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2013-11-19 08:04 | Report Abuse

Calvin Tan,
What matters most whether a company is cash rich or asset rich is whether the company can deliver the following..
- Corporate Strategy that Drives top Line & Bottom line growth to "Par Excellence" level
- A Corporate Strategy that determines the required Corporate Structure to execute the Corporate strategy
-Corporate strategy execution that delivers Consistent Top line and Bottom line growth that translates into attractive PE multiples, Quality of Earnings(EBIT), Consistent EPS growth rate on yearly basis, attractive Dividend Yields

Yes one is cash rich and the other one is asset rich and the historical fact is so far, the MUI Group performance to date over the years had not been at "Par Excellence" level...in fact it had languished at below par performance despite it being Cash Rich and Asset Rich!!! And Assets were sold off to raise cash to pay off the huge debts...

The Focus article on Sept 4-Oct 4 issue titled "KKP CRUMBLING EMPIRE" sums it up aptly on the current state of the MUI Group...

Most investors are also asking about the MUI Group of Companies.... From the Malaysia's largest company to a languishing stock, Does KKP at age 75 has got what it takes (that is ambition, passionate drive, personal firepower) to turn things around???

Moreover it was also reported in Focus magazine article that KKP wanted to take PMCorp private at 25 cents per share ...Is this privatization aim by KKP still alive and in focus and still pursued by KKP ?? In the event that KKP wants to take PMCorp private at 25 cents a share, Can you stand up against KKP and say "No KKP ..Not at 25 cents..PMCorp is worth RM 1.50 a share"


2013-11-18 22:54 | Report Abuse

Idris jala had already stated that MAS is a non core strategic industry for Malaysia.....

Khazanah and The Malaysian government should invite TENDERS from local and international companies to BID FOR MAS as soon as possible...

Let the BEST WINNING BIDDER takeover MAS and do what it takes to make MAS profitable as if MAS makes profits, the Government will collect the Income tax on the profits...

Better to have cash inflow through income tax collections than cash outflow to support losses forever......



2013-11-18 22:19 | Report Abuse

Hi semua kawan kawan,
Lets us be objective.......as a professional investor you must throw away all your subjective emotions, fears, frustrations, distrust and look at the facts , go on fact finding search,just look at the facts that you had discovered about what is going to happen in the future...as investors one must look at the facts and be objective...and anticipate what is going to happen...

No 1: The worst is over for KNM..do u agree? If you do not agree, just go look at the chart trends...KNM had turned bullish after so many years of downtrend...fortunately I did not hold KNM shares on its way down...I cut out very early and waited for downtrend to change to uptrend..in investing..time and patience is your good friend...don't succumb to emotional investing...Don't behave like a sheep led to the slaughterhouse...Develop your own objective investment mindsets....ask questions, dig for info, anticipate future trends based on current info....don't take the lazy way by becoming a sheep led by false tips...

No 2: PETRONAS had delayed RAPID to 2018 citing reasons of lack of water supply...problems with graves....land matters etc. This matter can be solved if PETRONAS work with politicians, state govt, local councils etc to overcome objections.. So U all think that PETRONAS can find another convenient excuse to postpone RAPID again?? What is RAPID strategically...RAPID means MALAYSIA becoming the Oil & Gas hub at least in ASEAN countries.....If RAPID can join forces with Singapore..Its a done deal...It means high end technological jobs....high GDP for Malaysia if things materialized fast and furious..

No 3: When PETRONAS says RAPID will start in 2018...what does it mean?? It means that the plants must be built for commissioning in 2018...For the plants to be built for commissioning in 2018, tenders from OEMs for designated RAPID projects must be enquired from 2014 onward.

No 4: this is most important ...PM NAJIB in his Budget speech has stated that his government is committed to RAPID.....The BN government is committed to RAPID and so PETRONAS has to execute RAPID fast and furious... Who does PETRONAS report to?? OF course PETRONAS reports to PN NAJIB

No 5: What does RAPID means...What are the strategic industries that RAPID wants to attract...Just go google and understand yourself....time for spoon feeding is over ...you guys got to work harder to increase your investment knowledge, improve on your objective assessment to increase your net worth....don't listen to rumours, jump in and get killed...as most of you would have experienced

FINAL QUESTION: Is RAPID UPSTREAM or DOWNSTREAM?? Who will benefit from RAPID??? Just do your own research...I do know for sure RAPID needs lots of high tech process equipment.....

BURSA has seen lots of activities, project awards for UPSTREAM projects in 2013 but nothing much for DOWNSTREAM projects....DOWNSTREAM projects such as RAPID will gain traction from 2014 onwards

Happy Researching and Investing kawan kawan...


