Calvin sochai, how long need to hold bjcorp, mulpha, kbunai, alam, perisai, muiind, mui prop, mpcorp, cbip etc...u lose count already...wonder how can you invest 3% only on the above stock. Haha haha
Tan Sri KKB divorce case and calvintaneng predict mui will go up...haha haha...such a lousy stock wonder holland king forever rank below 220. Never feel shame. Buka tebal macam tembok
Misleading financials used to promote share. Its 2 sen annual dividend was touted as one of the highest dividend yield (DY) of 9%. But the drastic Earnings Dilution of its recent Rights Issue of 8 for 5 was conveniently not addressed. Its capital base increased by a huge 1.799B shares . Hence its past years’ 2 sen dividend is NOT sustainable (especially when it suffered a Loss for its 4Q and its full year profits was down by 41.2% YoY. Next Year’s dividend may drop to 1.0 sen and its Dividend Yield will then decrease to only 4.7% ( sharply lower than touted). The much reduced DY IS LIKELY AND MORE REALISTIC BECOS TO PAY THE SAME 2 SEN ON A MUCH LARGER NUMBER OF SHARES WILL REQUIRE MUCH MORE SUBSTANTIAL CASH PAYOUTS. (CAPITAL BASE IS NOW MORE THAN DOUBLED TO 2.98B SHARES). Bear in mind that the Co. ALSO have other financial commitments (especially heavy Capex or Capital Expenditures)
B11. Dividend Proposed No final dividend has been proposed for the financial year ended 31 March 2017. (per official announcement together with its 4Q results)
Misleading financials used to promote share. Its 2 sen annual dividend was touted as one of the highest dividend yield (DY) of 9%. But the drastic Earnings Dilution of its recent Rights Issue of 8 for 5 was conveniently not addressed. Its capital base increased by a huge 1.799B shares . Hence its past years’ 2 sen dividend is NOT sustainable (especially when it suffered a Loss for its 4Q and its full year profits was down by 41.2% YoY. Next Year’s dividend may drop to 1.0 sen and its Dividend Yield will then decrease to only 4.7% ( sharply lower than touted). The much reduced DY IS LIKELY AND MORE REALISTIC BECOS TO PAY THE SAME 2 SEN ON A MUCH LARGER NUMBER OF SHARES WILL REQUIRE MUCH MORE SUBSTANTIAL CASH PAYOUTS. (CAPITAL BASE IS NOW MORE THAN DOUBLED TO 2.98B SHARES). Bear in mind that the Co. ALSO have other financial commitments (especially heavy Capex or Capital Expenditures)
B11. Dividend Proposed No final dividend has been proposed for the financial year ended 31 March 2017. (per official announcement together with its 4Q results)
Calvin replies,
Very good. At last I got some intelligent rebuttal to my post.
I like it. This is much better than John Lu spewing nonsense. Bring out all the facts and brainstorm here.
You see,
Real GOLD is not afraid of the fire test!
So let's SEE
These are my findings:
1) Capital base has increased because for every 5 shares held 8 Rights Issue will be given for subscription at 21 sen each.
So the Rights Shares are not free - each share brings in a nice 21 sen.
2) These Capital Exercise has been used to purchase 4 Real Estate Assets. Diamond City is already generating good income.
So Cash will flow back even more substantially to L&G coffers.
3) The purchase of Serendah Assets about 160 acres at Rm6.00 to Rm7.00 psf should see a surprise windfall due to Tg Malim being chosen by Geely for expansion. This is an abandoned housing project with ready infrar work done.
Company could just revalue these 160 acres land and book them as profit. Last time OKA also revalue their assets & booked them as profit to give dividend.
4) The almost 2,500 acres of lands in Kerling should also benefit from Tg Malim boom as its lands are only 15 minutes away.
5) From L&G own Cash hoard it will be sufficient to continue paying dividend for year 2018
6) As to its dwindling profits? L&G involves in cyclical property business. So the sales of assets & properties will continue to bring in added Cash in future. This is what Mah Sing & Scientex are both doing.
7) Overall L&G is now at depressed level. With High NTA backing, Cash surplus & assets of over 2,600 acres near Up Coming Boom Town of Tg Malim.
Its prospect can only get better & better from here.
See how many missed Calvin's call to buy Maju Perak near bottom of 30 sen?
In one short month Majulah Perak jumped almost 100% to touch 60 sen & kena UMA?
