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2,955 comment(s). Last comment by Good123 1 minute ago


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Donald Trump bukan seorang tokoh politik yang biasa, dan terdapat beberapa sebab mengapa beliau dianggap "bukan sebarangan" dalam arena politik global, khususnya dalam hal diplomasi dan kepimpinan. Berikut adalah beberapa faktor yang menjelaskan mengapa Trump dianggap unik dan berpengaruh:

1. Pendekatan Tidak Konvensional dalam Diplomasi
Trump terkenal dengan gaya kepimpinan yang tidak terikat kepada norma atau tradisi diplomatik yang biasa. Beliau cenderung menggunakan pendekatan yang lebih langsung, tanpa banyak diplomasi formal. Sebagai contoh, beliau tidak segan untuk berunding secara terbuka dan langsung dengan pemimpin negara yang dianggap tidak mesra oleh Amerika Syarikat, seperti Kim Jong-un dari Korea Utara. Gaya ini memberi kesan kepada dunia bahawa beliau berani mengambil langkah-langkah yang mungkin dianggap terlalu berisiko oleh pemimpin-pemimpin lain.

2. Keberanian dalam Membuat Keputusan Berisiko
Trump terkenal dengan kebiasaannya membuat keputusan yang boleh dianggap berisiko atau tidak popular, tetapi berpotensi menghasilkan kesan besar. Sebagai contoh, beliau memindahkan kedutaan Amerika Syarikat ke Jerusalem, mengiktirafnya sebagai ibu negara Israel, yang menyebabkan ketegangan dengan beberapa negara Arab dan organisasi antarabangsa. Walaupun tindakan ini mendapat kecaman, ia menunjukkan keberanian dan komitmen beliau terhadap polisi luar negara yang berani dan berprinsip.

3. Kemampuan untuk Mencipta Perubahan Besar dalam Politik Antarabangsa
Di bawah kepimpinan Trump, beberapa perubahan besar telah berlaku dalam politik antarabangsa, terutamanya dalam hubungan Amerika Syarikat dengan negara-negara lain. Sebagai contoh, Trump berjaya memfasilitasi perjanjian Abraham Accords yang membawa normalisasi hubungan antara Israel dengan negara-negara Arab seperti UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, dan Morocco. Ini adalah pencapaian diplomatik yang signifikan dan menunjukkan kemampuan beliau untuk mempengaruhi perubahan besar dalam hubungan geopolitik.

4. Kemampuan Menarik Perhatian Dunia
Trump mempunyai kebolehan untuk menarik perhatian global, sama ada melalui kenyataan yang kontroversial atau keputusan besar. Keperibadiannya yang kuat dan cara berkomunikasi yang tidak konvensional melalui media sosial, terutamanya Twitter, memberikannya platform untuk terus mendominasi perbincangan politik dunia. Ini menjadikannya tokoh yang mampu mempengaruhi perbincangan di peringkat antarabangsa, sama ada dalam hal perdagangan, keselamatan, atau diplomasi.

5. Pendekatan "America First"
Trump membawa pendekatan "America First", yang menekankan kepentingan nasional Amerika Syarikat dalam semua keputusan luar negara. Pendekatan ini membawa perubahan dalam dasar luar negara AS, mengutamakan keuntungan dan keselamatan Amerika. Pendekatan ini memberi kesan kepada cara Amerika berinteraksi dengan negara-negara lain dan mempengaruhi perjanjian perdagangan serta polisi keselamatan global.

6. Keupayaan Menggunakan Tekanan Ekonomi
Trump terkenal kerana menggunakan sekatan ekonomi dan ancaman perdagangan untuk mencapai matlamat luar negaranya. Sebagai contoh, beliau melaksanakan tarif ke atas China dan negara-negara lain dalam usaha untuk mengimbangi ketidakseimbangan perdagangan. Beliau juga menggunakan tekanan ekonomi untuk mempengaruhi negara-negara yang terlibat dalam konflik atau yang dilihat bertentangan dengan kepentingan Amerika Syarikat. Strategi ini menunjukkan bahawa Trump tidak takut untuk menggunakan kuasa ekonomi sebagai alat dalam diplomasi.

7. Gaya Kepimpinan yang Memecah Tradisi
Trump memecah banyak tradisi politik, baik dalam cara beliau berkempen, memimpin, dan membuat keputusan. Beliau menolak pendekatan bipartisan yang tradisional di Washington, dan lebih banyak berfokus pada pengaruh peribadi dan kepemimpinan yang bercita-cita tinggi. Ini membuatnya menjadi tokoh yang tidak dapat dikategorikan dalam kerangka politik tradisional.

8. Kemampuan untuk Mempengaruhi Pasaran dan Ekonomi
Di bawah kepimpinan Trump, pasaran saham AS mencatatkan pencapaian tinggi, dan beliau mendapat sokongan dari golongan perniagaan dan pelabur. Trump sering menggunakan retorik yang menarik perhatian pelabur dan pasaran, yang memberi impak besar terhadap ekonomi global.

Trump bukan sekadar seorang pemimpin biasa kerana beliau membawa pendekatan yang berani, tidak terikat kepada tradisi diplomatik, dan mampu mencipta perubahan besar dalam politik global. Sama ada disukai atau tidak, beliau mampu mempengaruhi dunia dengan tindakan-tindakannya yang sering kali mengejutkan, dan ini menjadikannya tokoh yang amat berbeza daripada pemimpin-pemimpin politik biasa.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

free cash flow ada 2020-24, boleh bertahan sampai melambung kembali :)

Free Cash Flow
2.17 33.61 163.99 256.69 141.24 102.89
Free Cash Flow Per Share
0.02 0.09 0.14 0.08 0.06


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Starbucks emphasizes truth and transparency in addressing misinformation. They reaffirm their commitment to staying non-political, refuting false claims about their financial support to the Israeli government and military. The company operates globally, with stores in 86 markets and over 400,000 employees, including a substantial presence in the Middle East. Despite rumors, Starbucks does not use its profits for political or military purposes.

