
zoomboom | Joined since 2014-01-23

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2014-08-11 10:55 | Report Abuse

hehe. rileks bro. don't need to monitor every hour. so long u have accumulated your target holdings, just sit back relax and let it jalan... too many external factors at the moment causing the Fear in markets. once it stabilizes and investors realize that, it will start moving again.

chillax and sayang the rich pampered girl. "she" will "oblige your advances" in due course. :-)


2014-08-10 00:30 | Report Abuse

np Shacks bro. yep, during the EGM they will "table" the resolutions and seek approval for a proposed date for ex for the BI. once all the formalities are approved and completed, then Shacks bro can lepas sikit mercun to celebrate :-) he he he. DJI rebounded on Friday, keeping fingers crossed we shall have the nice show next week. have a great weekend !


2014-08-09 10:54 | Report Abuse

Shacks bro, I don't think so if a threshold is what u mean. it will be as per announcement. So for this forthcoming bonus issue, it will be as the words says, for every 2 share u own before the ex-date, u will be entitled a bonus of 1 share. Ex-date will be known after EGM convened and completed.


2014-08-08 01:46 | Report Abuse

okok tankiu tewnama bro. roger roger. best nanti nampak cold hard cash masuk akaun. hepi. :-)

simctgal, u also interested in this share? this one very slow wor, isn't it not suitable for daily speculator like you?


2014-08-07 14:18 | Report Abuse

As one forumer noted before, Friday is Dsonic announcement day? :-)


2014-08-07 14:16 | Report Abuse

Tewnama bro, Kia Su Lang dlm bahase cina bermaksud "orang yg takut kalah" hehe.

chinesetea bro, really master at abbreviations. Kikiki. I think most of us didn't catch it lah. LOL.


2014-08-07 13:58 | Report Abuse

Kcsc bro, I think simctgal said target to wallop 10lots when it touch 1.80 again.... Simctgal, I remembered u once posted now the amount of shares is so big it will be very hard to fly like last time again. Why would it not also apply the other way around? i.e. plunge 1.06? ....

Nokia8250 bro, u seem to have some viable thoughts there :-)

GST? how about medical card.


2014-08-06 15:41 | Report Abuse

heart beating faster? feel energised? .. chillax and watch the show.. :-)


2014-08-06 12:46 | Report Abuse

tewnama bro, pemandangan indah (dividen) yg seterusnya bila ya? bulan ini ke?


2014-08-06 12:44 | Report Abuse

Shacks bro, ahhh, itu pattern macam tangga boleh kasi buat ka? naik step by step... :-) bila ka? satu step setiap minggu cukup lah... sampai hujung tahun best. boleh?

tewnama bro, welcome back :-)


2014-08-06 12:38 | Report Abuse

(slap on the forehead) aiyoyo, how come until PN17 also can come out? isk isk isk...
simctgal, this time how many lots u planning to sapu?

kcsc bro, i like your comment on sap sap sui :-) miss those dayz... lai ah.. ong ah.. huat ah!


2014-08-05 18:32 | Report Abuse

(piak) high five - wa setuju :-)


2014-08-05 18:28 | Report Abuse

Siva bro, steady :-)


2014-08-05 18:26 | Report Abuse

awesome kcsc bro. lets enjoy the ride :-)


2014-08-05 15:12 | Report Abuse

Yeahhhhh kcsc bro! Spot on!


2014-08-05 15:12 | Report Abuse

Good luck to u too simctgal in your daily speculative adventures. Wish u huat too.... Bye for now.


2014-08-05 15:08 | Report Abuse

kcsc bro, yeah, we chillax and enjoy the show. sigh, the witch hunting started all over again, I bet everyone glued to bursa announcements. LOL.

Chillax bros n sis. If u are not a speculator, there is no need to live in panic - don't la until comments contradicting own posts.

simctgal n gang, wow so fast run? LOL... Memang speculator indeed.


