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26 comment(s). Last comment by talk2pkc 2013-02-13 05:58
Posted by kai8994 > 2013-02-12 02:37 | Report Abuse
i'm still keeping some as quarterly annoucement this month might spur the price abit. but will definitely offload after that.
Posted by bingo > 2013-02-12 04:56 | Report Abuse
btw, I am still keeping a few counters. I will just lock it in the freezer and wait for a few months, no need to run and may I ask why run, where are you gong to hide?
Posted by New Insight Sabah > 2013-02-12 10:45 | Report Abuse
From The Economist Intelligence Unit:
A fiscal bidding war
The main opposition Pakatan Rakyat (PR) alliance is making many costly promises to the electorate in its eagerness to gain power. However, the price of a PR victory to the Malaysian economy has attracted less attention than the generosity of the Barisan Nasional (BN) coalition government, which has spent lavishly in two consecutive budgets in order to please voters. In addition, the government is offering many local incentives to ensure the return of BN representatives at federal and state level. For example, the prime minister recently offered Penang's opposition-controlled state assembly 20,000 affordable houses and a monorail to ease traffic congestion. The next election is likely to be a tight race, but we do not expect the outcome to lead to a dramatic improvement in the public finances.
The budgets for 2011 and 2012 were crammed with voter-pleasing measures and helped to raise expectations of an early parliamentary election, which many observers believed would be held in early or mid-2012. Previous BN governments rarely served a full term and preferred to call a poll a year before the end of their term. However, for various reasons the prime minister, Najib Razak, decided to break with his predecessors and appears set to oversee the BN's first full term of office in decades. Both budgets offered cash handouts to low-income families and extra bonuses for civil servants. The 2013 budget, which was unveiled in September 2012, included a cut in the income tax rate and transport discounts for low-income groups, in addition to cash handouts and smartphone purchase incentives for low-earning individuals.
Fiscal imprudence
One consequence of the BN's near defeat in the March 2008 general election has been slow progress in reducing the budget deficit, which the government estimates at the equivalent of 4.5% of nominal GDP in 2012 and forecasts to narrow to 4% in 2013. Subsidy cuts and tax increases lose votes. At some point this year, when all of the voter-related fiscal incentives are added up, the 13th general election will be shown to have been the most expensive poll in Malaysia's history. Although successive BN governments (which have governed Malaysia for more than five decades) and a wide-ranging subsidy scheme are to blame for the country's weak fiscal position, Mr Najib has made tackling Malaysia's persistent fiscal weaknesses one of his long-term policy objectives. However, only a clear victory for the BN would prompt it to accord a higher priority to this particular policy initiative—outlined in Mr Najib's medium- to long-term transformation plan.
By contrast, comments from the PR indicate no commitment to tackling Malaysia's weak public finances. The opposition alliance's economic agenda is intended to appeal strongly to a younger electorate and, taken collectively, appear as fiscally imprudent if not more so than the BN's voter-pleasing measures. The PR's populist items include free secondary education (abolition of student loans); lower car prices (through reform of the National Automotive Policy); a higher monthly minimum wage (of M$1,200, or US$390, compared with M$900 under the BN); the elimination of toll roads; and lower fuel prices. The oil-producing eastern states of Sabah and Sarawak would receive a larger share of oil and gas royalties, of 20%, compared with 5% at present. The PR also has no plans to expand the tax base, whereas the BN is likely to adopt a new goods and services tax (GST) later this year. Recently, the PR added a promise to lower electricity tariffs, which would be paid for by renegotiating supply contracts with the independent power producers, as well as through the sale of the finance ministry's stake in the national electricity utility, Tenaga Nasional.
Broken promises
The total cost of the PR's campaign promises is unclear, but revenue collection would be hampered by giving a larger share of oil royalties to the eastern states. BN politicians have criticised the PR's policy agenda, believing that the implementation of its measures would threaten the country's financial future. It is clearly not feasible to implement all of the measures in one go. For example, providing free secondary education would cost the government M$43bn (US$14.1bn), while abolishing car duty would cut tax revenue by M$4.6bn a year. (more to follow)
Posted by New Insight Sabah > 2013-02-12 10:47 | Report Abuse
Continues from the previous comment of The Economist Intelligence Unit:
Yet the PR will be judged on how quickly it makes good on its election pledges. In Malaysia's richest state, Selangor, the alliance has already been accused of breaking its promises. The BN, which is in opposition in Selangor, claims that the PR has implemented only 15% of the M$2.4bn-worth of its 31 election pledges, made in the 2008 PR manifesto. The promises include financial assistance for pre-school education, and for university students, senior citizens and the disabled; free healthcare for those over 65; lower property taxes; and assistance for home buyers. Selangor's chief minister, Khalid Ibrahim, commented that a manifesto is not a promise but conceded that voters may think otherwise.
