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2017-09-21 09:38 | Report Abuse

azmi 8800, just ask your friend whether that is an isolated incident? becos LCTitan is an integrated complex consisting of about 9 plants. The only consolation is that for this quarter is already a done deal, with only few more trading days, so i reckon the impact on this Quarter is not that worrisome. According to one forum member, it is the new plant, if i recall.


2017-09-20 12:03 | Report Abuse

The ministry of Finance has recvd approval from China to declare today and to tomorrow as Heng Yuan day. In view of this week being a short trading week, buyers are advised to queue while buying. There will be a long queue this evening becos the market maker wants to quickly execute his job and take a 3 day holiday. Please exercise discipline when your are buying. Those caught jumping queue will be sent to China to shot b4 the firing squad.

Just my 2 sens worth for spinning a tale much better than the tulip chase!


2017-09-20 09:25 | Report Abuse

Ok now Jack888, you have the answer to your question. Now I suggest you go to our neighbor, HRC, and you ask them the same question.........


2017-09-19 16:59 | Report Abuse

Rojakmee, ayoyo, all saying they wanna buy at 6, so buy at six lah. What if by nov, holders will be holding at 18 after ex bonus 2 for 1 jadi 6 lah! Aya, boring days sometimes need a bit of humour la. I guess i am not as good as dragon ayoyo kikiki! BTW where is he? somebody has slain him?


2017-09-19 16:23 | Report Abuse

Aye Henly, correct, it is the NOSH, my mistake for writing out of haste. As for you salam, you are too preoccupied with the screen, i presume. Not difficult to decipher the logic. Close your screen and think for awhile.


2017-09-19 15:57 | Report Abuse

See how to trust this HRC. People sell low now they push higher. Aya, I wanna report to securities commmission lah about this stock manipulation.


2017-09-19 15:54 | Report Abuse

Now I have to agree why HRC cannot be trusted. they keep on changing their game plan. Morning come push, evening short. I think by year end everybody who wish for the counter to go down to 6 Rgt can buy. I have a strong feeling it will definitely drop to 6 Rgt after Nov. However things by that time would have changed. The paid up would have increased by 3 times, from 300 million to 900 million and those holding until after November will suffer becos they will be carrying 3 share loads instead of one. This is a very dangerous counter!


2017-09-19 09:59 | Report Abuse

Hold your horses! Market maker wants to go for tea for awhile. Will be back, meantime on auto-pilot. The imported turbo charger will be arriving soon! Once tested Ok, then it will be in full use.


2017-09-18 15:31 | Report Abuse

plane, Hve trf some token amt to Ms Choo's acc. If you visit her, convey our regards and well wishes.


2017-09-18 15:05 | Report Abuse

Ayoyo, kikiki dragon where are you? your humor and comments are required here.


2017-09-18 12:51 | Report Abuse

Hey plane, why don't you indicate her name and acc no, within this forum. Perhaps some of us would like to do our bit for a person in dire need. Whats the use of making money when we cant serve humanity. I would like to contribute.


2017-09-18 12:36 | Report Abuse

Plane, I pray for the well being of your friend, and hope that you achieve your goal of trying to mitigate her predicament.


2017-09-18 10:31 | Report Abuse

As of today, can we declare 8 as history?


2017-09-18 10:30 | Report Abuse

Rocket cop bro, relax, humility is the key.


2017-09-18 10:19 | Report Abuse

Dey, Hong Goh dont bother to calculate lah! You already made money.


2017-09-18 10:15 | Report Abuse

Hello, how much now ah! 7.06? My eyes cannot see clearly.


2017-09-17 17:26 | Report Abuse

Ayoyo kadavalei! still no comprehendo Will petron in 10 days time go down from 9.90 to less than 6.50 UNDER NEAR STABLE CIRCUMSTANCES just to kill Petron CC Buyers? On the 22nd of FEB 2018, will HRC assuming UNDER NEAR STABLE CIRCUMSTANCES reached beyond RGT10, purposefully go down to RM 6, the exercise price just to kill HRC Ca holders together with Cb and Cc holders.? Structured wa are either at a discount or premium. But ultimately their destiny is hinged to the mother share. Again, will the mother share market makers push down to these levels just to feed the IB's objectives?
I, being a warrant holder for both petronm and HRC have this firm believe that both mother shares will produce sterling results for Q3.

If no comprehendo, its alright. No point clawing the wall or blackboard!
Just my 2 sens worth.


