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4 comment(s). Last comment by paco2688 2018-05-19 15:56


14,501 posts

Posted by probability > 2018-05-19 02:02 | Report Abuse

a promise to abolish all toll highways within 100 days of becoming government

key word 'abolish''


480 posts

Posted by teoct > 2018-05-19 10:04 | Report Abuse

Plus is own by Khazanah and EPF. Khazanah belongs to all Malaysian while EPF (indirectly) own by contributors that are mainly Malaysian.

Not all Malaysian use the tolled highway.

By removing toll (or lowered) without compensation, will be most unfair to the Malaysian (especially contributor to epf) that do not use the toll highway while they had contributed to the acquiring cost.

There are 32 millions Malaysian (latest data released not too long ago) and I believe at most half, 16 millions use the tolled highways. Is it fair to the remaining 16 millions? One can change the number as much as one likes, but you cannot escape the fact that there is a whole chunk of Malaysian given the short end of the deal.

Where is the justice to this?

And all of these highways are in the West coast where Malaysian have the highest income, can afford, user pay, so pay, please.

Have a nice weekend.


3,144 posts

Posted by gohkimhock > 2018-05-19 11:20 | Report Abuse

Yes. Honoring the manifesto is very important. Otherwise, the voters will no longer trust you next time.

Posted by paco2688 > 2018-05-19 15:56 | Report Abuse

Why not just abolish urban toll and lower the North south Highway rate instead of abolish all the tolls which will heavy burden to the new government ??

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