To help to strengthen the country's public finances, the PR is relying heavily on the eradication of corruption, greater transparency and better financial management. This is part of a broader effort to reform the Malaysian economy, which includes dismantling cartels, the abolition of monopolies and reforming the role of government-linked companies. For example, in December 2012 the PR published an alternative budget for Perak, the state assembly of which it lost to the BN in February 2009 after four PR assembly members defected to the coalition. Under the BN, Perak had a history of successive fiscal deficits. The PR's alternative budget promises a large increase in total revenue and no fiscal shortfalls. It says that it would achieve this through better financial management and accountability; an end to corruption and cronyism; open tenders for all public undertakings; and through the revival of the state's mineral industries.
New voters on the block
The latest opinion polls show that Mr Najib remains popular, with an approval rating of more than 60%, according to a survey conducted by a local pollster, the Merdeka Centre, in December 2012. But support for the BN was much weaker, with just 47% of those surveyed saying that they were satisfied with the government. This disparity might translate into a loss of seats for the BN at the next election. Both the BN and the PR will need to appeal to young, first-time voters, given that nearly 3m people in this crucial voting block have been added to the electoral register since the last election. The bulk of this group is undecided about which party to vote for and could swing the outcome of the next poll. Both sides will also need to appeal to voters in Sabah and Sarawak. Currently, lawmakers from the two eastern states combined account for one–third of the total number of sitting BN members of parliament.
The stakes are high for both the BN and the PR. The bidding war is likely to continue as both sides make preparations for what is being billed as one of the hardest-fought elections in Malaysia's history. On the one hand, Mr Najib needs to win big in order to secure the future of his reform agenda, while on the other hand, the opposition leader, Anwar Ibrahim, wants to be the first to break the BN's stranglehold on power.
Posted by Abudance > 2013-02-12 13:08 | Report Abuse
If Penang can be well governed by DAP, and if Malacca can be win over to be governed by opposition... Despite empty State coffers, outside investors can come in to build big factories or businesses to being wealth to the State. Being former straits settlement, they are used to working with difference cultures and more tolerant eith each other.
When we have prosperity ... No one is bickering!
Posted by humbled > 2013-02-12 15:56 | Report Abuse
Just CHANGE!!! Enough is enough......
Posted by murtadzashah71 > 2013-02-12 16:02 | Report Abuse
there are pros and cons in BN and PR but BN's reps mostly immature. Can't argue constructively and bad at receiving comments.
Posted by bingo > 2013-02-12 16:06 | Report Abuse
Well, I am not staying NEUTRAL for as long as UMNO & the BN gang is gone for & buried for good , then Malaysians wll enjoy a better standard of living. No more buying things at inflated prices like a Toyota Camry 2.4 at more than $150k whereas the countries like US can easily get 1 Toyota Camry 2.4 at about MR70k and how much are the US people are earning per month? Yes, their take back pay is so many times ours and they pay for cheaper things like a Toyota Camry. Ask yourself why it is such? Do we Malaysians have to suffer a higher cost of living?
vivos, you are staying NEUTRAL for what????? Don't you care about your family well being, your children's well being???? Everyday things are getting more expensive and for what? And are our pay getting better and better to meet with the rise in the cost of living? So, what are you going to do about it? Do you care for your children's future or your family's future in fact? Come on, where are your senses? You think by staying NEUTRAL, you can solve EVERYTHING???
Ask yourself this....are we Malaysia heading in the RIGHT DIRECTION? or is it going to masuk longkang? Corruption everywhere & everyone want to have a finger in th pie & you want to stay NEUTRAL? Come on, come to your SENSES PLEASE. If you don't want to do yourself a favour, then do it AT LEAST for your children and grandchildren please, will you? Do it for our
Posted by bingo > 2013-02-12 16:08 | Report Abuse
and vivos,our beloved country Malaysia is a blessed country with so many natural resources but why is OUR MALAYSIANS SO POOR? Where does the money go to? As yourself how much is Malaysia's debt? Is this debt going to affect you and your family? If your answer is NO, then you can stay NEUTRAL, but IF NOT, then concrete action need to be taken for the good of all Malaysians.
