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2016-08-28 13:58 | Report Abuse
If you want to know more about OLDTOWN.
2016-08-28 13:57 | Report Abuse
Cech Chik- Cech Chik知道,但Ceck Chik不说~ haha
2016-08-28 10:13 | Report Abuse
Everyone please focus on OLDTOWN Manufacturing of Beverages (FMCG) segment, that is a much more excited things that you should see on OLDTOWN! BIGGER MARKET & HIGHER PROFIT MARGIN and It is growing rapidly!
2016-08-28 10:09 | Report Abuse
Thanks digidigi~ :)
RainT-cheaper price stock doesnt mean good or can rise more. That is a very wrong mindset.
but I didn't say BJFOOD not good la. It's true that Starbucks have stronger brand name BUT can Malaysia's Starbucks or BJFOOD sell their Starbucks overseas? Maybe one day OLDTOWN can become "Starbucks in China"? Which has much more bigger market potential! As I know, overseas like US and Australia, they also dont have very good comment on theirs Starbucks too, like what Malaysians we see on our country OLDTOWN!
2016-08-27 10:26 | Report Abuse
kchia & Junyu - i didnt mention anyone ya!haha~
soojinhou - thank you for your information, positioned itself as premium restaurant in overseas only can increase profit & profit margin and build up brand name but not in Malaysia.
2016-08-24 10:10 | Report Abuse
So many bullshit from "unbelievable", I dare him to collect AAX at current price...keep lying to himself.
2016-08-18 01:25 | Report Abuse
2016-08-15 10:29 | Report Abuse
Hahahaha glad to see you again paperplane. I wouldn't dare to to challenge you, who doesn't know you are the most talking cock in i3investor. So you got anything special to talk that doesn't talk liao like no talk?
2016-08-14 18:00 | Report Abuse
Ya Icon8888, I agreed with you that those who still holding it's ok to let the profit run.
2016-06-06 14:52 | Report Abuse
For those who questioned, I think u guys should did more research and study on Oldtown, then u will realize how huge the potential are in its manufacturing on beverage segment! For operating on cafe chain segment, as long as it is improving, then it is good enuf for me.
2016-06-05 09:01 | Report Abuse
I'm not saying that OLDTOWN will become the next Coca Cola. I just want to show that OLDTOWN manufacturing of beverage have a huge potential and will have significant increasing in future through e-commerce!
2016-05-27 13:04 | Report Abuse
go holland? Reality has just proved I'm right!
2016-05-14 01:13 | Report Abuse
2016-05-12 13:47 | Report Abuse
我心目中有我自己对亚航的价值所定的Target Price,当达到目标价,当然就得买,因为已经到了它的价值,这叫做投资!可能是3个月,1年,2年,我无法确定。亚航也算是属于有周期性的行业,时机到了,就象现在,就是应该买入的时候。我清楚明白这点,这叫投资!(如果你真的了解巴菲特,which is我认为你没有,巴菲特也有用这种策略,股票到了他的目标价,巴菲特也是会卖的。那些他永久hold着的,只是因为他认为还有价值)
2016-05-12 11:00 | Report Abuse
分享一些个人经历:我没有在业绩出炉后大约1.45的时候进场,因为当时的我也是像那些人一样,人云亦云,对亚航有偏见。因为一直以来,很多人都说巴菲特或冷眼等大师都不爱航空股。但我还是花了一点时间去研究它的report,然后经过一些思考,觉得现在真的是买亚航的时候!我大约在一个星期后,1.65左右的价位进场,也买了一点Call Warrant。但是我一直耿耿于怀,后悔不已,为什么我当初对亚航有偏见,也因为自己的一点点懒惰,迟了一些时间才读report,不然可能能在Call Warrant上赚个3-4倍!
2016-05-09 12:46 | Report Abuse
so anyone still want to talk about high debt or high CAPEX?hahaha
For those ppl, I will see them buy at RM4.00!
