7 people like this.

18 comment(s). Last comment by YC Lee 2014-06-05 08:56


108 posts

Posted by mictkp > 2014-05-28 16:51 | Report Abuse

way way also can reached roma..

YC Lee

94 posts

Posted by YC Lee > 2014-05-28 16:53 | Report Abuse

way way also can reach holland...XD

as long as u found ur way to earn money, juz stick to ur way...:)


6,684 posts

Posted by kcchongnz > 2014-05-28 16:59 | Report Abuse

Excellent article.

I fully agree, without any fundamental knowledge and hope to make it in the stock market, " Talk easy but in actual fact, very though". I would say very very though. I have walked through the path before.

But one thing I disagree with the article here. If you have some useful fundamental knowledge and most important a proper investing mind set, you don't need the other to earn reasonable return. But definitely not vice versa.


108 posts

Posted by mictkp > 2014-05-28 17:05 | Report Abuse

haha.. should depend on personal character. which personal character u belong to. caution person always choose fundamental over technical. risky person choose technical over fundamental.

YC Lee

94 posts

Posted by YC Lee > 2014-05-28 17:12 | Report Abuse

yup, 一种米养百种人,some like FA some like TA, their mind set of "proper" is different. What I can do is just teach them different way, and let them choose their own. I dun hope they wasting time to doing the things they dun like and losing money.


2,689 posts

Posted by BBB79 > 2014-05-28 17:14 | Report Abuse



108 posts

Posted by mictkp > 2014-05-28 17:18 | Report Abuse

感恩!感恩! to share with public.. yeah YC u are right. mind set of proper.

YC Lee

94 posts

Posted by YC Lee > 2014-05-28 17:25 | Report Abuse



6,929 posts

Posted by 林俊松 > 2014-05-28 17:52 | Report Abuse

YC Lee, pls help me check SKP resourse.
Yesterday morning buy 41.5 cents, today already drop 2 cents.
So bad luck~

Posted by Fat Cat Tim Buddy > 2014-05-28 21:31 | Report Abuse

应该用技术,还是用基本? basically it is just betting.

it depend on your confidence of your method, i'am sure kcchong does not bet that kfima will having such a lousy quarter result, he probably bet on a steady good result, he done everything right according to his method ( low pe , high cash/nta , good ROE , low debt etc etc ) but as always 很多事都是事与愿违的.

instead of blindly follow other people method, it is best to come out with your own that suit for yourself. kikiki...


17 posts

Posted by Kahyang > 2014-05-28 22:07 | Report Abuse

there is no free lunch,practise makes perfect,keep on learning..YC thanks for sharing~

Posted by stockoperator > 2014-05-29 02:21 | Report Abuse

well there is Business, there is Fundamental and there is technical and timing and condition. They are telling the same story. Only the Master can pieces them together.

Posted by stockoperator > 2014-05-29 02:44 | Report Abuse

How do you see yourself ten years from Now?


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2014-05-30 09:20 | Report Abuse

YC Lee,

非常认同你的看法。你有特别清晰的分析方向,整理方面都非常的成熟。 又在一次收益不浅。



2,491 posts

Posted by KopiPeng668 > 2014-05-30 14:12 | Report Abuse



26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2014-05-30 14:35 | Report Abuse





---------技术面开局(TA selection);基本面扶持(FA justification)----------
这是最白热化的一种投资方式,基本上每一天大部分投资家都是在运用这一类型步骤创作。技术面一贯都是以股价走势,交投量,技术调整,市场催化剂消息,年天时图标,等等等等来断定向东北(North East Ascending)或向东南(South East Descending)朝进。简单来说这是利用技术面来做开端然后再以基本面来辩释(defense & support)才决定进场的股项。让你有个比较实际的参考方案,您可以看看INSAS从11月至今的图标,再看看一系列家具家私股(Hevea,Homeriz,Latitud,Pohuat)这几年的图标。这能看出什么呢?这回又跟#####技术面开局(TA selection);基本面扶持(FA justification)#####什么关系呢?好,小儿先来点菜。家具股不赚钱吗?家具股没人认识吗?家具股是神仙股项吗? 答案:家具股非常赚钱,他们都是高息股的佼佼者,它们这些年论基本面都非常的优越。那为什么基本面(FA)都非常扎实但又会被投资者低估?朋友们,股市里这一类型的股项还多得很请不要往后看(为什么,为什么)更应该往前看(那里还有,我能找到更多吗),务必要和时间赛跑找出更多的赚钱机会。

@@@步骤:1. 技术面突高数量和开高收高股价(TA)〉〉〉〉〉 2. 被硬体和软件(hardware-charting software % software-investors)发掘〉〉〉〉〉 3. 基本面(FA)扶持与证实〉〉〉〉〉 4. 向东北(North East)冲刺

@@@为何技术分析软件现在才发现(这些好股)而不是N年前就(Buy Call)-有机会肯定解释Algorithm(方程式算法)让你更深透明百



---------基本面开局(FA selection);技术面扶持(TA justification);----------
通常这是比较高明的技术,非常有减轻风险的功效。举个例子,如果你出国6个月从2013年5月离开市场然后在11月回国。你回到家两天之后想马上就进场,你是不可能在两天内把6个月的财经新闻,市场分析,全部股项图标都一一检查。我想这时你更加不可能随便买,期待随便中。这里的难度是如何在仅有的短时间内找到好的股(赢钱的结局是必然的)。很好的方法可能可以先花30分钟在电脑前翻看Top Gainer的首5页(100只股)找出同领域的股项,比如说是木业(timber),橡胶(latex/rubber products),棕油(palm oil),银行(banking),医疗(medical),家具(furniture),铁料(steel),近一零吉股(RM0.900-RM1.00),建筑(Construction),产业(Properties),暴涨(limit up),等等等等(日后有机会再解释如何从领域分类中看到别人看不到的各自股项潜能)其他分类(当然你本身已经是一路以来都把grouping skill功夫做得很好,一看就知道)。接下来,就从Top Active的首5页(100只股)找出能够与之前被发掘相关领域{{合并}}的单一股项(particular counter but not in industry basis).那么合并过后,就是符合了从基本面被吸纳而又有技术扶持的高素质潜力股。故事说回来,当你11月回国时很容易的会从#####基本面开局(FA selection);技术面扶持(TA justification)#####看到INSAS和一系列的家具股而不是撞倒CAP, HIBISCUS 等等。这肯定是保证你最快可以进场的好方法。

@@步骤:1. 从首一百只上升股中过滤出以基本面(FA)凝聚为领域股项〉〉〉〉〉 2. 再过滤出有潜能的领域和股项〉〉〉〉〉3. 检查100只热门股,并找出能够与之前合并的单一股项(这一阶段不可以看领域,要看各自股票)〉〉〉〉〉4. 技术面(TA)扶持与证实〉〉〉〉〉 5. 向东北(North East)冲刺

@@@这就是基本面分析与技术面分析合并 快与准 的一面



祝YC Lee与各位投资家们 投资愉快。。。。。。记得一定要取与社会,归与社会。 加油了。


26,756 posts

Posted by duitKWSPkita > 2014-06-05 08:50 | Report Abuse

YC Lee,


YC Lee

94 posts

Posted by YC Lee > 2014-06-05 08:56 | Report Abuse


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