1. Know the business you wish to own (Circle of Competence Tenet)...Raider agree...if u r a banker...u should concentrate on banking stocks loh....!! But raider is a margin of safety investor....thus should concentrate on margin of safety stocks...this is what raider has been doing...!! And been doing well mah...!! 2. Business must have economic moat (Durable Competitive Advantage Tenet). Of course business which had moat has advantage....but do not overpay loh....!! 3. Management must be hardworking, intelligent and above all, honest (Integrity Tenet)...Yes the corporate governance is very important 4. Buy at fair price (Quantitative Margin of Safety Tenet)...Yes Raider agree.....but paying Pe 30x....for Nestle, D Lady and Pet Dag is useless loh....!! Why leh ?? Bcos no margin of safety mah....!!
Qualitative Margin of Safety Tenets = 1 + 2 + 3 Qualitative Margin of Safety first, then Quantitative Margin of Safety. Raider says get the margin of safety 1st.(QUANTITATIVE) ...then u talk about qualitative loh....!!
BTW......It is very difficult to talk about Qualitative margin of safety loh....Usually....those who preach qualitative margin of safety...is talk 3...talk 4 only....like justifying high PE of 30x....!!
4. Buy at fair price (Quantitative Margin of Safety Tenet)...Yes Raider agree.....but paying Pe 30x....for Nestle, D Lady and Pet Dag is useless loh....!! Why leh ?? Bcos no margin of safety mah....!
Yes, there is a price for every stock, house, car or even gold.
We can grossly overpay for gold (like US$2,000an ounce)
So we can also Grossly Overpay for a Blue Chip Stock P/E 30 to P/E 100 is a definite no no UNLESS it is a Cyclical Stock.
Everybody knows the price of a thing BUT NOT ITS VALUE.
raider has been asking investors to sell DLady and Nestle for so many years. Either the market is wrong or raider is wrong. raider has yet to admit he is wrong!!!! (sad)
market price movement base on supply and demand, it is impossible to know this company human is hardworking or intelligent as human is dynamic, company stay but human move around. A fair company at wonderful price will be the lousy company at disastrous price as time move on or vice versa. So is Warren Buffet hold or not. If this simple question cannot be answered, please don't quote your great warren buffet
>>>007 It is wasting time to quote warren buffet phil. by almost all writers, i think is BS 08/04/2016 15:13
007 market price movement base on supply and demand, it is impossible to know this company human is hardworking or intelligent as human is dynamic, company stay but human move around. A fair company at wonderful price will be the lousy company at disastrous price as time move on or vice versa. So is Warren Buffet hold or not. If this simple question cannot be answered, please don't quote your great warren buffet<<<
007 You are neither the first nor the last to say that Warren Buffett's philosophy doesn't work in the Bursa. I certainly have heard from those who attended various free stock trading presentations when the speaker started by saying Warren Buffett's method does not work in our stock market. :-)
3iii>>> Use Warren Buffet is an old but effective trick by most self proclaim sifu. We are small or I would say minute invest has nothing in comparison with warren buffet. Those gigantic super power and influence of warren buffet to move the whole world market, may I ask in Malaysia who has it ???? As a small investor, we jump into a bandwagon with a little and limited knowledge about the driver or drivers (malay, indian, chinese, xxx) and hopefully the drivers are honest and make the money for you
007 Yes, another favourite line of argument is Buffett has a lot of capital to invest and those with small amount of money to invest cannot hope to make money using Buffett's method. I have heard this statement often too.
It takes 10 years for company XYZ to reach price of 1539. It takes 7 years for company ABC to reach price of 1606. It takes 5 years for company DEF to reach price of 1611.
Time is money.
It is better to buy a wonderful company at fair price than to buy a fair company at wonderful price.
Of course, you should be very elated if you can buy a wonderful company at bargain wonderful price too.
Do you have the ability to put together a portfolio of less than 10 stocks, which can provide safety of your capital (low risk of loss) and which promises a return of > 15% per year for the long term (> 5 years or > 10 years).
The first counter you stride my brain is you mentioned about public bank, I hold public bank/hong and shanghai bank since 1998 (with recommendation from my late badminton kaki))and i put every year 5% of my income into it. I totally non active in share market. Of cause the old day i did not have intelligent people like you 3iii and all my saving is in the bank. If you can recommend 2 to 3 counters beside the above with no risk, you will the mr.wonderful if 10% is achieved
Nestle and PetDag lor hahaha, I knew most of your favourite picks already, PBBANK, LPI, Nestle, Petdag, GAB, AeonCr, TopGlov, Padini, Dlady, Harta, GAB and Dlady may appeared among the screens
I know from experience that nobody (except one very good friend who is a fantastic investor himself over the long run) can give me a tip or a series of tips that will make more money for me than my own judgement.
It has taken many years to learn to invest intelligently enough to make big money when I am right.
Why staying with wonderful company is the better way to make money in the stock market?
Look at any of these 10 stocks mentioned.
If you have bought any of these stocks in the beginning of the 13 years period and held onto them until today, they have given you positive returns. (How wonderful. What more do you want?)
You don't even have to sell.
Assuming you are very lousy in your stock picking. At the time of buying , you bought the stocks at the highest price and at the time of selling out (5 or 10 years later), you sold at the lowest price of that period, your return on your investment will still be positive. (How wonderful. What more do you want?)
Of course, to be able to do so, you have to have the right investing philosophy and be wired appropriately.
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Posted by calvintaneng > 2016-04-07 20:43 | Report Abuse
I like wonderful companies.
I like to search and find them more BEFORE they turn wonderful.
Public Finance was a wonderful company at Rm2.20 long ago. Today Public Bank is well known.
I like TASEK, LAFARGE & CMSB When they were penny stocks. Today all are blue chips
The secret is to find "other good wonderful companies" still in their embryonic stage.