2016-05-04 13:17 | Report Abuse
hahaha HunterChan,好一个“固执能力”,如果我发现我错了,我是会毫不犹豫卖的。我完全明白你所说的。关于大家一直攻击我没有说关于Debt或亚航烧钱的问题,我也在收集和整理资料,希望能够在短期内与大家分享。我会说明为什么债务那么高,亚航有能力还吗,能解决现在现金流入不敷出的问题吗,未来债务会不会减少等等大家关心的问题,希望到时候不会再让您觉得我的分析欠火候。(亚航这几年债务明显增加很多,当然之前的也不低,一部分原因是因为快速扩展所导致的。我忘了在哪份Report读到,亚航有提及未来债务会减少,不会再继续那么烧钱,比如会大幅减少买飞机的数量,从原本一年买“几百或几十架飞机”到好像一年几架那样。详细资料以后我会在说明)
2016-05-03 22:17 | Report Abuse
是的,前景是会因为全球的供需而改变的,所以很难预料!不能说是想投机,就像冷眼先生说的,长期投资或短期操作。如果未来亚航情况也来越好,财务状况改善,当然我会长期投资下去。当然,如果在不久的未来,Airasia达到了我的Target Price或状况恶化,我也会卖掉的。也想冷眼说的是,如果有一天我发现自己分析错误,我也会毫不犹豫沽光我所有Airasia的股票。投资股票不懂得变通是很生存的!
2016-05-03 22:07 | Report Abuse
我有能力写出那么一篇文章,背后肯定有经过研究和思考。上个季度有一个一次性的Operating Lease Income,这么简单的东西难道我会看不到吗?我为什么不提?因为我根本没有说到上个季度啊!我一直在讨论我对Airasia未来的看法。况且,关于Quarter Report,Icon8888也详细分析过了。你一直用这点来攻击我,难道你只是发现这么一点小东西,就会那么值得你高兴?没有必要靠贬低别人来抬高自己。。。
一个Babyfat每天提debt,一个每天Operating Lease Income,似乎能提出这两点,会让他们觉得自己很厉害。
and lastly thank you VenFx for your support.
2016-05-03 13:16 | Report Abuse
"所以这篇文章主要是要探讨: 以冷眼的投资股票理念,到底可不可以买Airasia呢?"
need translate into english, paperplane?
And I already apology to those who think that I'm "using" "cold eye" name.
2016-05-03 11:32 | Report Abuse
我说的不只是上个季度的Net Operating Profit。
2016-05-03 01:39 | Report Abuse
在我投资亚航之前,我也有去了解过巴菲特投资航空股的案例。一部分失败的原因也是航空股成本过高,和受到廉价航空的冲击。总的来说,如果有稍微了解过Airasia,他们的business model真的是比较特别。很多估算方式不能apply在Airasia。(巴菲特也因为他的原则而错过微软苹果等科技股啊。有原则是好,但我们不一定要死跟)
还有就是你说的Owner’s Earning。其实如果今年亚航能赚10-15亿,which is market 的expectation,应该会得到你要的正数的。还有你确定,airasia的capital expenditure,除了过去两年,真的有那么高吗!还有其实Airasia的净利率也不低的,你可以看到他的Net Operating profit。但亚航的Net Profit常常受到其他因素,比如:一次性亏损或汇率的影响而导致不稳定。
2016-05-02 21:47 | Report Abuse
im not mean to use cold eye name, just I think that many ppl misunderstanding what he said about not to buy airlines stocks.
2016-05-02 21:25 | Report Abuse
BABYFAT who "running" a funds is not aware of recently market are so bad. And Airasia will not up too much before EGM.
Sorry Blacksails, the article is too long to translate, hope u can get somebody who can understand mandarin to explain for you. Sorry ya.
US unlikely will hike rate many times this year, even if hike also wont affect market much. MYR is still strong and undervalued!
