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23 comment(s). Last comment by whizzkid125 2013-12-10 14:35
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 01:41 | Report Abuse
this is The Truth & Nothing But The Truth...only most of the Malays are conned.
I quote some of what the readers say...
loh333 143p · 23 hours ago
Everybody knows that APs scheme is to male those connected rich. Rafidah Aziz said that Mahathir's sons were also given APs and each AP was worth 20,000 ringgit. Surely not all 20 million Malays can be given APs numbering about a few hundred thousands a year. So APs can only be given to a selected few, and some got APs in the thousands. Because of APs, motor vehicles owners pay more, whether they bought Protons or other makes. APs were supposed to protect Proton, but when Proton car parts manufactureres have assured earning without the neeed to ensure quality for lack of competition, car parts are expensive, and hence the vehicle. Thus because of APs, Proton cost more rather than less. Sourely there are more Malay motorists who have to pay from the earnings to buy cars, then those well connected who obtain APs for enomous benefits. The delegate at the UMNO GA said that APs scheme is good for Malays. Which Malays? When there UMNO delegates have the audacity to claim that when they benefit from a scheme at the expense of the people, Malays included, they said that is good for Malays simply because those who benefit happens to be Malays.
Nearly half of Malay voters voted against UMNO in the GE 13. They want UMNO out. They should tell their won Malays who are continually being fooled by UMNO Malays. For those who are deserving their won success, their efforts are being equated to NEP. Unless UMNO is defeated, they will never have a chance to ditch the connection. If one cannot hold his head high, he needs to do something. Only UMNO delegates still say that the government must create millionaires. That means only those who have connection will put government funds into their pockets. Surely they use their power at the expense of the non-UMNOputras.
telur2 137p
There is no talk on how to advance the country, how to uplift the people's lot, how to improve the education standard. All we hear is gimme, gimme, gimme. We want this we want that and we want so much. What kind of meeting is this? Just wait, it will drop from the sky very soon
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 01:44 | Report Abuse
more readers say...
dingbatandgang 145p · 1 day ago
Tragically the biggest losers in this saga is the Malay race, UMNO has taken away their self confidence and shackled them in mediocrity to keep a minute minority of Malays in power and fabulously rich. They have used religion, race and the royal institution as a means of stoking fears into the heart of Malays and drilling into them that they will never be able to compete with the others. Indirectly telling them they are not good enough and robbing them blind in the process. Sad but true.
furrynuts 160p · 1 day ago
umno leaders are 'clever' but umno grassroots rank and file are stupid...why do i say that? because they support blindly and do not make their leaders accountable for plundering their future, the future of their family and country away....if one must fight for their rights one must do it intelligently, look east to japan to korea, look west to europe for allah's sake, they do not tolerate or accept incompetent or corrupt leaders, they demand their sacking to be replaced by more able and clean ones from among their ranks if need be....wake up umno malays, don;t let your leaders lead you by the nose
susage 140p · 1 day ago
Please read the Star (Inside Main Heading) dated 7 December 2013.
Let us start with the Quote of Nelson Mandela (1918-2013).
"I hate race discrimination most intensely and in all its manifestations, I have fought it all during my life; I fight it now, and will do so until the end of my days" - Unquote.
These are the beautiful words coming out from a humble man who has been imprisoned for 27 years inorder to fight aparthid.
Malaysia itself should not have any race fighting for supremacy against another race in anything. We should never at all dictate terms on another. There are too many NGOs trying to out shine one another.
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 01:45 | Report Abuse
AThiru 144p · 1 day ago
Let's be frank about this whole thing about "UMNO being for the Malays". It's a big FARCE. The rich UMNOputras and Mega-Malays have been plundering the nation under this UMNO guise. Go to the interior of Trengganu, Pahang, Kelantan and even Kedah, you would still see the real poor Malay fisherman and padi-farmers living from hand to mouth. It's the rich's children that get all the scholarships, etc and drive even flashy cars in their undergrad years. Come on lah, stop hood-winking the nation.
change28 150p · 1 day ago
When the UMNO Baru supporters realize that their leaders are nothing more than self-serving greedy crooks, then it will be too late for Malaysia!
The UMNO Baru General Assembly is the largest gathering of unscrupulous people in the world!
gophur 140p · 1 day ago
The thing that gets me is this "more Malay millionaires so we can protect Islam" idea.
