him but actually .......i find kong ming style of writing similar to someone leh. After someone poit it out, Kong Ming disappear a'dy.


2019-03-14 14:11 | Report Abuse

Also, the golden cross signal appears leh.....this counter suddenly turn bullish?.....lol.......