In Malaysia, Starbucks is fully owned by a local public-listed company and actively supports local communities. The company condemns violence and upholds humanitarian values, with no political agenda.

Regarding Gaza, Starbucks has made contributions to humanitarian efforts, including a significant donation by Starbucks Malaysia and a partnership with World Central Kitchen to provide meals for victims. Starbucks denies using its brand for political messaging and responds to misuse of its logo by Workers United.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

What has Starbucks Corporation done for the people of Gaza?

The Starbucks Foundation and Alshaya Starbucks are committed to providing the equivalent of 1 million meals to the victim in Gaza through a joint donation of over RM14,000,000 (USD3,000,000) to World Central Kitchen in March 2024. To expand their support from the region, Alshaya Group and Starbucks EMEA launched a partner (employee) donation matching initiative aimed at raising additional funds for food aid in Gaza through World Central Kitchen.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

What has Starbucks Malaysia done for the people of Gaza?

In October 2023, Starbucks Malaysia made a substantial contribution of RM 1,000,000 to the Akaun Amanah Kemanusiaan Rakyat Palestin (AAKRP), a collective fun initiated by the Government of Malaysia. This contribution aims to provide essential assistance to the people of Gaza during these trying times.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Truth matters. In response to misinformation, we’re sharing the facts on what Starbucks believes and stands for.

At Starbucks, truth and transparency are essential to fulfilling our mission, upholding our promises and living our values. So, when misinformation about our company spreads at lightning speed in an increasingly polarized world, we believe it’s critical to respond with facts and to reiterate our position.

Due to ongoing false and misleading information being shared about Starbucks, we are consolidating some of the most frequently asked questions about the brand – and responding with facts.

1) Facts about Starbucks Corporation

Though our roots are in the United States, we are a global company with stores in 86 markets, including over 1,900 stores in 11 Middle Eastern and North African markets employing more than 19,000 green apron partners (employees). In markets where we do business, we are proud to be a part of the fabric of the local community – working directly with local business partners who operate our stores, employing thousands of local citizens, serving millions of customers and positively impacting many others through our support of local neighborhoods and cities.

Our 400,000 partners around the globe have diverse views about a wide range of topics. Regardless of that spectrum of beliefs, Starbucks has been and remains a non-political organization. Neither Starbucks nor the company’s former chairman, president and CEO Howard Schultz provide financial support to the Israeli government and/or the Israeli Army in any way.

What we do believe in, and remain focused on, is staying true to our company’s long-standing heritage – simply connecting with our partners and customers over a cup of high-quality coffee and offering the best experience possible to them – regardless of geographical location.

2) Facts About Starbucks Malaysia

Starbucks in Malaysia is wholly-owned by a public-listed Malaysian company.

For over 25 years, we have consistently demonstrated our commitment to serving the local community, which includes active support for local communities, Government of the day, and NGOs through a range of initiatives designed to directly uplift and benefit Malaysians.

With over 5,000 employees across 400 stores, our workforce consists entirely of Malaysians, including individuals with disabilities.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

3) What Has Starbucks Said About the On-Going Atrocities?

Our position remains unchanged. Starbucks stands for humanity. We condemn violence, the loss of innocent life and all hate and weaponized speech.

Despite false statements spread through social media, we have no political agenda. We do not use our profits to fund any government or military operations anywhere – and never have.

4) Does Starbucks Have a Presence in the Middle East?

Yes. Starbucks has been in the Middle East for over 20 years. About 19,000 green apron partners (employees) throughout the region serve millions of customers each day.

Local business partner Alshaya Group (a private Kuwait family business) operates nearly 2,000 Starbucks stores across the Middle East and North Africa region. In the region, we currently only have stores in Bahrain, Egypt, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Turkey and United Arab Emirates.

It is important to note that Starbucks does not have any stores in Israel.

Despite false statements spreading through social media, we have no political agenda. We do not use our profits to fund any government or military operations anywhere – and never have.

5) Is Starbucks a Political Organization?

No. Despite false statements spreading through social media, we have no political agenda. We do not use our profits to fund any Government or military operations anywhere – and never have.

6) Is it True that Starbucks or Howard Schultz Provides Financial Support to Israel?

No. This is absolutely untrue. Rumors that Starbucks or Howard Schultz provides financial support to the Israeli government and/or the Israeli Army are unequivocally false. Starbucks is a publicly held company and as such, is required to disclose any corporate giving each year through a proxy statement.

7) Has Starbucks Ever Sent Any of its Profits to the Israeli Government and/or Israeli Army?

No. This is absolutely untrue.

8) Is It True that Starbucks Closed its Stores in Israel for Political Reasons?

No. We do not make business decisions based on political issues. We decided to dissolve our partnership in Israel in 2003 due to the on-going operational challenges that we experienced in that market. We believe it remains the right decision for our businesses.

9) Do You Have Plans to Re-Open Should the Opportunity Arise?

We decided to dissolve our partnership in Israel in 2003 due to the on-going operational challenges that we experienced in that market.

When and where a business case makes sense and we see a fit for the Starbucks brand in a market, we will work closely with a local partner to assess the feasibility of offering our brand to that community. We will therefore continue to assess all opportunities on this basis. At present, we will continue to grow our business in the Middle East as we have been very gratified by the strong reception of the brand in the region. We continue to work closely with our business partner, Alshaya Group, in developing our plans for the region.

10) Why Did Starbucks File Litigation Against Workers United?

In early October 2023, statements about the on-going atrocities were posted on the ‘Workers United of Starbucks’ social media using our company logo and name, which were then mistakenly attributed to Starbucks instead of Workers United and its affiliates/representatives.

The statements have created confusion, leading to threats to our employees, damage to our stores, and calls for boycott.

