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Klang ‘mourns’ as DAP drops Charles Santiago in favour of Ganabatirau

Publish date: Thu, 27 Oct 2022, 10:41 AM

THEY say that the electorate palate of the Chinese community is hardest to please but once they warm up to that particular candidate, their support is rock sturdy.

Therefore, it can be imagined that a furore is brewing among the Klang Chinese community as to what is the underlying election strategies that DAP has in mind to replace three-term incumbent Charles Santiago with Kota Kemuning state assemblyman V. Ganabatirau.

Recall that even when rumours were rife that DAP planned to replace Santiago with Seri Kembangan assemblyman Ean Yong Hian Wah – one of their own kind – Klang Hokkien Association president Datuk Goh Ah Lek has reportedly said his organisation was very close with Santiago and did not want him replaced.

“He has been here for three terms, knows the place well and is familiar with what to do to help organisations and residents in Klang,” the influential business leader had told The Star. “He is also very hard working and productive, why yank him out and throw things into disarray?”

In a jest, Goh had even gone a step further to persuade Ean Yong who is also his friend “to stay put in Seri Kembangan, and not come to Klang”

While shifting constituencies or injecting new blood is essential to ensure the survival of a political party, this has to be done on a case-by-case basis as almost every Klang folk is standing rock solid behind Santiago as evident in his enormous majority of 78,773 in the 2018 general election (2008: 17,701 majority; 2013: 24,685 majority).

V. Ganabatirau (Pic credit: Selangor Journal)

Even as the party has retained an Indian candidate to replace Santiago as part of what is seen as a Selangor seat shake-up, an Indian non-governmental group who call itself the Coalition of Indian NGOs (i-25) is little impressed.

As DAP secretary-general Anthony Loke Siew Fook unveiled the state’s new line-up last night (Oct 26), the group has insisted Selangor DAP chief Gobind Singh (who himself will replace incumbent Damansara MP Tony Pua who will be sitting out of GE15) to explain the need to replace Santiago who possesses an impeccable service track record.

“The community is baffled to note that Charles Santiago, a respected member of the community, and an MP known for his competency, parliamentary performance, community service, local initiatives and hard-work is being side-lined by the party,” lamented the group’s spokesman S. P. Nathan in a statement. “This has caused confusion, frustration and even anger in the community,”

Nathan recalled how DAP had approached the Indian NGOs after the HINDRAF rally in 2007 and requested them to recommend potential Indian candidates for the party.

The party had wanted Indian candidates who were able to represent the party’s aspirations as well as capable of subscribing to its core values of meritocracy, inclusiveness and accountability. This was when the i-25 had recommended Santiago based on his records and performance as a professional and activist.

“He was nominated for the Klang constituency in GE12 (2008) and won and continued to win with increasing margins in GE13 (2013) and GE14 (2018),” explained Nathan.

“Why is a party that approached the Indian NGOs to nominate a good and competent candidate now marginalising the same person who has remained competent and acknowledged as such by the voters and also by other members of Parliament?”

Below is Santiago’s ‘farewell’ tweet: to Klang folks:

It’s been an incredible 15 years, where I have enjoyed your trust and friendship. I am deeply grateful for your support and I hope that I have done good by it.

My biggest commitment to you, the people of Klang, was to represent you in Parliament; to be your voice. I apologise if I have fallen short but I want you to know I have tried.

Deep gratitude to all of you who have been a part of my political journey.

We – you and me, share a common goal – to see a fair government in place. A government that rules with compassion, integrity, accountability and inclusion. A government that is committed to getting rid of corruption.

I am sure my successor shares the same dream for this country of ours.

And just like I did, he too needs your support. I know many of you are upset that I am not fielded again but I know we are better than the anger.

We are at a crucial time, where each of our vote counts. And therefore, I humbly request that you cast your vote for a Pakatan Harapan government.

My heartfelt good wishes go out to V. Ganabatirau as he campaigns for your support.

On my part, I will be pushing our message to vote out UMNO and all corrupted politicians for Malaysians deserve better.

So, let’s stand united. Let’s do this together. Thank you.” – Oct 27, 2022

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go independent, Sir Charles. My college lecturer last time

2022-10-28 18:46


independent with no budget and resources ... might as well goyang kaki at home

2022-10-29 01:48


Charles Santiago shouldn't have sue the governmnent over parliment dissolution! Which is why he was drop! He didn't consult Dap before doing so!

2022-10-29 02:03


Tobby got the point this time.

2022-10-29 09:07


Tobby is wrong again. It has nothing to do with the suit. DAP needs someone who is more vocal in the Parliament.

2022-10-29 10:35


Goh! We don't! Charles Santiago belong to the old screamers! We dont' need those type anymore! We need competent ones!

2022-10-29 16:20


Dap need lawyers and doctors.

2022-10-29 17:06

Michael Kwok

Anwar is showing from no risk to take risk.tht leader material.

2022-10-29 18:15


That is show power to Rafizi and Nurul.

2022-10-29 20:04


Michael Kwok is praising Anwar? This is news to me :)

2022-10-29 20:29

Michael Kwok

Answer to mr goh;;;
Duh,at least he anwar dare take risk and have some change.cannot all the time same.
When mahathir say cooperate anwar dare to say means no.tht leadership material.cannot all the time say yes.

2022-10-30 00:01


" Posted by Tobby > 1 day ago | Report Abuse

Charles Santiago shouldn't have sue the governmnent over parliment dissolution! Which is why he was drop! He didn't consult Dap before doing so!"

Why should he consult DAP? He has the right to sue as a citizen.
Why DAP feels scorned? Anything to hide? DAP under Anthony Loke is heading towards a disaster. The fat swine is an arrogant prick appeasing the majority. Appeasement can never get loyalty from the majority.

2022-10-30 14:22


Harapan is a goner! PKR and DAP will bite the dust big time.

2022-10-30 14:25

Michael Kwok

Sign of "london bridging falling down" for PH.How bad is it.but damage already there.Seing maybe 15-25 percent voters 2.7-4.5 million voters left Pakatan Harapan.Reason many promise unfulfill and rakyat want more on economy rather thn politics.

2022-10-30 16:20


Michael! Exactly! Harapan leaders fail to see that rakyat will be very happy if our economy is buzzing! Just look at previous GE! Why BN Umno was very strong! Economy!
When rakyat are happy and fill with money, they don't care much about other things!
Problem with Harapan leaders is that, they are too focus on rage issues but fell short of providing any solution!
After experience 22 months of total misery, it's very hard to convince even Harapan voters to turn up and vote!

2022-10-30 16:23


Nowadays, rakyat no longer view lawmakers in positive light! More of a nuisance! Malaysia politics nowadays no different from UK! A total wreck where nobody can lead and change things for the better!

2022-10-30 16:24

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