That statement is so stupid, yet sadly no dUMNOcrat dares to laugh it away.
Dr M was right when he said that there are no smart people left in power in the party.
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 01:47 | Report Abuse
Seekfairness 153p · 1 day ago
Blame it all on Mahathir and the NEP. These have caused and blinded the dUmnoputras to the realities of life. So much so they are willing to destroy the nation of its unity and prosperity so that they can enriched themselves. Believe me Malaysian residing outside Malaysia are doing much better. I can attest to that as I am one of them. However I love the country too much not to care for those who are still being victimized by these dUmbnos. I will continue to show my support for my countryman.
Night_Listener 0p · 1 day ago
Bandits, raiders and pirates, that's what I'll call them. At the same time the flood and heavy rainfall is decimating the lands at the eastern shores, while we see politicians who has the money and power to do something about it. I think it makes for a clear message what should we do as Malaysians wishing the best for the country.
MZ2 134p · 1 day ago
I actually pity the unknowns in the audience..when they talk about Malay wealth, they are surely talking about the ELITE malay wealth. That literally means the ones who do the clapping actually take crumbs or sometimes take just air while the elite few continue to benefit and make more money.
So let them talk, let them clap and let us just sit back and enjoy the show..I am more amused than offended with all the talk.
douwentao 143p · 1 day ago
Umno Agm is a waste of time ...every year these cronies are there to bash Chinese..to create an imaginary enemy in order to hang on their control of Melayu quota, ketuanan Melayu..ultimate aim is to have more contracts, more shares of the existing twindling economic cake.....so far we have never see any Umno cronies come out with any good idea,real transformation plan ,creativie speech in order to bring this country to another hierahchy... Hopeless Melayu..shame on you..you will rotten gradually and diminish natualraly in this new world ...of competive game play..
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 01:49 | Report Abuse
lalaman2008 147p · 1 day ago
They said they need more contracts, more high ranking positions in private sector, more handouts from GLCs, more millionaires. No talk about qualification or merit if they really deserve it. It shows they are only trying to help themselves rather than d real poor in urban areas as well as east coast or easy Malaysia. These people continue to support them coz they can receives scraps that fell out of the feasting table. Meanwhile "some people" fat contracts which get will sub-contract out 100%, 250mil loans with low interests, big fat pay checks as sleeping partners and directors.
subashr 156p · 1 day ago
Our country already bleeding for long time now and nothing is being done to stop the waste and plundering. Our politicians are busy enriching themselves are their cronies. It will stop the day the country goes broke. They will stop not because want to fix the country but due to there is nothing to plunder anymore. What future does our next generation have when everything turns bleak.
bobkids 147p · 1 day ago
When the Financial Time Bomb of Malaysia Exploded, UMNO and the Malays will be the ones getting the MOST HURTS than others as we are able to Sustain it by Ourselves whereas Malays are HELPLESS lots who does not have any means of Survival of their own........By then even Allah can not Help them as they are so Dependent on the Devils who Poison them since day one of Independence . All they want is just Tongkat, Tongkat and soon Wheel Chairs, Wheel Chairs......
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 02:54 | Report Abuse
Just hope most of our Malay brothers & sisters will wake up & save our Beloved Malaysia before it's gone.
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 13:35 | Report Abuse
I just wonder when these UMNO Malay supporters will wake up & save our beloved country. But we all know that more than half of the Malay population are supporting the Pakatan Rakyat & this is a good sign as these Malays really care for the country...so to these cocky UMNO supporters, where are you sense of direction?
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 14:23 | Report Abuse
Lim Kit Siang (林吉祥)
Fear of clowns revisited in Umno circus - by
RK Anand (Mkini) http://goo.gl/KGgoyW
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 15:17 | Report Abuse
Lim Kit Siang (林吉祥)
Despite Najib’s much vaunted 1Malaysia, Umno debates show otherwise, say analysts - by Eileen Ng (TMI) http://goo.gl/t01SkL
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 15:20 | Report Abuse
Just wonder why UMNO can't help these poor Malays?
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 16:39 | Report Abuse
Umno leaders don’t give a toss about ordinary Malaysians, says Nurul Izzah
Umno leaders and members are living in a comfort zone without a care for the current issues affecting Malaysians, said Parti Keadilan Rakyat's Nurul Izzah Anwar (pic) today.