2014-08-05 13:56 | Report Abuse

I guess Pavillion bro is reciting the mantra "silence is golden" since like kcsc bro said, he asyik kena hentam by the naysayers. Now he is testing the patience of his "followers" see if they will stay steady bo. remember one of his sharing about story about lesson learn in life?...

remember bros and sis, the waterfall incident was just a couple of months ago. and today (actually ever since post bonus issued), it is back stable on a strong footing. Will Dgoose fly to the next level? think long term. answer is there. just my 2 sen.

this forum has seen its ups and downs, been a very interesting read if one followed. I think one thing to learn is that there is no need to go extremist and condemn. looks like in this dsonic forum also appear to have many sifus :-) be it backward abbreviations or shopping complexes.

sometimes we just need to take a step back, chillax....

wishing everyone huat ah !


2014-08-05 11:59 | Report Abuse

upx3, kalu itu macam, kena suruh Shacks kasi lepas mercun Thunderclap 9 9 woo... mau kasi buang suey... LOL


2014-08-05 11:56 | Report Abuse

no problemo kcsc bro. no heart feelings la, just joking nia. :-) it was a good times. the way we cheered, hepi :-) hopefully round 2 starts today :-) lets keep on cheering for our beloved Dgoose..


2014-08-05 11:37 | Report Abuse

kcsc bro, remember our target was RM7, RM8 !!! then u jumped ship never tell me LOL...


2014-08-05 11:35 | Report Abuse

normal, a lot who felt they are trapped will want to let go at the earliest opportunity.

deja vu kcsc bro, remember when it hit RM4.8 pre-bonus split? those who bought above RM4 still stuck, probably some still is now...


2014-08-05 11:27 | Report Abuse

sure bo show end?... if the afternoon announcement is confirmed, those who bought 1.80 - 1.90 will be laughing all the way instead.

but those who remembered its flying days, it will stop mid way for awhile to catch a breath before moving up.. kikiki

still, it was a good start to a nice morning adrenalin rush. LOL best !


2014-08-05 11:20 | Report Abuse

rilex bros and sis, 10sen is start up engine... actually 10sen everyday also awesome mar... he he he.

simctgal, nvm, when it corrects (if it does that is), make sure u pick up more !

1.90 block is only 0.5 mil RM. sure can break one.


2014-08-05 11:12 | Report Abuse

bestx3. kcsc bro, this is exactly like the dayz when it was flying high. the adrenalin... fuuh. best.


2014-08-05 11:12 | Report Abuse

simctgal, sit back and belt up. u r in for a joyous ride.... how come u buy only 2 lot leh? i read u said u predicted 1.80. hit your target, but didnt buy more?...


2014-08-05 11:09 | Report Abuse

tewnama bro still raya mood perhaps. looks like his MyVi dreams are on track again :-) all the best Dgoose tersayang :-)


2014-08-05 11:08 | Report Abuse

huat ah, lai ah onglai !


2014-08-05 11:08 | Report Abuse

here we go kcsc bro.. :-)


2014-08-05 10:53 | Report Abuse

:-) kcsc bro has seen it from pre-bonus days. he he he


2014-08-05 10:51 | Report Abuse

agreed johnny bro. they must be knowing something. collecting early to prepare for the profit.


2014-08-05 10:48 | Report Abuse

perhaps those two nicks are actually the two persons that is suing OCK? lol


2014-08-05 10:44 | Report Abuse

yeah bro. lets prepare for out part 2 yam seng :-) LOL miss them pee poo pee poo dayz oredi. actually balu 5 months ago LOL...


2014-08-05 10:43 | Report Abuse

huah. u really 9 9 all in eh? :-) steady lah bro :-)


2014-08-05 10:42 | Report Abuse

kikikiki. me on the boat all these while. rileks je. waterfall that time also cool je. congrats u made it in time and made a killing. :-)


2014-08-05 10:40 | Report Abuse

kcsc bro, oredi larp 9 9 ? ready for the ride?


2014-08-05 10:35 | Report Abuse

zlyc bro, i was also just wondering where did all the post go.... LOL....


