g @ Agjl- Fully agree with your comment posted in Supermax forum.
I find that our fren’s write out is full of flaws and with too simplistic assumptions...without taking into considerations of various variable and invariable factors in a business world....i would not go into it as if i m an expert. I will leave it to all of u to read and judge for yourself. 19/12/2020 11:45 AM
@moshi20's- fully agree with your comment posted in Supermax forum.
@sslee do you take into consideration that for manufacturing sector when certain cost is cover when the volume hit certain number, for every piece of products the factory produce the profit is much higher in comparison to the profit of the product before that? The higher profit margin could be due to the maximize of the production capacity also?
https://www.theedgemarkets.com/article/asp-nitrile-gloves-grow-30-octo... The group's ASP for nitrile gloves in its fourth quarter ended Aug 31, 2020 (4QFY20) has more than doubled (103%) from 3QFY20, while on a year-to-year basis, it has increased by 114%. The ASP for nitrile gloves for FY20 as a whole is up 31% from FY19's.
The price of gloves didn't raise 10X as you claim to be. While the prices increase, the raw material cost also increases, is it not normal for manufacturing line to factor in this?
A normal profit growth is by capacity increase thus sales increase, revenue increase and net profit increase but NP margin stay almost the same.
Under unnormal condition like covid-19 where demand spike and fear of shortage causing buying frenzy and price increase thus revenue increase, net profit increase drastically because NP margin increase by many folds
The 3X or 10X is an ethical question of how much the selling price allowed to increase before the question of taking advantage of a situation to make excessive or unfair profit arise?
The next question is what will be the NP margin once the demand spike by covid 19 is over and with the increase capacity and many newcomers joining the game?
Apart from demand, three other factors do not favour the glove manufacturers at the moment. Firstly, it is labour intensive and after the recent brouhaha, wages and living conditions have to improve if the companies want to continue exporting their products to developed countries. Both wages and living conditions are sticky and will not come down even if prices drop.
Secondly, the dollar is on a dive. It is nearing a seven-year low against the ringgit, which does not bode well for the profitability of the glove companies. The US is going to print more money to reflate the economy, pointing to weaker dollar ahead.
Thirdly, Bursa Malaysia has allowed for regulated short selling (RSS) from January, which is just two weeks away. All major glove players are under the RSS list, which means that it can be shorted if sentiments are not in their favour.
The sector attracted institutional funds in May and June this year when it became evident that glove makers were going to report healthy earnings. Not investing in these stocks would have resulted in the funds under-performing the market.
But now the funds are leaving the sector as indicated in several research reports. Glove producers are professing that the game is not over yet but the smart money thinks the fairy tale run has come to an end.
Spot on Calvin Tan ------------------- calvintaneng he next question is what will be the NP margin once the demand spike by covid 19 is over and with the increase capacity and many newcomers joining the game? 19/12/2020 1:03 PM
Good question
My answers:
1) Many new comers are of little threat to established Medical Glove players
Unlike other consumer goods Medical Gloves are a Class on its own
No Surgeons/ Top Doctors will simply use "new gloves" from unproven, untested sources
You wrote : "...but there is a certain limit or red line of exploitation and profiteer behaviors that we should be ashamed of."
In a capitalistic society, there is no need to be ashamed of profits as long as the markets are willing to pay for it. The holy grail of business owners when the business dictates the price not the market.
The social media company stocks, margin consistently high all these while, yet still exploiting every possible avenue of monetising user data....
The big software companies like microsoft where their products pretty much becomes a basic need for society to function, do check their margins also...
apple, quite a scorn to a significant portion of people, and i don't deny they have certain unique selling point, but see their sky high margins compare to their main contractors'....do they feel ashamed to try to squeeze them a little more or give them a little more slack so they can pay their workers better/provide better working environment? No...the bidding is a race to the bottom...and how long have apple been doing this?