2017-09-17 15:55 | Report Abuse

You buy i buy, the structured warrants maybe small in price when compared to the mother, but when we purchase in view of the expiry date, we are a group of people who strongly believe and advocate the mother share moving up to meet our objectives. Our passion is even greater than the mother shareholders themselves, only thing we are the silent minority.
If in general, no way the IB is gonna let the holder make money, then Holders of all HRC have to beware. In about 5 trading days (Friday 21st public holiday) the warrant Petron Cc stops trading between 26th and 29th.sept. The exercise price is RM 6.50. So The IB will inform the market maker, the FILIPINOS (code name for market maker) to start pushing down the price from current 9.90 to 6.50 and below so all warrant holders cannot even buy toilet paper. In less than 2 weeks the stock losses 33% in value. For what reason? A strong company with solid fundamentals and calculated future earnings went down just to make sure all Petron CC warrant holders go bankrupt. And this shall be reported in the press? Because of the clustering effect, HRC, by god, I cannot imagine how much it will come down! When this happen even all HRC warrants cannot even clean our shit! And how will HRC report their version of the almost similar fall?
Would the market maker for both this co do this just to meet the IB's objective?

Look at the bigger picture of things. Year in year out in the market if we have not acquired elements of wisdom, then something is not right.

Just my 2 sens worth....


2017-09-17 14:47 | Report Abuse

You buy I buy, Dont be disheartened by adverse comments, and despair when you see trading days that sometime seems like these comments are true. When you bought Ca, it ought to be based on some sound rational analysis, i presume. Surely you would have calculated and prescribed for yourself an estimated price target within a certain time frame for your purchase, and all these would have been based on some sound co fundamentals and laid out facts that you could get from this forum or elsewhere. The question is are you willing to trade off and sell your purchase based on meticulous analysis of rational facts with the emotionally driven fear derived from one single trading day? Don't easily succumb to what is laid before your very eyes from the trading screen.
You buy I buy, I dont own the mother share, and I dont own the CA, but I do own many more of the Cd's than you have with the Ca.Your Ca has the lowest premium and gearing. If your Ca crumble, then be rest assured all the other structured C's will be worthless. Even toilet paper will be worth more. I do watch the screen from time to time, but what dynamics the mother share traces on a trading day, to me is just part and parcel of its ascending nature. Institutional selling and the likes is common, you would find it in any stock that has institutional stakeholders. There will be about 2 months to go, and I am looking at the mother hitting anywhere between 10 and 11 b4 Q3 report is out. Any valuation beyond that is bonus to me.
Watch the screen, but never allow fear and emotion to shake you from your original objective, If what you see on a particular day is not to your liking, tell yourself "So What" or worse case scenario "WTF".....

Just my 2 sens worth.


2017-09-17 09:50 | Report Abuse

You buy I buy, if price closed at 7.9 on expiry of CA, your calculation is right, becos each share you lose 15 sen. But to be more exact you have to minus out like what Depeche indicated, stamp duty and commisions and GST at purchase. Also to minus out 3% + 6 % GST of the 3% handling charges by the agent if you take the warrant to expiry, for them to sent you the cheque 2 weeks after expiry. All this warrant info you can read from Bursa website.

News & Blogs

2017-09-16 13:00 | Report Abuse

Last I heard of sumatec is that Tan sri Halim Saad major shareholder wants to cash out. Big headache for him. not sure whether this issue is settled. Big paid up 5c per share. Needs mountains of shares traded to move.
In reality there is an increase demand for energy resource,but just temporary due to catastrophies, but nothing extraordinary to vouch for huge price increments.


2017-09-15 22:44 | Report Abuse

May i share with you, newplayer 286: For the CC if you have the holding power, you might as well take it right up to the end and get the cheque payment perhaps 2nd week October. Dont bother about the CC price. The mother is the decider. This stock is quite steady and fundamentally sound, within the CC non trading period between 26th and 29th, Bearing any unforseen circumstances, such as war or armageddon the mother share is predictably stable over the four days.
On the Cd, I reckon it should be OK as it is in the money: The mother is now approx Rgt 10, whereas the exercise price is 8.50. The CC has a premium now becos it is still way ahead of expiry where the ratios become more exacting.
For instance if you target that the price of petron b4 reports are out in Nov to be about RM 11, CD might register approx 35 to 36 sen /share. You might fetch a better premium if it hits your target earlier, much further from the expiry, when the ratios are not into effective play
What is important is that you must have a target price, within a certain prescribed time frame, and you must be watchful that the exercise price of 8.50 is not compromised.
just sharing my 2 sens worth!


