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33 comment(s). Last comment by EngineeringProfit 9 seconds ago


26,913 posts

Posted by speakup > 7 hours ago | Report Abuse

so any stocks related to chin peng?


6,367 posts

Posted by Sslee > 5 hours ago | Report Abuse

Did he know because of geo-political Western democracy angainst China and Russia maxist communism after WWII. Western world fanning anti-communist war had result in genocide of million of innocent Indonesians Chinese?

What happen in the past is a human tragic.


6,367 posts

Posted by Sslee > 5 hours ago | Report Abuse

By the way marxist communism is a fail system as it make everyone equally poor except the rulling elite.


6,367 posts

Posted by Sslee > 4 hours ago | Report Abuse

To fight Japanese during WWII and then to fight British after WWII and put million of Malaysians Chinese life in danger is totally selfishness and unacceptable.

LKY is right to stop marxist communism before it can take root in Singapore society.


6,367 posts

Posted by Sslee > 4 hours ago | Report Abuse

So 3iii anything to thank for to KYY for sharing this articles?


6,367 posts

Posted by Sslee > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse

To fight Japenese during WWII is right but to fight British after WWII and put million of Malaysian Chinese life in danger is selfishness and inconsiderate.


6,367 posts

Posted by Sslee > 3 hours ago | Report Abuse

British contributed the rule of law unlike the rogue USA CIA fanning the war against communist that result in genocide of million innocent Indonesia Chinese.


142 posts

Posted by mickey77 > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

Quote: When the Japanese invaded Malaya on 8 December 1941, the British left without firing a shot to resist the invasion. Unquote.

That is an incorrect statement. The fact remains that the British were not expecting the Japanese invasion from the North East of peninsular Malaya.
The sinking of the 2 British battleships, Prince of Wales and Repulse were no match for the Japanese planes. [ no shots fired is hard to believe ]

The battle of Kampar is where the Japanese invasion were stopped briefly.
To say that the British left Malaya without firing a shot to resist the invasion is the most unkind statement to the many heroic fallen soldiers at Kampar, pilots and many unnamed in many other parts of Malaya.
The factual statement should be the British Army at that time were no match for the Japanese army.
Please write with care and consideration.


142 posts

Posted by mickey77 > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

An apology to the fallen souls is called for


14,824 posts

Posted by DickyMe > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

Thisis the problem of social plarform.
When you allow Lan, Chow and Chi-bai to write under the pretext of freedom of expression and human right, you get their farcical thoughts which creates animosity among the public. The governments around the world are clueless on how to tackle this menace.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

Now they are committing the same crime in the middle east- but against the descendents of Isaac's sibling

Posted by Sslee > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

British contributed the rule of law unlike the rogue USA CIA fanning the war against communist that result in genocide of million innocent Indonesia Chinese.


6,367 posts

Posted by Sslee > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

War is cruel, barbarous snd inhumane, avoid at all cost.
Let's live in peace and harmony with others


4,981 posts

Posted by icecool > 2 hours ago | Report Abuse

there must be wars first in order for mankind to understand the futility of wars.


14,824 posts

Posted by DickyMe > 54 minutes ago | Report Abuse

It begins in home and families at the atomic level.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 46 minutes ago | Report Abuse

War and killin, a must! - as emphasized in many holy scriptures - internalized by many from underage

Posted by icecool > 1 hour ago | Report Abuse

there must be wars first in order for mankind to understand the futility of wars.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 45 minutes ago | Report Abuse

The idea of violence and warfare being divinely sanctioned or even required is a theme found in various religious texts across history, with profound implications on how societies internalize these ideas, especially from a young age. These interpretations can lead to a "dark system" where war and killing are seen as not only justifiable but essential for divine or moral purposes.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 44 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Ask any national school kids - Many holy scriptures contain narratives where violence, war, or killing is portrayed as divinely commanded or necessary to achieve a greater good.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 43 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Even hell and eternal torture are depicted as deserving for out-group children who believe differently!!