2016-05-02 20:00 | Report Abuse
lets us collect those who want to sell!!!
from the latest report can see many big famous funds buying!
2016-05-02 01:25 | Report Abuse
i3investor reader are mostly retailers, they all unlikely able to "help" me to push big stock like Airasia. Just my own sharing, believe or not is ur choice.
冷眼大师 name in enlish is Fong Siling. BTW, im not saying he's buying airasia.
2016-04-23 17:58 | Report Abuse
今年,至少是这个季度 haha,真的是买Airasia的黄金机会啊!
1. 我查了过往5年的记录,马币从来没有在一个季度回升那么多!而且,过往5年每次马币回升,Airasia都会有Forex gain!
2016-04-19 16:28 | Report Abuse
That is an article you guys must go to read!Btw anyone know is paperplane retarded? Why he cant understand what people say? Keep ask questions that people already answered previously! He is "managing a fund" but he cant even understand what ppl say,so free to appear on i3 to comment bullshit. He able to "run a funds" but he act like uneducated. Im sure he is still a kid that nothing to do after school and come here kacao kacao.
2016-04-19 16:18 | Report Abuse
很好很好的分析!看了更坚定的我买亚航(AA & AAX)的心。真的希望能够在不久的将来迎来你所说的“大航空时代”!而且还是由亚航所领导的!而不会像纸飞机,只会讲不会做,飞不高,更飞不远!
2016-04-19 08:51 | Report Abuse
Ya...why can't everyone make money if buy now? Those who losing money is they buy late and buy at high price!
2016-04-18 20:14 | Report Abuse
OMG! I dunno this paperplane so childish 1 ah...still wan sue ppl wor...I tot he just a jobless guy, now I know he just a kid that not yet grown up! Go do u homework please...Tmr still need to go primary school. Don't come here comments bullshit ever again, here is for adults!!!
2016-04-18 19:21 | Report Abuse
Hahaha! 若如你所说,真的是不对冲比对冲好
2016-04-18 17:39 | Report Abuse
2016-04-18 17:33 | Report Abuse
第一,关于对冲的问题,我觉得一家企业,应该跟关注于业务的发展。至于对冲策略呢,能尽量做多好就多好,而不是变成一个赚钱的工具或特别计较纠结说没有把价格定在最低价。比如说,能把120++的Fuel Cost降到70++就足够了,再低再定过也不迟。况且,把价格定下,对一家企业做budget或定策略也应该更方便。如果,fuel cost还在降那么就再hedge,不就当作是额外的收入咯!
第二,关于外国亚航经营的问题。我的看法是亚航想先垄断廉价的航空,可能是做法太过于激进,而导致了一些问题。而且亚航只要先拿下足够的市场份额,以后再把品牌树立起来,机票就能够卖Premium的价钱了!(据我所知,外国亚航的名声也没有想象的糟糕)而且从我追踪新闻以及在Quarter Report上的了解,外国亚航无法盈利,也是因为他们的cost太高了!回到我说提到的,外国亚航的状况最近也没有变得比较恶化,Forex和oil price对他们肯定有益的,对吧?这个季度,无论是减少亏损或贡献盈利,对这个季度Airasia的Net profit的影响应该是正面的,对吧?
2016-04-18 13:40 | Report Abuse
This is the last time I reply to paperplane. Lets just ignore him. Saying everything good is not far but saying everything bad is also not fair. U managing a fund? Dont make people laugh please. U cant even understand well what people wrote, how u analyse things well?
From my title "还有什么理由不在至少这个季度拥有AIRASIA” mean is for short term, also mean in this quarter, u got no reason not to buy airasia.
and then from first paragraph "觉得不得不跟大家分享一点我的小发现",i just want to share what I found, I didnt say I did a full analysis.