2017-09-15 22:17 | Report Abuse

Go check petronm and see if you could spot any disposal/ acquired transaction within the last 2 years, from any substantial fund holders. You will not find any official reporting, precisely becos there is no other major holders except the Filipinas.


2017-09-15 22:11 | Report Abuse

Just my 2 sens worth:
1) Every stock which is rallying, whether up or down, has its market maker, normally the nominees or fund managers associated with the most substantial shareholder. It is unlikely that ASB is the market maker, becos they are only a substantial shareholder, but not the major one.

2) ASB being a substantial shareholder (more than 6%) must declare their disposal/acquired transactions in due time. This they will comply. They wiil report at least 2 days after date of transaction. Institutional Funds selling/ buying is customary, But if you think you wanna wait for them to dispose of all 19000 lots b4 you bargain hunt, i think by year 2020 PNB (ASB) will still be present in HRC, and by then you still haven't bought HRC. Who knows the price then would be 2, 3, 4 times the current price.
3) There is one other fund with 15 million shares, but no more substantial shareholder and therefore no reporting required; your work-life funds, EPF. They cease to be substantial shareholder on 6 jan 2017.
4) Funds normally do program selling,sometimes already prearranged between the market maker and the fund managers. Seldom are there huge surprises. For instance, 2 weeks ago when HRC was down Rgt1 over, was there any declaration of disposal from ASB? None.
5) Between Q1 and Q2, despite holding 19 million shares, ASB only disposed 500 thousand shares. Why not, the amount is only like a token sale. Do you think they are there not knowing the future potential of HRC?
HRC go up fast, we become anxious and unsure, HRC go down we curse, HRC stagnates we think game over. IN fact all stocks go through these dynamics, there is no escaping.
Most importantly, time will tell!

Again just sharing my 2 sens worth. Dont have to unleash the parangs!



2017-09-15 13:06 | Report Abuse

Even If you hold the cc, pending the 5 days between 25th to 29th sept when it is no more traded, and if the mother share over the 5 days is smoothly averaged at least RGT 10 you will receive payment in full, based on the calculated ratio and exercise price, minus 0.3% charges for handling by the agent. Only problem is you will receive the cheque approx. 2 weeks later. CC is still in the money. The playmaker is discounting it to see who has the money to hold and who are the T4 traders.


2017-09-15 12:54 | Report Abuse

Remember our feelings are always influenced by market dynamics. When we buy, did we base on gut feel? surely no! And if we did not, why should we consequently base our decisions on gut feel emotion. Conditions are favorable for this co, so calculated risk is limited on the downside. The Filipino father is traded at 10.40 today with a PE of 12.3X. The best thing for you to do rocket cop is go for lunch, then look for something better to do rather than look at the trading screen! Why based decisions on 1 day trading activity? Unless of course if you trade T4. Then thats another story.


2017-09-14 17:03 | Report Abuse

Kementerian Kesihatan confirm itu leptosporosis, itu HRC kena kencing tikus. Only a few hospitalised. not cholera outbreak. Perlu itu Pil Chee kit teck onn and pampers. Neighbor petron healthy, philippines jaga dia punya diet. Ini cheena man apa pun dia mahu makan, sebab itu kena kencing tikus. temporary saja. Esok OK.


2017-09-14 16:20 | Report Abuse

Ayoyo dragon,,, itu kita punya neighbor Petron sudah tak boleh tahan lagi,,,,,, sudah 3 hari dia mau on turbo, tapi tak boleh zoom sebab HRC selalu ada stoppages... Petronm tanya bila ini HRC boleh settle dia punya internal shareholder dissatisfaction. Ini malam kasi settle problem, esok kaw kaw punya bang.


2017-09-14 16:07 | Report Abuse

Have no fear, this is just program selling by institution. market maker is still in control! Mana pil chee kit teck onn, dragon. Just slight stomach discomfort. Menstruation over.


2017-09-14 08:55 | Report Abuse

They normally will report Q2 close to end Oct. I think now is about just consolidating the position for the next move, though already quite a couple of months. The real positive move might happen in between 2nd and 3rd week of Oct, if results are above market expectations, or at least equivalent to previous quarter, which if i am not mistaken is record achievement for this co. If results are not up to expectations then OMG!


2017-09-13 17:14 | Report Abuse

Fuyoh dragon, you punya kencing banyak merah la! Batu cave sana cari ubat. Kalau besok tak ok, saya ingat ini satu malaysia pun boleh infected.


2017-09-13 08:41 | Report Abuse

You happy ma! rakan2 semua specilaist ma!


