
zoomboom | Joined since 2014-01-23

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2014-07-08 10:35 | Report Abuse

Mornin SInvestor bro, don't worry. market is always there... there will be points of correction waiting for you to pick them up :-).... rileks and watch your portfolio grow... OCK PRESBHD DSONIC... very good run.. and coming run :-)

Chillax bro :-)

may all huatx3 !


2014-07-08 10:33 | Report Abuse

tewnama bro, mane bro?.. sudah wisel permulaan hari ini.... nenas.. sudah mai mai mai..


2014-07-07 23:02 | Report Abuse

Thanks Relax. This is positive indeed. Tomorrow got show? Let's await...
Ong Lai ah...


2014-07-07 22:50 | Report Abuse

Wahh looks like Shacks bro rupa2nya expert juga nih. Teach us la bro how to see when is the right time to enter before the stock ready to move...can ah? Pls don't say throw firecrackers ar :p

Pandai zlyc bro. O&G tak berapa mungkin, tapi boleh tanya adakah warga/gomen cayman island bercadang untuk membuka ladang solar? Hehehe....


2014-07-07 22:37 | Report Abuse

Siva bro, Wah Lau u very good lehh, masuk hohoho stret Jalan.... Best. Looks like sawi all the way... Nice.

Tewnama bro, zoom gembira. :-) itu nenas Sarawak sungguh manis dan sedappp. Ni tgh menunggu Sykt Sarawak je untuk surge. Manalah tahu, besok ada tayangan kot buat kabel tu.....mungkin sebab dia supply semua nenas kpd OCK, PRESBHD dan HOVID, dia sendiri out of stock. Nanti dia kasi harvest lagi nenas.... Kalu sendiri mungkin tayangan yg lagi hebat? Kita nantikan....Kikikiki....


2014-07-07 22:26 | Report Abuse

Nicole76, that would be great! If 0.015 sen. Yay! Enjoy the view!


2014-07-07 22:24 | Report Abuse

Thanks for sharing speculative bro. May u huat big big with SapKen. I like the alliance analyst name though. Catchy. Arhnue Tan. Like famous singer Ah Niu izzit?

Firebird2 bro, how's it going? Hope u also Tua huat with your investments :-)


2014-07-07 18:02 | Report Abuse

hahaha luyee, if it is lousy and not syiok, then go play other stock lor... no need to condemn here... like Pav said, there are thousands others u can go play..


2014-07-07 16:47 | Report Abuse

nenas nenas nenas... sudah mai akhirnya.... yahOOoooOo...


2014-07-07 16:19 | Report Abuse

ho ho ho... tren sudah berlepas akhirnya... the journey begins.. :-)


2014-07-07 15:47 | Report Abuse

betui betui tewnama bro. itu pemandangan sungguh cantek.... sedap hati tengok cold hard cash kikikiki


2014-07-07 15:41 | Report Abuse

huah. sudah di lahap habis 2.20.


2014-07-07 15:41 | Report Abuse

tewnama bro, mungkinkah yg berbaris nak jual 2.20 itu mereka yg beli 2.11 pagi tadi? pastinya...


2014-07-07 15:39 | Report Abuse

soonhuat_81 bro, last couple of weeks it was trying to stand above 1.80 (Hochimama bro can endorse this)... so no worries. it will .. sooner or later.. and judging from past history, it is pretty fast... in weeks je..


2014-07-07 15:30 | Report Abuse

lai ah.. ong lai ah... sueiiii sueii lai ah....


2014-07-07 15:30 | Report Abuse

hahahahahah :-) nextrade next trade.. betui betui :-)


2014-07-07 15:29 | Report Abuse

oh ... begitu cantek... :-) tewnama bro... formasi baru sudah hahahhaah 2-2-7 boleh capai? hehehehe


2014-07-07 14:41 | Report Abuse

aha, nampaknya sudah mahu mai nih...