2013-11-18 20:32 | Report Abuse

Ayam tua,
To gain market share, to plan and execute marketing cum sales promotion campaigns against the market leader, the ground assault forces must be very well trained, armed and top notch commandos...

However before the ground assault forces go on to attack, the above line aerial bombardment air campaign must take out or soften as much as possible or confuse the enemy terrain ...


2013-11-18 20:21 | Report Abuse

Ayam tua,
U made a decision to keep two cats...you got to give them undivided attention and feed them well...and they will gladly talk to you...meow meeoowww, meeeeooooowwwwwwwww..


2013-11-18 20:09 | Report Abuse

Ayam Tua,
Have you done field work by visiting several HTOs in your work/living area to see the onshelf display to gauge the market share/ display prominence of Tango, Crispy, Tudor Gold versus Cadbury, Van Houten, Vochelle, Beryll, Lindt and others before saying LIKEEE???

Did you check on selling price RM/gm basis of Tango, Tudor gold, Crispy versus the market leader....for instance Tudor Gold packaging is 180 gm whereas Cadbury (market leader) is 175 gm...and base on cents/gm comparison basis Cadbury is selling slightly cheaper...and based on absolute Rinngit basis, Cadbury is relatively cheaper than Tudor gold...and frankly Cadbury packaging looks better than Tudor Gold...I must also congratulate NFI for the Tango packaging design as it is very good and its on par with Cadbury packaging but not Tudor Gold...somehow Tudor Gold does not project a premium image and its packaging needs improvement to project the premium , high quality image.. Having said that the Tudor Gold dark Chocolate packaging design is good...but not the Tudor gold milk chocolates, with hazelnut or almonds etc

Besides What I see is Tango, Tudor Gold and Crispy got to improve on their merchandising display....Cadbury is much more prominent, more dominant, relatively much better merchandized relative to NFI products...maybe they got more hardworking sales personnel or maybe better relations with the HTOs...

To gain market share, to plan and execute marketing cum sales promotion campaigns against the market leader, the ground assault forces must be very well trained, armed and top notch commandos...

At the moment I cannot say ...I LIKEEE..!!! Of course if you are indeed a chocolate consumer and you like NFI products then I got to respect your decision on I LIKEEE..!!! Don't eat too much chocolates though....you may get diabetes..


2013-11-18 19:47 | Report Abuse

Ayam Tua,
Have you done field work by visiting several HTOs in your work/living area to see the onshelf display to gauge the market share/ display prominence of Tango, Crispy, Tudor Gold versus Cadbury, Van Houten, Vochelle, Beryll, Lindt and others before saying LIKEEE???


2013-11-18 19:40 | Report Abuse

Christopher Tan,
Go to bursa website n look at KNM annual report 2012 ..scroll down towards near end n u will see the top 30 shareholders...GSIC is one of them...Hey you got to study the Annual report first on Chairman message, BOD members(see any change), BS and P&L info . Notes to accounts , Top 30 shareholders etc...before u decide to invest...as this info will improve ones perception and objective view of the company...


2013-11-18 16:46 | Report Abuse

Yes KNM was in downtrend for many years...I would not wish to hold KNM then...I would have cut out years ago...Since last Monday, Nov 11 2013, KNM had reversed downtrend to uptrend...

Now I am long KNM as trend had changed to UPTREND...the downside risk is very limited but upside gain is much more...So I am long KNM but not for contra as it is still under steady but healthy consolidation and uptrend is still intact...


2013-11-18 16:28 | Report Abuse

KNM had been on downtrend for many years and it reversed downtrend and turned bullish since last Monday, Nov 11 2013. It had closed bullish for 5 consecutive days last week. Today it looks like it will close bullish.

At this price level, down side is very limited but upside is much more .....Key info is trend had reversed from downtrend to uptrend...I am long KNM...


2013-11-18 11:08 | Report Abuse

Hi mktwatch,
Thank you very much for your feedback..


2013-11-18 10:30 | Report Abuse

Correction is vey good...very healthy for solid base formation...


2013-11-18 07:29 | Report Abuse

Hi mktwatch,
Thanks for the info.
There is a big difference between "Book value" of quoted investment and "Market value" of the quoted investment as @31/12/2012

Book Value of Investment @31/12/2012 was RM 90.064 million
Market value of quoted investment@31/12/2012 was RM 15.332 million

So there was a huge loss in quoted investment value of RM 74.732 million of quoted investments...Just wondering...Was this loss reflected in the P&L statements@31/12/2012 ??