To be clear, Starbucks respects others’ right to express their own viewpoints on political and social issues. However, Starbucks does not approve of the misuse of Starbucks name and logos when expressing those views.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

🎄✨ The holidays are a time to treasure loved ones and create beautiful memories together. Let’s celebrate the moments that truly matters. ♥️

Happy holidays and warm wishes from all of us at #StarbucksMalaysia! 💚



27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

The wars will end. When trump sends US army to attack, all will perish.
From Wall Street Journal Opinion: America demands Hamas return its hostages. Trump said there would be “hell to pay” if the terror group keeps holding them. On this both political parties agree, write Robert C. O’Brien and Tom Nides.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Starbucks in Malaysia: A Successful Strategy for Adaptability and Cultural Sensitivity
Menu development tailored to local culture
One of the reasons for Starbucks' success in the Malaysian market is the development of menus tailored to the local culture and customer preferences. Specifically, we will take the following initiatives.

Beverages with local flavors: Respecting Malaysia's beverage culture, we offer drinks in the style of kopi o (strong coffee with sugar) and te tariq (milk tea). As a result, we have maintained a taste that is familiar to Malaysian consumers.

Halal Certified: Malaysia is a Muslim-majority country. That's why Starbucks is halal-certified for all of its products, providing Muslim consumers with a safe environment.

Local Food Offerings: Some Starbucks locations offer food menus featuring local favorites such as nasi lemak and roti jarah. This will make more consumers feel closer to Starbucks.

Malaysia's unique store design
Starbucks is more than just a place to serve coffee, it has won the hearts of consumers by adopting designs that are in harmony with the local culture.

A blend of traditional elements: Some stores in Malaysia have adopted Peranakan designs and batik patterns. This respects the history and culture of the region while creating a contemporary café atmosphere.

Providing Community Spaces: Many Starbucks stores are more than just coffee shops. For example, some of Kuala Lumpur's stores have gallery spaces showcasing the work of local artists, strengthening ties with the local community.

Marketing Strategy and Cultural Sensitivity
In its marketing strategy, Starbucks also emphasizes cultural sensitivity. Promotions and campaigns tailored to the Malaysian customer base are being developed, and their success is evident.

Special Promotions: We run special promotions during Ramadan and on Malaysian public holidays. For example, during Ramadan, we offer a special menu that you can enjoy after fasting at night.

Leverage social media and user-generated content: Starbucks actively uses UGC posted on social media by local influencers and regular customers. This has increased the brand's credibility and affinity, and has succeeded in attracting a younger generation of consumers.

Starbucks has been able to succeed in the Malaysian market because it has meticulously planned and executed a strategy tailored to the local culture and customer preferences. Through regionally rooted menu development, design and culturally sensitive marketing strategies, the brand is enhancing its appeal to Malaysian consumers. In order for Starbucks to continue to be more successful in the Malaysian market, it will be essential to continue to reflect the voices of the community.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Starbucks in Malaysia is developing a marketing strategy that takes advantage of the characteristics of each region in a multicultural society. This builds a deep connection with customers and improves the credibility and friendliness of the brand. These efforts are a key factor in supporting Starbucks' success in Malaysia.

Organizing information in tabular format
Marketing Strategy

Specific examples


Brand Image Enhancement

"Inilah Kita" Campaign

Respect your customers' individuality and create a sense of unity

Collaborating with Local Artists

Mural on Jalan Ampang Drive-Thru

Strengthening Ties with Local Communities

Promotions linked to local events

Exclusive menus tailored to specific festivals

Responding to Region-Specific Needs

Culture & Values-Based Content

Social media posts related to local customs

Ingrained in your customers' daily lives

Visual Impact and Immersion in Everyday Life

Giant billboard on the highway

Make a strong impression on many people

Customer Participatory Marketing Activities

Use your customers' visual content in your ads

Customers feel part of your brand

Thus, through strategies tailored to regional characteristics, Starbucks has established a strong brand presence in Malaysia.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Its Starbucks business seems to be recovering, with more foot traffic to its outlets based on my observation, etc


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

35sen to 37.5sen

Date Price Change Dir-Volume Day Volume Dir-Value Day Value Avg Price % of Total Share Remarks
20/12/2024 00:00:00 0.3500 -0.0050 50.241m 50.241m 17.584m 17.584m 0.3500 2.5796 -
05/12/2024 00:00:00 0.3750 -0.0100 86.000m 86.000m 32.250m 32.250m 0.3750 4.4156 -


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Here are the key reasons why Starbucks Malaysia could emerge as a leader compared to other coffee brands:

1. Strong Global Brand and Recognition
Globally recognized for premium quality and consistency.
Trusted brand with a strong identity across various markets, including Malaysia.
Reputation for excellence that appeals to a broad customer base.
2. Premium Positioning and Product Quality
Known for consistent, high-quality coffee and beverages.
Positioned as a premium coffee experience that appeals to Malaysia's growing middle and upper-middle class.
High standards of product quality that create trust and loyalty.
3. Innovation and Product Customization
Wide variety of beverages, including seasonal and local specialty drinks (e.g., Teh Tarik, Pulut Hitam).
Extensive drink customization options (e.g., dairy-free, sugar-free, flavor shots).
Continuous product innovation, including limited-edition flavors and seasonal offerings.
4. Strong Customer Loyalty Programs
Starbucks Rewards program promotes repeat customers with perks like free drinks and discounts.
Personalized offers and incentives based on customer preferences.
Easy mobile ordering, enhancing convenience and customer satisfaction.
5. Premium Store Experience and Ambiance
Stores designed as "third places" between home and work, creating an inviting atmosphere.
Comfortable, cozy environment that encourages customers to relax, socialize, or work.
Consistent and attractive store design.
6. Effective Digital Strategy and Mobile Ordering
Integration of mobile ordering and GrabFood delivery services for customer convenience.
Starbucks mobile app for cashless payments, loyalty points, and exclusive offers.
Seamless customer experience with easy-to-use digital tools.
7. Commitment to Sustainability and Social Responsibility
Focus on ethically sourced coffee and reducing environmental impact (e.g., reducing plastic use).
Strong CSR initiatives and community engagement in Malaysia.
Positive brand image through sustainable practices, appealing to eco-conscious consumers.
8. Strategic Location and Accessibility
Strategically placed in high-traffic areas like malls, commercial centers, and universities.
Expanding to less saturated suburban areas, broadening market reach.
High visibility and accessibility for a wide customer base.
9. Effective Marketing and Partnerships
Successful partnerships with local and international brands for co-branded promotions.
Festive and cultural collaborations for special edition beverages and merchandise (e.g., during Hari Raya, Deepavali).
Engagement with celebrities and influencers to increase brand appeal.
10. Cultural Adaptation and Local Relevance
Localized menu with Malaysian flavors (e.g., Teh Tarik Frappuccino) to cater to local tastes.
Tailored offerings for local festivals, enhancing cultural relevance (e.g., special drinks during Chinese New Year or Hari Raya).
Deep understanding of Malaysian consumer preferences and culture.
Starbucks Malaysia stands out due to its combination of brand equity, product innovation, local adaptation, and customer-first strategy.
Strong focus on quality, customer engagement, and sustainability makes it a leader in Malaysia's coffee market, maintaining competitive advantage over other brands.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

