Lam Man Kai sold some 6m shares to Tan Toeng Swie @ Lam Toeng Su on 17 November (closing price 0.63). Revenue and Profit as of 3Q Sep 17 looks great so why the drop? Volume is so low.
From a fundamental perspective, I have 2 reference companies in the timber/wood products sector with detailed analysis – Eksons and Taann. Timwell ROE over the past decade was better than than for Eksons. But it is not better than Taan. So I would prefer to hunt elsewhere as a fundamental investor. But if you are a stock trader, look at this anomaly between its market price and business performance. I find it interesting that while the ROE has been trending up, the market price is relatively flat. If you believe that market price will eventually follow fundamentals, does it mean that there is now an investment opportunity from a trading perspective?
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Posted by Alawi Fitri Johari > 2013-07-10 23:15 | Report Abuse
is this company playing with their self??