The PKR vice-president expressed dismay that issues like declining education standards, rising cost of living or threats to the nation’s security and sovereignty were never brought up or discussed at the recently concluded Umno general assembly.
Nurul, who is also the Lembah Pantai MP, said Umno was only interested in consolidating its grip on Putrajaya and introducing economic policies in various guises which only benefited the elite in Umno.
"At a time when the public, including the Malays, are being increasingly burdened by the rising cost of living, Umno leaders and delegates are busy talking about how to consolidate their hold on Putrajaya," she said in a statement today.
"The future prospects of Malays and Malaysia look bleak under Umno if they do not implement inclusive national reconciliation efforts."
The release recently of the 2012 Programme for International Assessment (Pisa) poll results by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) showed that Malaysia was lagging far behind its neighbours. Malaysia ranked 52nd out of 65 countries.
"How would Malaysian parents feel when they find out that 11- and 12-year-olds from Singapore, South Korea and Vietnam are on a par with our 15-year-olds? The Government's failure to address this problem points towards a bleak future for the next generation.
"Putrajaya has failed to increase the standard of our educational excellence to enable our pupils to remain competitive in the global arena. What our children will inherit from us is low income and a culture of getting into debt just to support themselves with the increasingly higher costs of living.
"It looks like, in the future, Malay children will require the assistance of their parents by living at home, borrowing from their parents and sharing vehicles. Does Umno think that quality education is not important?”
She also hit out at Umno president and Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak for repeating the mantra – "short-term pain for long-term gain" and "our path towards becoming a high-income nation".
Nurul Izzah hit out at Umno leaders for ignoring the rising cost of living which is hitting the public.
While acknowledging that credit ratings agency Moody's had upgraded Malaysia's outlook from stable to positive, she said it had been based on improved prospects for fiscal consolidation and reforms.
However, Nurul Izzah noted that none of the Umno delegates had asked an important question at the Umno general assembly. Why did global ratings agency Fitch Ratings revise Malaysia's sovereign credit rating outlook from stable to negative?
"Not a single Umno leader or delegate raised the issue of leakage, wastage, corruption and economic mismanagement. Are the public paying for these shortcomings in the form of the goods and services tax, increased fuel costs, removal of sugar subsidy, higher electricity tariffs and City Hall's assessment rates?
"Because of the overspending and leakages by Putrajaya, taxpayers have to suffer. All the additional revenue Putrajaya hoped to raise is to increase Malaysia's credit rating and to help the elite few in Umno through the Bumiputera Economic Empowerment Agenda."
She said the public was not blind, as former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad recently remarked that the level of corruption under the Najib administration was frightening compared with his time in office.
Nurul Izzah said the chest-thumping during the Umno general assembly for 1Melayu indicated the paranoia in the party.
Instead of focusing on issues of national security and sovereignty, the delegates and party leaders were more interested in the 1Melayu slogan.
"The recent statutory declaration by former city CID chief Datuk Mat Zain Ibrahim regarding the Pulau Batu Puteh case, the intrusion by armed Sulu gunmen into Lahad Datu, the indiscriminate issuance of identity cards and the murder of a Taiwanese tourist on Pom Pom island did not even warrant a mention at the assembly.
"Are national security and the country's sovereignty no longer important to Umno? No one mentioned that the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) will be a new form of economic colonisation." – December 8, 2013.
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-08 16:53 | Report Abuse
Lim Kit Siang (林吉祥)
Muhyiddin should stop “building castles in the air” about Malaysia among the top one-third of TIMSS and PISA systems by 2021 when he seems to be comfortable or resigned to the country being a nation of mediocrity instead of being a nation of excellence
Posted by fairjimmy > 2013-12-08 19:13 | Report Abuse
This Muyhiddin bugger, DPM n EM, is absolutely stupid and useless. He is an absolute disgrace to the malays. How can malaysians expect anything from this ex meter reader. Only last year this idiot says Malaysia has the BEST education system in the WORLD, better than US & UK when everybody knows how poor and how bad our system is. Now its proven beyond reasonable doubt many times even before this PISA surveys are conducted. Its so shameful for Malaysia to place 55 out 65 even worse than a third world country like Vietnam. And yet Muyhiddin says we are the BEST. Obviously he cannot count as ex meter reader. He meant from the bottom Malaysia is BEST.
