Answer to mr goh;;; Duh,at least he anwar dare take risk and have some change.cannot all the time same. When mahathir say cooperate anwar dare to say means no.tht leadership material.cannot all the time say yes.
Charles Santiago shouldn't have sue the governmnent over parliment dissolution! Which is why he was drop! He didn't consult Dap before doing so!" =======================
Why should he consult DAP? He has the right to sue as a citizen. Why DAP feels scorned? Anything to hide? DAP under Anthony Loke is heading towards a disaster. The fat swine is an arrogant prick appeasing the majority. Appeasement can never get loyalty from the majority.
Sign of "london bridging falling down" for PH.How bad is it.but damage already there.Seing maybe 15-25 percent voters 2.7-4.5 million voters left Pakatan Harapan.Reason many promise unfulfill and rakyat want more on economy rather thn politics.
Michael! Exactly! Harapan leaders fail to see that rakyat will be very happy if our economy is buzzing! Just look at previous GE! Why BN Umno was very strong! Economy! When rakyat are happy and fill with money, they don't care much about other things! Problem with Harapan leaders is that, they are too focus on rage issues but fell short of providing any solution! After experience 22 months of total misery, it's very hard to convince even Harapan voters to turn up and vote!
Nowadays, rakyat no longer view lawmakers in positive light! More of a nuisance! Malaysia politics nowadays no different from UK! A total wreck where nobody can lead and change things for the better!
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Posted by chinaman > 2022-10-28 18:46 | Report Abuse
go independent, Sir Charles. My college lecturer last time