Once a quoted investment is realized( sold), the impairment loss must be reflected in the BS and P&L. Is that Right??

If the quoted investments are held (not sold)then it will not be reflected in the P&L but it will be in the Balance Sheet.

As per IAS, please advise how will impairment loss in quoted investment held( ie not sold) be treated?? Is this impairment loss in quoted investment held treated as extraordinary item after EBIT figures or before EBIT ?

Likewise when these quoted investments at book value of RM 90.064 million are realized, what will be the impact on BS and P&L going forward???

Thank you...


2013-11-17 23:54 | Report Abuse

Calvin Tan,
Thank you and Good night....Please do have a good rest.


2013-11-17 22:59 | Report Abuse

Calvin Tan,
I have perused through the 2012 Annual Report of PM Corp and please advise whether the following is true.

Please refer to page 36 and page 64 of the 2012 AR on Investments

Page 36 stated that:
Investment @31/12/2011 was RM 124.703 million
Investment @31/12/2012 was RM 90.064 million

Observation: Comparing both years the Investment value had dropped by RM 34.639 Million. What had caused the drop in RM 34.639 million in quoted investments??

Page 64 stated that:
Market value of quoted investment@31/12/2011 was RM 53.003 million
Market value of quoted investment@31/12/2012 was RM 15.332 million

Comparing both years the market value of quoted investment had dropped by RM 37.671 Million. What had caused the market value to drop from RM 53.003 million to RM 15.332 million

Observation: The market value of quoted investments is much lower than original value of quoted investments. The market value of quoted investment had dropped from RM 53.003 million( as at 31/12/2011) to 15.332 (as at 31/12/2012)

In summary for 31/12/2012 the market value of quoted investment of RM 15.332 million is much lower compared to the original investment of RM 90.064 million. So items 1,2,3 and 4 as per your quoted investment which was stated by you in is now worth RM 15.332 million or 3.965 cents per share whereas the value by you @23 cents was the book value but not the market value.

Please advise whether this is the correct understanding of book value, market value of quoted investment value .

Thank you...


2013-11-17 21:01 | Report Abuse

Calvin Tan,
Thank you for your speedy response with the info...I have indeed asked from you much earlier on for some figures on PM Corp as my perception is that you have highly competent knowledge on PMCorp but what I got was
quote: "I cannot pin point an exact figure except saying that it will progress from good to better and to "par excellence".

What would be the reaction of some investors when they receive a response such as above?? Please empathize with the other side...If you were in my shoes and what would be your reaction be assuming that you are not Calvin Tan and is amongst one of the investors or would be investors...now that you had speedily given much clarity ...I thank you for doing so....you are are indeed a man of fine honour and a gentleman.

I agree 100% with Sklyte comment:
Even reading the annual report we could not get the breakdown. U have summarise it in such a way that we can easily understand this co. U are a caring shepherd. A sincere one! Nothing to fear. A safe co. Can push the co to sell the other assets. Don't have to worry.

You had proven through the supply of factual info that you are not leading the investors to Holland Country now...perhaps in the future when NFI realized all the illiquid investments and turn it into liquid assets...you may possibly lead the Investors to Holland Country to take over VAN HOUTEN!!!


2013-11-17 19:15 | Report Abuse

I cannot pin point an exact figure except saying that it will progress from good to better and to "par excellence".

As to its low profit - doesn't matter. Apollo Food is also selling low end choco wafers and soft cakes. But they sell a whole lot in Indonesia. Apollo has touched RM5.00 now.

The journey towards par excellence starts with a dream to achieve Par Excellence...Congratulations to you for dreaming towards par excellence and spreading and sharing your dream with PMCorp shareholders and perhaps would be shareholders.... You are the shepherd who leads a pack of PMCorp Investors who believes in your dream of TP= RM1:50.. well that's an ambitious and admirable dream ...This dream towards par excellence must be supported by Solid Targets to achieve Revenue growth and EBIT growth to support the TP of RM 1.50 as stated by you....I did not mention solid achievement as yet because in my opinion... PMCorp has yet to achieve par excellence performance...

You had also stated that "Low profits doesn't matter... Apollo Food is also selling low end choco wafers and soft cakes. But they sell a whole lot in Indonesia. Apollo has touched RM5.00 now."

Lets us make a comparison here .....

PMCorp EPS for 2012 = 1.13 cents per share , Current share price = 26.5 cents--> PE multiple= 23.45. The corrected EPS through selling chocolates only is 0.82 cents per share and this gives a PE multiple of 32.32 as there was an impairment write back in 2012 accounts.

