
vivos | Joined since 2012-08-03

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2013-03-08 14:11 | Report Abuse

great.. redtone has been buying back shares and raising funds (additional listing) recently..


2013-03-06 16:41 | Report Abuse

yeah! on the way back to .45


2013-03-06 15:48 | Report Abuse

maybe.. few months ago there was a rumour on takeover at rm1..


2013-03-06 11:16 | Report Abuse

Awesome guys! Revive Redtone !!


2013-02-27 21:19 | Report Abuse

Redtone gogogo ! Naik jangan tak naik! Slowly but surely.


2013-02-26 22:42 | Report Abuse
REDTONE - Notice of Shares Buy Back - Immediate Announcement

Redtone keep buying shares back.. Soon it will break 40 cents


2013-02-26 11:26 | Report Abuse

Agree. One of the best turnaround stock in making. Strong solid future plan news covered by all media. CEO himself being interviewed in BMF recently. Definitely this stock worth a lot more in coming months.


2013-02-22 10:45 | Report Abuse

something in between


2013-02-21 17:38 | Report Abuse

i think they will.. if the rumours is true that tommorrow Najib going to announce the dissolution of parliment then i believe it will drop to 0.05 before shooting up ?


2013-02-20 17:10 | Report Abuse

should have hold a while.. fuck me


2013-02-20 16:05 | Report Abuse

@Desmond haha lucky you didnt jump in xD


2013-02-19 14:50 | Report Abuse

my dad average around 55 cents... he didn't sell at all because pwroot giving good dividend... currently i don't have any shares on hand. waiting for the right possible time to sai lang.


2013-02-19 14:18 | Report Abuse

Might have a few possibilities here.

1. Throw some now later after ge buy back la. Then can make some profit.
2. Director want to increase liquidity so can move up higher to another stage since quarterly report going to release.
3. You know la, director want to scare everyone by selling a bit first later one-two days before quarterly report than sai lang.

Possible the stock to surge as tabung haji has increases their stake while director increases the liquidity of the shares.


2013-02-19 12:39 | Report Abuse

haha Desmond later went up don't blame me ah.. but just to be on the safe side. Hold your cash. After election, you may double up your capital easily.


2013-02-19 11:09 | Report Abuse

After some intense googling hahah, I found out that most of the MOU which has been done previously by UPM with some other companies are just trainings or partner in assisting the research. So I don't think the MOU will trigger the price surge on thursday. It may just another partnership on some sort of trainings.


2013-02-18 17:50 | Report Abuse

No problem.. are you holding this share at the moment. This morning I was planning to jump in but i didn't. The chart looks good. It looks like Amedia and Perdana.. going up slowly and steady. However due to ge, I am holding back my cash.


2013-02-18 16:07 | Report Abuse

i saw it yesterday at their homepage at the latest news sidebar.. I could not find any further information. It stated

News And Events

MOU IT Business Process Signing between UPM & censof
Thursday 21 Feb 2013
Feb 21st – MOU IT Business Process Signing between UPM & censof

That's all. I try going through their web but could not find anything either. So anyone ?


2013-02-18 15:28 | Report Abuse

macam digista la..


2013-02-18 15:16 | Report Abuse

are you guys aware of the MOU between censof and upm ?


2013-02-15 17:02 | Report Abuse

eh ya.. i was looking at takaso too..


2013-02-15 16:52 | Report Abuse

jealousnya saya =.= if not i make 4k already..


2013-02-15 11:33 | Report Abuse

ya.. 3 months. Means after GE. If BN win then the acquisition might go through. So at this current moment, everyone make enough money then sell. Collect after GE result announced lo. I believe that this stock will back to 0.345..


2013-02-15 11:05 | Report Abuse

betul ke ni..
nanti masa rehat.. pasukgb kata " PasukGB has not been awarded such contract nor paticipated in any tender for such contract. However, we are planning on participating in the tender in coming future."


2013-02-15 10:59 | Report Abuse

semalam je aku jual @0.180


2013-02-15 10:56 | Report Abuse

aiyyooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo bodoh la aku ni


2013-02-14 09:56 | Report Abuse

yaa... i unload it at 0.18..


2013-02-14 08:54 | Report Abuse

wa early morning sudah ada comment.. let's see today performance..


2013-02-14 01:03 | Report Abuse

in case if anyone asked where did I read from.
here you go


2013-02-14 01:02 | Report Abuse

I suggest to buy mkland after election.. also when looking at pasukgb and gabungan for possible merger. I also read that gabungan is looking for land bank in klang. Last I heard mkland have sold off their land banks outside klang. which means they still have land in klang. Maybe they will have a deal in the future I presume ? Well u make the connection.


2013-02-14 00:53 | Report Abuse

will rebound back to 0.240 soon.. Hold tight! Why? On 4th February Pasukgb announced that they did not bid on any of the project cause s panic sell. However it does not affect the company's fundamental. Therefore there is no reason the stock price should take the plunge . I foresee in coming days, pasukgb will regain it's position in 0.240.