Maju Perak has only 203 acres of leasehold lands in Proton City.
For L&G it has a Whopping 2,700 acres of FREEHOLD lands only 15 minutes away from Proton City. This is 1,000% more lands than what Maju Perak has.
Just bring out your brain & your calculate. Then do a little maths homework and YOU WILL BE HAPPILY SURPRISED!!
Malaysians are stupid ma. That's why so many money games are originally from Malaysia. Tan eng cannot cari makan in Singapore so he has to come over and cheat you all.
L&G will surprise everyone when it has applied to convert its >30 acres Kelab Sri Damansara vacant land (currently a driving range, BV=RM3.7m) into a mixed development land...
Wonder what is Tan eng's average cost for Jtiasa. According to chart he might have at least 30-40% MTM losses. Something he won't talk about. Hip hip hooray
Haha...this tan eng sochai will diam diam if his call go holland...and out of so many years after his call if the stock go up, he will jump out and say his stock call with 200% profit...hip hoop hoorey.
To become a sifu like tan eng sochai very easy...just simply hantam 5 new stock per month...after 10 years, sure got 1 or 2 stock go up 200% from your 600 stock pick. If good luck maybe 30 stock go up 500%. Haha.
Tan eng is a very good story teller. That's why he always write few pages wrong blog / comments to confuse the newbies. Most of the points he gave are based on his own imagination. You follow this Holland king you die.
Posted by calvintaneng > Mar 29, 2015 02:01 PM | Report Abuse
Good Afternoon,
This BJ Corp song was given to me by Inspiration within 5 minutes while holidaying in Hilary Beach, North of Perth, Western Australia.
Music adapted from
FIRST OF MAY - By Bee Gees (For music go to youtube "FIRST OF MAY"}
Lyrics by Calvin Tan
1) OH BJ Corp! I bought it for a song;
The Mighty Stock that someday will perform.
Don't ask me why. Don't let it pass you by;
To Make Money you all Must Be Strong.
2) The Companies that Grew for you and me;
I watched them growing richer one by one.
And I will keep BJ Corp All The Way;
This is Asia's Berkshire Hathaway.
And Now for the exposition & commentary
OH BJ CORP I Bought it For a Song (Stanza 1, First line)
The idiom "bought for a song" means to buy something Very cheaply.
To me BJ Corp is already a Blue Chip over RM10.00 Calvin Tan Research can prove it mathematically by facts and figures without a trace of doubt!
So buying at 44 cents for a Share worth over RM10.00 is "Buying it For A Song". This is not paying penny for dollar; but paying penny for ten dollar bill.
This is the most unequal exchange in Bursa.
The Mighty Stock that someday will perform (1st Stanza, 2nd line)
When will BJ Corp, THE MIGHTY STOCK, rise to RM10.00?
Time Is The Essence of Investment. Just like Lafarge, UMW or Tasek.
Don't ask me why. Don't let it pass you by. (1st Stanza, 3rd line)
How did Lafarge rose from 66 cents to over RM10.00? We know now as fact
How will BJ Corp rise from 44 cents to over RM10.00? Don't ask me why. Just don't let it pass you by. Grab some tomorrow!!
To Make Money you all Must Be Strong (1st Stanza, 4th line)
There will be doubters, naysayers & others who cannot see & will talk nonsense and discourage you. So you MUST BE STRONG IN CONVICTION & HOLD TIGHT TO YOUR PRECIOUS BJ CORP SHARES!!
Someday When BJ Corp reaches RM10.00 You Will All Be Millionaires!!
luckyman Its 53 hectare freehold land in Seremban, not Serendah (to be developed into Sena Parc project) was acquired for RM 15 mil only 10/07/2017 12:39
Yes I know.
The Seremban Lands also at dirt cheap old value.
And L&G Management is clever to always convert club houses & golf courses into HIGHER VALUE ASSETS all the Time
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
57,855 posts
Posted by calvintaneng > 2017-07-09 18:41 | Report Abuse
Luckyman is correct.
The acquisition of Daimond City in Semenyih will contribute positively as much of the landed houses there have already been sold.
Progressive collection of payments from loan from Banks will boost L&G results!
I will do a more complete assessment of the 4 Assets acquired in the RI exercise.
By not borrowing from Banks and giving out Rights Issue to raise capital the gearing of L&G is healthy.
Its Cash rich position will enable it to give out the usual 2 sen yearly dividend (about 9% yield).