things are going well. the industry norm requires high cash flow to operate. as seen there are little to no to negative cash flow every quarter.When vietnam spins-off, they will lessen the burden of their cash flow, which may help in decreasing the short-term capital borrowings. heck they may even maintain at this level, but further support their expansion in indonesia. if one were to examine the results clearly, they would know why their latest quarter profit is lower qoq. btw, they give out 1 cents per quarter, translating to a 4.1% DY, which you will never see in any company who is trying to get doublke digit growth yearly.
sam chem is a trading company la.....with $ 100 million turnover a month, $ 500 million current assets......borrowings not excessive, just the right size......
u are right...I am a bit disappointed with Indonesia.....I was so full of hope.....but.....maybe just short term for long term investment/ gain....Indonesia is a huge market.
更高的通胀导致更高的价钱,会产生更多的营业额,中间人赚的是中间的差价,例如销售额额的5%. Is this statement true? I thought higher price and inflation might cause it loss competitive compared to other country company. How do you guys think?
The Group and the Directors expect that the Group’s performance for the year will be positive, driven by continued cost reduction measures, increased operational efficiency and growth in sales. According to quarter report, but i realized the profit margin is really low.
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Posted by ELTcap > 2018-07-09 17:34 | Report Abuse
Bad news to be announced,beware