[27/8/2024 2:41 pm] speakup: CI pushed up to hide broader underlying weakness in the market. Wonder who is doing this? Probably govt instructions to GLCs to paint nice picture of Malaysia market to foreigners
Thong at some point runs every company he has run into the ground.. Inari results are terrible!! Same as Omesti, Hohup, Microlink, DGSB etc. He will never take insas private, he has made so much money already and purposely not for his shareholders. He has a Ceo and board who are muppets and does exactly as they are told. The warrants will expire like last time! The only way to male money is buy and sell on ups and downs. Do not buy insas because you think Thong will actually do the best for shareholders.
Thong also screw up Inari, over rm2 billion cash sitting there. Refuse to give back to shareholder also has no clue what to do with it! Sound familiar … insas has over rm1 billion in cash, refuse to give back to shareholder clueless what to do with it.
The lack of confidence the market has in thong from his bad management, constant investment failures , dismal shareholder returns has swept across all related shares to insas . Its why insas is so terribly valued. The insas board are a public joke amongst investors.
Microlink Ceo and Cfo resign. Complete mess !! No risk committee doing there duty would give microlink any money! If insas give them rm90 million it is a against there fiduciary duty and the supposed independent directors should be investigated
Microlink 22 cents… game over like omesti, hohup, dgsb and many others thong and insas board wasted shareholder money in and thong was director and responsible . Insas also doing badly ! Inari only thing they keep sellong to cover there bad management. Should asset strip insas , close it and give cash back to shareholders!! Otherwise thong will kill inari and then all go bust and no cash left
Every investment Thong and this useless board have done both directly and through subsidiaries have failed with Thong on the board of nearly all except inari which has a big possibility of failing for the same reason. No wander he does not want to take private as even he probably thinks his own investments are useless
Insas below rm1 , inari dropping. Yet again thong miss the opportunity to cash in profit and return money to shareholders.insas should be asset stripped as thong and board have no idea how to invest or run a company until too late and it is bust. Insas dividend is terrible !
Year ended 30/06/2024 RM'000 Cash and cash equivalents comprise of:- Cash and bank balances 182,697 Deposits with licensed banks and financial institutions 1,030,990 1,213,687 Less: Cash and bank balances pledged (30,289) Fixed deposits pledged (214,893) 968,505
@sslee thong will never take over insas! He just hopes shareholders thinks so, that way they think they will get rich and not make him accountable for the absolute disaster he has created whilst also getting rich from all the side deals shareholders get nothing from!! Insas will never go private, even last time he let the warrants all expire. He has a useless board at insas who are complicit in all this so they do as they are told.
Time is running out and Ah Thong has untill Insas-WC expired date to increase his and his PAC holding from 32.96% to 33% threshold and trigger a conditional MGO.
With his and his PAC holding in WC, they can convert their WC to Insas and still managed to make their Conditional MGO unconditional even all the other shareholders reject the MGO offer.
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This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
9,579 posts
Posted by TheContrarian > 2024-08-27 11:19 | Report Abuse
@SinGor, who are you having 🐎 race with?