Second paragraph,"众所周知,最能影响Airasia Net Profit的就是Forex和Fuel Expenses.(还有最近两个季度可以看到Indonesia Airasia的亏损)" mean this article is more focus on discussing oil and forex. Even foreign airasia also not the main point thats why i put "()"
And i also tell u the reason why I didnt mention about debt, I really worried about your IQ if u still dont understand
Im sure that everyone is understand what im talking about,maybe u are not smart enough or your chinese is bad...shame on u
Im sure u dont dare to use your real name to write those comments because even you urself know is bullshit!别再说一些愚蠢的话,来暴露你的低智商。
2016-04-18 13:21 | Report Abuse
2016-04-18 12:55 | Report Abuse
Icon8888- 我想那只飞不高飞不远的纸飞机,应该是老早卖了,后悔莫及。现在想压低价钱买回
2016-04-18 12:05 | Report Abuse
Ya! Very good points of view! I don't see any reason why don't want to buy Airasia. It is very possible to up to at least RM4-5 by this year!
2016-04-18 10:21 | Report Abuse
2016-04-18 03:42 | Report Abuse
Hahaha...I think maybe I'm still new in i3investor. I dunno everyone will just ignore him. Pity him
2016-04-18 03:33 | Report Abuse
U prefer i write in English or Chinese I doubt that U cant understand either of it well. how much debts in myr usd is clearly stated in quarterly report, dont you read it. OMG,I'm wasting too much time to talk with a noob.
2016-04-18 03:29 | Report Abuse
my analysis is more on short term, but im long term shareholder for Airasia, nothing wrong about that. I really worried about your IQ. I dont care you are Top 10 or what, even Warren Buffett make mistakes, no need to say you this who only know bullshit...
2016-04-18 03:20 | Report Abuse
i saw u keep bullshiting at many places...if u have brain to think those comment out...why not u use it to contribute for this society? At least help people to make money!I'm able to write this article mean I did enuf homework.Pure Airasia punter? I got no plan to sell airasia at short term maybe this whole year...short term stock price up or down wont affect my decision. I just want to encourage those people who still worried to buy, at least can make them money.我没有故意避开写Debt,而是根本没打算写,你敢说如果这次Profit大起,股价不会大起,debt短期根本不重要。而我打算中长期的,debt的风险,肯定是有考虑在内的,这你不用担心。像你这种胡言乱语,整天怨天尤人,躲在家里什么都不用做最好!
2016-04-18 02:40 | Report Abuse
忘了回复你,Airasia应该会在年头把大多数Fuel的价格定下,不然为什么2014年油价在下半年开始猛然下跌,Fuel price依然在USD120以上,只要Airasia真的把Fuel Price定在55左右,一整年无论油价怎么样,Fuel price应该也离不开这个范围。希望你下次能够做足功课才评论。谢谢!
2016-04-18 02:33 | Report Abuse
I wonder whether you are stupid or chinese no good.Btw这的确是我在任何地方的第一次Sharing。我不是报喜不报忧,而是的确没有什么值得报忧的地方!我没有ignore airasia的debt,标题很清楚写了“至少这个季度拥有AIRASIA”,说明我的分析是for短期的(可能是几个月)。既然是短期,只要Net Profit足够惊喜,Debt的增加又算什么?短期内如果母股有40-50%的升幅,以目前的形式来看几乎是很有可能的(难道你连这样也看不出?),如果买的是CW,可能就能翻几倍了,难道这种“好康”不值得分享吗?最后,油价和美金的下跌肯定对各国的亚航都是好的,我没要求转亏为盈,只要减少亏损,对这个季度的Net profit也是有极大的帮助的!anyway希望你的智商水平足够理解我所说的话
Blog: Stock Pick Contest Year 2017 [Closed] - First 20 runners on Year 2015 and 2016, please submit!!
2016-12-30 19:13 | Report Abuse
Hi, Mr. Tan,
My picks are as follows:
1. Airasia 20%
2. Pohuat-wb 20%
3. Vivocom 15%
4. Rcecap 15%
5. Eg 15%
6. Cimb 15%