It is simply amazing, the number of dudes taking all of Kim's fake-phoney hyperbole with the slightest degree of seriousness. More likely, those NK generals wud sooner kill KJU with their own hands than see their entire homeland laid to complete waste by a US strike.
I wud not be surprised if an internally triggered 'regime change' happens there, one of these days.
Problem is past American leaders never paid much attention to the Kims. Just that Trump wants to turn attention away from his Russia links by threatening Kim. He just needs an excuse.
North Korean state media said Tuesday that Kim Jong-un had made his decision not to fire on Guam after visiting a military command post and examining a military plan presented to him by his senior officers. But it warned that he could change his mind “if the Yankees persist in their extremely dangerous reckless actions.”
cakap nak beria-ria lancar roket kat guam, amerika.....sekarang cakap tengok-tengok dulu..apa tengok-tengok hantu???.apa tak berani ke bro diktator.....tak ada ekor ke??? atau tali pancing tak cukup panjang....kalau nak lancar roket nuklear mesti sampai kat bandar besar di amerika syarikat....kalau setakat guam sahaja??? bagi malu sahaja seluruh dunia....roket tak cukup panjanglah namanya!!!! hahaha....nak lawan amerika...belum tentu menang biarpun ada kuasa nuklear...korea utara angkuh tak tentu pasal... nak cari gaduh sebab tak cukup makan!!!! biar pedas...sekatan ekonomi dari china and kuasa besar termasuk negara jiran asian...mengamuklah!!!!
oh yer.....North Korea leader say "see see first"...cannot anyhow hamtam US....North Korea leader holds off on Guam plan, will watch U.S. bit longer: KCNA....... where got courage??? if US really retaliate, i am very sure north korea will be destroyed the bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in japan during world war 2....still want to play play with US... Good luck north korea.....
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Posted by wotvr > 2017-08-15 12:18 | Report Abuse
Kimmy met his match. He found someone more batshit crazy than him in Trump.