2014-08-01 13:18 | Report Abuse

Bros n sis, keep steady. Tomato kalu ada lebih $$ boleh top up. Long term. Simpan je. Banyak lagi catalyst on the way. The mainboard transfer will be the biggest one.


2014-08-01 11:30 | Report Abuse

wow. walaupun DJI jatuh 300pts, angsa tersayang masih steady dan kukuh. konpirm Norges sudah masuk la nih... kikikiki memang hepi. keeping fingers crossed the price will stay steady and climb....


2014-08-01 11:27 | Report Abuse

Shacks, when they announce BI ex-date, can lepas sikit mercun celebrate sikit ya. thanks.


2014-08-01 11:26 | Report Abuse

upx3, aiseh, i baca sekali lagi itu annoucement, nampaknya RHB kantoi lah. itu date sudah terbalik. "had, vide its letter dated 30 July 2014 (received on 31 July 2014)"....... mane boleh baca letter sehari sebelum di-terima punya? kakakakaka....

i guess like u said, two months ago.. should be read "received on 31 May 2014" kot... kikikikiki...

anyway, sekarang ialah opportunity to collect lah... sebab DJI jatuh 300pts semalam, dan masih lagi cuti raya mood. kalu DJI shoot up Monday, next week, OCK meletup ler lagi.. kikiki

Shacks, i guess we have to wait for the EGM meeting to conclude to know when we will get (ex-date) of BI... which also means another phase of rallying share price up. can't wait :-).....


2014-07-31 23:31 | Report Abuse

Wow. Banyak efisien bursa. Terima surat 30jul. Respond 31 jul. Cantik.


2014-07-31 10:46 | Report Abuse

wow nampak gayanya ada lagi kumpulan wang beli lagi, mungkin EPF? mungkin Norges?... bestx3...


2014-07-27 10:46 | Report Abuse

Yeah, wishing everyone Selamat Hari Raya and happy holidays!
May everyone continue to huat huat huat ar!

Looks like most of us here have some sort of "Ah Boy" spirit in all of us. Stay young! :-)

Iching88, from his snapshots I believe UncleZ is using m2u online stocks.


2014-07-24 11:45 | Report Abuse

Siva bro yes, Huat ar for you :-) hepi hepi.

Yes UncleZ, "Ah" Zoom boy also learned a lot and a happy boy.
TQ so much.

Tewnama bro, berapa baru kira banyak? Ah boy punye RM10 ribu tu kira banyak tak?


2014-07-23 13:06 | Report Abuse

Ha... Dengar kata2 orang berpengalaman bro tewnama. Ini lah masanye untuk beli :-)


2014-07-22 19:29 | Report Abuse

Macam itu ka kcsc bro.... Why u no ajak me along diving la? ... Kikikiki


2014-07-22 19:24 | Report Abuse

Aha. mgambler bro, walaupun nama nick anda ialah penjudi, tapi jangan terjebak pula ke dalam perangkap lompat katak ye. Make sure ada duit untuk komitmen bro, jangan all in gaji setiap bulan, nanti susah sendiri.

Ya TP 4, 5, 6 bahkan 10 pon saye layan. Big boys masuk pasti ada rezeki, Hanya kena pastikan ada kesabaran menunggu. That is one of the lesson I learnt from UncleZ from his postings. TQ UncleZ.

Tewnama bro, kita look forward to nenas besaq !

Huat ar bros n sis!


2014-07-22 17:44 | Report Abuse

kcsc bro! High five! (Piak!) good to see you back.

Yungshen, Wah your prediction very "sifu-like", so can it be applied to more minute case? E.g within 9minutes , if 8 mins red means run?

Rileks la naysayers. Whether those that can hold get slaughtered, get burnt, spender on fire or whatnot, u guys can chill. U all remind me of those pesky telemarketers that that call with No ID and try to shove a product down your throat. Thanks but no thanks.

Wish everybody Huat ah!

P.s - kcsc we may need to call our trusty pee poo pee poo polis back to spice things up again! Perhaps these new naysayers are the new breed pee poo pee poo? Hahaha