No need for you to go far and compare with far away Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia with our nearest Singapore and you will see & feel the very vast difference. Just compare your Malaysian Ringgit & the Singapore Dollar or Brunei Dollar...what was the exchange rate NOW & 40 years back????? You call the present UMNO/BN wealth management as EXCELLENT? If so, then we can exchange Ringgit 50 cents to Singapore or Brunei $1 but we are NOT as exchange rate is now very much in Singapore or Brunei favour.You call this good wealth management of our beloved country Malaysia???? ...and you want to stay NEUTRAL by JUST
DOING NOTHING, haa haa haa
Posted by bingo > 2013-02-12 16:09 | Report Abuse
vivos, be a good Malaysian citizen, help our poor Malaysians, help our beloved country Malaysia if you don't intend to HELP YOURSELF & YOUR FAMILY.
Posted by bingo > 2013-02-12 16:11 | Report Abuse
and vivos, YES, politics is VERY DIRTY INDEED but you just cannot stay IDLE and watch yourself & your family masuk longkang.Take concrete action please if not for yourself then AT LAST for your country, our BELOVED MALAYSIA.
Everyone of us got to pool our resources together to help make our beloved Malaysia a wonderful place for all Malaysians to live in. Make Malaysia the envy of other countries, do it my countrymen.
Posted by bingo > 2013-02-12 16:19 | Report Abuse
and the main culprit is none other than on...
Dr M brewing recipe for disaster
....he even send his father back to India when he want to enter politics...that's why I said earlier POLITICS IS DAMN DIRTY. Can we do this to our father who had brought us up in this world? None I presume but not this kutty.
Posted by bingo > 2013-02-12 16:22 | Report Abuse
and as 1 reader wrote, may I quote...
Daisy Tan ·
Is this man the reincarnation of Cambodia's evil Pol Pot? Najib just need to put this wicked old man in cold storage and half his battle is won.Pm is trying too hard in every way to make himself worthy to the rakyat. Why not get this evil Mahtir and his followers like Abramalley, Gunipigtail, Asanali, Cowlizard and all those trouble makers then perhaps Pm may regain some of his long lost respect.
.....for me I say to HELL with this mamakutty.
Posted by bingo > 2013-02-12 16:27 | Report Abuse
Dr Mahathir and his mouth — Greg War evil can one be!!!!!
Posted by bingo > 2013-02-12 16:30 | Report Abuse
..and see what 1 readers has to say on the above link on this mamakutty.....allow me to quote please...
borneo01 110p · 4 hours ago
MM is just a pendatang like the one million that our dear TUNKU accepted as Malaysian, an muslim indian. I just dont understand how he can compare himself with TUNKU who is a full blooded malay of royal decent. you know.
Posted by bingo > 2013-02-12 16:43 | Report Abuse
George Soros, Mahathir You Screwed Malaysia Big Time
Malaysia, Mahathir, Marcos, Mubarak and Gaddafi
Posted by bingo > 2013-02-12 17:39 | Report Abuse
The Corruption of Mahathir?
True or be the better judge.
Posted by Ammar Roshidy > 2013-02-12 20:00 | Report Abuse
Wow Bingo.. you sure are angry... anyway anyone reading this site is bound to be pro PR. To sum it up we just want a party that can and will fulfill the following:
"To help to strengthen the country's public finances, the PR is relying heavily on the eradication of corruption, greater transparency and better financial management. This is part of a broader effort to reform the Malaysian economy, which includes dismantling cartels, the abolition of monopolies and reforming the role of government-linked 00
companies" unquote from NEW INSIGHT SABAH.
Posted by paulwongtp > 2013-02-12 22:35 | Report Abuse
well said bingo.he is indeed angry and we all should be.for the next generation and better future ahead,the cost of living is increasing dramatically and how long the poor and the uneducated can hold on?do something now before is too late.
Posted by momo > 2013-02-13 01:05 | Report Abuse
bingo, Tunku is Siam mari , Anwar is Mamakkuty like MM , Najib, Onn, Jafaar Onn and Tun Razak are Turks related , the only pure malay is gapa baba
Posted by bingo > 2013-02-13 01:23 | Report Abuse
Ammar Roshidy, I am indeed very angry to see so many UMNO goons trying to enrich themselves and their families & their conies too while the majority of our Malaysian brothers & sisters suffer silently every day. Everyday, they hope that with each passing day, their standard of living will be getting better & better & life gets better for them but instead everyday passes by when they see more corruption and with more corruption, their hopes all diminished or vanished in thin air.... totally gone. They struggle everyday to put food on the table for their loved ones and some even wonder where the next meal would come from where. Can we bear to see our dear Malaysian brothers & sisters suffer so much wwhen we are all born equally and are all sons of GOD?
If we fellow Malaysians don't take some drastic measures to get rid of all these UMNO & BN parasites, we will in the coming years ahead be heading towards the Zimbabwe area where incidentally it's president Robert Mugabe & our own evil Mamakutty are the best of friends, damn.