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 42 minutes ago | Report Abuse

The Root and Anatomy of Radicalization, Extremism and Terrorism (RET): When these concepts of divine violence are combined with modern political, social, or economic grievances, they can lead to the radicalization of individuals. Extremist groups often manipulate religious teachings to legitimize acts of terror or warfare. These groups target young, impressionable minds, making use of religious justifications to foster loyalty and a sense of divine mission.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 40 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Education reform, anyone? Moral Conflict and Psychological Impact: - Internalizing these violent religious narratives often lead to deep psychological and moral conflicts, especially in a world where concepts of human rights and peace are globally promoted. Those raised with the belief that violence is sometimes divinely mandated would struggle with modern ethical frameworks that emphasize non-violence, equality, and justice. It can also lead to desensitization to violence and the glorification of martyrdom in some religious or political movements.


6,219 posts

Posted by ahbah > 40 minutes ago | Report Abuse

War is cruel, barbarous snd inhumane, avoid at all cost.
Let's live in peace and harmony with others

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 39 minutes ago | Report Abuse

The idea that "war and killing are a must" as portrayed in children text scriptures creates a "dark system" where violence is not only tolerated but glorified. When internalized from a young age, these narratives naturally lead to radicalization and violent extremism.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 28 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Put the blame on poor quality education. World would only have peace when all children learn from Prophet Ethan.

1. Unity of All Beings

While holy wars often reinforce the idea of in-groups and out-groups (the righteous versus the non-believers), a holy text of peace would emphasize the unity of all humanity, regardless of race, religion, or nationality.

Why Ethanian Peaceful Wording would be better for school children:

“All are created from the same breath, bound by the same earth. In their suffering, you suffer, and in their joy, you rejoice. See no stranger, for all are one family. Treat them differently is an insult to the Creator. So, treat them the same today and everyday!"

This wording creates a universal framework for peace, rejecting division based on identity, and encouraging an empathy-driven approach to human relationships.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 25 minutes ago | Report Abuse

2. Divine Command for Peace

In contrast to divine commands for warfare, a peaceful scripture would focus on the sanctity of life and the divine intention for humans to live in harmony. Rather than seeing war as a divine imperative, peace would be presented as the true fulfillment of divine will.

Ethanian Peaceful Wording:

“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called children and followers of the Divine. Strive always to heal where there is strife and to love where there is hate. Failure to do these is an insult to the Creator!"

This language contrasts with the rhetoric of warfare, emphasizing that those who bring peace are closest to the divine. The duty to resolve conflict peacefully is prioritized over war.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 24 minutes ago | Report Abuse

3. Compassion as a Guiding Principle

Rather than sanctioning the destruction of enemies, the peaceful text would emphasize the duty to care for and uplift others, even those perceived as enemies.

Ethanian Peaceful Wording:

“Let no one repay evil with evil, but answer hatred with compassion. In love, find the power to transform the hearts of even those who oppose you.”

This shifts the focus from retribution to reconciliation, highlighting the transformative power of love and compassion in resolving conflicts.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 24 minutes ago | Report Abuse

4. Condemnation of Violence

Instead of glorifying war as a means of fulfilling divine purpose, a peaceful scripture would clearly condemn all forms of violence, advocating for non-violent solutions.

Ethanian Peaceful Wording:

“Violence begets only more violence, and bloodshed more sorrow. The path of the righteous is the path of peace, where no weapon is raised, and no blood is shed.”

This language unequivocally denounces violence, reinforcing the message that peace is the ultimate moral goal and should be pursued at all costs.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 22 minutes ago | Report Abuse

5. Forgiveness and Healing

A holy text of peace would emphasize the importance of forgiveness and healing after conflict, rather than further retaliation or the continuation of cycles of violence.

