Pirate99, I briefly append herewith the result of PMIND for 2013 as follows: Key Results- 2013 RM'000 Revenue. 4,300 Operating (loss)/profit(EBITDA). (11,139) (Loss)/profit before tax. (20,224) (Loss)/profit attributable to equity holders of the company. (24,956) Share Informations: (Loss)/Earning per share(sen). (1.98) Net assets per share attributable to equity holders of the company(RM). 0.01 I think the above informations will give u a good picture of the results at a glance. If u want a full details of the results u can go through the announcement's column.
Base on the annual report and the directors are confident that the PMI will able to continue and addtional will get continue support by financial institutuins :
In addition, the Group has plans to continue disposing off its assets comprising an investment property and investment in an associate with carrying amounts of RM23,860,000 and RM97,812,000 respectively as at 31 March 2013 in order to settle the remaining borrowings and payables of the Group. These assets have also been pledged to the financial institutions for the borrowings granted to the Group. In relation to this, the financial institutions have given indications that they will continue to support the Group. The Group has also assessed its cash flow position for the next 12 months to ensure that it has sufficient funds to meet its obligations as and when they fall due. In view of this, the Directors are confident that the Group will be able to continue as a going concern.
I really not understand this company, explanation given by the group saying ..... " Confident" So many years still did not see any improvement. A lot of saying, but where is the solution to the problems to turn the company profitable. People always said action louder than words.
Base on the latest announment, PMI have been appoint experience director to help the company to turn to profit company. The MUI group the q report also look good.
I also hear this before.....eg Mas....in the end still the same. In order to turn around, first of all debts carried forward all those years from the creditors to settle partially, Must have the bank trust. Disposing assets to service those debts and bank interests but still don't have revenue in.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
4,495 posts
Posted by vinvin > 2013-07-01 13:32 | Report Abuse
Since this company came under PN 17, there's no single news from any of the directors on the direction of the company. It seems like tidak apa only.