
uzi440 | Joined since 2015-08-20

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2015-08-31 16:28 | Report Abuse

'will rouse a lot of sensitive n unhealthy discussions'

- this is a huge problem by the way in MY. the head-in-sand approach is never a good thing. this is one od the major causes of conflict in families, cancer, obesity and early, preventable death. haha


2015-08-31 16:25 | Report Abuse

its just one observation la connie. facts are facts. jeeez. everyone is so damn senstitve these days. just chuckle and move on. let it be the end of it.


2015-08-31 16:20 | Report Abuse

aik. my post delete here aso. madness. fir stating facts and calling apples, apples. losing repect for i3 in a big way.


2015-08-31 16:17 | Report Abuse

anyway. the moderators have seen fit to delete my post. must be malay muslim owners @ i3investor forum i guess. i don't blame them for wanting to hide the truth.


2015-08-31 16:10 | Report Abuse

speak to or treat with disrespect or scornful abuse.
"you're insulting the Malay I love"
synonyms: abuse, be rude to, slight, disparage, discredit, libel, slander, malign, defame, denigrate, cast aspersions on, call someone names, put someone down;

It may sound like an insult. But, I'm merely stating facts. How else could The Leader of the Malays, be "conned" out of 11 Billion USD, STILL be in power and Proudly admitting to 700 Mil in bank a/c with ZERO reprecussions from his own people (the malay muslims).

Please. I would like to know Jal...


2015-08-31 16:03 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-08-31 16:00 |

Post removed.Why?


2015-08-31 15:59 | Report Abuse

waaaaaah! so much excitement here! i missed the action! aiyaaaaahh!


2015-08-31 15:52 | Report Abuse

ask bonecythe to write a story la


2015-08-30 14:14 | Report Abuse

i myself am an freethinker. it is most definetly not just a "belief system". do you even live in Malaysia? or are you suffering Stockholm syndrome. Eventually, the true desire for every Malay Muslim deep down is a PAS like state. Islam is a twisited political ideology of war, persecution (women children kafirs) and death. if you dun realise, then u r a golden fool indeed, but thats not unusual in Malaysia.


2015-08-30 12:49 | Report Abuse

first thing. before buying any stock, go to

which is i3investor financial page. It cost nothing. it is free service. if cannot understand that page, you really have no business buying/selling stocks. ask anyone else hear. all will say the same. better spend the RM200 ringgit on a nice dinner somewhere.


2015-08-30 03:49 | Report Abuse

the ol pump n dump. never fails.


2015-08-30 03:45 | Report Abuse

X RM0.0085 laaa. its .85 sen divvy, not 8.5 sen (u must be nuts).


2015-08-30 03:43 | Report Abuse

come on laa OTB. If u make a bad call. just man up laa. no need to post subscriber email (which u ghostwriting). so embarass one.


2015-08-30 03:37 | Report Abuse

seriously. what a baby. crying about 900 shares. stop being a baby!! be a man la. complain only if 100,000 share and above pls.


2015-08-30 00:42 | Report Abuse

bloody imbeciles. for so long do buybacks instead of addressing structural business issues. what golden fools. have to have a special award for such business idiots. Tony F of AirAsia fame can compete also.


2015-08-28 19:00 | Report Abuse

I would've never bought QPR. Damn fugly kit. Thats just me.


2015-08-28 18:55 | Report Abuse

hmmmmmm hanky panky at AA???? Wait, has TF been photographed with Jho Low?


2015-08-28 18:52 | Report Abuse

its in the price chart la. its staring in the face. bit crazy buy this counter now. just my 15 sen. its your money. u wanna buy, just close one eye and buy la.

News & Blogs

2015-08-28 18:40 | Report Abuse

recovery doesn't just happen. too many Islamic terrorist, with Jokowi leading the pack. no luck.


2015-08-28 18:38 | Report Abuse

TMS is giong to slump to 6 sen. no worries. it is written in stone.


2015-08-28 18:32 | Report Abuse

then why falling from 2.30 to 1.40?


2015-08-28 18:30 | Report Abuse

certain stocks have a certain temperament, like children.


2015-08-28 16:52 | Report Abuse

queing with the other smelly turds to join the sewer. stinks to high heavens, like AA cost control.


2015-08-28 16:50 | Report Abuse

shlumping into the dark longkang


2015-08-28 16:24 | Report Abuse

slumping badly. riots. bloody messages, army threats, its all adding up to a hot smoky weekend.

News & Blogs

2015-08-28 16:20 | Report Abuse

well done KC. Sharing is caring. cheers.


2015-08-28 15:22 | Report Abuse

weekend riots ain't going to be pretty. too many dumb fanatical ketuanan malay islamists in the population unfortunately. quite sad. stock down because of them la. u saw them rolling on the road in the video doing some semi-martial stunts. unfortunately the fat belly full of rendang is scrapping the road.


2015-08-28 15:17 | Report Abuse

Now Everyone Can Stop Losses.


2015-08-28 12:37 | Report Abuse

i suspect the share is pledged as collateral for some loans, hence forced selling. just one bad financial report drop from 66 sen to 18 sen is a bit ridiculous. Lets give it another 3 months to fully find a bottom. When all selling and volume has dried up. Then will happily add another 200lots. It is hard to find well managed companies on Bursa.


2015-08-28 00:58 | Report Abuse

from 1.40 to 77 sen in 1 month.


