Posted by Speedy Boy > 2018-09-12 19:09 | Report Abuse

Zuraida is just like Rosmah! And her head is getting so big, she thinks she should be DPM once Mahathir steps down! And that's exactly what her plan is! Today, as one of PKR top leader, openly object to Anwar Ibrahim contesting Port Dickson seat after it's MP voluntarily steps down! Look, Anwar Ibrahim is not doing this for fun! He is going to replace Mahathir! It's common knowledge, Anwar must be MP first before he can qualify as PM! And Anwar cannot wait for one of his MP to die to make way for him! There's nothing wrong for an MP to step down and make way, it's not illegal! And certainly, Zuraida has no right to object as PKR top strategists are advising Anwar! What Zuraida is doing is to sabotage Anwar Ibrahim so Azmin Ali will theoretically step in as PM in case Mahathir sudden demise! She is up to no good! Watch Zuraida evil moves! She will create plenty of distraction!

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