2017-09-13 08:12 | Report Abuse

Dragon, news terkini: HRC is undergoing the monthly menstruation cycle, a temporary flushing out of the unwanted material. So sometimes require, pads, pampers or pil chi kee teck onn, if got stomach contractions. This is good because still fertile and active. If no menstruation then might menopause, fat and sluggish, slow and sleepy.


2017-09-12 16:34 | Report Abuse

Ini cholera, cirit birit, muntah darah la!


2017-09-12 15:38 | Report Abuse

The market maker is applying an antiviral to cleanse HRC of too many T4 traders around.


2017-09-09 10:31 | Report Abuse

All retrospective issues are easily analysed, and these are after the fact occurrences, with all information laid out before the analyst. Like wise, Xinquan is a forgone conclusion, after the fact case. You can easily hammer out your comments based on near-established facts as mush as you like. Anyone can do that.
Have some consideration for those caught unaware in counters like Xinquan, be it based on ignorance or a natural oversight. Yet again, we should constantly remind ourselves that our arrogance could spell our own undoing.
I would rather look up to somebody who says that they have admittedly made a grave and expensive mistake and made this as lessons learned, rather than the person who proudly hammers out comments on the stupidity or adverse conditions of others.
No amount of wealth that you possess can clean you if you have gutter brains connected to an indecent gap at the mouth spewing out garbage.


2017-09-08 22:11 | Report Abuse

when Penta was 30 sen, it had a set of fundamentals that nobody would speak of even doubling the share price. Now that it is RGT 4 something, it has a new set of fundamentals in tandem with the price of the stock, The fact is, as the co evolves, things change from improvements made by management taking the co to newer heights. Nobody dare to guess in foresight the future of Penta when it was 30 sen. Was this co low risk and high returns then? You could never know for sure until you bought it at 30 sen and sold it after 2 years. But how do you know that 2 years is what is required to achieve high returns? This issue about low risk and high returns is a myth,

Likewise now is the chinaman's time. it is no more the dutchman's operations. Give the chinaman some time, and see what they can achieve. Historical figures are lessons learned, but it cannot be used to paint the future. Would the chinaman be ignorant and repeat the past? Only god knows. But one thing is for sure, when the fundamentals change for HRC, the price follows in tandem. China would not be an economic powerhouse today if their business people are big cheats and deceivers. Those that we see doing this in malaysia and s'pore is only a very desperate group.

Just my 2 sens worth, don't have to draw out the parangs.


2017-09-08 12:54 | Report Abuse

Is there still an upside for petdagang? Would buying petdgng be low risk high reward? If yes, please explain.


2017-09-08 10:13 | Report Abuse

Hi Sifu Stockraider, got to ask you, the crack spread for sept this month is already determined by the gasoline futures trading and the likes which occurred in Aug. right? Which means Sept is a forgone conclusion. What is being traded now is the OCT futures price, and whatever price is being traded now for gasoline is still not conclusive for OCt. Need your explanation.


2017-09-07 22:14 | Report Abuse

Should peek into our neighbor HRC. From oil refining calculations, now they arguing who does a better blower job! OMG


2017-09-07 22:09 | Report Abuse

Since when did HRC acquire Blower Job Berhad? I only thought they were in the refining business.
Oops! no need to draw out the parangs!


2017-09-07 09:19 | Report Abuse

something is amiss with Aseng's wife today. Not the usual. Got up on the wrong side of Aseng's bed.


2017-09-07 08:42 | Report Abuse

I dont think Aseng will have anything serious other than extra marital affairs.


2017-09-07 08:41 | Report Abuse

but there are news that Aseng is also looking at other people's wive next door, from China, acronym HRC. But I think this wife is growing pretty by the day. I dont think Aseng will

News & Blogs

2017-09-07 08:14 | Report Abuse

he is waiting so long long long long long time to let go of the tak tak tak tak laku punya stock, that he has to ask ask ask ask you all to support. My one and only post for this forum before he infects me with his autistic writing disease.


2017-09-06 23:30 | Report Abuse

the maturity date for cc is 29th sept. But last trading date is 26th sept. this discount that you see as 0.235 is like a discount factor derived for any uncertainties in the mothers share trading for the nest 3 days. If you wanna salvage the full exercise value then you will have to hold until they calculate and pay you by cheque. Normally after 2 weeks of delisting, you wil receive your payment. Just my 2sen worth!


2017-09-06 22:37 | Report Abuse

For those who think that the playmaker is benevolent and is concerned about welfare, dream on.


2017-09-06 08:38 | Report Abuse

reason? Why today?