A summary of why Vincent Tan should take Berjaya Food Berhad (BJFood) private now:

1. Market Valuation and Opportunity
Undervalued Stock: BJFood’s stock may be undervalued due to market volatility or economic uncertainty.
Lower Acquisition Price: A depressed stock price offers a cost-effective opportunity to acquire BJFood.
2. Operational Flexibility
Focus on Long-Term Goals: Privatization allows for long-term strategic decisions without the pressure of quarterly earnings.
Restructuring: Easier to implement cost-cutting and restructuring measures without public scrutiny.
3. Control and Synergies
Full Control: Vincent Tan already has significant ownership; taking it private consolidates control.
Berjaya Group Synergies: Greater opportunity to align BJFood’s strategy with Berjaya Group’s broader interests in retail, hospitality, and other sectors.
4. Growth and Expansion Potential
Post-COVID Recovery: The F&B sector is recovering, with BJFood well-positioned for growth, especially with Starbucks.
Regional Expansion: Privatization facilitates more aggressive expansion, including new stores and markets.
5. Improved Capital Structure Management
Efficient Financing: As a private company, BJFood can manage its capital structure more efficiently without the need for market approvals.
Favorable Debt Terms: Low interest rates or financing through Berjaya Group could make the acquisition cost-effective.
6. Reduced Market Pressures
Avoid Shareholder Pressure: Taking BJFood private removes pressures from short-term public shareholders.
Greater Flexibility in Decision Making: Allows for quicker, bolder decisions without public market concerns.
7. Vincent Tan’s Track Record
Experience in Privatization: Tan has successfully taken other companies private (e.g., Berjaya Sports Toto, Berjaya Land).
Strategic Vision: Tan’s expertise enables him to guide BJFood toward higher profitability and growth.
8. M&A and Privatization Trend
Market Trend: Increasing M&A activity and privatizations suggest it's an opportune time to act.
Industry Precedent: Other companies in the sector might be taken private, which strengthens the case for BJFood privatization.
9. Improved Profitability Post-Privatization
Efficiency Gains: Privatization enables streamlining of operations and improved profitability without shareholder concerns.
Better Operational Control: More freedom to make operational adjustments and optimize cost structures.
10. Financing and Economic Conditions
Low Interest Rates: Low rates make it an attractive time to take on debt for the acquisition.
Favorable Financing Opportunities: Tan's business network can help secure favorable terms for financing the privatization.
Strategic Timing: Current market conditions, undervaluation of BJFood’s stock, and Vincent Tan’s experience and control make now an optimal time to take BJFood private.
Long-Term Growth Potential: Privatization allows for focused expansion, cost optimization, and long-term planning without the pressures of public market expectations.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Potential of BJFood’s Brands: Kenny Rogers Roasters (KRR) & Paris Baguette
1. Kenny Rogers Roasters (KRR) Potential
Strengths & Opportunities
Brand Recognition: Established brand with a loyal customer base in Malaysia.
Health-Conscious Appeal: Focus on grilled chicken and healthier menu options caters to growing health-conscious consumers.
Suburban Expansion: Opportunity to expand beyond major cities into suburban and regional areas.
Diversified Menu: Offering more than rotisserie chicken (e.g., salads, sandwiches) aligns with changing consumer preferences.
Delivery Integration: Growing demand for food delivery; potential to expand partnerships with platforms like GrabFood and Foodpanda.
Intense Competition: Faces stiff competition from other casual dining chains (e.g., Nando's, Ayamas).
Outdated Brand Image: KRR might need a brand refresh to appeal to younger, trendier consumers.
Price Sensitivity: The slightly premium price point could be a challenge in a price-sensitive environment.
2. Paris Baguette Potential
Strengths & Opportunities
Premium Bakery Brand: Known for high-quality pastries, cakes, and beverages, appealing to middle-to-upper-income consumers.
Health-Conscious Offerings: Opportunity to introduce healthier options (e.g., gluten-free, low-sugar products).
Urban Location Advantage: Strong presence in high-footfall areas like malls and urban centers.
Coffee + Bakery Trend: Leverage the growing trend of pairing coffee with premium bakery items to enhance customer experience.
Strong Competition: Faces competition from local brands like BreadTalk and other bakery chains.
Price Sensitivity: Premium pricing could be a hurdle in a price-conscious market.
Local Market Adaptation: Needs to continually adapt its menu to suit Malaysian tastes and preferences.
3. Synergies Between KRR and Paris Baguette
Cross-Promotion & Collaboration
Bundled Offers: Create promotional combos combining KRR meals with Paris Baguette pastries to attract customers.
Shared Locations: Consider joint locations with both brands under one roof to provide a diverse food experience.
Expansion & Market Penetration
Simultaneous Market Expansion: Introduce both KRR and Paris Baguette in new regions or international markets for mutual brand awareness.
Leveraging Foot Traffic: Use Paris Baguette’s premium positioning to drive foot traffic to KRR locations and vice versa.
4. Digital Transformation & Delivery Trends
Kenny Rogers Roasters (KRR):
Focus on online ordering and delivery to cater to the growing demand for convenience.
Leverage digital marketing and loyalty programs to drive repeat customers.
Paris Baguette:
Offer online ordering for cakes, pastries, and beverages, catering to special occasions and daily purchases.
Focus on coffee + bakery pairings for a complete customer experience.
5. Conclusion: Combined Potential for BJFood Brands
Kenny Rogers Roasters (KRR): Growth potential lies in health-conscious menu options, suburban expansion, and delivery integration. Brand modernization and digital innovation are key.
Paris Baguette: Premium bakery with potential for growth in urban locations, leveraging the coffee + bakery trend. Needs to adapt menu offerings to local preferences.
Synergies: BJFood can benefit from cross-promotions, shared locations, and joint market expansion, enhancing both brand’s reach and customer engagement.
Overall, BJFood has significant growth opportunities with both Kenny Rogers Roasters and Paris Baguette, especially through digital transformation, regional expansion, and leveraging synergies between the two brands.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