2013-02-13 21:27 | Report Abuse

slowly but surely


2013-02-13 17:10 | Report Abuse

yes yes hopefully boleh.. hari ini show sudah bagus.


2013-02-13 16:48 | Report Abuse

cantik sekali.. 0.185


2013-02-13 15:56 | Report Abuse

aiyo jangan kasi c4... bagi dia naik slow slow.. nanti naik cepat, turn pun cepat oh.. hari ini close 0.185-0.19 sudah cukup.. esok bagi dia naik lagi


2013-02-13 15:47 | Report Abuse

yea bagi meletup sama dia..


2013-02-13 15:03 | Report Abuse

The reason why it drop from 0.250 which is the 4th of Feb is because of the false news whereby pasukgb declined that they are involved with the RM300 million water supply contract in Indonesia. This news cause everyone to panic and sell down for the pass 3 constitutive days.


2013-02-13 14:04 | Report Abuse

@eugene91 yes of course it is a good news.. why don't sell a little when u can make money and then buy back later? Let's put it in this way..

let's say you own a listed company. Your average price is 0.12 and the current price is 0.70. Knowing that in coming months your share will be soaring higher or possible a merger. Would you sell or hold the share?

There is a lot of possibility of why the directors only sell 700,000 shares well they can obviously sell a little bit more which doesn't really affect their stake in the company.

Let's change the situation here a little bit. Let's just say, the company that you are owning now is going south. Possible in revenue decreasing, or one of the major director going to retire or anything else which you can think of will bring the company down in shares. Will you sell 700k shares or you will try to dump little by little? Will all your fellow directors follow you along?


2013-02-13 12:22 | Report Abuse

ppl sapuing at 0.180 lol


2013-02-13 11:33 | Report Abuse

@Eugene91 haha that's the choice that you need to make. Everyone queuing at 0.175 but seller no seller. Tadi ada orang kasi tolak pasukgb to 0.185 by buying 1 lot. Maybe you can be the second one to initiate the action to buy 0.185.. haha


2013-02-13 11:17 | Report Abuse

hahaha she old la... brokerage fees sap sap sui lo.. so far she recommended me gpro (0.215 - 0.30) , tmclife (0.360 - 0.405)

By then when she recommend me gpro, I insist that I won't buy this kind of rubbish stock. She then insist that I buy because she got news la this and that.. Aiyo mau jadi orang baik, aku beli sikit sikit lo.. lepas aku jual 0.30, gpro kena UMA. Sibeh lucky I tell you. Check my previous posting in my profile.


2013-02-13 10:58 | Report Abuse

go sapu 0.185 haha... no one selling 0.180 lol


2013-02-13 10:48 | Report Abuse

haha u don't sai lang everything can already.. cause ppl queuing at 0.180 but no one want to sell.


2013-02-13 10:41 | Report Abuse

@bigFish.. I just bought today because yesterday my remisier told me about this stock for potential merger with gabungan. Not sure if she saw it from this site. hahah but she very chun one.. last time tms a week before goreng she sms me asking me to buy...

Before listen to her bulat bulat.. i did my research also la.. that tms i didnt buy because is a lousy company.


2013-02-13 10:36 | Report Abuse

just that maybe everyone still sleeping because of gambling last night.. let's wait for afternoon session... if close higher today then the show is on..


2013-02-13 10:31 | Report Abuse

Company earnings is reasonable..
Good project track.. completed more than 500 M&E projects.

I think it is worth buying and holding.


2013-02-12 00:15 | Report Abuse

Look at the recent event from BN in Penang. People leaving the place right after Psy performance. Bad support from the crowd when PM asked "Are you ready for BN?" and so many other negative responses.

I am standing in a neutral position where I do not side anyone. Looking at the current situation, more and more corruption surfaced this year, more Malaysians are aware of the problems caused by BN and also the rising of social media affects how we look at government today. Before social media, the local media may twist the story but the increasing adoption of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube makes headlines to everyone unfiltered in a very short time.

I am worried about this year general election. If BN win again, our country borrowings might continue to increase and the tax payer’s money might be used for other purposes. I am not saying that the new government will not misuse the tax payer’s money. As a matter of fact, we are humans and sometimes we are blinded by the money and power that we have. Also the nature of human to be greedy makes it difficult for 55 years of ruling to be sincere and honest.

Somehow I believe that this year general election will make a big difference to all of us here today. Weather if BN or the opposition win, we cannot build rom within a day. It takes time and passion to build a good well-being country. I am afraid no parties have the capabilities of building one. As far as I am concerned, I do hope that every one of you here, do reflect and make your own judgement before putting down your vote. As we know, one vote can make a big difference.

Also, I just wanted to know, how many of you here are still having shares on hand? Not sure it is the right time to keep as election is drawing near.


2013-02-08 15:49 | Report Abuse

not good losing underwear during cny xD


2013-02-08 15:45 | Report Abuse

I am on my way back! Good luck everyone who are still holding!