Apollo EPS for 2013= 40.1 cents, Current share price= RM5.12---> PE multiple= 12.8

If PM Corp share price is normalised to Apollo level then its share price probably will be only 14.50 cents or 10.5 cents respectively...From an investor point of view, please clarify and justify why PMCorp deserves such a high PE multiple of 23.45 or 32.32 ?? What is it that PMCorp has which Apollo does not have that justify such high PE multiples??



2013-11-17 14:15 | Report Abuse

PMCorp made a pretax profit of 8.7 million in 2012 & 2.4 million of the pretax profit was due to reversal of impairment loss due to property appreciation and the real pretax profit from operation for 2012 is 6.3 million which translates to an EPS of 0.82 Malaysian cents per share & EPS for 2011 is only 0.39 cents....If one uses the basic PE multiple of say 15 for PM Corp the Price for PM Corp is 13 cents say which is about the level before the price moved up...As an investor we look forward towards future EPS, growth of EPS over the years

Please advise on What is the expected growth in EPS of PMCorp going forward say in 2013, 2014,2015,2016?

PM Corp managed to flog off the Singapore Woodlands link property for 38.2 million ringgit. Please advise on What is PMCorp management decision on how to utilize the incoming cashflow?


2013-11-16 23:31 | Report Abuse

Good evening to you Calvintaneng,
I have followed your recent threads and you have worked to attain very high competent knowledge on PMCorp, its people, its production assets, its products, its distribution coverage, its marketing strategy and good understanding of what it takes to drive up top line and bottom line growth in FMCG (fast moving Consumer Goods) products.

I have reviewed the 2012 Annual Report and in 2012 PMCorp made a pretax profit of 8.7 million and 2.4 million of the pretax profit was due to reversal of impairment loss due to property appreciation and the real pretax profit from operation is 6.3 million which translates to an EPS of 0.82 Malaysian cents per share...EPS for 2011 is only 0.39 cents.... PM Corp managed to flog off the Singapore Woodlands link property for 38.2 million ringgit and this will enhance the EPS for PMCorp in 2013 no doubt...but the real significant determinant of PMCorp market price is what is the EPS derived from manufacturing, distributing, marketing and Selling chocolates...

PMCorp core business is in the manufacturing, distribution, marketing and sale of Tango, Tudor, Crispy chocolates besides distributing and selling other branded chocolates i.e Toblerone etc. The fact remains that the pretax profits derived from chocolate manufacturing and selling is very low ie. 0.82 cents per share in 2012 althougt it had improved over 2011..Tudor, Tango and Crispy are fighting against well established branded players and may possibly be losing out on top of mind recall against such strong brands like Cadbury, Lindt, Nestle etc ...I do somehow detect that the packaging design and colours for Tango is very close to Cadbury chocolate packaging design as well...a Me Too product in consumer marketing terminology...

My key question to you is as follows:
- What is the market share of Tango, Tudor, Krispy relative to the major players in the markets which NFI is competing in
- How had NFI grown the respective market shares of Tango, Tudor gold, Krispy....what is the percentage sales contribution from Tango, Tudor, Krispy and Others based on a sale of say Ringgit 1,000(One thousand sales revenue)
- What is the growth rate of branded and metoos chocolates in the markets that NFI is competing in
-What had been NFI(PMCorp) growth rate versus the market growth rate in the main markets that NFI is competing in..Is Tango, Tudor, Krispy outgrowing the market leader in the respective product category??
- What is NFI forecast of revenue and pretax profit going forward for 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016?
-How would NFI employ the cash derived from the sale of its property in Woodlands link to drive up top line and bottom line for NFI products
- Does NFI has a real competitive advantage in manufacturing chocolates in Malaysia??? Sugar in Msia ..an important raw material for chocolates is much higher priced relative to other markets..and Msia has import duties on imported goods till end 2014..
- Does Tango, Tudor Gold, Krispy have good brand imagery, good top of mind recall versus the market leaders....If not what are the actions that need to be taken to improve top of mind recall
-Tango as you stated had outsold Van Houten and frankly Van Houten had done nothing much to strengthen its presence in both above line and below line activities...It had neglected its brand and rely too much on its past laurels...and you had stated that tango, Tudor, Krispy are selling well because of its taste, pricing and good packaging....vital components in the overall marketing mix.....How is Tango, Tudor, Krispy faring against the branded players?? Is price an important determinant of Tango, Tudor and Krispy sales in the respective markets that it competes in?? What will be the effect on NFI products if NFI raises its retail selling price to nearly match the market leaders??