Posted by kakashi > 2013-12-08 19:19 | Report Abuse
Muhidin who? Do we have a education minister? We are better off without
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-09 11:13 | Report Abuse
The Chinese DON'T NEED your forgiveness - PKR's Shamsul slams ARROGANT M'cca chief minister
The Chinese DON'T NEED your forgiveness - PKR's Shamsul slams ARROGANT M'cca chief minister
Malacca Chief Minister Idris Haron is arrogant for saying that he has forgiven Chinese voters for refusing to back BN, says PKR Youth chief Shamsul Iskandar Mohd Akin.
Shamsul said Idris' remarks indicated that BN had indeed faulted the Chinese voters for its poor performance at the polls despite denying any political retaliation against the community.
His forgiveness is dishonest and even arrogant. The act of blaming the Chinese shows that Idris (right) does not respect the rakyat's democratic right in electing who they deem fit to be in Parliament and the state assembly," he said in a statement today.
He added that BN's long tenure has given the ruling coalition an impression that it was undefeatable and bred "arrogant leaders" such as Idris.
Shamsul, who is also Bukit Katil MP, reiterated that Pakatan Rakyat garnered 52 percent of the popular vote which comprised of people from all races.
On Friday, Idris had said that he was prepared to forgive Chinese voters even though they had abandoned the ruling coalition.
"So as far as Malacca goes, if they want forgiveness, forgiveness I shall give them. What's more important is that they be with BN," he was quoted as saying. - Mkini
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-09 11:17 | Report Abuse
From 1Malaysia to 1Melayu, Umno is in a MESS
Full article: http://www.malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=198121%3Afrom-1malaysia-to-1melayu-umno-is-in-a-mess&Itemid=2#ixzz2n0UMAYAh
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-10 03:58 | Report Abuse
(保守估计)巫统大会的开销 :
24,200 eggs(蛋),
5,720 kilogram (kg) rice (米),
5,400 kg beef (牛肉),
6,050 kg chicken (鸡肉),
4,950 kg fish (鱼肉),
3,410 kg vegetables (蔬菜),
880 kg flour (面粉),
Five meals a day for 19,850 delegates, guests, personnel, and media at the UMNO Assembly. RM1,000 allowance and get to stay in Five, Four and Three Stars Hotels.
Meanwhile for about 40,000 evacuees in Johore, Pahang, Terengganu and Kelantan. 大约有40,000灾民散怖在柔佛,彭亨,登嘉楼和吉兰丹。
15,000 eggs (蛋),
1000 kg rice (米),
1000 kg chicken (鸡肉),
1000 kg vegetables (蔬菜),
Two meals a day (2餐/天),
Sleep on tables and chairs. RM500 will be given (if it is to be given.) 睡在桌椅 然后只给RM500.
This is UMNO for you! 这是你投的国阵!
图文提供:say no to Najib
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-10 13:47 | Report Abuse
Now, here is a true muslim and a true Malay. Saying things as he sees it and telling what is right and what is not. Not many Malays will dare admit the truth let alone say it out even though they know that UMNO's actions are wrong and not good for the people and the country. You have my respect Zaid!
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-10 14:14 | Report Abuse
Khalid : Lebih baik Najib buang semua menteri, ganti dengan Rosmah
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-10 14:19 | Report Abuse
Nurul Izzah : Apa lagi yang Umno mahu ?
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-10 14:23 | Report Abuse
NEW TOLL RATES: Rumour or no decision YET
Full article: http://malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=198532%3Anew-toll-rates-rumour-or-no-decision-yet&Itemid=2#ixzz2n75qTJex
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-10 14:31 | Report Abuse
CORPORATE CONFIDENCE in SE Asia high but for Malaysia ONLY MODERATE - survey
Full article: http://malaysia-chronicle.com/index.php?option=com_k2&view=item&id=198651%3Acorporate-confidence-in-se-asia-high-but-for-malaysia-only-moderate-survey&Itemid=2#ixzz2n77oTLQ4
Posted by whizzkid125 > 2013-12-10 14:35 | Report Abuse
M’sians pessimistic about economy
No result.
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