2014-07-07 13:38 | Report Abuse

Rasanya UncleZ memberi tips mengapa harga saham melonjak. Adakah ia disebabkan oleh orang orang kuat begitu menyukai angsa tersayang sebab asasnya yg Kuat (strong fundamentals)? Atau sebaliknya adakah ia adalah prestasi yg mahu dikekalkan oleh orang2 Kuat? (Rasanya yg dimaksudkan ini ialah operator memanipulasikan harga)

Pada Zoom, I believe the first point is more valid. If it was only manipulated, it cannot sustain the consistent climb since 2013. Of course along the way there are operators at work, but probably this is where the blips were apparent. :-)

Just zoom's wild guess and kicimai 2sen. Hopefully UncleZ tak marah if Zoom got it wrong. Do point us in the right direction ya. TQ Uncle.

Wish everybody huatx3 ar!


2014-07-07 10:58 | Report Abuse

tewnama bro, komentari bola sini pun jadi juga kikikiki. best lah... semua kaunter UncleZ take turn untuk rally... sedap hati :-)

wahwahwah, bro zlyc sudah planning nak pigi holiday Cayman Islands...


2014-07-07 10:55 | Report Abuse

biase lah tuh, memang betul kata2 "stock will not go up forever". yg penting beli dan pegang stock yg kalu di pegang long term nett nett seakan- akan go up almost forever... hihihi.

Rileks. minum teh dulu. mungkin nanti ada show :-) hehehe


2014-07-07 09:36 | Report Abuse

Choo chooooo...... ( sound of steam train leaving station)......... Ong Lai ah....


2014-07-07 09:35 | Report Abuse

Wah, ini saham sudah sampai menarik perhatian orang Rusia oooooOOoo. Welcome bro.
Shacks, u play firecracker again lehh?....


2014-07-07 09:33 | Report Abuse

Best lah tewnama bro. Jgn lupa minum Teh HO ho HO ya, untuk melegakan sakit tekak menjerit nanti :-) nampaknya harga the sudah naik sikit :-)

Cadogan bro, kalu mengikutkan nexttrade punye TP, rm 3 tuh. WOW.


2014-07-06 23:16 | Report Abuse

cun. tomoro pasti ada sequel to tayangan Friday matinee last wk. wow, look at UncleZ's tracker... air liur sudah meleleh... hihihihihhi... tewnama bro, besok siap sedia untuk komentari formasi bola dan gol ya !

lai lai lai Huat x3 bros and sis !


2014-07-06 10:41 | Report Abuse

Looks like costa coffee tak cukup kau, and citrus power managed to pull through......
BraSEAL may face strong resistance from the strong German made machinery after one of their key catalyst has been ruled out of the game. What a nice round up to the semis. Europeans vs South Americans.. Best World Cup season so far..... Semua gembira (including stock market)....

All the best Chrollo. No worries. Surely you will score with flying colors since u studied so hard (the fact that u were MIA for some time now) :-)


2014-07-05 23:37 | Report Abuse

(bangun dari pengsan) caya lah hochimama bro, ... chillax. Mon lets continue to enjoy the show, more goals to come... ini weekend bagus punya. sedap hati. gembira. :-)


2014-07-04 17:39 | Report Abuse

"go chi laaa" (godzilla) redeemed himself. Old Man "soon fan thiu hei" (sudah puas hati). make sure Old Man don't become Ultraman, later he more angry will use his power...

tewnama bro mane ada tua la.... its all in the mind bro. bro cakap nenas sudah mai hari ini pada tengah hari, closing time, memang masuk 5 gol. memang power. gembira semua :-)


2014-07-04 17:31 | Report Abuse

looks like luyee is an "opportunity cost" centric player....gd luck and may u huatx3 in the higher % counter ya.


2014-07-04 17:29 | Report Abuse

speculative bro, semalam masuk keluar masuk keluar 3 kali. hari ini let go semua. next week cari lubang lain... wow. untung 15%.memang power. broker pun sudah untung 4 kali. listen to tewnama bro. lobang sini mesti ada tarikan menarik anda kembali nanti. ape pun, all the best cari lubang lain next wk. wish u huatx3 too.

kikiki. ok tewnama bro, supply tiger balm dah habisss... time to "pengsan" kejap. check in Isnin depan :-) - Old man OCK pon dah naik berang hari ini oOooO..

roger. and out.