My take is NFI products are me toos and is overtly price driven...it lacks strong brand imagery that influences repeat purchases and consequently it has to rely on below line heavy trade promotions to sell its products and this will undoubtedly affect the pretax profits figures...well if any company sells solely on price...there wont be much contribution to its bottom line growth...

In view of the above does NFI have the strategic plans to invest in above line marketing campaigns...?? Does NFI has any such plans to invest on strengthening its brand image given the fact that NFI offers better value and better quality raw materials for chocolates it produces...at the end of the day NFI products must be able to command good brand image, good top of mind recall to deliver both top line and bottom line growth...

Thank you for listening to me and Good night to you Calvintaneng..


2013-11-16 15:41 | Report Abuse

The chairman had stated that KNM is pursuing the Peterborough project..my take is thus project requires significant financial resources which KNM may best focus on leveraging it's re-tuned business model to win Mega Oil n Gas projects that contribute Higher Margin contributions to it's bottom line vide offering Total Added Value Solutions in it's core technological competency areas...


2013-11-16 15:11 | Report Abuse

I was already in last Friday afternoon n last Monday morning...I am long on KNM...


2013-11-16 12:15 | Report Abuse

Hmmm...it is interesting to noticed that some investors fall in love with certain stocks...some really has no love whatsoever for other stocks such as KNM.....So should any investor fall in love with any of their preferred stocks???...I would rather approach investment with the following rules...

First rule: Don't fall in love with any stocks no matter how good value it offers
Second rule: Don't forget the first rule!!!

What is the rationale for the above rules...It is quite obvious...As an investor you would want to realize good returns on your investment...as long as the business model delivers to you good earnings per share and the earnings per share keep on rising by all means hold on to get better returns on your investment value...

The moment the earnings per share plateaus....one must then be vigilant but need not be panicky but must be ever more meticulously objective on whether there is any impairment to its business model...EPS can plateau for a while then shoot up or shoot down...Whatever it is ...one must be meticulously objective to make informed objective decision to realize value or extract higher value of ones investment...it must not be based on emotions such as fear, hate, distrust of objective facts staring right in your eyes, gut feel etc...

Perhaps it may be opportune now to be meticulously objective and ask probing questions on past, current and future business model per se of KNM

- What was the original business model of KNM when it started years ago?
- What was the business model when it stumbled and fell flat on its face and crawled for a while ?
- What has been tweaked or fine-tuned in the current business model right now ?
- Has current tweaked business model improved on its technological competence, response time, cost competitiveness , improved its organizational resources to offer TOTAL ADDED VALUE SOLUTIONS to future Oil & Gas & Energy Customers??
- What are the possible further changes to its business model that the BOD and management are striving for to drive up Revenue and EBIT???
- Will these changes if successfully implemented add great value or destroys value to KNM future earnings???
-Will KNM share price shoot up or meander down from current level if Peterborough and Borsig projects are realized some time in the future??

Do you agree with KNM chosen strategy right now?? Or do you think that KNM has embarked on the wrong strategic path to go after MEGA Oil & Gas & Energy projects whilst pursuing twin strategy to improve its financial health further by the future listing of Borsig and to pursue new sources of recurring revenue through its Peterborough projects??

If the answer is yes on the chosen strategy then why aren't you invested in KNM especially so when it reversed downtrend to UPTREND on last Monday, November 11 2013, and had closed BULLISH for 5 consecutive days this week??? Do you still has fear, bad memory, distrust, frustration, perhaps hatred and ambivalence to recent surge in its share price to bullish mode?? Always remember...the above emotions if not managed pro-actively and objectively may possibly make you miss out on a great INVESTMENT OPPORTUNITY of your lifetime....

Happy investing kawan kawan!!!


2013-11-16 08:40 | Report Abuse

Hmmm...There is still lots of fear, frustration, doubts , relief, very little confidence, not much greed n a little ray of hope towards KNM right now n yet the share price had closed in bullish mode for 5 consecutive days......Mr Market is signalling something is stirring up but somehow investors are still oblivious to it........still doubtful, frightened, distrustful........Is this a great investment opportunity .??....only time will tell......

Happy Investing kawan kawan.....


2013-11-16 01:21 | Report Abuse

KNM closed at 48.5 cents today and this is the fifth consecutive day it had closed in bullish mode when it started to reverse to UPTREND since last Monday, Nov 11 2013.

Some investors were very frustrated & grew impatient( I could very well empathize with them ) with the delay in Borsig and Peterborough projects as there was high expectation for KNM price to shoot...well every investor knows that KNM had stumbled and felled down in the past years and consequently these two projects were delayed and this had been reflected in the down trending of its share price all these years till last Friday November 8 2013......understandably so it must have been extremely frustrating,nerve wrecking and excruciating to some investors to the extent that some decided to quit recently when the share price reversed trend to uptrend last Monday November 11 2013.....

