
zoomboom | Joined since 2014-01-23

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2014-06-24 13:57 | Report Abuse

With that, the deal is sealed. :-) Hhuatt ahh!


2014-06-24 12:35 | Report Abuse

Chinesetea bro, I tell u, TS is a "happening man" a.k.a a person who makes thing happen. My imagination seems to paint a picture of the not too distant future, the high rise erupting from pudu jail site with a facade that is jail like prison bars, with black and white stripes, it may look gloomy from afar, but it oozes with an attraction aura that 99% of GenY owns a unit, with hip joints happening all day and night long. Just to trigger your imagination, go YouTube lady GaGa's Telephone song..... http://youtu.be/EVBsypHzF3U

Maybe the units sold are only 6ft x 8ft. Wow. Can create another whole new demographic to target. Wouldn't that be a jail turned into a gold mine?

Okok uncle XYZ I will save. "Young in mind" :p
Asam bro, miss u lar.... Hehehe. X on my calendar. :p


2014-06-24 12:18 | Report Abuse

Yes it's good advice muscle bro. Don't chase high. Buy when it's quiet down.


2014-06-24 11:40 | Report Abuse

Aiseh, the news headline read tipped to win mar. Never said confirm get mer. Wait laaa....


2014-06-24 11:38 | Report Abuse

Hehehe. Take a nap first then shacks bro. Later when u wake up maybe got surprise leh? Kikikiki. Chillax.


2014-06-24 10:30 | Report Abuse

I really don't get it. Since when pav bro became the spokesperson whenever the share price fall down or up. Ada ke question ppl. Really funny lot of short trader players. Sigh. Simctgal TQ for your so caring thoughts. Reminds me of LeslieRC. Sigh.


2014-06-24 10:11 | Report Abuse

Memang betul tewnama bro. Same dgn orang tua Tgh minum Teh Ho ho Ho.


2014-06-24 10:08 | Report Abuse

Upx3, shacks, hochi, and bros sekalian. Apa macam? Hari ini akan Ada show tak?


2014-06-24 10:05 | Report Abuse

Hari Hari kena lari. Kalu tak tak boleh complete 42km tuh


2014-06-24 10:05 | Report Abuse

simctgal nih marathon 42km runner kot....


2014-06-24 10:01 | Report Abuse

Aiseh. Simctgal. Sigh.


2014-06-24 09:58 | Report Abuse

Tewnama bro, itu lagu UncleZ post sebagai YouTube ke? Apple device tak support. Patut la tak nampak hehe. 蓝庆翰 U r most welcome. Don't worry, money is always there to be made. Always remember what UncleZ said. We are no expert, so we cannot possible accurately time the market. How low is low? How high is high? .... One thing I also learned so far is, if u look at the stock long enough, u see a pattern. Possible to make some quick gains. But if that gain is then poured back n buy the shares at higher price, then it doesn't sound optimised, yes? UncleZ showed us that too :-)


2014-06-23 23:20 | Report Abuse

Tq chinesetea bro. Will keep an eye on CBIP. wana prepare for my pension although still "young" kikikiki. Telco line buy telco stocks huh? :p

ecoworld had a fantastic run around pudu jail today. If the deal do come to realization, I believe they will trans-former success-fully the once dreaded location to be in, into a spot where everyone wants to be in. Perhaps need a lot of rituals and sacrificial rites to appease the long gone so that all can live in harmony. This is definitely a new challenge for TS. Surely another FIABCI prix de excellence in the making.


2014-06-23 22:59 | Report Abuse

30sen is very tempting. When that time comes, it will be having a strong catalyst n re-rating..... Keeping fingers crossed, it's Q3 and RAPID is in full gear. Don't forget the dividens rolling in. Enjoy the scenery. :-) ole ole. World Cup terbaik of the century. Kikikiki


2014-06-23 22:49 | Report Abuse

Nampaknya eco semakin dekat dgn harga pasaran all time highnya yg dikecapi baru baru ini.... Memang teruja menengok surgenya.


2014-06-23 22:45 | Report Abuse

蓝庆翰 bro, don't be sad. Like tewnama bro said, u lagi untung :-). For me, it's always reading between the lines a.k.a isi tersirat in UncleZ writing. Don't worry bro, u r still on the right track. :-) the most important trait I have learnt from UncleZ writings is patience. It really pays. Don't lompat katak and u will b fine. Happy huat ing bros n sis!


2014-06-23 18:23 | Report Abuse

Hepi untuk bros jenab dan tewnama. :-) nampaknya sudah bangun dari komatose state.. Huat ah!


2014-06-23 18:19 | Report Abuse

Takpe tewnama bro, sikit banyak pon rezeki juga. Janji kita berjaya melipat gandakan wealth sekalian akhirnya. Memang berterima kasih kpd TS dan UncleZ. Saya amat bersyukur.


2014-06-23 18:15 | Report Abuse

Yeah winter. Normal lah the old scare tactics, we see it everywhere nowadays. It's so sad. But that's the way life has been.... Usually the short kaki contras are the loudest because they get burnt the most degree and also earn the most if their bet is at the right timing.
But hey, I've ridden the two waterfalls, so all is good, so long u have a long term view n done your homework to solidify your decision.
Gd luck to all investors! Wish u huatx3!


2014-06-23 17:55 | Report Abuse

Awesome. Sounds very satiable 227.