Ethanian Peaceful Wording:

“In forgiveness, find strength. In healing, find true victory. Let the wounds of the past close, and build a future where love reigns. Together we are one and future."

Here, the focus is on mending relationships and fostering a world where healing, rather than retaliation, is the ultimate goal.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 19 minutes ago | Report Abuse

6. The Role of Youth in Peace (in contrast to Akmalkin Skywalker- just one such youth leader would bring about chaos, disharmony and rampant vigilantism)

Rather than indoctrinating children with violent or divisive ideologies, a holy text of peace would encourage the teaching of empathy, kindness, and peacemaking from a young age.

Ethanian Peaceful Wording:

“Teach the children not the ways of war, but the ways of peace. Let their hearts be filled with the light of understanding, so that they may sow the seeds of peace for generations to come. And to understand is to forgive and to love again (will cut down divorce rate too- when these children grow up and get married- know why?)

This passage contrasts sharply with narratives that prepare youth for war, instead placing the responsibility of building a peaceful future in their hands.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 19 minutes ago | Report Abuse

The key difference between holy texts that endorse warfare and a holy text of peace lies in their treatment of conflict, relationships, and the sanctity of life. A peaceful scripture emphasizes love, unity, forgiveness, and the rejection of violence in all forms. It would inspire followers to seek reconciliation, build bridges, and pursue justice through non-violent means. This ethos offers a path to a harmonious existence where the focus is on shared humanity and the pursuit of collective well-being, rather than division and destruction.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 18 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Picture speaks louder than words. The world witnessed 7th Oct 2023 incident.........................and the Gaza - pre and post

Posted by ahbah > 1 minute ago | Report Abuse

War is cruel, barbarous snd inhumane, avoid at all cost.
Let's live in peace and harmony with others

Posted by ironrobe3388 > 3 minutes ago | Report Abuse

Indonesian mass killings of 1965–66
the Indonesian authorities received support from foreign countries such as the United States and the United Kingdom.

Posted by EngineeringProfit > 9 seconds ago | Report Abuse

Children got primed from young to be killers. Children are what they learn . They will not harm others - or even treat them differently if they learn and internalize these:

Atoms and molecules are constantly moving through biological, geological, and atmospheric processes. This interconnectedness creates a shared pool of atoms across all life forms. When you eat, drink, and breathe, the atoms that make up those substances become part of your body. Similarly, when you sweat, exhale, or excrete waste, the atoms leave your body and re-enter the Earth's system, where they might be absorbed by other organisms over time. When organisms die, their bodies decompose, releasing atoms back into the soil, water, and air, where they become available to other living things.

Every breath you take contains atoms that were part of the breaths of everyone who has ever lived. The air we breathe is composed primarily of nitrogen, oxygen, and smaller amounts of other gases. Due to the vastness of the atmosphere and the mixing processes in the air, the molecules you inhale today have been around for a very long time. Statistically, on average, every breath you take contains approximately 1 atom from the breath of every human who has ever lived, including historical figures like Cleopatra or Julius Caesar or even animals like dinosaurs, frogs or wild boars. This is a result of the sheer number of molecules in the atmosphere and the constant mixing due to winds, weather, and natural processes.

Carbon is a key element in life. When we eat food, much of the carbon in that food becomes part of our bodies. When we exhale carbon dioxide, those carbon atoms return to the atmosphere. Some of those carbon atoms will be absorbed by plants or other organisms, beginning the cycle again. Every time you drink water, you're consuming hydrogen and oxygen atoms that have been part of Earth's water cycle for billions of years. Those same atoms may have once been in the oceans, glaciers, or even the bodies of past humans and animals.

Quantifying Atomic Sharing : Scientists estimate that the average human body contains approximately 7×10^27 atoms. Given the long history of matter cycling on Earth, the statistical probability of sharing specific atoms with everyone who has ever lived is high. For example, it's been calculated that around 100 billion atoms in each human body today were once part of every other person alive, including famous historical figures.

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