More recently, pfizer/moderna, taking in so much public money to develop an effective vaccine, yet still have the balls to sell at quite a significant margin despite the "volume discounts"...or why not they share the patent freely, or charge just a small nominal cost for other producers to produce the vaccine? After all, the world genuinely needs the vaccines so desperately while there are plenty of vaccine facilities in the world that can add to the supply and distribution of the vaccines. Why keep it to themselves when every extra dose could have the potential to save 1 life? Do they feel ashamed? I would say absolutely, NO Extra reading : https://www.nytimes.com/2020/12/17/opinion/covid-vaccine-big-pharma.html
To answer your question, as long as the company can command it, they will charge it despite the anguish/chagrin of many. Their previous normalised margin for glove makes are not a benchmark of what they should be charging now.
@information Apart from demand, three other factors do not favour the glove manufacturers at the moment. Firstly, it is labour intensive and after the recent brouhaha, wages and living conditions have to improve if the companies want to continue exporting their products to developed countries. Both wages and living conditions are sticky and will not come down even if prices ....
As a result of the. unfavourable factprs u mentioned, there should be.many owners of glove companaies try to sell off cheaply.......instead we see quite the opposite..........isnt it likely. they know somethingbyou dont? Think la........
What could it be?,.........could it be that they hv comprehensively calculated not only demand but also the supply side.........the results is the apparent confidence of the glovee owners......
If you have technology advantage or patent then no other competitor can challenge your monopoly position you can increase your sale price as you wish.
As for software you only incurred cost during development and then you can sell to the word cheaply but NP margin will still remain sky high.
For glove making every tom and jerry also can start one. And do you think for the past 20 years when NP margin is about 10% and because of Covid 19 the new normal NP margin is 35-60% and this new normal will stay for next 20 years?
Using Top Glove as example, I believe they can make about RM25 billion in next 10 years. Hence, using a PE25X, the estimated intrinsic value is about RM7.80.
Yes provided Topglov know how to use their new found windfall profit for new investment and diversification and not wasted in SBB to satisfy one man ego to be number 1 market cap in Bursa.
All sophisticated glove investors should look to diversify their portfolio risk and include direct recovery stocks
Top pick is Genting Berhad powered by
Vaccine FDA EUA (Pfizer-BioNTech; Moderna) and Full Approval Vaccine Roll Outs (UK & US & Singapore) Year End & CNY Gaming Sector Rally and Super Cycle Vaccine Malaysia approval / supply agreement / delivery / administering Resorts World Las Vegas & Resorts World Genting Theme Park US & Bahamas and UK & Egypt revival Celurarity Inc Covid-19 treatment trials WHO / COVAX approves and distributes vaccines WHO declares pandemic over Border opening / international visitors Genting Plantations (CPO record high) Genting Power, Property, Oil & Gas (cyclical sector in an massive upcycle)
I know this article is nonsense the moment you incite humanity and national pride in your analysis. There is no way any glove company can sustain that kind of profitability in the long run. Vaccine is being developed and economy is heading towards recovery. Please also do not forget the huge increase in supply globally as new companies enter the industry. This is cold hard fact. Please spare us from your senseless claim about benefits towards humanity and national pride.
Please don't pull in humanity etc bullshit into analysis. if that is the case, all big phamaceutical company should not earn what they are earning now, hospital and doctors should not charge the price they are charging now. in fact, glove price did not increase 10x. please refer to supermx press release, ex-factory price increased 3x while price to end user is about double from USD 90 to now USD 180-200. What makes a different is middle man being eliminated or their margin reduced.
@oohlala- Fully agree never, pull in humanity etc bullshit into analysis. ===============================================
Please don't pull in humanity etc bullshit into analysis. if that is the case, all big phamaceutical company should not earn what they are earning now, hospital and doctors should not charge the price they are charging now. in fact, glove price did not increase 10x. please refer to supermx press release, ex-factory price increased 3x while price to end user is about double from USD 90 to now USD 180-200. What makes a different is middle man being eliminated or their margin reduced.
With such crazy price increase, glove has become a commodity. I think the price will come crashing down one day when covid is over and those profiteers will be gone.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
2,426 posts
Posted by Diamond7 > 2020-12-19 10:53 | Report Abuse
Well said!