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3 comment(s). Last comment by Junichiro 2018-09-11 18:11


3,331 posts

Posted by chinaman > 2018-09-11 12:44 | Report Abuse

So, this time can we say China's own 5G technology, or copyright infringment allegation as what US always try to portray?


2,063 posts

Posted by Junichiro > 2018-09-11 17:38 | Report Abuse

The US is under severe psychology strains. In their mind, only white man have the capability to innovate, to invent .... Asians should not have this capability. Thus, they feel threatened.

What is wrong with copying anyway? The Germans did it. The Japanese did it. Everybody is building on the invention of others. If you build a plane with no wings, then you are not copying.

The Japanese build excellent cars because they are not afraid to copy and further improve and refine the product.


2,063 posts

Posted by Junichiro > 2018-09-11 18:11 | Report Abuse

Why should they fear CCP. CCP is only within China itself. CCP which still bears the word "communist" is in fact capitalist. Ppl in China have lots of freedom except political freedom.

In the words of Kishore Mahbubani," To address this psychological block, Americans — and all Westerners — should think of China’s government as led by the Chinese Civilization Party, not the Chinese Communist Party, because its goal is to revive Chinese civilization, not to export communism."

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