Questions on bonus or no bonus for Warrant B & C keep repeating. Hope the below announcement clears all doubts.
Warrant C holders are advised to read this notice of book closure together with the Company's announcements dated 12 May 2017 in relation to the notice of book closure for the Bonus Shares, free Warrants D and adjustments to Warrants B, respectively.
The additional Warrants C consequential to the Bonus Issue of Shares will be allotted and issued in accordance with the provisions of the Deed Poll C to the entitled Warrant C holders who have not exercised their outstanding Warrants C and whose names appear on the Record of Depositors of outstanding Warrants C as at 5.00 p.m. on 26 May 2017.
The additional Warrants C will be listed and quoted simultaneously with the Bonus Shares, Warrants D and additional Warrants B two (2) market days after the receipt of the quotation application by Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad. The notice to Warrant C holders setting out the details of the Adjustments to Warrants C and the notice of allotment of the additional Warrants C will be despatched in due course.
Warrant C holders who wish to be entitled to the Bonus Shares and free Warrants D should exercise their rights to subscribe for new Bornoil Shares by lodging their duly completed exercise forms together with the subscription monies with the Share Registrar, Labuan Corporate Services Sdn Bhd, on or before 5.00 p.m. on 16 May 2017. This is to enable the new Bornoil Shares to be issued arising from such exercise to be allotted to the respective Warrant C holders such that their names will appear on the Record of Depositors of Bornoil Shares as at 5.00 p.m. on 26 May 2017.
Arising from the migration to the no par value regime under the Companies Act 2016, par value is no longer relevant.
We refer to the earlier announcements made by RHB Investment Bank Berhad ("RHBIB"), on behalf of the Board of Directors of Bornoil ("Board"), on 13 March 2017, 23 March 2017 and 18 April 2017.
On behalf of the Board, RHBIB wishes to announce that the Company had resolved to fix the exercise price of the Warrants D at RM0.07 per Warrant D.
The exercise price of RM0.07 per Warrant D represents a discount of approximately 41.28% to the theoretical ex-bonus price ("TEP") after the Proposals of RM0.1192, based on the five (5)-day weighted average market price ("WAMP") of Bornoil Shares up to and including 11 May 2017, being the last trading day of Bornoil Shares immediately preceding the price-fixing date, of RM0.1850 per Bornoil Share.
The exercise price of the Warrants D was determined and fixed by the Board after taking into consideration the following:-
i. The Warrants D will be issued at no cost to the Entitled Shareholders.
Bonus issue of up to 528,085,453 new warrants in Borneo Oil Berhad ("Bornoil") ("Warrant(s) D") on the basis of one (1) free Warrant D for every eight (8) existing ordinary shares in Bornoil ("Bornoil Share(s)") held as at 5.00 p.m. on 26 May 2017 ("Bonus Issue of Warrants")
Bonus issue of up to 2,112,341,814 new ordinary shares in Borneo Oil Berhad ("Bornoil") ("Bornoil Share(s)") ("Bonus Share(s)") to be credited as fully paid-up on the basis of four (4) Bonus Shares for every eight (8) existing Bornoil Shares held as at 5.00 p.m. on 26 May 2017 ("Bonus Issue of Shares")
See how the adjust the exercise price of warrant B & C, if based on theoretical it should be 6.5 & 7.5 cent based on current price. But, it they consider the free warrant D, it should adjust another half cent for the warrant B & C.
my understand, warrants exercise price adjustment base on number of mother share were change. New warrant issue, wd ...wz will not affect the exercise price of earlier issued warrant.
hi sorry new here..need advice.. I bought warrant c long time ago, how to subscribe to bonus issue ya...isn't auto given?? I m blurred..what will happen to my share if I dont exercise the bonus issue???
This is a little bit advantages for those holding mother share, 8 to 1 free wd (12% no of mother) and it's list price around 5-5.5. mother new adjusted price around 12.5. the gain of mother share holder=12% × 5.5/12.5=5% in total share value. this is advantages for mother share holder. I think this is fair package and company encourage you take mother or convert to mother.
Hi tai kt, I don't understand y do u keep saying that warrant holders r getting free warrants when the announcement clearly stated that mother is getting 4 bonus n 1 WD for every 8 shares holding on ex, warrant need to convert to Mother to be entitled for bonus share.
So... For example I have 4 units mothershare bornoil, then I will get 8 units now (4 : 8) ? Then, from this 8 unit shares , I will get 1 free warrant D (1 : 8 ) ? I've read the statement before truly understand. First time having bonus issue
i will salute, bruce 551133, really a loyal follower man ahahaha, i think this company fundamental is great everything is amazing profit is always up no matter what, although share price is stagnant around 14-19c only and thats sad, i think this will be the time to break past 19 c into around 30 cents? or 40? but the share split will really help investors. :)
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
22 posts
Posted by Samihiang > 2017-05-12 22:38 | Report Abuse
No need exercise??