Isn't this expectation akin to putting the cart before the horses especially so when KNM had indeed stumbled and felled down over the years?? Realistically...What must be done to put the horses before the cart in order that it will trot slowly and eventually gather pace over time??

The chairman who came last June 2013 had stated that the immediate task for KNM is to go for the low hanging fruits for top line and bottom line growth...by fine-tuning its business model to be more technologically competent , responsive, focussed, cost competitive and in that process deliver total added valued solutions to customers in upcoming mega projects in the Oil & Gas industry including RAPID in Malaysia plus the Energy industry. The chairman had also stated that KNM is looking forward to Peterborough project in establishing a new revenue stream for the group.

Currently the ordinary investor has no clue as to what was the causal factor/factors that had caused KNM price to reverse down trend all these years to UPTREND on last Monday , November 11 2013 and continued on BULLISH mode for 5 consecutive days???

Somehow Mr Market seemed to be signalling that something is driving up the share price but that something is unbeknownst to the ordinary investors right now...and every investor also know that the stock price reflects future performance at least 6 months in advance...Hmmm....One could easily sense that there is fear, greed, frustration, distrust, relief and hope oozing out in in every direction right now in regards to KNM......

Very interesting Indeed....!!!

Happy Investing Kawan kawan and do have a Good weekend !!


2013-11-15 15:50 | Report Abuse

Once T&I UPSTREAM (Transport & Installation) are executed the next stage is hook-up and commissioning...the benefactors are SKPetro, Barakah etc...

KNM is more of a downstream process equipment player...Downstream projects will be post 2014...


2013-11-15 15:41 | Report Abuse

Based on buying momentum for KNM since its breakout from 200 days MA on Monday, Nov 11 2013, my take is there is slow but steady accumulation over the past few consecutive days...as long as price stays range bound...accumulation is taking place...


2013-11-15 15:30 | Report Abuse

Current PETRONAS projects awarded are all UPSTREAM...Latest PETRONAS awards are T&I Projects...

DOWNSTREAM projects which require process equipment will come later in the future....from 2014 onward...


2013-11-15 14:13 | Report Abuse

KNM is a company with global brand. It is renowned as a well diversified group of companies with its core business in process plants, modules and O&M equipment, process technologies and engineering, plant services and turnkey systems provider for the oil, gas, petrochemicals, minerals processing, desalination, renewable energy, chemicals, steam generation, power and environment industries.

“In the oil and gas sector, among projects to be undertaken by Petronas include the Sabah Ammonia Urea Project (SAMUR) in Sipitang; the integrated oil and gas production development project in Kebabangan; the regasification plant project in Lahad Datu, Sabah; and RAPID in Pengerang, Johor, which is the largest investment in Malaysia,” PM NAJIB said when tabling the Budget 2014 in Parliament...

Hmmm...just thinking out loud...How would the market re-rate KNM when above projects kicks off in the near future ...from 2014 onward and beyond....??? Has the KNM share price started to factor in the business possibilities of KNM for the above Oil & Gas projects...???


2013-11-15 10:20 | Report Abuse

KNM is consolidating in UPTREND with UPWARD BIAS...Next Major resistance is 61 cents

News & Blogs

2013-11-14 22:58 | Report Abuse

Hmmm...Can he create and grow all these businesses from scratch ie from zero base...from his own creative ideas.. from his creative ideas, sweat and tears to realize the dreams....? That is the stuff that entrepreneurs are made of or rather the DNA of entrepreneurs...It is interesting to monitor whether he can create free cash flows to pare down the debts to a reasonable level... Having said that can he leverage on his entrepreneurial skills, core competencies to build a global business company with Malaysia as the base..???


2013-11-14 22:21 | Report Abuse

KNM closed at 49.5 cents exactly at the second resistance level. It pushed through 49.5 cents and consolidated at 49.5 cents resistance level today. The next major resistance is 61 cents.

Let us look at the objective facts...KNM closed at 49.5 cents today.. 3 cents higher than yesterday close...The fact is KNM had closed at 49.5 cents and it closed in BULLISH state. This is the fourth consecutive day that KNM had closed in BULLISH mode...The objective conclusion based on 4 consecutive days is that KNM had reversed it's downtrend to UPTREND starting last Monday, November 11 2013...