2015-08-28 00:56 | Report Abuse

could it go lower. sure why not. depends whether MY will receive the dreaded currency peg again.


2015-08-26 16:56 | Report Abuse

The selling is probably in anticipation of the Ringgit Peg being re-instituted. Lets all wait for the ringgit to tumble to RM5 vs USD. It worked once for them. They're bound to try it again.


2015-08-26 16:54 | Report Abuse

Hmmm. Wonder why they so busy doling out dividends these few years. Strange bunch. It such a ignominious end for quite an inspirational Malaysian Indian success story. Bet the Malays are rubbing their hands in glee. They managed to show that Indian fellow up.


2015-08-24 21:48 | Report Abuse

if i recollect, similar thing happen to K-One and Seal shares.


2015-08-24 16:45 | Report Abuse

If Zeti or Zet-O depending on who you talk to is serious, interest rates need to go up by at least 1-2% to stabalise ringgit. You think she is going to do the needful?


2015-08-24 16:34 | Report Abuse

I don't think this is what Lil Jon meant when he sang 'Get Low'


2015-08-24 15:07 | Report Abuse

He's got a Donald Trump mentality. Except he's in the wrong industry. Real Estate isn't the Airlines business. He needs to emulate RyanAir closely, and slash costs and loss making venture. Only a Golden Fool goes and does Airlines business in India. Thats has to be the all time stupidest thing he has ever done.


2015-08-24 14:56 | Report Abuse

Bid-less vaccum. TF is out of luck, out of options and out of time. Quit spending time at QPR and pub crawls buddy. AA is in big big trouble.


2015-08-24 10:38 | Report Abuse

things are going to take time to drop nicely. no rush.


2015-08-24 10:36 | Report Abuse

falling to 50 sen shortly


2015-08-21 22:29 | Report Abuse

dumping 300mil on open market doubtful. a broker will usually arrange off-market transaction for better pricing.


2015-08-21 21:06 | Report Abuse

currently AA share = .233 USD. Thats quite cheap for a FF. If you look closely, Wellington has 305,958,678 (10.99%). Either they dump via married deal or they add another 200-300 mil shares.


2015-08-21 20:40 | Report Abuse

i wish that were the case. i do hope so.


2015-08-21 17:43 | Report Abuse

Chinese tourists head to Thailand despite bombing fears
Published: 21 August 2015 5:33 PM

Busloads of visitors from China flocked to Bangkok's glittering Grand Palace today but, days after a bomb at another of the city's popular attractions killed five Chinese tourists, Thailand's biggest spending holidaymakers are rattled.

Monday's attack on a Hindu shrine, particularly popular with Chinese devotees, did not prevent Jay Chou and his family from travelling to the kingdom, though it has left them on edge.

"We are closely following the news, we shouldn't go to any place which is dangerous," said the 18-year-old engineering student from Shanghai outside the palace where an already heavy security presence was boosted in response to the bombing.

The attack on the shrine, apparently by a still-unidentified young man who placed a backpack with explosives under a bench, killed 20 people and injured more than 100 others.

Most of the victims were ethnic Chinese tourists from around Asia, with five of the dead from mainland China and two from Hong Kong.

While Thai authorities have yet to make an arrest or say which group was behind it, they have repeatedly said it was clearly aimed at damaging the tourism industry.

Though in the midst of confusing and sometimes contradictory information on the investigation, one message from authorities has been clear -- Chinese tourists were not the target.

For the country's ruling generals, losing their biggest spending group of visitors is a hit the kingdom cannot afford as it struggles to revive a sclerotic economy.

Tourism accounts for around 10% of Thailand's economy.

Chinese holidaymakers spend far more than any other group of visitor – 190 billion baht (RM21.88 billion) in the first half of this year, according to Thailand's tourism authority.

This is more than five times the spending of Malaysians and Brits, the next two largest spenders.

And the number of Chinese visitors soared by 138% in the first six months of this year compared with the same period in 2014, when Bangkok was paralysed by often violent protests before May's military coup.


2015-08-21 13:31 | Report Abuse

Too many Malay Muslim terrorist hiding amongst us. Beware ppl.


2015-08-21 13:28 | Report Abuse

PETALING JAYA: The arrest of six security personnel with alleged links to Islamic State (IS) is a reminder that the threat posed by the militant group is no longer “potential” but “actual,” an expert has warned.

Political scientist and Islamic scholar Ahmad El-Muhammady, who serves on the police anti-terrorism force, told FMT he was particularly keen to give the reminder to politicians on both sides of the divide. He said they seemed to be so preoccupied with their political differences that they might have forgotten their obligation to play a role in raising awareness of the threat.

“The threat of IS is under control, but it is persistent,” he said.

“It is under control because our security force is very quick in taking action against any elements connected to IS.”

However, he cautioned that more Malaysians might become attracted to IS if there wasn’t a more holistic approach in countering the group’s influence.

“We need participation from everyone – family institutions, schools, universities, NGOs, businesses communities, and society at large to cooperate with the security forces to prevent more individuals from being victims of IS,” he said.

He added that the recent arrests confirmed his study that the IS ideology is attractive to certain people, especially those who believe that the group represents the long lost caliphate and it is therefore a religious obligation to participate in its struggle.

“In reality,” said Ahmad, “IS has manipulated a lot of religious texts to justify their actions. Unfortunately, those who are not well equipped with knowledge about Islam tend to be influenced by their claims.”