[RCECAP] QoQ TTM Result on 30-Jun-2017 [#1]

Announcement Date
Admission Sponsor
Financial Year
30-Jun-2017 [#1]
Profit Trend
QoQ- 4.31%
YoY- 72.78%
Quarter Report
TTM Result
31/03/18 31/12/17 30/09/17 30/06/17 31/03/17 31/12/16 30/09/16 CAGR
Revenue 245,906 239,918 233,903 228,498 223,331 210,379 193,949 17.16%
PBT 117,373 116,155 109,870 105,442 101,490 83,736 76,874 32.62%
Tax -28,692 -29,251 -24,108 -23,093 -22,541 -19,116 -21,025 23.05%
NP 88,681 86,904 85,762 82,349 78,949 64,620 55,849 36.14%
NP to SH 88,681 86,904 85,762 82,349 78,949 64,620 55,849 36.14%
Tax Rate 24.45% 25.18% 21.94% 21.90% 22.21% 22.83% 27.35% -
Total Cost 157,225 153,014 148,141 146,149 144,382 145,759 138,100 9.04%
Net Worth 519,794 495,189 480,611 463,937 438,282 414,106 386,376 21.88%
31/03/18 31/12/17 30/09/17 30/06/17 31/03/17 31/12/16 30/09/16 CAGR
Div 23,904 20,262 20,262 10,037 10,037 45,671 45,671 -35.07%
Div Payout % 26.96% 23.32% 23.63% 12.19% 12.71% 70.68% 81.78% -
31/03/18 31/12/17 30/09/17 30/06/17 31/03/17 31/12/16 30/09/16 CAGR
Net Worth 519,794 495,189 480,611 463,937 438,282 414,106 386,376 21.88%
NOSH 355,994 355,584 340,859 338,640 334,566 333,957 327,437 5.73%
Ratio Analysis
31/03/18 31/12/17 30/09/17 30/06/17 31/03/17 31/12/16 30/09/16 CAGR
NP Margin 36.06% 36.22% 36.67% 36.04% 35.35% 30.72% 28.80% -
ROE 17.06% 17.55% 17.84% 17.75% 18.01% 15.60% 14.45% -
Per Share
31/03/18 31/12/17 30/09/17 30/06/17 31/03/17 31/12/16 30/09/16 CAGR
RPS 71.91 70.25 68.62 67.48 66.75 63.00 59.23 13.81%
EPS 25.93 25.45 25.16 24.32 23.60 19.35 17.06 32.22%
DPS 7.00 5.93 5.94 2.96 3.00 13.68 13.95 -36.88%
NAPS 1.52 1.45 1.41 1.37 1.31 1.24 1.18 18.40%
Adjusted Per Share Value based on latest NOSH - 338,640
31/03/18 31/12/17 30/09/17 30/06/17 31/03/17 31/12/16 30/09/16 CAGR
RPS 16.57 16.16 15.76 15.39 15.04 14.17 13.07 17.15%
EPS 5.97 5.85 5.78 5.55 5.32 4.35 3.76 36.13%
DPS 1.61 1.36 1.36 0.68 0.68 3.08 3.08 -35.13%
NAPS 0.3502 0.3336 0.3238 0.3125 0.2952 0.279 0.2603 21.89%
Price Multiplier on Financial Quarter End Date
31/03/18 31/12/17 30/09/17 30/06/17 31/03/17 31/12/16 30/09/16 CAGR
Date 30/03/18 29/12/17 29/09/17 30/06/17 31/03/17 30/12/16 30/09/16 -
Price 1.23 1.50 1.59 1.71 1.78 1.36 1.31 -
P/RPS 1.71 2.14 2.32 2.53 2.67 2.16 2.21 -15.73%
P/EPS 4.74 5.89 6.32 7.03 7.54 7.03 7.68 -27.53%
EY 21.08 16.96 15.82 14.22 13.26 14.23 13.02 37.92%
DY 5.69 3.96 3.74 1.73 1.69 10.06 10.65 -34.18%
P/NAPS 0.81 1.03 1.13 1.25 1.36 1.10 1.11 -18.96%
Price Multiplier on Announcement Date
31/03/18 31/12/17 30/09/17 30/06/17 31/03/17 31/12/16 30/09/16 CAGR
Date 28/05/18 08/02/18 09/11/17 22/08/17 26/05/17 15/02/17 03/11/16 -
Price 1.33 1.47 1.59 1.65 1.83 1.51 1.23 -
P/RPS 1.85 2.09 2.32 2.45 2.74 2.40 2.08 -7.52%
P/EPS 5.13 5.78 6.32 6.79 7.76 7.80 7.21 -20.31%
EY 19.50 17.31 15.82 14.74 12.89 12.81 13.87 25.52%
DY 5.26 4.04 3.74 1.80 1.64 9.06 11.34 -40.10%
P/NAPS 0.88 1.01 1.13 1.20 1.40 1.22 1.04 -10.54%

PBT = Profit before Tax, NP = Net Profit, NP to SH = Net Profit Attributable to Shareholder, Div = Dividend, NP Margin = Net Profit Margin, ROE = Return on Equity, NOSH = Number of Shares, RPS = Revenue per Share, EPS = Earning Per Share, DPS = Dividend Per Share, NAPS = Net Asset Per Share, EOQ = End of Quarter, ANN = Announcement, P/RPS = Price/Revenue per Share, P/EPS = Price/Earning per Share, P/NAPS = Price/Net Asset per Share, EY = Earning Yield, DY = Dividend Yield.

NOSH is estimated based on the NP to SH and EPS. Div is an estimated figure based on the DPS and NOSH. Net Worth is an estimated figure based on the NAPS and NOSH.

Div Payout %, NP Margin, ROE, DY, QoQ & YoY figures in Percentage; RPS, EPS & DPS's figures in Cent; and NAPS's figures in Dollar.

All figures in '000 unless specified.

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