2014-06-23 14:21 | Report Abuse

Yeah winter. Just ignore those nincompoops. I guess they are trying to hook the gullibles. Nvm them hypocrites. Let them be lah.... So long as we know what we are "risking" and what we r doing, those "sensational" comments will not affect our decisions.


2014-06-23 13:15 | Report Abuse

Rileks Shacks. Wow it rhymes. Patience will reward. I tambah lagi this morning. Hehe


2014-06-23 13:11 | Report Abuse

Patut le pecutan Kuat nih. Best tgk show..... Hehehe. Wah semut2 tak takut ke dapat project pudu jail. Berhantu wor....Mau beli lagi ?.... Leslie mesti takut lari lintangpukang.


2014-06-23 13:08 | Report Abuse

"pee poo pee poo" polis? are u back?

winter, let's chillax and watch the show...


2014-06-23 09:48 | Report Abuse

Tewnama bro, power lah. Belum pecut bro sudah bau harum. Bestx3. :-)


2014-06-22 00:31 | Report Abuse

Ok bros. Must go find out which stall Obama visited. Need to call rahsia service. Kikikiki
Btw this durian ice cream by this food joint called Taste Better is pretty good. Give it a try bros. It's a good respite in this sweltering El Niño heat....


2014-06-20 18:00 | Report Abuse

Make sure Musang king. Kikiki


2014-06-20 16:24 | Report Abuse

XD Wah Lao eh. Sudah jadi World Cup session! Bestnya


2014-06-20 13:38 | Report Abuse

Stay above 1.80 and green grin:-) bro hochi? He he he


2014-06-20 13:24 | Report Abuse

1n1792 yahoo ! Zoom zoom. As we expected Pgoose always diam2 suddenly shoot punye hehe.

Jtiasa looks good. UncleK's top pick. :-)
But I haven't really studied plantation cycles. So haven't bought any.


2014-06-20 13:19 | Report Abuse

These two adik beradik geese always playful. Sometimes Dgoose ahead sometimes Pgoose turn. So yes I believe it will. But one must b patient. Gd luck!


2014-06-20 12:14 | Report Abuse

Yahooooooooooo best best best. Main kejar2 adik dsonic sekali lagi.


2014-06-20 12:08 | Report Abuse

"All aboaaaaard..." Train nak mula perjalanan 2nd leg.


2014-06-20 12:04 | Report Abuse

Hahahaha I tau muka mata buka besaq. Memang cute. Hahahaha


2014-06-20 11:43 | Report Abuse

Bro Hochimama mesti tgh minum kopi luwak nih... tgh enjoy pemandagan ... quiet je..


2014-06-20 11:43 | Report Abuse

as long as we know why we buy the shares, and have the justifications to support that reason, then sure make $$ punya - just need to be patient and ride the volatility.


2014-06-20 11:40 | Report Abuse

eastern_tea : u must be holding pre Dec 2013. thats why feel the speed. 1 sen = 10 sen wor. hehehe

tewnama bro, u legend RM10. i rase satu dunia i3 kenal bro :-)

Psaiko, same sini. ada hepi ada sedih skrg tgh hepi hahahaa....

looking at its rise, this time its very stable. very controlled. looks good


2014-06-20 11:01 | Report Abuse

tewnama bro, sudah Jun nak sampai Julai dah...... tapi lambat sikit takpe kan?. janji sampai destinasi :-)


2014-06-20 11:00 | Report Abuse

nich0las: NICE chart. i wish for the second graph repeating :-) hehehe


2014-06-20 10:58 | Report Abuse

ESOS is definitely a very beneficial thing for the employees if the management is truly making efforts to enhance shareholder value. remember DIGI shares ? when it was IPOed it was RM3.xx. I still remember many sceptics during that time. at current DIGI share price, it is probably RM40+ already.... if say the employees had ESOS and held till today, it is a very rewarding experience.

just my 2 sen :-)


2014-06-20 10:41 | Report Abuse

fabregas88: watch the volume. and the buyer seller queue. see the price surge. refer to chinesetea post earlier. those holding before the RM10 split, each 1 sen is equal to 10 sen.


2014-06-20 10:36 | Report Abuse

oasis, good. both giving you good returns right now :-) huat ah !


2014-06-20 10:30 | Report Abuse

lai liao lai liao... kick lai liao.... suei suei woOOoOooo.... congratz value investors :-)


2014-06-20 07:34 | Report Abuse

Bros n sis , the reason I said ho ho ho is, Teh herbal macam ada aksi.....
Thanks 1n1792 and siva bro for your sharing.

Siva bro, betul2, megatron boleh pakai one, lagi lagi bro chinesetea sudah kasi transformer if u know what I mean....

Wow this World Cup turning out to be very different indeed.... semua green2.... Bestbestbest. :-) hope all of your portfolios are too :-)


2014-06-19 17:02 | Report Abuse

oasis sudah kena bakar ke? rileks bro.... besok gap up kot...


2014-06-19 16:56 | Report Abuse

hahaha... ***grin


2014-06-19 16:54 | Report Abuse

i am assuming oasis sold all his presbhd and all in to dsonic by him writing that.


2014-06-19 16:53 | Report Abuse

ho ho ho.... cheers..


2014-06-19 16:53 | Report Abuse

ho ho ho....