yungshen1, woah, I think need long time before RM merosot until 3.80 to the dollar kot?
yuyu82, ya ya hopefully so, but I plan to open the door of the plane and parachute out after I make a little money, sked nanti the plane crash and burn...
Lose money hold, profit a bit quickly sell? A lot of people got patient to hold a shares for years, waiting it to rebound to his buy price. But, if intra day got a few hundreds profit, want to quickly sell and when you sell, it surge.
KNM needs to hold 0.490 if not the counter doom. Close at 0.585, next day got contract. 0.60, no matter how much you buy, sellers keep coming, in the end close low. By right, break out should run very fast. 2 days later announced bad result, so coincide? Too bad, for those that didn't run after it announced disappointing result.
If I were you, if want to average, you can average at anything between 0.490 - 0.515, but if break 0.480 with heavy volume, better cut all your shares.
Big shark already run away as they pushed the price and unload the shares. KNM reported a not impressive Q1 results but why ppl still put a lot of hopes on this counter? KNM keep saying that legacy contracts have been phased off, however, why the results is still so bad.
To trade this counter you need to monitor the shares moments on daily basis. Be careful.
Looks like this share is the only player in the field of Oil and gas that is not going upwards. KNM is like Indonesia, the only oil producing country that needs World bank funds.
Hahaha RHB maybe got customer wanna whack big time, so they put TP low low lor...then sapu all when harga jatuh! Assuming anyone out there listens to RHB Research la...
Part A - Statement in relation to Proposed Renewal of Shareholders' Mandate for Share Buy-Back; and
Part B - Circular to Shareholders in relation to Proposed Shareholders' Mandate for Recurrent Related Party Transactions of a Revenue or Trading Nature
[Part A - Statement in relation to Proposed Renewal of Shareholders' Mandate for Share Buy-Back;]
The company is bleeding of cash. No money to eat rice already still want to pass this idiotic mandate, sigh. Oh I know, mandate for company to buy back share from disposal by the major shareholder.
This book is the result of the author's many years of experience and observation throughout his 26 years in the stockbroking industry. It was written for general public to learn to invest based on facts and not on fantasies or hearsay....
87 posts
Posted by yuyu82 > 2013-06-03 19:59 | Report Abuse
OK,this counter confirm will fly...dun worry...