Let's see what KNM can do for next week.. ..It looks like KNM is heading for sunny days and brighter skies...the UPTREND is still intact and is growing stronger... As an investor I will look at the objective facts and the objective facts tells me that KNM had reversed trend and is on UPTREND since last Monday, November 11 2013...To the sceptics that still harbour the dream of collecting KNM at 40 cents....my message is KNM trend had reversed to UPTREND. 40 cents is the price you can get when KNM was in downtrend...this scenario is no longer applicable as trend for KNM has reversed to UPTREND since last Monday, November 11 2013.....

As an investor I will ride the UPTREND and let the UPTREND be my friend as long as UPTREND continues.....Looks like KNM has kissed goodbye to the downtrend which ended on last Monday November 11 2013..


2013-11-14 21:52 | Report Abuse

KNM closed at 49.5 cents exactly at the second resistance level. It pushed through and consolidated at 49.5 cents resistance level. The next major resistance is 61 cents. Let's see what KNM can do for next week..


2013-11-14 14:52 | Report Abuse

Let the pain become your gain by being meticulously objective..


2013-11-14 14:39 | Report Abuse

Hmmm...Still there are Lots of fear, suspicion, distrust of KNM....Let us look at the facts objectively...the objective facts are as follows;

- KNM share price became bullish when it took out the first resistance of 46 cents on Monday, Nov 11 2013
-KNM share price had stayed BULLISH for the past 3 consecutive days ....
- Today it took out the second resistance of 49.5 cents with ease after taking out the first resistance of 46 cents on Monday, Nov 11 2013.
-The material fact is KNM had reversed downtrend to UPTREND...
-Once the trend changes...the UPTREND will continue for a while

Just look and analyse the objective facts...and always remember that fear, suspicion, distrust clouds ones objectivity and in that process may possibly makes you lose the best investment opportunities...


2013-11-14 11:51 | Report Abuse

There is no tangible reported positive news as yet but KNM price kept on going up...It smashed through the 49.5 resistance with ease and will be going up against the next major resistance at 61 cents...

As the stock price movement reflect the future performancce...perhaps the good news are starting to be reflected in the stock price of KNM...Looks like bright sunny days are ahead for KNM...

For those who had held on, congratulations to you and do ride the UPTREND as long as the UPTREND is intact. My take is we are at the cusp and the beginning stage of a long climb UPWARD...and for those doubters who hope to collect at 40 cents...KNM is still in early stage of resuming its long term UPTREND...

Happy Investing Kawan Kawan..


2013-11-14 09:28 | Report Abuse

Immediate resistance is 49.5 cents and my take is the resistance level of 49.5 cents will be taken out today. Once 49.5 cents has been taken out, the Next resistance level is 61 cents...


2013-11-13 21:01 | Report Abuse

Despite the heavy correction of non indexed counters where some counters even dropped by a whopping -17%, KNM did very well by closing at 46.5 cents(overnight level) and this is the third consecutive day where it had closed in bullish state since it broke out of the 200 days MA on Monday, Nov 11 2013..

With KNM closing in bullish state for 3 consecutive days...Is this a prelude to better days ahead for KNM....?


2013-11-13 12:56 | Report Abuse

It shows consolidation with upward bias...


2013-11-13 08:10 | Report Abuse

yungshen1, Yes I agree with u and there are also many investors who also agree with you as well on.. "To buy low and sell high" ..it is easier said than done...one need a lot of preparation and lots of patience and don't let fear overpower your objective decision making...always be objective and do keep abreast with new development, the future development as stock market is a predictor of future performance..

As you are an investor of KNM so be objective of its performance and keep focus on new future development in KNM as that will help you to form an objective assessment..


2013-11-13 08:03 | Report Abuse

Morning Christopher Tan, I still mulling over it...please let me have your email address and if affirmative I will contact you...Thank you for your offer anyway..


2013-11-13 07:53 | Report Abuse

Hmm...it is very interesting to notice the myriad of emotions being evoked by the surge in KNM shares on Monday...some who are fearful took opportunity to sell out on monday & tuesday hoping to get back again on retracement at 40 cents...others who are hopeful & perhaps greedy as well and who got in lower prices are confident of higher prices and so they held on...there are also some very hopefuls who had held the shares for years and are waiting for the price to reach their TP which is relatively much higher compared to closing price of 46.5 cents yesterday...in summary..there was GREED, FEAR & HOPE...What a wonderful mix of emotions...

yungshen1 article by KWTan above is very apt....Greed and fear are the greatest enemy when performing investment decisions on investment.

Greed will let you make money, but is reluctant to stop whereas Fear makes you lose the best investment opportunities.

Let us look at the facts...KNM price easily surged above the 200 days MA of 46 cents and closed at 48.5 cents on Monday...just a whisker away from the next resistance at 49.5 cents. It closed yesterday at 46.5 cents which is above the 200 days MA of 46 cents. So it was bullish for 2 consecutive days...