spin off these 2 via IPO one by one :)

Kenny Rogers Roasters (KRR) & Paris Baguette


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

terbaik, ada wang to take bjfood private dah hehe

Berjaya Corp looking to sell Seychelles hotels for US$83 mil, say sources
TWO hotels under Berjaya Corp Bhd (BCorp) (KL:BJCORP) — Berjaya Beau Vallon Bay Resort & Casino and Berjaya Praslin Resort in Seychelles — have been put up for sale, sources familiar with the matter tell The Edge. While details are scarce, the price tag being bandied about for...
23 Dec, 2024 15:00pm - 2 days ago TheEdge


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Paris Baguette Arrives in Penang with 13th Bakery Café Opening and an Exciting New Loyalty Program
12 December 2024Berjaya FoodParis Baguette

GEORGE TOWN, PENANG (12 December 2024) - Paris Baguette, the renowned global bakery café chain known for its French-Korean-inspired delicacies is thrilled to announce the grand opening of its first store in Penang at Gurney Plaza Mall. This milestone marks the brand's...

read more


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Joybean and 7CAFé by 7-Eleven Unites to Bring Fresh Soy Offerings Nationwide
07 November 2024Berjaya Food

SELANGOR, 7 November 2024 – Joybean, the beloved brand known for its fresh soy-based beverages and snacks, is excited to announce a


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

ELANGOR, 7 November 2024 – Joybean, the beloved brand known for its fresh soy-based beverages and snacks, is excited to announce a new partnership with 7CAFé by 7-Eleven, perfectly timed for the celebration of 7-Eleven Day. This launch marks the introduction of its fresh soy milk and three delightful soy milk puddings, original, chocolate, and strawberry.
“Made with non-GMO beans sourced from Canada, this launch embodies Joybean’s mission to share joy and wellness through wholesome, plant-based drinks and snacks. With each sip of its freshly made soy milk and every spoonful of pudding, Joybean invites customers to savour the flavours of their childhood, offering a nostalgic taste. The freshness of each product is guaranteed, ensuring a value for money experience with every purchase.

Joybean, one of Berjaya Food Berhad’s (BFood) standout brands, is making waves with its expansion into 7CAFé by 7-Eleven, marking an important milestone for BFood’s growth strategy. While Joybean’s ready-to-drink (RTD) and ready-to-eat (RTE) products are already available at 7-Eleven stores, this new partnership now allows Joybean to bring its freshly made offerings directly to 500 7CAFé by 7-Eleven stores, with plans to reach to more than 2,500 7-Eleven stores by the end of 2025. This move enables BFood to tap into Malaysia’s rising demand for affordable, nutritious, plant-based options, providing convenient access to delicious soy-based products for consumers on the go.

“As consumer preferences shift toward pocket-friendly plant-based alternatives, our collaboration with 7CAFé by 7-Eleven represents an exciting milestone for us. This partnership aligns with BFood’s commitment to bringing wholesome, innovative food and beverage solutions to our global consumers,” said Dato’ Sydney Quays, Group CEO of Berjaya Food Berhad. He added, “With 7-Eleven’s renowned name and extensive network, we’re confident that Joybean will become a go-to brand for anyone seeking plant-based options, whether it’s part of their daily routine or a quick refreshment.”

“At 7-Eleven, we’re committed to offering our customers convenient, affordable choices that fit seamlessly into their daily lives. Partnering with Joybean and BFood enable us to provide freshly made soy milk and delicious puddings that align with these values that are accessible to everyone. Launching on 7-Eleven Day makes this collaboration even more special, as we celebrate our customers with new options that satisfy both taste and budget. We’re thrilled to work with Joybean to create a new standard of convenience and quality at 7CAFé by 7-Eleven stores nationwide” said Mr. Jason Koven, General Manager Fresh Food & Quality Assurance of 7-Eleven Malaysia.

Grab a fresh soy milk for just RM3.90 per cup and treat yourself to the assorted puddings at only RM3.50 each. Discover more about Joybean’s delicious, convenient, and easy on the wallet options by following us on Instagram at @joybeanmalaysia.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Berjaya Food International Expands into the Nordic Market Through Operating Rights for Starbucks Coffee Company Retail Stores


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Berjaya Food Berhad, a prominent food and beverage company in Malaysia, could potentially expand its portfolio by introducing various international brands. To consider brands that would align with Berjaya’s existing portfolio, it’s important to focus on different categories within the food and beverage industry, including casual dining, fast food, coffee, dessert, and quick-service restaurants (QSR).