2014-07-04 17:18 | Report Abuse

Ho ho Ho.... all aboaaard... train moving soon.. :-)


2014-07-04 17:17 | Report Abuse

old man was very angry indeed. showed power today.
Shacks , tonight can light up the Thunderclaps ya. celebrate a bit :-)


2014-07-04 17:12 | Report Abuse

best tewnama bro, best... saye punya Tiger Balm sudah habis kering di korek sapu dekat dahi sepanjang hari... boleh pengsan sekarang.... BESTx3 ! hhuat arr sekalian !


2014-07-04 14:43 | Report Abuse

tewnama bro, sebab kita dalam mood World Cup mar.... so kena guna analogi2 yg berkenaan seperti formation 2-0-9, 2-1-5, 2-3-7, gol, pertahanan, bola. LOL


2014-07-04 14:18 | Report Abuse

aha. tewnama bro sudah cakap cine. lai ah huat ah..... nenas nenas... pineapple come come.... :-)


2014-07-04 12:08 | Report Abuse

Aiseh matematik zoom fail lah. Sepatutnya 2-2-7 :p hahaha


2014-07-04 12:07 | Report Abuse

Tewnama bro, ada betul cakap hello. Am kong dlm bahasa cine seakan akan "hentam bola sendiri" a.k.a "aiseh terlepas peluang, sepatutnya tak jual etc" ...

Nampaknya formasi Hari ini sudah bertukar. 2-1-6. Dua kad Merah tuh. Kena tukar sikit. 2-2-5 boleh?



2014-07-04 11:45 | Report Abuse

Chinghis mesti "am kong" regret telah jual semalam. Takpe. Beli je balik...


2014-07-04 11:44 | Report Abuse

(Rub rub rub) tiger balm sudah habits. Kena beli lagi satu carton.
Wah Lau eh. Lai ah ong Lai ah!!!

Baru saje pigi keluar kejap.... Tewnama bro..... GEMBIRANYA zoom tengok angsa tersayang melayang surge!!


2014-07-04 10:16 | Report Abuse

Ok. Baik saya pegang tiger balm kasi standby dulu..... Kikiki


2014-07-04 09:47 | Report Abuse

Upx3 I sure hope it's not going to be a storm, literally.
Hopefully it's blue skies, tweetie birds, bright sun, cool breeze and kazillion telco tower.

Oh ok Shacks. Pls keep the Thunderclaps mercun for tonight. 4th of July.


2014-07-04 09:35 | Report Abuse

Shacks....... U main mercun again ah?....


2014-07-04 09:33 | Report Abuse

4th of July, got fireworks for sure.


2014-07-04 00:01 | Report Abuse

Good to hear from you Chrollo. Ctea, asam, and the gang missed u. Been asking where did u go. Good chap study and completed your exams eh?
Welcome back to the lounge :-)


2014-07-03 22:55 | Report Abuse


2.06 bersamaan dgn record 4.12 sebelum bonus.

hari ini intraday telah berjaya break record, mencecah 2.09 iaitu bersamaan dgn 4.18 sebelum bonus.

huat ahh bros n sis !


2014-07-03 19:01 | Report Abuse

Tankiu tankiu tewnama, matrix bro. Betul betul gembira hehehe.
Terima kasih UncleZ.
Aisehh mane Ada untung banyak la. Semut kicimai je. Tahniah juga kpd tewnama bro :)


2014-07-03 18:05 | Report Abuse

A very very good show today angsa tersayang Pgoose. Hepi dayz :-) congrats to all value investors. :-)


2014-07-03 16:46 | Report Abuse

best giler... show yg sungguh bagus hari ini. :-) hepi dayz..


2014-07-03 16:41 | Report Abuse

tewnama bro formasi 2-0-8 sudah di capai ! tembus?!


2014-07-03 16:13 | Report Abuse

PESTA RIANG RIA... :-) bestx3