My Trading Adventure

People are like garbage trucks

Publish date: Wed, 05 Apr 2017, 12:27 AM
0 2,918
All the writings in this weblog are mainly for PLEASURE reading purposes. I am in NO position to recommend a call(BUY/SELL). Please check with those know-hows before you make a decision. Yes, I am just a learner, with only five years experiences in KLSE. So, please BEAR with me.

People are like garbage trucks is a short film about the positive and healthy way to react when negativity come our way. Don't allow a negative experience effect your day for the worse. We may not have the power to control everything that happens to us, but we DO have a choice on how we react to it. We can take control and not allow negativity to creep in and ruin our positve outlook and way of life. Love the people who treat you right and pray for the ones who don't. Wishing you a garbage free day!

TEH : I will never want to go low ... to allow those garbage trucks to throw their garbage on me. haaha.


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what a cheap and low class parting shot.

2017-04-05 00:54


May i inform you that all your posts are garbage?

2017-04-05 06:23


what a garbage philosophy

2017-04-05 07:39


Flintstones May i inform you that all your posts are garbage?
05/04/2017 06:23


2017-04-05 07:47


How is his performance for the past 5 years? He himself knew very well...but still can act like a Master wanna share wanna teach...really thick face

2017-04-05 08:08


If he is so good, where got time to teach....he is making $$$ from newbies and not from the market loh...

2017-04-05 08:33

稻田·* 片片绿青~粒粒芳香

Good morning all.

I disallow you all critic my sifu in such a way.if we cant talk much about cut loss and market crash then we should not act smarter than sifu Teh. He is awesome my real sifu. I make up my mind to stalk him for long long way....

2017-04-05 08:37


very well said EWTrader. Newbies are most likely fall for his half baked experience. I3investor forum is also culprit keeps on promoting his rubbish blog.

2017-04-05 08:39

稻田·* 片片绿青~粒粒芳香

If only can choose one person for PLP. My choice will be Mr.Teh. I will PLP day n night MrTeh LP.....

A real sifu to me. He teaches me many things that I dare not to do and not ever think of

2017-04-05 08:41


Posted by 稻田·* 片片绿青~粒粒芳香 > Apr 5, 2017 08:37 AM | Report Abuse

Good morning all.

I disallow you all critic my sifu in such a way.if we cant talk much about cut loss and market crash then we should not act smarter than sifu Teh. He is awesome my real sifu. I make up my mind to stalk him for long long way....

U cucuk him in E-meeting ytd again?

2017-04-05 08:41

稻田·* 片片绿青~粒粒芳香

Bagaikan semenjak dirasuh seumur dibasuh

I love him in e-meeting. Made him feel high and he was so proud then. Direct decide to talk another chapter on Thursday. I will promote n help him to achieve 101 attendees

2017-04-05 08:44

John Lu

Cipek teh really famous

2017-04-05 08:44

稻田·* 片片绿青~粒粒芳香

Kite bro. Me and CP no kelah one...

Talk like I can make him alive and make him die.... Me cannot la. Jz one of his stalker/fan only

2017-04-05 08:54



2017-04-05 11:33


So entertaining!

2017-04-09 10:42

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