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

How the Tourism Boom and MM2H Benefit Berjaya Food Berhad:
Increased Foot Traffic:

Tourism boom brings more visitors to Malaysia, increasing foot traffic in high-traffic areas like shopping malls, airports, and tourist hotspots where Berjaya operates.
MM2H participants (expatriates and retirees) often live in areas with Berjaya outlets, increasing customer traffic and repeat visits.
Diverse Consumer Base:

Tourists: Demand for familiar international food brands (e.g., Starbucks, TGI Friday’s, Chili’s) from overseas visitors.
MM2H Residents: Higher disposable income and preference for premium food options, creating demand for upscale dining and international brands.
Boosted Dining Out Culture:

Both tourists and expatriates are likely to dine out more frequently, benefiting Berjaya’s casual dining and QSR chains.
An increase in tourists and expats leads to a higher demand for dining and leisure experiences.
Brand Recognition & Market Expansion:

Exposure to international tourists boosts brand recognition and attracts new customers to Berjaya’s outlets.
MM2H residents create a stable, long-term customer base that can drive repeat business.
New Revenue Streams & Upscale Offerings:

Tourists tend to spend more on dining, creating opportunities for Berjaya to introduce premium brands and offerings.
MM2H participants seek quality dining experiences, providing opportunities to introduce upscale and health-conscious food concepts.
Cultural Diversity in Food Preferences:

A rise in international tourists increases demand for diverse food options, which aligns with Berjaya’s broad food portfolio.
MM2H residents prefer a variety of international and local food, which Berjaya can cater to with its diverse offerings.
Opportunities for Expansion:

High tourist areas present expansion opportunities for Berjaya’s outlets (e.g., airports, tourist districts).
MM2H-friendly areas (suburban and expat hubs) provide a steady market for Berjaya’s food outlets and brands.
Promotions & Marketing Synergies:

Berjaya can leverage tourism trends for seasonal promotions, special offers, or partnerships with hotels and tourism boards.
Special deals or loyalty programs targeted at MM2H participants can encourage repeat visits and brand loyalty.
These factors combine to create a favorable environment for Berjaya Food Berhad, helping to drive growth, brand recognition, and revenue in Malaysia's competitive food and beverage market.

10000 chars


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Why Berjaya Food's Expansion into the Middle East, Africa, and Other Regions is Foreseen:
Growing Demand for International Food Brands:

Middle East and Africa have increasing appetites for global dining experiences due to urbanization and globalization.
Familiarity with brands like Kenny Rogers Roasters, Chili’s, and Starbucks among consumers.
Untapped Market Potential:

Middle East: High tourism and expatriate populations create demand for international dining.
Africa: Emerging middle class and rising urbanization drive the need for premium and international food options.
Favorable Demographics:

Young Population in both regions with rising disposable incomes, ideal for dining out and fast-casual food chains.
Large expatriate communities, especially in the Middle East, familiar with Berjaya’s brands.
Halal Food Demand:

Middle East and Africa have large Muslim populations with a strong demand for halal-certified food, aligning with Berjaya’s offerings.
Economic Growth & Rising Middle Class:

Middle East: Wealthier nations like the UAE, Saudi Arabia, and Qatar have strong economies, providing high purchasing power for quality dining.
Africa: Countries like Nigeria, Kenya, and South Africa are seeing rapid urbanization and economic growth, boosting demand for premium food.
Tourism Growth:

Middle East: UAE and Saudi Arabia are tourism hubs, creating a demand for international food brands.
Africa: Growing tourist destinations (South Africa, Morocco, Egypt) require more diverse dining options.
Franchise Model Advantage:

Berjaya’s franchise model makes it easier to scale operations internationally, especially in emerging markets.
Ability to adapt international brands to local tastes.
Brand Recognition & International Appeal:

Familiarity with global brands: Berjaya’s existing brands (e.g., Starbucks, Kenny Rogers Roasters) have international recognition, aiding expansion.
Cross-border appeal of international food chains attracts local consumers in emerging markets.
Strategic Partnerships & Government Support:

Middle East: Proactive government initiatives and incentives for foreign investments.
Africa: Improving business environment and government support for foreign companies.
Competitive Advantage in Emerging Markets:

First-mover advantage: Early entry into emerging markets positions Berjaya to gain market share before saturation.
Differentiation: Berjaya offers a diverse range of F&B brands catering to different consumer segments.
Expansion into the Middle East and Africa is a strategic move for Berjaya Food due to the growing demand for international dining, favorable demographics, rising middle-class income, and increasing tourism. The franchise model, halal food demand, and brand recognition make these regions promising for future growth.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

False accusations against Starbucks' involvement in the Israel-Hamas conflict would likely fade over time for several reasons:

1. Lack of Credible Evidence
Accusations without solid evidence tend to lose credibility as they are scrutinized. If no concrete proof links Starbucks to the conflict, and if fact-checkers and reliable sources disprove the claims, the story loses momentum.
2. Company's Clear Stance
Starbucks, like many global corporations, typically maintains a neutral position in political conflicts. The company has a history of avoiding direct involvement in political disputes. Once the company publicly clarifies its stance, explaining its neutrality, the accusations would likely lose their power.
3. Widespread Disinformation
In many cases, false accusations arise from misinformation or disinformation campaigns. These narratives often spread quickly on social media but tend to fizzle out once they are debunked by independent media outlets, fact-checkers, or the company itself.
4. Media Attention
As the initial controversy begins to fade from the media cycle, fewer outlets will continue to report on it, especially if it becomes clear that the allegations are baseless. News tends to shift focus to more pressing issues over time.
5. Public Perception
Over time, people tend to realize that accusations based on rumors or unfounded claims are less likely to hold water. As public attention wanes and alternative narratives take precedence, false claims lose their traction.
6. Legal and Financial Considerations
False accusations, especially if they are damaging to a company’s reputation, may result in legal action. This could prompt a retraction or correction, further diminishing the validity of the claims.
7. Historical Precedent
Similar accusations have been made against other companies in the past, but over time, these tend to fade once it becomes clear that the companies had no involvement. This pattern suggests that such claims are often short-lived.
In short, false accusations tend to fade due to the natural process of fact-checking, legal safeguards, shifting media focus, and public skepticism. Over time, these factors undermine the false narrative, causing it to lose credibility and eventually disappear from public discourse.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

how Donald Trump might attempt to "end" the Israel-Hamas conflict in 2025 "by hook or by crook":