So the question is where will the price go from here...will it go down to 40 cents or will it stabilized at this level or will it move up higher...

My Take is based on chart info KNM had already reversed trend and investors who had sold out hoping for buy back at 40 odd cents may not concur....well that is their prerogative...they is maybe a 20% chance that KNM may revisit 40 cents and 80% chance that it wont revisit the 40 cents level...

If the price will not revisit 40 cents then the next question is how high will it go?? The answer is it depends on the latest upcoming quarterly report which is due soon and the strategic actions that management plans to take in the future that will enhanced the Enterprise Value of the company...

Please remember the stock market always predicts the future performance...As David Gartner once wrote: "We're patient investors who buy with the idea of holding on to our latest pick for at least a year or two - if not indefinitely."...I will not say that it is worth a hold indefinitely but maybe a year or two will suffice as my take is that KNM had already reversed trend to UPTREND...and there is a saying which I will like to share with you...

"He who sells last, laughs best to the bank as UPTREND has already started for KNM.. Once a trend reverses it will continue for a while...so ride the uptrend. Always remember that Fear makes you lose the best investment opportunities"


2013-11-12 20:24 | Report Abuse

The owner and operator of censof are business people...I don't think that they will get themselves embroiled in tussle with the minority shareholders right from the very start...

They would rather appoint new BOD members, appoint a new CEO for Time , explore synergies, cross selling of Censof and Time GST realted IT products, hive out non core business from Time and drive top line and bottom line UPWARDS in Censof and Time pertaining to GST realted IT software and service products to their customers..

They need to generate free cash flows fast to pare down the debts they had assumed to take over Time..


2013-11-12 20:16 | Report Abuse

Hello Everryone in i3,
I am not an expert on dry bulk shipment...Just wanna know as follows...

Does any one here know what will be the cost and competitive impact on shipping of dry goods to Maybulk business when the Panama canal is opened in 2015 to cater to ultramax n supermax tankers???

News & Blogs

2013-11-12 19:33 | Report Abuse

OK....there are a couple of important message to youngsters...

News & Blogs

2013-11-12 19:17 | Report Abuse

Excellent article on Investment but my message will be very basic
I would advise young people fresh into working life as follows;
- Save 10% of your salary on monthly basis. Once you have enough money go buy property with savings as down payment
- Have only One credit card and use it sparingly...preferably spend money with cash...not with credit
- Invest to gain basic fundamental knowledge on investment first....Don't speculate on financial markets
- Create your own luck...Learn, understand and practise basic tools of Investment...If you want to invest and don't have knowledge.. Go educate one self with basic financial investment knowledge and Investment tools i.e FA, TA and understand, basic concepts of Money creation, basic global economics, role of Central bankers, govt policies..
- Always equip yourself with a helicopter view first
-Choose your partner wisely...Live happily....never rush into any relations that you may regret and pay heavily later...money saved is money gained


2013-11-12 16:25 | Report Abuse

Minority shareholders will most likely accept PIB recommendation . Censof only own 45% of Time shares.....In view of this...Time maybe an interesting takeover candidate by others who may see hidden value in Time GST related IT business ......We maybe moving into interesting times .....


2013-11-12 15:34 | Report Abuse

Censof already got 45% equity share in Time...I see no reason to go for 100% unless Censof wants to take it private and censof had stated it does not want to privatize Time.

Shareholders rejection augurs well for Time plus Censof share prices in the future. I see time share easily +50% going forward as censof will drive top & bottom line of Time engineering. Time was practically rudderless before censof takeover this week...


2013-11-12 14:31 | Report Abuse

I will approach from a different angle of looking at investment.

Time share price had bottomed out and is now chugging along at bottom. Censof will officially take over Time within a week...

If you do view that Censof can indeed drive Time engineering Top & Bottom line significantly from 2014 onward and post 2014... Time share can appreciate by +50% then what difference does it make if you buy in at 29, 28.5, 28 cents if you are a long term investor.

If you are a short term trader then it is a different matter...


2013-11-12 13:49 | Report Abuse

It is the perfect range to be in NOW for the time being...


2013-11-12 13:21 | Report Abuse

Censof will do a much better job than Khazanah in driving up top line & bottom line in Time Engineering...I wont be surprised that top & bottom line of Time Engineering will increase significantly once Censof becomes the official DRIVER of Time business...

It would be timely now to take positions in Time Engineering shares as the worst is already over for Time Engineering....

Investors in Time and Censof shares can really look forward to blue skies ahead....