I disallow you all critic my sifu in such a way.if we cant talk much about cut loss and market crash then we should not act smarter than sifu Teh. He is awesome my real sifu. I make up my mind to stalk him for long long way....
very well said EWTrader. Newbies are most likely fall for his half baked experience. I3investor forum is also culprit keeps on promoting his rubbish blog.
Posted by 稻田·* 片片绿青~粒粒芳香 > Apr 5, 2017 08:37 AM | Report Abuse
Good morning all.
I disallow you all critic my sifu in such a way.if we cant talk much about cut loss and market crash then we should not act smarter than sifu Teh. He is awesome my real sifu. I make up my mind to stalk him for long long way....
I love him in e-meeting. Made him feel high and he was so proud then. Direct decide to talk another chapter on Thursday. I will promote n help him to achieve 101 attendees
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
3,144 posts
Posted by gohkimhock > 2017-04-05 00:54 | Report Abuse
what a cheap and low class parting shot.