1. Unconventional Diplomacy
Direct Pressure on Hamas: Use bold tactics like cutting off financial aid to countries supporting Hamas (e.g., Iran) and threatening international isolation.
Leverage Regional Alliances: Push regional actors (e.g., Saudi Arabia, UAE) to pressure Hamas, using economic and diplomatic leverage.
2. Military Pressure
Support Israel’s Military Operations: Increase military aid to Israel, including advanced defense systems (Iron Dome) and intelligence support.
Potential Escalation: Encourage more aggressive military actions against Hamas, even at the risk of international backlash.
3. Economic Sanctions and Cutting Ties
Sanctions on Hamas Supporters: Implement harsher sanctions on countries and entities supporting Hamas, including Iran.
Weaken Palestinian Authority: Cut aid or limit support to the PA if seen as insufficiently cooperative with peace efforts.
4. Unilateral Actions and Breaking Norms
Unilateral U.S. Decisions: Make bold decisions like recognizing Israeli sovereignty over contested areas (e.g., the West Bank, Jerusalem) without international consensus.
One-sided Peace Negotiations: Push for peace talks heavily favoring Israel’s terms, possibly ignoring Palestinian demands.
5. Exploiting Palestinian Divisions
Fragment Palestinian Leadership: Use diplomatic and economic tools to deepen divisions between Hamas and the Palestinian Authority, weakening unified opposition.
Incentivize the PA: Offer the PA favorable terms to sideline Hamas, creating internal conflict among Palestinians.
6. Controversial Public Relations Tactics
Media Campaigns: Use media to vilify Hamas, garner public support for Israel, and isolate Hamas internationally.
Rally Evangelical Support: Mobilize pro-Israel evangelical Christians to influence U.S. policy and international opinion.
7. Potential for Controversial or Questionable Tactics
Harsh Military Support: Support Israeli military actions that could lead to civilian casualties, framing it as necessary for security.
Disregard International Norms: Ignore international criticism and UN resolutions, pursuing policies that favor Israel’s interests over global consensus.
Temporary Resolution: Trump could potentially broker a ceasefire or temporary halt to hostilities, but a lasting peace would be difficult without addressing the root causes of the conflict.
Unilateral, Aggressive Tactics: The resolution might involve controversial, one-sided tactics, leading to short-term outcomes but potentially exacerbating long-term instability.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

If the Israel-Hamas conflict were to end, and there were a broader sense of regional stability, it is possible that certain companies, including those like Berjaya Food (a Malaysian company involved in food and beverage), might see improvements in their stock prices. This could be due to several factors:

Global Economic Stability: A peaceful resolution to long-standing conflicts might lead to a reduction in geopolitical risk, improving overall investor confidence. As a result, international markets may become more attractive, benefitting multinational companies like Berjaya Food, which operates brands like Starbucks and other food outlets in multiple regions.

Increased Regional Trade: If peace leads to improved trade relationships in the Middle East or neighboring regions, companies with international operations could see more growth opportunities.

Investment Flow: A more stable geopolitical environment might encourage investment inflows into emerging markets, which could help companies in Southeast Asia, including Berjaya Food.

However, it's important to remember that stock prices can be influenced by many variables, including overall market conditions, the performance of the specific industry (e.g., food & beverage), and the company's internal strategies. Therefore, while the end of the conflict could have a positive effect on Berjaya Food's share price, it's just one of many factors at play.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse › hamas-fears-trump-will-allow-israelHamas fears Trump will allow Israel to resume Gaza war after 1st...
· WASHINGTON — Hamas is concerned that US President-elect Donald Trump will allow Israel to resume fighting in Gaza at the completion of the first phase of the three-stage


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse › trump-says-netanyahu-knows-he-wantsTrump says Netanyahu knows he wants Gaza war to end; won't commit...
· US President-elect Donald Trump, again named Time’s “Person of the Year,” told the magazine on Thursday that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu knows he wants the Gaza war to


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse › a › trump-wants-to-quickly-end-gaza-war-canTrump wants to quickly end Gaza war — can he? - Voice of America
· It's not clear what Trump plans to do in Gaza. When asked to clarify the threat, he said, "It means it won't be pleasant." Trump may deploy resources to place military pressure on Hamas,


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Could Donald Trump’s win end the war in Gaza and bring the.· WASHINGTON — For months on the campaign trail, Donald Trump has said he wants the war in Gaza to end — even reportedly setting a timeline for Israel to finish its campaign against


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

USA could end the wars in 2025 with trump as the new President. Remember USA bombed Iraq, and killed Saddam Hussein easily. Trump could do the same to end Hamas easily


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Dec, bjcorp of companies belum buat share purchase of bjfood... anytime to surge speedily... r u ready?


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

40-50sen++ anytime .... not many shares floating in the open market...


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

150 mil call warrants... big money... uptrend would enable huge profit from warrants

High 0.000
Low 0.000
Open 0.000
Volume -
Volume (B/S) 50,000 / 50,000
Price Bid/Ask 0.035 / 0.040

52w 0.040 - 0.185
Issued on 2024-09-25
Maturity 2025-03-28
Strike value 0.3500
Ratio 1:1
Gearing 8.75
Premium 0.040
Premium % 11.43
Share Price 0.350


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

wait till expiry month in mar 2025... call warrants strike price 35sen... call warrant now at 4sen... theorectical price =35sen + 4= 39sen.......... 150m warrants... expecting a big surge b4 expiry date


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Trump will end the hamas-israel conflict soon. USA under Trump is like USA dengan Bush. Ex: Iraq, saddam was killed, iraq bombed and surrendered. What is hamas to USA's Trump? Buy b4 it is too late. 😁


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

When former President Donald Trump or any leader threatens to take military action, such as bombing Hamas, it can be seen as an expression of strength or a deterrent aimed at showing resolve. However, whether such a move is a "good" one depends on the context and the goals involved.