Do you want our beloved Malaysia to a copycat of Zimbabwe where hyperinflation ruin so many lives? In 2004 Zimbabwa inflation was about 134% but in 2008 it's 89,700,000,000,000,000,000,000%
Do we Malaysians want our beloved Malaysia to come to this Zimbabwe stage where a chicken can cost you a few million ringgit??
Comon my fellow Malaysians, do your little bit for yourself and our beloved Malaysia and use your head to vote for a better government for the betterment of all fellow Malaysians. get rid once & for all of all UMNO & BN corruption & I am confident that our life will be very much better.
Corruption can be compared to the dread disease called “cancer”. Cancer as a disease if detected early can be suppressed through chemotherapy, which often extends the life span of the affected person. So comparing corruption with cancer, corruption if addressed early by detecting the causes, the impact and the ways of suppressing or even eliminating it. The failure to address corruption can often lead to the total collapse of the entire infrastructure of a country.
Like NIKE said, JUST DO IT!
Posted by bingo > 2013-02-13 01:43 | Report Abuse
and do you know that our past UMNO Finance Minister the diminutive Daim Zainuddin was so corrupted and is now SUPER RICH that he though a Malay had migrated to South Africa lock, stock, and barrel. Yes, NOT EVEN ONE & that in includes grandchildren, nieces and nephews, etc, etc, of his relatives are here in Malaysia...all migrated for good. Why, why, why???
You know who was Daim Zainuddin before? He was as poor as a church mouse and had to make a living by drying sea water to make salt to sell to make money and when he became UMNO or rather Malaysia Finance Minister, how rich did he become?? Yes, his first business venture was in salt production & can this salty business make him SUPER RICH???
So think again my Malaysian brothers & sisters, do what you must do for our beloved country, Malaysia.
And as the assassinated US President John F Kennedy in his 1961 inaugural address said, 'ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country'. Can you for our BELOVED MALAYSIA?
Posted by bingo > 2013-02-13 02:48 | Report Abuse
Read this please...
Who will light the fire?
February 12, 2013
Posted by Junglestock > 2013-02-13 05:29 | Report Abuse
Change is good, just like the snake shedding it's old skin for new, so should we accept nd embrace change for good to come. Rome not built in a day, don't expect even if Opposition wins, that they can change or remove corruption , malpractice , cheats, cronyism a few months. Remember when Selangor fell, vital documents were carted away and lots more shredded. If we have stocks that are fundamentally good to hold ( makes good business sense) we should and not abandon and topple the cart. Foreign investors are on the sidelines to watch and will come in big time you watch.
Posted by talk2pkc > 2013-02-13 05:58 | Report Abuse
Major global markets are showing strong sign a big shift to "Equity" market from Bond and this could be a positive indication for junior markets' like KLCI !! Standby ...
No result.
Dragon Leong blog
Stock Market Enthusiast
Feng Shui Market Outlook for FBM KLCI in the Year of the Wood Snake (2025)
The Alpha Trader
Stock Market Enthusiast
3 Resilient Stocks That Defied Malaysia’s Market Slump in January 2025 - #GCB, #ABMB, #CDB
MQ Market Updates
Stock Name
Stock Name
Stock Name
CS Tan
4.9 / 5.0
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
Posted by vivos > 2013-02-12 00:15 | Report Abuse
Look at the recent event from BN in Penang. People leaving the place right after Psy performance. Bad support from the crowd when PM asked "Are you ready for BN?" and so many other negative responses. I am standing in a neutral position where I do not side anyone. Looking at the current situation, more and more corruption surfaced this year, more Malaysians are aware of the problems caused by BN and also the rising of social media affects how we look at government today. Before social media, the local media may twist the story but the increasing adoption of Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube makes headlines to everyone unfiltered in a very short time. I am worried about this year general election. If BN win again, our country borrowings might continue to increase and the tax payer’s money might be used for other purposes. I am not saying that the new government will not misuse the tax payer’s money. As a matter of fact, we are humans and sometimes we are blinded by the money and power that we have. Also the nature of human to be greedy makes it difficult for 55 years of ruling to be sincere and honest. Somehow I believe that this year general election will make a big difference to all of us here today. Weather if BN or the opposition win, we cannot build rom within a day. It takes time and passion to build a good well-being country. I am afraid no parties have the capabilities of building one. As far as I am concerned, I do hope that every one of you here, do reflect and make your own judgement before putting down your vote. As we know, one vote can make a big difference. Also, I just wanted to know, how many of you here are still having shares on hand? Not sure it is the right time to keep as election is drawing near.