Here are some perspectives on this kind of threat:

1. Deterrence
Purpose: The idea behind threatening military action, like bombing Hamas, could be to deter further attacks or violence. If a group like Hamas believes there will be severe consequences for their actions, they may reconsider their strategies.
Effectiveness: Threats can sometimes create a deterrent effect, especially if the group in question values its existence and control over territory. However, groups like Hamas, which operate in unconventional ways and sometimes embed themselves within civilian populations, may not be easily deterred by traditional military threats.
2. Strengthening National Security
Defending Allies: The U.S. has historically supported Israel and other Middle Eastern allies, and a threat to act against Hamas could be seen as reinforcing that commitment.
Response to Attacks: If Hamas has engaged in aggressive actions, such as rocket fire or terrorist activities targeting civilians, there could be a justification for retaliatory action to protect national interests or respond to those attacks.
3. Risks of Escalation
Civilian Casualties: Bombing campaigns in densely populated areas like Gaza, where Hamas is known to operate, could result in significant civilian casualties, further fueling anti-American sentiments and undermining international support.
Broader Conflict: A military strike could escalate the conflict, leading to greater instability in the region. The Middle East is already volatile, and such actions could provoke retaliations from other groups or nations.
4. Diplomacy vs. Military Action
Long-Term Peace: Threatening military action without exploring diplomatic solutions could undermine efforts for long-term peace. Many argue that diplomacy and negotiation are more effective than military force in addressing the root causes of terrorism and conflict.
International Relations: Such a threat could impact U.S. relations with other countries, including those in the Arab world or those critical of Israel's policies toward Palestinians.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Campaign Rhetoric: During his presidential campaigns, Trump often spoke about bringing peace to the Middle East, positioning himself as a strong negotiator who could achieve things others couldn't. His claim to have a unique ability to "get deals done" was central to his foreign policy vision.
Peace Agreements (Abraham Accords): One of the most notable achievements in his tenure related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict was the Abraham Accords (2020), which saw normalization agreements between Israel and several Arab nations (UAE, Bahrain, Sudan, and Morocco). These agreements were framed as a significant step toward peace in the region, breaking a decades-old pattern of Arab nations refusing to formally recognize Israel.
Why it matters: This was a real diplomatic breakthrough that many previous administrations had failed to achieve. However, it did not address the core Palestinian issue or lead to a direct resolution of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

sabar, menang nanti :)

Bursa Malaysia opens on a steady note this Friday, driven by positive momentum from year-end window dressing activities, which continue to support market sentiment.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

trump will end the conflict in middle east, bjfood balik RM1++, at current price, ROI 300%++ berbaloi take calculated risk ya, hehe


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

buy bjfood b4 trump ends the conflict in middle east, hamas bukan lawan trump; Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the U.S. embassy there is a clear example of his leadership style—bold, resolute, and willing to take risks for what he believed was the right course of action. His tenacity in the face of global criticism, along with his ability to shift the dynamics of U.S. foreign policy in the Middle East, underscores the characteristics of leadership that marked his presidency. Whether viewed as visionary or controversial, his actions reflect a leader unafraid to make difficult decisions in pursuit of his goals.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

trump bukan sebarangan; Donald Trump issued a warning to Hamas, the militant group responsible for violent attacks on Israel, after the outbreak of violence during the 2023 Israel-Hamas conflict. In his statements, Trump emphasized that if he were still in office, he would take decisive military action against Hamas and would not hesitate to use force to eliminate the group.

Trump's warning was part of his broader stance on national security and his criticism of the Biden administration's handling of Middle East tensions. He suggested that Hamas' actions against Israel—such as attacks on civilians—were unacceptable and that the United States needed to take a tougher approach to prevent such violence. Trump also conveyed support for Israel's right to defend itself, aligning with his previous stance of strong backing for Israeli security during his presidency.

His rhetoric resonated with his hardline approach to foreign policy, particularly in relation to Iran and groups like Hamas, which he and his administration had designated as a terrorist organization.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Donald Trump has been a strong supporter of Israel, particularly during his presidency. His administration recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moved the U.S. embassy there, which was seen as a significant pro-Israel stance. Additionally, he facilitated the Abraham Accords, a series of agreements between Israel and several Arab countries, which normalized diplomatic relations.

Regarding Hamas, Trump was unequivocal in his condemnation of the group. Hamas is designated as a terrorist organization by the U.S., Israel, and the European Union due to its use of violence, including suicide bombings, rocket attacks, and other methods targeting civilians. Trump's rhetoric and policies were aligned with the goal of weakening Hamas, both diplomatically and militarily, while strengthening Israel's position in the region.

As for the broader Israel-Palestine conflict, while Trump's policies were aimed at enhancing Israel's security, his approach did not directly resolve the longstanding tensions between Israel and Palestine. The conflict, deeply rooted in issues of territorial disputes, national identity, and religious significance, is not something that can be easily solved by any single administration or policy.

The key to any resolution of the Israel-Palestine conflict lies in a long-term diplomatic solution, which has historically involved negotiations between the parties and international mediation. However, as of now, there is no clear path to an immediate or certain resolution, and violence between Israel and Hamas remains a tragic and ongoing aspect of the situation.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

Israel could target Houthi leaders with the help of the US, according to sources [Getty]
Israel is reportedly preparing a 'major' military strike inside Yemen, targeting Houthi leaders in response to the ongoing missile and drone attacks, the Israeli newspaper Yedioth Ahronoth reported on Thursday, shortly before reports emerged of an Israeli military attack on the airport of the Yemeni capital Sana'a.

The escalation follows a week of continued missile launches by the Houthis against Israel, including a recent hypersonic ballistic strike on Tel Aviv.


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

uptrend semula.... nice


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

graf cantik, fundamentals kian baik... rebound is unavoidable... low hanging fruits


27,521 posts

Posted by Good123 > 1 week ago | Report Abuse

tunggu bro vincent bagi arahan untuk membeli sekarang haha

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